
25 Reviews
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15 May 2023
Self indulgent, nonsensical crap. Narcissistic intellectualism on celluloid. A beautiful piece of cinematography but garbage story or soul...

I want my two hours back. This nonsensical crap stole two precious hours of my life and for what? Artsy fartsy student friendly on a Hollywood budget. Pathetically sad.

I am merely now filling in words to meet the minimum requirement to post a review, however I am at a loss to add a word more towards my review if this overwrought dumpster fire of a lot less allegory wrapped in sexy visuals repleta with atmospheric scenes that contribute to nothing of actual substance.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
More pseudo-intellectual flotsam...
27 January 2023
Another pointless, artsy, overwrought, hot mess of story telling. Or attempt thereof.

So let's contemplate the end of the world and how it would unfold after the world just experienced a similar dry run fear infused version in real time?

Meaningless characters that we experience in a fractured non-linear way. Absurd post-apocalyptic vision that is 2 parts the Canterbury Tales, 2 parts the Seventh Seal and 4 parts My Own Private Idaho... The troubadours of the apocalypse? The Middle Ages called they want their script back...

The disjointed narrative is more annoying than "provocative". And we're does it all lead? Ehhh... nowhere actually. A predictable aha moment of synchronicity and intersecting causalities. So it arrives at nowhere that matters with nothing to tell and nothing to learn and even less to experience.

What self important crap.

Pointless waste of time...
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Time jump, jumped the shark
27 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well again some idiot somewhere found an ingenious way to destroy a perfectly great show and rip the heart right out of it!

Just like that from episode 5 to 6 we jump 10 years forward and viola... a whole big hunk of the cast... is recast! Yeah sorry you lost me! This is worse than Season 8 of GOT.

Part of the incredible success of GOT is the perfectly paced character development. We get to watch the youngest of characters not only evolve but literally grow up before our eyes.

Yeah I'm done with the show. I can't believe folks talk trash about how House of the Dragon is so much better than The Rings of Power! Ehhh nope. Buh bye HBO, I go off to Middle Earth and leave Westeros far far behind...
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Morbius (2022)
Dracula Student Film gone wrong...
8 September 2022
Ummm I know I know... plenty of folks had stated what a hot mess this flick is. But just like Dr. Morbius, I simply could not resist and so I gave into the horror. So two things really stand out... The endless use of cliche camera work (please stop the shaky camera work and matrix bullet scenes!), cinematographic tropes and Instagram style filters haphazardly and sporadically used between cut scenes. Not to mention what appears to be a movie shot on 40 year old technicolor stock film...

Secondly the editing! Like who edited this? The flow and transitions are amateurish at best! Add to this a pretty unsynchronized soundtrack and you end up with a horrible mess of a "film"?

The only thing that pains me is seeing Jared Leto, who I think is a great actor, having gambled on the wrong project... yet again.

This could have been great. A real anti-hero hero that makes Batman's Dark Knight look like a Boy Scout... but alas, we get Morbius, more devoid of life and entertainment than a vampire standing in the sun on a warm summer's day...
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
It got CANCELLED?!?!? Why?
13 December 2021
Never saw the original anime series. But gotta say it was a pretty fresh, cool, edgy and stylish show. Amazing production value, great casting it seemed. Not sure why it was perceived as a failure... Hell it's 100 times better than Apple TV+ "Invasion", Netflix's "Umbrella Academy" or DC's "Doom Patrol".
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Please abduct me!!!
27 October 2021
What a ridiculously self absorbed, ponderous and pointless waste of time. More of the pretentiousness of lazy writing... all dramatic build up with no point.

3 episodes is waaaaaay too much for me. Bye bye... reminds of that pointless show HBO produced some years ago, "The Leftovers". Slow fade...
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Cosa è successo?
13 October 2021
Somethings should never be touched... and for a good reason. What a sad sad thing. Poor James Gandolfini is spinning in his grave! From the cardboard cutout goombas to the horrible dialogue...

