
4 Reviews
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Mouth piece for MSM.
28 January 2024
Straight up gaslighting the public, for good measure mixing in the obvious hoaxes with ruling true phenomena as hoaxes, cheek to call 'Agenda 21' as a hoax when they even have a website complete with all nefarious agenda in there and naming the culprits boldly.

There are lots of vids out there they can use to gaslight the public but using people's grievances of loved ones and calling them hoaxes..? All time low (but they've been doing that pretty hardcore incessantly)

...Oh and complete with "experts" as 'high-priests' The only good thing about this pantomime is how obviously they're scrambling to control the narratives, and hopefully the sleepwalkers who have some discernment will start researching rather being told what their Tell-a-vision tells them to think and beLIEve.
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Dr. Death (2021–2023)
Dr. Harold Shipman the OG "Dr. Death"
11 December 2021
I've only recently heard about this case, great series, But just an FYI: here in U. K. we already had a serial killer Dr. Harold Shipman - A. K. A "Dr. Death" so that name is taken.

He is One of the most prolific serial killers in recorded history with a murder toll of said to be at least 215+ victims before he was eventually caught in 1998.
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McMillions (2020)
Doug Matthews was a standup comedian in past life!
20 September 2021
I'm convinced Doug Matthews was a standup comedian in past life! Just watch him, I was cackling, his animated funny way of explaining everything that transpired - and also very good detailed chronology of what took place, beautifully shot too!

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The Vow (2020–2022)
Schizophrenic with no chronology.
7 February 2021
I honestly don't get why this wasn't chronological It was everywhere, left me guessing what segments was meant to be where in timeline of events.
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