2 Reviews
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Starred Up (2013)
A true movie
9 March 2017
Is not an everyday thing (specially with my supernatural taste in movies) to stumble with a movie SO realistic, so true. The number that resumes this movie doesn't has to mean anything to you because, and you need to have this present in your mind in every second, I prefer and always will prefer fantastic movies with things that can't happen in real life not even in a thousand years. There are some other people that prefers real movies, elements which you can relate with. I don't and that's why I won't give a 10 or a 9 to this movie. What I can say, is that if I'd be one of those people who prefer real instead of unreal, this movie would definitely be on the top 15 best films. Raw, hash, thug, that's what this movie is about. According to the director and other guys involved on the making of this movie, they were trying to recreate exactly how prisons are in England, and you believe it. I don't fell sorrow or anything (if i lived there, I would) but it makes you think for a moment and it makes you imagine how would you react on a situation like that one. Anyway, It's a great film but also a long one. The end is excellent, the development too; the Indie-movie air is always present throughout the entire movie; the acting is great, one of the best things, and that's pretty much It. For those who love realistic movies, they will really enjoy this one; for those of us who love unrealistic movies, we will also enjoy this but not as much as the other guys. 7/10.
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Split (IX) (2016)
An excellent and chilling film that'll keep you awake at night
5 March 2017
Since i saw for the very first time, X-Men: First Class, i sensed something special and unique about James McAvoy, but I said to myself "It's nothing, he's just a great actor". Then, I watched X- Men: Days Of Future Past and X-Men: Apocalypse. He was excellent, specially on Apcalypse. Then, I saw him on Victor Frankenstein with another excellent performance. Welcome To The Punch was the next one, the first movie starred by him that din't captivate me like others. And finally, I saw him on Filth, a movie that I didn't like at all but that made me realize that even on a bad movie, James McAvoy can force you to watch the entire thing without sleeping; that even in a bad movie, James McAvoy can amaze you like he does all the time. SPLIT was the first film I ever saw with absolute knowledge about the greatness of McAvoy. Like I've said, I knew that he was an excellent actor but I was never so sure. And after seeing SPLIT, I can completely say that James McAvoy is one of the best actors of the 21st century, if not the best. As for Shyamalan, I'm not a big fan of his. Most of the people either hates his guts or loves him. I'm not in the middle, I don't hate him at all. Shymalan's movies that I watched are all between 6 or 7 so when I first saw that it was directed by him I said to myself "this can't be more than 8 or lower than 6". But then, I knew that McAvoy was on it and my expectations grew up a little, just a little. I though that the best I could get off this film could be a 9. When I came out of the cinema, I was shocked and all the words I said before were no valid at all. This movie is majestuos, excellent, unique. It's great. It's absolutely scary, I've never felt this scared since a long time and i'm a fan of horror genre so almost every horror movie that comes out, I watch it on cinemas. To conclude, this is a great film, 10 is a short note for this. It's one of those movies that deserves more than 10. Great start of 2017 (this film arrived to Argentinian cinemas on 2017). PD: James McAvoy is one of the greatest actor this world has seen on this age.
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