Man the low point was the character of Silvio Dante... Wow! Just Holy Crap on a stick, Wow!
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John Wick=Ted???
6 July 2021
Hiw can the same actor that played John Wick be post-middle aged Ted Theodore Logan???

This movie is so depressing. My youth had bern gutted and everything that was fun and cool about Bill & Ted has been erased... Why? Seriously Why???
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Inconsistent Truth
4 May 2021
Decided to re-watch this "mocumentary" 15 years after its debut. What struck me most watching this movie again is the strong overtones of biography and political wound licking. I had recalled the movie being much fuller of data and graphs than it actually has upon re-watching. It particularly struck me how VP Gore mentioned how Lake Chad has vanished due to global warming... Yet such had not happened due to global warming so much as to over syphoning of this Sahara desert located lake not due to evaporation. I wonder why it is that the Sea of Galilee faced a similar fate but due to water conservation practices, the Sea of Galilee nowadays overflows?

Wonder why VP Gore has not been held accountable for his exploitative claims?

Time sure does provide perspective...
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2 May 2021
Ponderous, schizophrenic, and poor character development. Not to mention a HUGE GAPING oversight... Explain what the point is of the two last remaining humans in going back to a New Earth? Totally pointless exercise in nihilism with a ridiculous message of false hope...
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Eraserhead (1977)
Not so deep or profound but somewhat interesting...
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was not into David Lynch during my early 90's college days when he was at his peak. Some scenes do remind me of my own junior year film project, filmed in a high grain 16mm b/w film stock.

I get his deliberate American Gothic post industrial version of Surrealism. I even appreciate the textured layering of his aesthetics both visual and auditory. It has a nice grittiness to it. I much prefer the surrealism of say Fellini though.

As far as story line or "meaning", well it's quite simply an autobiographical commentary on the fears and hang ups of marriage/monogamy and ultimately fatherhood. Not that complex, not that profound. The guy had insecurities about his role as partner and father and obviously carried around some guilt regarding some obvious internal rejection of those roles... Ehhhh...
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Solar Opposites (2020– )
"I hate humans..."
2 April 2021
Hilarious... have enjoyed every minute of it. Love hearing "Rick's" voice...
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WW 84 had nothing on the King of Bad!
2 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow!!! I thought the premiere of WW 84 was a hit mess from movie hell... well hold my beer Diana, Godzilla and Kong are stepping up to the plate and we are bringing MechaGodzilla along for the ride!

What a convoluted mess of a schizophrenic piece of boiling hot crap!

My absolute favorite is the using of some fandangled hover craft anti gravity electromagnetic wanna be Tesla craft as a defribulator! Wow!!! Now that's creative script writing.

Cant wait to see what crap Hollywood churns out next.
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Alternate realities are always mite promising...
20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's good to see we DO live in a multi-verse. And because of such we have the opportunity to experience Zack Snyder's Justice League. A reality in which Joss Wedon's abomination has been undone as if by the grace of "The Unity"!

Wow! Like really... Wow! And the best part of it all... that absurd running minor sub-plot of the Slavic family caught behind enemy lines in the Chernobyl like HQ of Steppenwolf. God bless Zack Snyder for eradicating that pointless Macguffin! OMG Iwanted to tear my head off when I saw, ie was tortured, the original version!

One critique though... Next time ease up on the over use of the slow motion camera effect... ehhhh a tad much...

Ohhhh and yes I was always bothered that the Flash in the dream sequence had a Speedy Gonzalez like look in the Dawn of Justice Brice Wayne alternate universe flash forward. That drive me nuts causing me to question if there had bern a recasting I never caught. But again Zack Snyder allows the universe to make sense once more as I happily see the Flash sporting that delightful pencil thin mustache during the Epilogue!!!! BRAVO! Bravo!!!! I rejoice!!!!
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The New Pope (2020)
Our "Fragility" is our "Strength"
6 February 2021
Firstly it is a mixed sense of repulsion and humility that this series stirs in me. To see how Romano Catholicism truly is the most tolerant of religions. What other religion would allow such questioning? Such challenges? Such ridicule? Such blasphemy? Such distortions and perversions?

