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A commendable improvement upon Your Name
4 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie not knowing it was by the infamous maker of Your Name, Makoto Shinkai. Those who knew had a hard time not being annoyed by the glaring similitudes. But I prefer seeing it like an attempt to rework its flaws:

  • THE ANIMATION AND MUSIC ARE STILL TOP-NOTCH. I'll rewatch this movie with pleasure just for the soundtrack.

  • the supernatural, which was yanking the plot whichever way every five minutes in Your Name, here takes a backseat to the story. This means the story has some time to breathe and expand, yay!

  • the characters are better defined here! (with the exception of Keisuke Suga, the hero's boss, who switches sides more often that a weathervane in a storm. I guess he was supposed to be ambiguous, but he comes off as inconsistent)

  • the romance is believable. We see the boy and the girl interact and their relationaship grow.

Still, the plot feels like it's written by a 5 years-old. It's overly dramatic, in your face to the point of manipulative, but at the same time clumsy, with a weird reliance on a gun (!) as a plot device that's frankly off-putting.

All in all, an improvement on Your Name. I hope Mr. Shinkai will keep it up.
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Tenet (2020)
Masterpiece ruined by terrible sound mixing
28 August 2020
After months without going to the theaters, what a treat!

Tenet is the best of what cinema has to give, with dazzling action scenes and the kind of mind-bending concept that only Nolan is crazy enough to deliver. Set in the cold, confusing world of high-stakes espionage, the movie is tighter, more controlled than Inception. The central concept allows much less freedom than Inception's "dream sharing" did, but that's precisely the limitations that make it so exhilarating and satisfying to watch.

The policy is "no hand holding here". We're sharing the view of the Protagonist spy, and have to figure out what's happening with as few clues as he gets. Active viewing is required to connect the dots. It would be bad if every movie was like that, but from time to time it's a refreshing change.

Tenet is a very intense experience from first minute to last with little breathing room, efficiently highlighted by a pervasive soundtrack. It should delight all fans of Nolan's no-nonsense hard sci-fi style. And personally, it's my new favorite Nolan movie.

So, why 5/10?

The sound in my theater was ridiculously loud. Other reviewers have reported the same experience, which leads me to believe that the culprit is the movie, not the theater. The voices are way quieter than the rest, which forces projectionists to choose between damaging people's ears and leaving half the dialogues inaudible. I've noticed that a lot of critics who pan the movie complain about not hearing the dialogues. It's easy to understand how frustrated one would be in a movie where every line can hold a key plot element.

For a high-budget movie by a veteran director, there is simply no excuse. It's entirely on the movie for failing such a critical element.

Even the best movie isn't worth getting hearing damage, hence 5/10.
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Underrated whodunnit gem
29 July 2020
A wealthy book publisher locks 9 translators in a bunker to work on the last opus of the series that made his fortune, written by a secretive author that almost no one has seen. As the first pages get leaked to the public, the blackmailer and the publisher engage in a battle of wits where the publisher resorts to harsher and more cruel measures.

I was intrigued by the premise of this whodunnit, but afraid it would fail to entertain. Fortunately, the movie knows when to break its own rules to breathe and explore new directions. The movie starts slow but after about 15 minutes picks up pace and never drops it. The plot has a bagful of twists to entertain you, then as soon as you think it's done there's one more, and one more, then some more for good measure. All in only 1h45min of runtime that will never let you get bored. If every twist is simple and credible enough, the overall plot strains credulity, but no more than a typical movie of the genre. Apart from Lambert Wilson, the actors lack a little in charisma, but there's a refreshing simplicity to their roles and dialogues that makes them likeable. Where the movie is weak in my opinion is how it tries to link various plot elements to the sotry told by the book, which could have worked but feels artificial because the book doesn't have a separate existence. The whole 'translating' twist was a little underused, except in a dazzling scene where unfortunately it ends up making little difference. I watched the movie twice back to back and enjoyed it both times. A solid 8/10.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Doesn't know what it wants to be
25 August 2019
I was given high praise for this show, and initially enjoyed it. But after the first season I totally lost interest.

Okay so it's a hard science show, with 'realistic' travel times, communications time, gravity effects, etc. So I expected, and enjoyed the exposition of the life of people on Earth and the Border. The plot is clever, you need to keep focus to connect the dot, and I enjoyed that. But after a few episodes, the action takes the lion's share and we are left with a very ordinary space opera, with murders, plots, treasons, etc. Why have a realistic setting and not use it to explore the social and political ramifications of space exploration?

The first season ties all plot lines into a single plot which is the first cliché that comes to mind when thinking about space stories. And the quest of the cop main character turns out to be a total Mc Guffin. I read season 2&3 plots on wikipedia, and yeah, it's standard space opera from there on. Any originality or depth has been vacuumed into space in the middle of season 1.
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The Orville: Cupid's Dagger (2017)
Season 1, Episode 9
Enjoyable if you don't expect much
6 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hi, everyone ! For this review, I'll be receiving a special guest : myself ! Alter Ego, welcome.

AE : Thanks for having me.

