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M*A*S*H: Hawkeye (1976)
Season 4, Episode 18
A truly ground-breaking episode.
21 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen MASH now for, oh, must be 20 years or so....till a couple of months ago, when I happened to update my channels and found one that was showing two episodes of MASH every night from seven till eight. In the UK, that's what I call the dead zone - it doesn't deserve capitals - those lost couple of hours when the bloody awful soaps are on. Coronation Street, Emmerdale and the dreadful eastenders. Used to be the time when I took the dog for a I do it in the day.

This episode, for me, is definitely one of the best I've seen...Alan Alda delivers a one-man tour-de-force that I'm guessing didn't go down too well at the time. Had that ever been done before? One man carrying virtually an entire programme on his own? He was superb...whether scripted or ad-libbed, some lines were pure genius.

Strangely, this episode is rated a lot lower than the average... guess the world wasn't ready for something new back then, eh? Sadly, these days American comedy seems to consist of either Will Smith and Martin Lawrence shouting loudly, or the likes of Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller or Jim Carrey playing the brain-dead idiot....MASH was in a class of its own, set the standard, never been equalled....Cheers was pretty good, can't comment on Seinfeld...never really got into it, as a Brit there was a lot I didn't, American references, etc. Fawlty Towers and Blackadder are great examples of British comedy...I'd add Soap (hey, if you're going to go over the top, then go waaaaaay over the top!) to the top 5, but as far as comedy goes, MASH is absolutely the finest ever made - and this is a great example of how good it could be. Truly groundbreaking - funny, serious, dramatic, humorous, it lifted you way above the mundane and into the sublime.

Alan Alda, I salute you! By the way, as an afterthought, it's almost impossible to compare MASH to Blackadder...MASH is more of a black comedy, Blackadder is more of a knock-about farce. MASH is American, Blackadder is British - and it's what I grew up with. Well, that and lots of American Western series... "Have Gun Will Travel" is still my favourite. I've still never seen the final episode of MASH...but I can't believe it'll move me more than the final episode of Blackadder Goes Forth. That was pure genius....
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Our Friends in the North: 1995 (1996)
Season 1, Episode 9
A truly magnificent series.
20 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I've just watched this series again, for the first time since it was shown in 1996. I enjoyed it just as much, if not more, as I did first time around. The four main characters - Christopher Eccleston, Daniel Craig, Gina McKee and Mark Strong - are superb. It's Peter Vaughan, though, who steals the show - remember him as Grouty in Porridge? - he's magnificent here as a bitter man who thinks he's failed in life. His slow descent into Alzheimer's is utterly enthralling, and superbly done. Great support too from David Bradley, Elspeth Charlton and Alan McManus.

The series starts in 1964 and takes us through to 1995, focussing on pivotal years - most of them involving General Elections - in the characters' lives. We grow to care about these characters - so well-scripted, and so well acted - so much, in a way that only the best film and documentary makers can put our emotions through the wringer.

One tiny quibble - in the opening episode (1964) Barry McGuire's "Eve of Destruction" is heard. That song didn't actually come out till 1965. You know a series is good when the only flaw is a song being played before its time - but even so it fitted the mood of the episode perfectly.

A magnificent series for its time - and like a good wine (and of course, Chris, Daniel, Gina and Mark!) it's aged well. 10/110 from me, and a must-watch - especially if, like me, you're a life-long Labour voter!
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The most over-hyped, over-rated film of ALL TIME!
13 January 2013
I must be the only person on this site who doesn't like this's over long (I've been watching it for almost 2 hours now, and still got about 50 minutes to go) - it's too dark, it's over-hyped and it's dull, dull, dull! Every scene's too long....every revelatory moment is dragged out....every actor is, well, over acting. I'll stick with it to the end but only because there's bound to be a fight scene that'll take up at least half of the remaining time....but I can guarantee, this is one film I'll never watch again. So disappointed - just as I was with the last Batman film. Heath Ledger? posthumous Oscar? Bah! So over-the-top he might as well have filmed his scenes in a plane flying over K2....I would have put Everest, but doubtless someone will top it someday. How many millions did this film cost to make? Think how many starving children could have been saved...
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Utterly brilliant - a new cult classic!
25 October 2012
So - you liked Shaun of The Dead? The mix of drama, deadpan comedy and in-jokes? You will LOVE Cockneys vs Zombies! There's nothing not to like - great story, well-developed characters, loads of laugh-out-loud moments....

I watched this at the back of the house, downstairs. My daughter was upstairs at the front of the house, listening to music via headphones. And heard me laughing. That's how much fun this film is - I could go into more depth and say how funny Alan Ford is reprising his "Bricktop" role from "Snatch," how great is is to see Honor Blackman kicking ass again - in her mid-80's! and ....oh never mind. Watch, laugh and enjoy....I did! At least a 9/10.....
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Taken 2 (2012)
What is wrong with you all?
22 October 2012
When Taken 2 came out, I was hoping for more of the same - I read two newspaper reviews which both gave it one out of five. The Daily Mirror, and the Metro. So I thought, "I'll give that one a miss." Flash forward a few days.....daughter's boyfriend takes her to the pics to see it, for her birthday. Her review? "Not as good as the first one, but not a one-star, either. Decent, but not great. About a 7, maybe an 8." I finally got to see it for myself....and I wasn't disappointed. Hence, the header. T2's had some horrendous reviews....but what's not to like? For a start, there's Liam Neeson doing what he does best....there's a good story, plenty of action (although toned down a little for a 12 rating) and non-stop thrills and spills.

Most of the criticisms have been levelled at Famke Janssen and Maggie Grace.....but let's face it, they were only secondary characters anyway. There's no overly gratuitous blood and gore, there's no effing and blinding - all in all, an excellent family thriller.

Are we all - in this high-tech CGI age - becoming so blase that we can't actually enjoy a film for what it is anymore, a bit of escapism, a release from the hum-drum of everyday life? It's a FILM, it's not real - watch, enjoy and maybe watch it again in a few months or so when there's nothing decent on the idiot box.
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