An overwrought version of a student film with exquisitely absurd budget spent on meaningless opulence and hollow morality at the expense of faith.

There are no shortcuts to seeking meaning or purpose. And if you find God amongst the frames of an artsy self important puff piece of crap... well my friend, I will pray for you, for you have truly been mislead...

In summation... trash...
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
28 November 2020
Why the slow burn, tortured and tedious over wrought emotional mind f$cking!? I really want to like this show... but I cant! It is an infuriating millennial dumpster fire of angst and meaningless and un-necessary emotional tension. Like a bad re-tread of 90210 in space in the 32nd century.

What kind of estrogen infused crap is this that every episode is full of un-necessary crying?

Omg! Lower Decks is 100x better than Discovery!
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Discovery is Lost...
1 November 2020
I thought Season 1 was a bit touch and go at time, but overall it was cool. Capt Pike was a fantastic highlight. So far 3 episodes into Season 2 and I cannot stand it! The acting and pacing reeks of Millennial dosed unnecessary melodrama. I think I'm done with this show. What an abomination. Horrible...
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
2 October 2020
Yes it's edgy... yes it's targeted to a much younger demographic... but what a breadth of fresh air! It's what The Orville strives to be. Guess the animation based format somehow allows it to make that full shift to irreverently funny while still rooted in the Star Trek Universe.

I decided to finally watch it after having it dismissed it as another sad attempt at trying to symphony more fuel out of the Warp Core Reactor and afternoon being completely disappointed with the incongruity of "Picard"! What a worthless hot mess that was. But Lower Decks is the perfect episodic series that is charmingly funny and the perfect guilty pleasure that doesn't take itself too serious. Hell it gravitates closet to cannon than anything Picard or Discivery could provide... LOVE IT!
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Ponderous and pointless
17 July 2020
Another overwrought, meandering, ponderous and pointless hot mess concocted by folks enamored with their own sense of bleak irony and transcendental insight into all things mundane and drab.

Complete and utter artsy fartsy crap. Re-hashed sci-fi tropes redressed in Neo-retro grime, sleek style. Think Chernobyl meets The Leftovers... without a point, a message or even a pulse!

Leave this kinda crap to first year film students! Man and I thought DEVS was pointless and needlessly tedious... boy was I wrong!
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Absurd stupidity
22 June 2020
Trying so hard to be ironic and campy but just stupid and irrelevant. Gave up after 20min. A 2nd year College student flick would be more rife with meaning and purpose...
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
Hot fairy mess
22 June 2020
Wow!!! This is like a CGI vomit ride of disorienting visual garbage! I thought Michael Bay's TRANSFORMERS franchise was a visual onslaught of confounding visual effects that cause spastic convulsions but Artemis Fowl combines that with an unfollowablecdisconnected schizophrenic mess of characters that one doesn't even have time nor care to remember... including the lead character... what's his name again? Wow! Just Wow! Where is Oprah on psychedelics when I wed her?!?!?
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Devs: Episode #1.8 (2020)
Season 1, Episode 8
18 April 2020
Once again... an overwrought needlessly existential meditation that succumbs to a lazily bumbled closure... Sloppy and weak conclusion. Right up there with LOST. Completely pointless...
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Mythic Quest (2020– )
Silicon Valley meets D&D
15 April 2020
Loved it... Yeah it's a Silicon Valley style rip-off, but it's still hilarious. Enjoyed it all the way thru!!
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15 April 2020
Hilarious show that doesn't take itself too serious yet is humorously engaging. Only problem is that outside of a short run I cannot see the writers going back to the well for a season 2, 3, 4, Etc without completely ruining a good thing from a case of too much of that very thing. Too much candy rots your teeth. But for now... I'm just enjoying the quirky buzz...
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15 April 2020
Pretentious, over wrought crap. Lame attempt at an existential morality play... Most bothersome are the pulled off the sidewalk extras used in various crowd scenes. They look like pointless mannequins festooned with ridiculously silly dime store props. Horribly little show! Only redeeming performance comes from Sally Fields.
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