
5 Reviews
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Take a Hike (2021– )
13 September 2021
Just watched the first episode, and it was excruciating, really bad. The only thing I would recommend is Rhod Gilbert's narration. The idea of going on different hikes around Britain is a sound one. Sadly, very little of the walking is actually shown. Instead we have numerous bits to camera from so-called characters who think they are funny but aren't. If you like programmes such as 'Four in a Bed', or 'Come Dine with Me', you might like this, otherwise, stay clear.
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Very Enjoyable Thriller
30 June 2020
Just finished watching this on Talking Pictures and was very entertained. The film cracks along at a decent pace and the cast are supported by a decent, and often humorous, script. The first-call British actors all turn in their usual good performances (no Sam Kydd though, most have been an oversight) although Sid James's American accent leaves a lot to be desired. As well as a good storyline, one of the delights is seeing European capital cities in the late 1950s. A lot of the film is on location, and as such, for British audiences, this must have seemed impossibly exotic and romantic. The train sequence at the end has echoes of 'From Russia With Love' which was made five or six years later. Finally, a word for Anita Ekberg's corsetry, which deserved an Oscar all of its own. Recommended.
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A Conspiracy to Defraud the Country
4 March 2018
I've just watched this documentary on the Freeview channel 'Together'. It's a fascinating, compelling and well-made film about how the City of London increased its influence through the use of tax havens after the break up of the British Empire.

The documentary is extremely informative and eye-opening, but be warned, it can also leave you feeling angry and disillusioned about how successive governments, politicians, and the Establishment have combined to legally defraud the tax payer.

Sadly, nothing seems to change, probably because the same people who could actually do something are the very people who are enriching themselves through these tax havens. I really enjoyed this well-made film and I recommend it to anyone who has an interest in current affairs.
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War Book (2014)
A Remarkable Film.
11 August 2015
I've just watched the BBC4 showing of this remarkable film. I wasn't too sure I would like it after reading the synopsis but after viewing I feel moved to review it (and only the second one to do so, I see).

You would think that a film that mainly takes place in a conference room would be dry, dull and stagy, but nothing could be further from the truth. For starters, the direction and cinematography turn what would be an ordinary meeting of suits into a pressure pot of disparate views, agreements, scenarios and personalities. Add to that a script that doesn't waste a single word and is powerful and intelligent. A fantastic cast (a reverential nod to Antony Sher) who are completely believable delivering some juicy lines. Add to that the doomsday scenario they discuss from the viewpoints of their own departments. And what you have here is probably the quickest 90 minutes in the history of cinema.

Yes, I liked it, I liked it a lot. Not only that, I'll be thinking about this film for days to come. Highly recommended if you want your intellect and your ideologies examined and tested.
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A well directed and colourful thriller.
11 December 2014
Very much a film of its time. Mid-60s, exotic location, imported American stars, glamorous European women and unconvincing fight scenes. I thought I might last ten minutes watching this whilst putting up the Xmas decorations but I ended up watching the whole thing. The reason for that was the excellent direction by Peter Bezencenet and a great turn by the always watchable Michael Medwin. Considering how well directed this film is, I'm surprised to find that Bezencenet only directed four films, and only one after this film.

At two hours (including commercials) it did feel a little on the long side. But the locations, the dresses, the sharp suits, hairstyles and the oblique plot makes for worthwhile viewing.
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