
8 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Like a three hour version of the helicopter scene in Apocalypse Now..
23 November 2023
Maybe fittingly. Coz that's the idea: Apocalypse Now. Right. Well the overbearing concert music over the top of the drama is ok for the first five minutes the viewer realises it's not gonna stop.

For three hours.

Nolan does this a lot. Batman and Heath Ledger was practically unwatchable for the same reason. He did it with Dunkirk too.

Most people are Nolan fans, but I'm not. Not really. Inception went wildly off course I wish he'd let me write the second half.

This is up there with the best he's created but the music is an unnecessary stain on an interesting and dramatic storyline.

Above average maybe worthy of a 7 n half or summat. I'd give it 8 without the noise.
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FFS Shane it's 1760
12 June 2023
Benjamin Myers must be absolutely fuming after seeing the Final Cut of an adaptation of his historical fiction about King David Hartley... First of all, he would be extremely excited to hear that someone has decided to take this project on, and even more delighted to hear that it's someone as talented as Shane. But seriously, what is this?

If you're going to do a period drama in Yorkshire then why lead the viewer into 1980s Derbyshire and into a world that appears to be improvised and frankly dull because we don't have a script yet and have no idea why what we're trying to achieve. It may improve but it has an awful feeling of being made up as they go along. That might be the way Shane operates but.. All I could think was that at any minute they were going to all sack it off and go and watch the 1986 World Cup... Very poor. 💩
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Air (I) (2023)
Nature Vs Nurture
13 May 2023
Have you seen Air the film about Nike... this film has far reaching implications about everything we ever thought was real and practical, why we spend money and what we spend it on. Seriously I am dumbfounded by how dumb I am. I thought I could think for myself but now I'm not so sure. I'm a product of my environment I really am. I don't make decisions I just do it because I'm trying to be cool. It's amazing. I'm shocked. I thought I was rational, I thought I could make rational decisions. But I can't. Nobody can. £185 for a pair of ASICS sneakers endorsed by Novak... I bought them because they are comfy. I wear them all the time. They ARE comfy!!! Or are they???? Honestly, we need to talk about this. The whole world is a lie, I see it now. But this depiction of 1984, I was five years old ffs and they dropped my mind into a mould. Their mould. I can't think for myself I buy what they want me to buy. It's criminal. It's insane. It's criminally insane. I think we need to drink a bottle of gin and discuss this with some ribs and fire coz things are not what they seem..... On a lighter note, watch Air, it's free on prime and tell me your thoughts.....
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Preposterous End Result but Engaging and Masterful Direction in the Early Days of Cinema
2 May 2023
Although I agree with the sentiment that there was reasonable doubt which characterises the entire plot, after reading up heavily on true crime and the methods a real life detective uses to find his suspect, I think there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the defendant was the most likely killer. Therefore, the movie plays heavily in sentiment and the ideal that no innocent man will ever be electrocuted to death. Which brings into debate an argument to abolish capital punishment. In the end, I think this kid could have done with 15 years to think about it, as although the ideal was upheld, in the end I think the defendant was a slippery fish that got away and a GUILTY one at that. Henry Fonda does the job of the defence and presents arguments that weren't heard in court, and the Judge, on hearing the Not Guilty verdict of the Jury, without hearing the argument, must have thought they had spent the last hour and a half smoking crack.
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The Heir n That...
18 February 2022
Unlike all the super fans of the Novel (and I sure did meet a few at Uni 20 year ago) I have not read, nor ever intend to read the book. In short, this is not my bag. However, I am a bit of a film snob so tend to try and see most of the Oscar nominated stuff. Therefore, I gave this one a go.

In short, it was ok. I managed to sit through the full 2 and half hours without falling asleep although I did think I might at one stage coz I watched it shortly after having a big dinner.

I thought it was better than Lord of the Rings, which I have never managed to sit through the entirety of, but probably not as good as Harry Potter.

To me it was like a cross between Star Wars and Tremors, with a little hint of the Godfather.

But if you like this sort of thing there's another film on the way and I'm sure it will be just as good.
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The Father (I) (2020)
22 January 2022
Should've been longer with a more satisfying ending, some great ideas... the director cons and confuses the viewer skilfully... it's original and fresh but far from perfect. Not sure it's Oscar worthy either but that's just a reflection of where the bar is being set with new productions...
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Joker (I) (2019)
Plot hole...
28 January 2020
The Joker is gonna be a geriatric by the time Batman kicks his ass.
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Nobody beat the s**t out of Bruce.
28 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Pitt is once again the hero administering ultra violence on the perpetrators of some of history's most heinous crimes.
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