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The Walking Dead: The World Before (2019)
Season 10, Episode 8
Not even close to character
10 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Machonne would not leave Judith her child. Machonne would not go by herself with a strange guy on a boat somewhere while the whispers are trying to get at them. She would not go off with a strang guy. Carol would not runoff by herself when she's never done this before just because she sees alpha. Knowing Alpha is setting up a trap for them. Carol would not be responsible for all those peoples deaths. Absolutely every single person is out of character this episode for sure. Everything is dark so you can't see anything, so why even watch it absolutely huge disappointment. Them traveling to Oceanside without a lot of people while the whispers are out. There is insane and would not happen. Everything about this is completely bizarre. It just doesn't even work. There is obviously so many directors that absolutely are ruining the show. I don't understand what's going on. People do not need to be concentrated on walkers and showing the walkers and close-ups because that doesn't even matter and it seems like that you do not understand that we do not watch the show for that watch the show for the characters and if all you look at a screen and see, is somebody using a lighter or a flashlight, then maybe to turn on the lights and actually do some real directing. And some real lights and camera how about lights camera action? I've heard that.
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Lighting is TOO DARK.
22 July 2023
Listen, I love The Walking Dead in the first 20 minutes of the snow. I still cannot see everything is too dark. You can't see anything all you can really do is just listen to it you can't see anything so it's like watch descendent even watching the show because I can't see anything that's even happening on the show because everything is too dark. The lighting is too dark. You can't see anything it's like you can't see anything but a shadow and why would you want to sit there and watch something that you can't even see Don't know what this fat is in a Hollyweird but this is bananas. Hi love, The Walking Dead I've been a committed van of the comic book series before it even came out. The show even came out before the show even came out in a diehard fan now you can't even watch it everything is dark it's too dark you can't see anything turn on the lights and shoot a movie how about that? I don't know maybe another idea but why don't you just turn on the lights so maybe you can see what's going on and turn on the lights so maybe people can actually see Here's a novel I did turn on the light so people that I can actually watch a show and study just listening to it !!!!!! Maybe stop going with the latest fad and actually be committed to your show in The Walking Dead directors of morons on this.
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Deep Fake Love (2023– )
Sick & Cruel
17 July 2023
First off, you destroy these human beings, but not telling them that this could be fake what they're watching and then after you've destroyed them, then you let them know that it could be AI technology. It completely breaks and shatters them right off the bat, which therefore gives no context it's just absolutely cruel into somebody you just don't do things like this you can take an AI technology and twist it and make it evil enough to destroy people and destroy peoples relationships people wanting to live their life together and get married and be happy and live their life and they just want to win some money so they go on show just to have their whole life blown up right in front of them due to a I Tecnología I cannot even believe that there Is any show that does something like this. I can't even believe that they should be legally allowed. They should absolutely be against the law you should absolutely not have anything like this on television or in real life whatsoever. Do you know the evilness that can be done with this this is absolutely horrible completely almost blasphemous quite honestly really hope people don't watch this like this is insanity.
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Raising Dion (2019– )
Not kid friendly !!!
5 April 2023
People are rude and most often socially awkward, mean. Kids picking on kids. The mom is mean to her misbehaving boy with no correction. Everyone seems to be very awkward and mean to one another and I got to say completely don't understand that one they try to make scary scenes out of normal every day things which intern will make children scared of even go in the water I just need very awkward from the jump in the Caesar salad park that you can't even see so the Director really had this wrong because the scenes for the most part too dark to see in places. I don't know how this got a season two but I literally got tired of it after a couple of episodes, I tried to give it a try .
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021–2024)
Too dark
3 April 2023
You can have the brightness all the way up and still not be able to see bc they are making everything DARK. Too many black screens and flashing lights. Overall a dark theme as well. Whoever made this made the cartoon too dark to see! Definitely too much filter and fluff. Not enough content however honestly I didn't get that far into it bc it was too hard to see. Nothing more aggravating than trying to watch something in the whole screen be dark and you can't see anything that's going on so you just turn it off and not watch it or maybe that's the point is to get people aggravated so they don't like it more like they just want to make people aggravated. It's too dark Wolchik.
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Switched at Birth (2011–2017)
Season 3> NO Good
11 January 2023
Starting in season 3 all everyone does is fight and argue. So much arguing and everyone being in a bad mood or being sarcastic. Stopped watching unfortunately. Can't take all the arguing. The show used to be really good up until season three. Seems like everybody's in a bad mood everybody is arguing all the time for most of the episodes. I don't know maybe you're trying to make people agitated. So much arguing I had to stop watching it unfortunately it's been a good show but now it's not even teen friendly. Remember the days when you can watch a show and everybody is being nice to one another and that is not the show unfortunately. Maybe it's the writers for each show because now when you watch something all you see is people arguing.
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Dead to Me: You Know What You Did (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
Too much cussing.
21 December 2022
Was really looking forward to season two and season three couldn't even get past the first couple episodes when they were so much vile language. Just say a curse word every other word it was so overboard that I could not even watch it! I completely had to turn it off. I don't even think I want to have a subscription with Netflix anymore due to so much perversion twisting and making the bad guy the good guy and shows about murder all the time and so much cussing it's like he can't get good wholesome family episodes and movies anymore. They are saying bad is good and good is bad. I don't think any of this is good for people to watch or listen to. Take a warning please.
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Narcissist Family
27 July 2022
If you want to know what narcissist are then this show is for you. Bad ppl making fun of good people. It's a disgrace. Children should not watch this. It's all about being a bad person and doing bad things.
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Maggie (2022)
Lame jokes
7 July 2022
Obviously the show only has ONE writer Bc every character has the same personality all giving lame jokes. Each character does not have their own personality which is a huge disappointment. Too many LAME jokes by every character. Just a wast of time.
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The Kardashians: Bucket List Goals (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
Finally it's about KIM
10 June 2022
Nice to see her embrace everything she worked so hard for in her life. She has been through so much and the most authentic one on the show. You can tell she been through it but still keeps pushing and bringing her family along. She's the star. Great episode for once.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Story line
15 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Love anything Star Wars. The story line has a spice trade which is not children friendly and makes this almost gangster series. Other than that it's great.
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13 May 2020
Annoying is Missy that will make you stop watching it. Not even funny.
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