ME : We'll be discussing that weird Orville episode...

AE : Weird is good ! Weird is what I look for in a space exploration show. Pushing boundaries. Provoking thought.

ME : I agree, but I have to admit I was weirded out. I mean, there was a fully nude sex scene...

AE : The captain, the first officer and the alien's private parts are never shown !

ME : I'm talking about the doctor and Yavin.

AE : Oh. But the doctor is technically covered by the alien. And aliens can be shown. Or are you saying that discovery documentaries should be flagged for showing animals mating ?

ME : But they're never mating with a human !

AE : I guess it's a new case : alien with human. It falls into a grey area.

ME : Whatever. There were so many plot holes in this episode, you could have made a golf course. The alien character at the center of the plot, he...

AE : It's an alien, there is no way of knowing it's gender.

ME : ... Fine. Nor its age, I guess. But it seems to know its own physiology very well. Yet he never seems to bother telling others about his 'love ability' before he's confronted. That's plain manipulation.

AE : Should it be held responsible for an innate power that triggers without his conscious decision and it has no capacity to suppress ?

ME : Gotcha ! You said 'his'. But he DOES have capacity to suppress it ! He could have avoided shaking hands, or just worn gloves. That would have saved thousands of lives by avoiding the delays in the peace talks, just sayin'.

AE : Well... Remember, he's under its effects as well. He's in heat too.

ME : Right. But he doesn't seem overwhelmed like the others affected are.

AE : Maybe he's just as overwhelmed, but better at playing cool because he's used to it.

ME : And he doesn't offer to solve the conflict before it is nearly too late, despite having being comissioned precisely to solve that conflict.

AE : Again, he is in heat. And please note that he never tries to use his power to avoid being discovered or judged.

ME : So, he's just manipulative enough to avoid disclaiming his power and let it act, but not enough to lie about it. The assumptions keep piling here. How about this : his 'heat' power triggers at regulars intervals. When he was commissioned to support the peace talks, he should have either taken precautions to prevent his power from affecting people, or declined the job altogether. Not doing so is precisely what led to that space shootout.

AE : Well... Um... Well...

ME : By the way, when the leaders make their declaration, their people have already started shooting at each other. I have a hard time believing they would stop so fast. How about for convenient ?

AE : (whistles)

ME : That sums it up, thanks. I don't think it's a terrible episode, but you better leave any critical thinking at the door if you want to enjoy it.
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The Orville: Into the Fold (2017)
Season 1, Episode 8
Am I the only one bothered by this ?
4 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is not terrible, but there's one thing that bothers me (SPOILERS).

Of all the murderous indigenous cannibals who attack them, the crew only kill two. And one of them was not even hostile, he actually saved a crew member from probably being found and eaten by the cannibals when he took her to his shelter. Then he proceeded to share his scarce food with her and warn her about the dangers outside. What did he do wrong ? Well, he wouldn't let her out of her cell, even after she explained her situation and pleaded for a full 5 seconds. And he was threatening, even though he never actually harmed her.

Who kills him ? Well, the crewmember he saved ! She tricks him into entering her cell while she's behind him. She could lock him in and go, but she prefers backstabbing him.

Oh, and who is that crewmember ? Not the cold android who treats humans like fascinating animals, but the doctor who (I assume) has taken an oath to protect and save lives even at a great personal cost.

After they're back aboard the ship, she could ask for a team to rescue her jailer if possible. I mean, he could still be hanging to life for all we know, it wouldn't cost them much to check his state, and that's what doctors do, right ? Um... no. The other cannibals will be cured, but her savior can rot in his own blood for all she cares.

Conclusion : What kind of doctor is that ?
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The Orville: Majority Rule (2017)
Season 1, Episode 7
I'm definitely hooked to the series now
27 October 2017
What started as a parody of Star Trek is finding its own style episode after episode. In this 7th installment, we're treated to a new setting very much reminiscent of the good old Sliders episodes. A group of close friends trying to blend in a familiar yet alien environment. A dystopia mimicking some of Earth's shortcomings. What's surprising is that it works so well. The mix of familiar urban landscape and alien society feels completely natural and unforced. The point is driven with such ease that it doesn't matter that it's obvious or trivial. And the final solution, the last 5 minutes, is hilarious.

I'm hooked now.
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Your Name. (2016)
Love Story - Romance + Clichés
1 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers

A boy and a girl discover that some days, their lives are swapped, which they only remember as dreams afterwards.

You see the love story coming between those two ? Color me naive, but I didn't.

First, it's one of the most contrived premises you could have for a love story. Second, there's like a million stories you could tell with such a premise, why take the less original ? Of all the funny, awkward, insightful etc. things that could happen to two people who exchange lives, why go for the most clichéd ?

But OK, let's accept that they fall in love with each other. After all, a lot of the emotional impact of the second half of the movie hinges on their being infatuated with each other. But we're never shown that happen ! The most we're shown for Mitsuha (the girl) is that she takes an interest in Taki's (the boy) life. I guess it could count as both reason and show of her growing fondness for him. As limited as it is, at least it's a small hint that something's happening.

