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25 July 2023
Just CBF going into the details of it all but this is amazing. So real, so true. Dude is exposing all and I respect it all.

To Tony.... You are strong. Losing parents is so terrible. Respect for all the family getting involved. Children please realise when the hype is on what human can can control that???

I just hope everyone involved in the documentary are well paid and getting the vibe of it and the gentleman that Tony Hawk is I'm sure they will. There were a few people interviewed in it that look like they may be seeing hard times and I know they will be helped for this. You are a beautiful guy Tony and we forget we all have struggles.

Signing off with... Great doco!!!

Wowsers, made my night.
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7 May 2022
Letters and Numbers is fantastic. I really enjoy the letter and number challenges but I'm not putting myself through forced cringe comedy so I'll stick to the original show. Horrendo attempt at following the British version that actually has funny celebrities on it.
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The Bubble (2022)
Just terrible
27 April 2022
Just a terrible movie. Not even the actors believe in it. Actors I actually respect are overacting in this to revive a dead script. How did someone not interject and stop this abortion. Oi Atapow if you want a movie script come HMU in Australia. Better than this nonsense.
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22 November 2020
These guys are loose units. Nek Nek level comedy 🙌
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Tangential nightmare
18 October 2020
The actors did not believe in themselves so neither did I. Gave up after 16 minutes. I'll never get those 16 minutes back. Hectic times.
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