
17 Reviews
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A Case Study in Delusion
12 May 2024
This Cesar Roman character lives in a world separate and apart from reality. He's in his own head and can't seem to get out of it. One of those people who believes he's right, and it's the rest of the world that's wrong.

This docu-series was pretty well produced, using the words and testimonies from the actual subjects. The English speaking actors were decent. As they were used in overdubbing the Spanish language. I thought it had a nice flow and all of the content was relevant to the case.

What's sad is a young lady lost her life while seeking a better life. And she was murdered in very grotesque way.

It was worth the time invested to watch all three episodes. 6.5/10.
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Unfrosted (2024)
It's Grrrreat!
10 May 2024
This movie is a silly romp that doesn't take itself seriously, and I like that. For a goofy and nostalgic time- sit back, pour yourself a bowl of cereal and have some laughs.

Don't expect a classic, like Airplane! But it's an enjoyable comedy. And it's loaded with cameos. I found the milk-man syndicate particularly amusing. With all the classic characters portrayed from the time period of the early 1960's, the nostalgia certainly jarred the memory banks.

I smiled throughout the movie and laughed out loud more than once.

It's honestly not as bad as the overall 5.3 rating it has at the time of this review. I gave it a 6, which seems more accurate, imho.
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Take Shelter (2011)
Not that bad. Not that great.
14 March 2024
With over 400 reviews to choose from, I'll keep it brief. Take Shelter is a journey of the mind of the main character, played very well by Michael Shannon. In fact, all the acting in this movie is very good.

It's a slow burn that requires patience as it's, in my opinion, about 20 minutes longer than it needed to be. However, it is compelling.

Take Shelter is excellently shot, edited, produced and directed. But don't expect too much epic cinematography. It's mainly about what's going on in the mind of Shannon.

A dedicated wife (Jessica Chastain), small town midwestern folks, doctors, family and co-workes all play an important part in the story.

Some reviews are on the extreme negative side, while others are extremely positive. Some were captivated, others disappointed.

I thought it was good, not outstanding. Not bad, and not terrible by any means- with some rating it as high as 8-10 and others as low as 1-2. Therefore, I feel most comfortable in giving it a 6/10.
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Teen Nerds try to be Cool
5 March 2024
This is the lowest rating I've ever given a movie. The storyline is mid, at best. The shaky camera work is annoying and distracting. The acting is forced below average. The plot holes are obvious and frustrating. And the hour and forty-six minute run time drags on and on and on... This is all really too bad because I usually enjoy the "time travel" movie genre.

A high school boy discovers a time machine in his basement that his deceased father had invented. So, he and his friends use it to indulge their fantasies, and make some changes to the past.

When things get out of control, they find themselves challenged to straighten it all out. But, it takes a lot of poor dialogue and less than compelling scenes to get there.

I'd recommend a re-watch of Back to the Future or The Butterfly Effect or The Time Machine before seeing this borderline disaster of a movie. Disaster may be a bit too strong of a word, but it's below mildly entertaining. In fact, I fast-forwarded to the last 15 minutes just to see the predictable end.
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A change of Heart
3 March 2024
The Good Heart is the perfect title for this gem. It lives up the name in every way.

It's an interesting character study about an old man who owns a dive bar in New York city, and the homeless youngster he takes under his wing. Add in the grizzly characters who frequent the bar, and a lone lady friend who's also an interesting case study. There's also a curious, entertaining pet that joins the scene at the bar. However, the film isn't contained to just the bar.

The movie is shot with a filter that gives it a semi black and white feel, which doesn't distract but adds to the ambience of the film.

The acting is solid and the script is well written. The plot and storyline flow seamlessly from beginning to end.

And the end- the end really brings it all home to a, well, heartfelt conclusion. I rated it a 7 because it really hits the humanistic side of the lives of the main characters.
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Bury Me (2022)
Pot Dealer goes Underground
17 February 2024
I, Challenger got me hooked-in with silly, stoner comedy and kept me compelled with a solid, character driven storyline and plot.

This movie goes from a light-hearted comedy to a dark comedy with one decision by the main character. Sid, played by James Duval. He's very convincing in this role and the chemistry between all the actors is great.

Even if you're not a pot smoker, you'll likely find this movie funny, dramatic, and satisfying. If you do partake in the use of cannabis, you'll likely laugh out loud, a lot!

I, Challenger is a.great way to spend 90 minutes. I give it 7/10. Sit back, get some snacks and smoke up!
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Hey, bud. Let's party!
31 January 2024
Fast Times at Ridgemont High is a Cameron Crowe written 80's classic. And, director Amy Heckerling does a fantastic job of making flow seamlessly from scene to scene. It also features 3 (future) Oscar winners with Sean Penn, Forest Whittaker, and Nicolas Cage in a minor role (keep your eye out for him flipping burgers).

