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Honor Society (2022)
Honor Society turn out to be clever !
3 August 2022
  • First of all, you can't agree with me if you did not watch the movie.

I highly recommend this movie to anyone who at least graduated from high school cause it's not a movie that focuses on teenagers' niche.

  • Honor society is a movie about not rejecting society through examples you see in your daily life and the movie focuses on not doing bad because everyone you see around you is doing so.

It's- also a story about a girl who discovers her true good nature by doing wrong acts or rather thinking about doing them as a result of a misunderstanding of society and following wrong values and principles implemented by a bad entourage and a fear of social judgement.

  • The act of those brilliant kids was simply natural they perform a natural life of teenagers discovering life but I have my critics on several exaggerations which in a way help build the light drama in the movie cause it's a movie that focuses more on humour and comedy.

  • The execution of the end was stunting in a good way and clever cause it has a deep meaning from what I talk about above, but it was messy and rushed in a way.

  • The movie is good at its core with minor downs of course but I can't describe the beauty of its idea without spoilers and I hate putting spoilers in a review. I have to point out that many viewers find the movie offensive or think that it promotes sexual exploitation and promotion of other sexual activities which reined completely the noble purpose of this movie which made me think that it intruded the script I can't tell for sure but I'm gonna rate the movie without taking this matter accounted.
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