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I liked it, but I think they could have made it better.
15 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Since I've read the book of course the movie was no comparison. It's always like that when they make movies out of books. It was pretty good, though. I have to say that characters didn't look right at all and the voices were all wrong. Pam for instance (Lyra's Daemon) had a way to high voice that was probably played by a girl. I never imagined Pam's voice very low, but I would never imagine it that high either. The movie also went extremely fast, except when it was a battle seen. The battles went on and on but the rest seemed to fly by. A lot was very confusing for people who haven't read the book or know the story. Lucky for me, that wasn't the case.

My last complaint is that they cut off the end. Right at the part leading up to the end they suddenly blacked out the rest. They'll porbably make a sequel but I think that's kind of strange to split the book in half like that. Aw well, it was pretty good. It's worth watching.
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Stardust (2007)
What a truly spectacular film.
10 December 2007
This was a fantastic movie. The trailer gave it no mercy; the real movie was so much better. In a town called Wall because of a wall surrounding it that separates the faerie world from the human world, A young boy named Tristan is vainly in love with the most beautiful girl in his small village. Her named is Victoria Forester and has already planned a marriage with another man. Tristan is mortified to learn that he might lose Victoria so he decides to make her a promise. he sees a star go over the wall. he promises he will get it for her if she will marry him. She laughs and thinks he's joking, so she agrees. A romance, comedy and action this is a movie that anyone over the age of 10 should enjoy.
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Hairspray (2007)
A sincerely awful film.
8 December 2007
I hate to be so critical, but Hairspray was probably the worst movie I've seen. It is extremely like that of High School Musical, so if you like that kind of thing maybe Hairspray is for you. I wasn't too excited to see it but I thought "Hey, maybe it'll turn out to be really great!" Uh oh. Big mistake. Hairspray makes you think of the ozone layer a lot.without much dialog or plot there is no suspense whatsoever and John Trevolta dressed as a plump mother is not pretty. The boy who catches the heroine's heart is Zac Effron with a hideous bit of hair curled at the end. UGHHHH. The bright side: Some of the outfits are nice and I had a few half hearted chuckles, but all in all Hairspray was a bubblegum glimpse of Hell. I strongly urge you to not watch it.
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Elfen Lied (2004)
This anime is....well....unbelievable!
25 September 2007
For all the time I knew about Elfen lied, I always knew that it was amazing. At first though, I didn't think this in a good way. I got a sneak peek of it from a friend and all it looked to me was a bloody horror show. I viewed the strange German opera-like opening which turned me away from it even more. Back then, I was very sensitive to blood. I thought this series was something to avoid and keep away from. About a month ago, I decided I wasn't as sensitive and ready to at least try the series. I barely made it though the first 5 minutes, where at least 30 people were slaughtered brutally. Somehow, I survived. The next part of the first episode was strange, but for some reason intriguing. I watched on, wanting more and more. After awhile I learned how to tolerate blood, and soon I was used to it. The characters were beautifully drawn and I liked almost all of them(Except for the bad guys.) After watching all 14 episodes(including the special secret episode 11 1/2) I was obsessed with elfen lied. I still am, in fact. It is most definitely the best anime I have ever seen. Don't let the first episode put you off, it really is a great series.
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Ratatouille (2007)
I loved Ratatouille!
1 August 2007
It sounded good, but boring. I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about watching it. My friend Brigid who had already seen it and had begged me to come with her again ever since dragged me along. It was so cute! I myself had been a little disappointed with pixar before then. First, it was special and there were only a few. Now, a new one seems to come every week and the stories are all so similar. Ratatouille though, was very original. Who would think of a rat who loves to cook and decides to help a human who CAN'T cook? I love this movie. I didn't expect much, but I was far from disappointed. I give ratatouille a well deserved 10/10.
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Inuyasha (2000– )
was good at first, but gets old.
24 July 2007
The title basically says what I have to say. The first anime I ever saw, introduced to me in second grade. I loved Kirara, I even still have the stuffed anime I bought in 4th grade. I loved the characters, Sango, Kirara, Miroku, Shippo, Seshoumaru, Rin, Kikyo, etc...basically everyone. Except Kagome, of course(I tend to not like the main characters in things a lot). The animation is OK, but after middle school I realized that I was learning to draw better. The story line was good until they started adding all these extra characters and stuff just to make an impressive amount of episodes. When they finally finished season 1 at over 100 episodes they made another season, and I just lost my taste for it. Inuyasha really needs to get to the point and come to an end. Also, the story's too predictable. Over all, Inuyasha is not the greatest.
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SoltyRei (2005–2006)
At first sight didn't look much, now one of my faves!
22 July 2007
The cover of solty rei isn't extremely attracting. Not ugly, but not really all that. So there's this girl with a weird green hairstyle and this old dude who looks pretty grumpy. But, anime is anime so I rented it. Solty is an android who has lost all memory of her past and has more powers than she knows. Roy is a bounty hunter(you like barely see him smile except in flashbacks and stuff.) Roy has a daughter, who was lost in the blast fall, an explosion which separated many families. Roy finds his daughter's shoe, but nothing else. Determined to find his daughter, he decides that she isn't dead and keeps up a search. Suddenly, Solty and Roy collide. After saving his life, Roy takes care of solty, and names her(solty, if you haven't noticed yet.) The story continues this way, and soon the plot thickens. Mecha fans would be disappointed to know, though that this anime isn't all the machinery in most futuristic animes. People like me will be relieved. :) All over all, a swell anime that's for everyone. Not so sci-fi that you can't follow the story, but enough to give you that futuristic feeling.
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Air (2005)
This anime's one of the saddest and best I've ever seen.
20 July 2007
I'm always on the look for good animes to watch, but for once I couldn't find any. I found Air then. It was all I could find & it looked okay, so I tried it. The beginning went by a little slow, but don't let that put you down. After a few episodes it gets really interesting. If you aren't up for the bloody, gory stuff need not worry. Blood's barely ever spilled. The animation, too, is great. At first I wasn't used to it, but then I realized that it was actually a lot nicer than most of the animation I've been watching. The details and hard work put into it is easy to spot. Another thing you might want me to warn you about is that this anime is really sad. Not depressing or anything, but soo sad. Mostly everyone I know cried when they watched the last few episodes, but I didn't. It was sad, but I think that it was also happy in a way. I didn't cry because I saw that happy part. In the end, this anime was just beautiful. I really recommend it. If you like mecha, blood & action it might not be for you but I know that it was for me. Enjoy watching!
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Finding Full Moon (2002–2003)
It was OK, but the manga was better.
20 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had a 10$ gift certificate for barns & noble. I timidly entered the anime section, and found full moon o sagashite. it was the comic, aka manga. I enjoyed it so much I bought numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5 shortly after. Then, I decided take the next step and watch the anime. I ordered the first disc and watched. I was thoroughly disappointed. The animators drew them differently and the story had been tampered with. Eichi, my favorite boy character was now 6 years older than Mitsuki instead of 4 and they had taken out most of my favorite parts. The names were pronounced a lot differently then I had when reading the manga as well. Takuto was Takto, Mitsuki was mitski, etc... These might of been the right pronunciations, but I liked my way a lot better. I decided to watch the last episode for the heck of it. Eichi was out of the thing was well as Izumi and Jonathon. Meroko was an angel and Takuto was turned back into a human. Just as I said, it was OK, but the manga was better. waaaay better.
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