We're not so lucky with Taki.

After his date with his female coworker, she guesses that he's recently fallen for another woman. At that point I thought she guessed wrong, because nothing we see supports that idea. But I'm more and more convinced that she's conveying the message of the authors : at that moment, they're flatly informing us that Taki is falling for Mitsuha.

What do they say again in storytelling school ? "Show, don't tell." Well, it's a typical example of telling, not showing.

It's like the movie is trolling us : "Oh, btw, Taki's totally into Mitsuha now ! A lot of stuff happened, but we didn't think it was worth showing, even though ALL we're showing you are those 2 very characters. U mad ?"

Just to be clear, I'm not saying that he has no reason for falling in love. He has plenty ! If you've seen the movie, here's a quick quiz. Taki falls in love with Mitsuha because :

a) he's attracted by her looks

b) he's impressed by her skills

c) he's thankful for her help

d) he remembers their first encounter in the subway

e) they're soulmates

f) any of the other bazillion possible reasons ?

You don't know ? Nobody does ! Because we don't see their love bloom.

As it is, this love story misses its core, its pivotal moment. It's a love story without romance.

Little annoyances :

Memories and messages appear and disappear so as to fit the plot's needs so perfectly that we have left the lands of Plot Convenience to enter the realm of Plot Laziness.

The second part is so clichéd that at any point you can safely guess what happens in the next 15 minutes.

Mitsuha convinces her father at the end in a deeply moving and insightful argument. Well, I guess, because we're TOLD, NOT SHOWN (uuuuugh)
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Talk to Her (2002)
Rape glorification ! >:(
27 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Having sex with an unconscious person is rape (and there is no doubt the woman is unconscious : she's in a coma).

The fact that the perpetrator believes he actually really loves her is not an excuse.

The problem comes, of course, that this movie pushes us to embrace the perpetrator's viewpoint, and manipulates us to find his stalking cute and endearing.

It's not. It's wrong, and this movie is sick.
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This movie froze my blood
23 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The pursuit of Happiness is a 2006 horror movie with Will Smith as the lead role. Don't be fooled by the happy end, horror movies can have happy ends too, and if you're a young person studying or looking for a job like I was when I first saw it, don't watch it unless you're ready for nights of cold sweat.

There's a scene (typical of this movie) where Will Smith barely manages to catch the attention of a businessman by solving a Rubik's Cube in the span of a short taxi ride. It's clear that the intent of the scene is to lift you up (look ! he managed to get an interview ! you can do it too !), but that very scene gave me nightmares : what if I'm not good at Rubik's Cube ? Nobody told me I had to be good at Rubik's Cube to get a good job ! It is a thing now ? Shouldn't it be taught at school then ? And what if I learn Rubik's Cube and the guy does Hanoi Tower ?

Another time Will arrives late and in dirty clothes at his interview (not by his fault), and saves it with a snappy reply. What if he didn't find that reply ? I'm shy : does that mean I have to settle for shitty jobs ? Is there no salvation for people who are in any way short of perfection ?

'Cause there is no nuance in this movie, no shades of grey : it's either thrive like the best, or die like the rest. Never Will rebels or even questions the situation he's in.

But don't worry : at the end of his kafkaesque ride, Will will manage to land the job of his dreams, in the lofty world of rich people, high above the mass of the rest of zombies crawling under the surface in cramped subways. What about you and me ? We're doomed, my friend. DOOMED.
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The 6th Day (2000)
Underrated anticipation movie with scattershot good ideas
23 February 2017
The 6th Day is a unique blend of 90s style action and cyberpunk anticipation about cloning, and human cloning in particular.

While other anticipation movies deliver their message in key moments or heavy-handed emotional sequences, 6th Day peppers them all over. A cloned character picks an earring from their previous body and complains about having to pierce their ear again. A customer enters a pet-cloning shop and wonders if his daughter really won't see the difference.

This movie probably won't engage you at a deep emotional level. None of the characters is much fleshed out, but still, they serve effectively to convey a wide range of attitudes towards death, grief, cloning, identity, that I'm still waiting to see in another movie.

But, The 6th Day does not shovel its messages down your throat. In the end, you're free to pick and choose what you'll retain. And if you just wanna relax and enjoy a dumb Schwarzie one-liner action movie ? Sure, you can ! (even though the action is nothing original)

If someone asked me for a movie about cloning, I'd definitely recommend this one.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Meditative alien encounter movie reminiscent of Contact.
30 January 2017
It seems that a lot of the complaints come from people who expected an action movie. But not every alien movie has to be that ! So if you like the other kind, slow paced, low-key, intellectual... then go watch Contact.

Arrival draws a lot from Contact : themes, pace, plot elements. Both are stories where the big alien encounter mostly serves as a device to explore the psyche and emotions of a single human : the female lead role.

At times, Contact managed to make you ponder about science and faith. In the end, Arrival, with more sets and more CGI, and a gripping dark atmosphere, will mostly make you think about its plot holes and shortcuts.
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