The movie centers around the day-to-day life of separate high school students, chronicling their adventures and relationships- a stoner surfer, a girl looking for love, a concert ticket scalper, a cool and hip senior, and a teacher who just can't understand the generation of his current students.

The movie spans a school year from the first day of school to the following year's graduation dance. This film is also very quotable. It's not only a hoot, it's also a 'coming of age' film with great characters.

If you haven't seen it, I'm confident you'll enjoy it. If you have seen it, you know it has good re-watch value. I give it a 9 because it's overall 7.1 rating needs to be boosted to at least an 8.

"No shirt, no shoes... No dice!"
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E Quick Review
27 January 2024
Crazy on the Outside isn't so crazy. It's really a heartwarming story about an ex-con who just spent 3 years in prison. Now he's trying to normalize his family life, avoid falling into a life of crime again, and reconnect with a lover he was told had died.

Things take a twist when he finds out his ex lover is still alive and has moved on but he struggles to let her go. Meanwhile, he develops a relationship with his probation officer.

This isn't a laugh-out-loud comedy but it's at least mildly humorous and serves up a few laughs. It has an all-star cast, so the acting is good. The story line is simple and easy to follow. It's a fair watch if you just can't decide on what you want to watch.

I give it a 6/10 because it's better than average. Don't let the negative reviews discourage you. Grab some popcorn and enjoy!
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E Quick Reviews
26 January 2024
I'll start by saying that I believe this movie to be better than the more recent, modern re-make. The story telling of HG Wells is rich, compelling and convincing. I give it an 8 for those reasons alone.

Beyond that, the acting, directing and production are great for its time. And even the visuals/special effects hit home, especially considering this film was made in 1953.

The curiosity about life on Mars was a common subject of discussion back then, and remains so to this day but in a very different context.

So, we start The War of the Worlds establishing that, in fact, there is life on Mars. And that life is not only intelligent, it's also interested in migrating- to earth.

It's a fun and interesting ride through time and space. If you haven't seen this original version, watch it. I'm confident you won't be disappointed. If you have seen it, watch it again. You'll likely see it through new eyes and pick up on some things you likely missed the first time.

Get some popcorn for a great and nostalgic time at the movies!
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E Quick Reviews
26 January 2024
This movie is like a Twilight Zone time travel episode in a movie. It has the elements of Sci Fi, Drama and Adventure, all wrapped up nicely. I believe the overall rating of 6.6 is a bit low. So, I gave it an 8. Not only in an effort to boost its overall rating, but because it's worthy.

Kirk Douglas and Martin Sheen do a good job of carrying the film and the supporting cast is good, too. The acting, overall, is solid. And even though the special effects are 1980, they're still not bad.

When the modern day (1980) USS Nimitz encounters a bizarre weather phenomenon, it travels back in time, to December 6th, 1941. The ship's Captain (Douglas), civilian observer (Sheen) find themselves faced with a precarious decision- change the course of history, or let it be.

The Final Countdown is a compelling, enjoyable movie. If you haven't seen it, and like this kind of Sci Fi, watch it- you won't be disappointed. If you have seen it but it's been a while, watch it again and you'll pick-up on some things you may have missed the first time around.
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Nefarious (2023)
Do you Believe?
17 January 2024
Nefarious is just what the title suggests. And, as a born-again Christian, this movie hit home. However, you don't have to be a believer in God, or the message of the Bible, to like this movie. I would say it has something for everyone. If you're not a believer, this film might might you ponder the reality of the spiritual realm. If you are a believer, it will confirm the truth of scripture and inspire you to prayer and a desire to bolster your faith.

I recommend highly. My review can be summed up quite simply with a portion of scripture.

Ephesians 6:10-19 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; 19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel.
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Pain Hustlers (2023)
Strong Acting Carries the Story
7 November 2023
Considering there are now more than 75 reviews on the movie, I'll keep it brief.

Emily Blunt, Chris Evans, Andy Garcia, Catherine O'Hara and all the actors turn in strong performances. It's really their acting that made the story engaging and effective. Especially considering the big pharma genre of drama movies has been milked a lot lately. Blunt is a stand-out here, bringing emotion to every scene she's in.

You'll get high drama, a little suspense, a few laughs and feel a connection with at least one of the main characters. You will likely also feel some anger... and compassion for Emily Blunt's character and her daughter.

It's a bit longer than I felt it should've been but it will keep you interested to see how it all comes to a head at the end. If you've got a couple hours and are looking for a dramatic story about the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry, this movie is worth the watch. A move has to be almost life-changing for me to rate it 8, 9, or10, but in my book, this one is a solid 7.
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Ma (I) (2019)
A fair time...
16 October 2023
Just watched this movie and enjoyed it. It's certainly not a "great" movie but it's entertaining enough and moves at a good pace. It's written well enough to keep the viewer engaged the entire time.

The acting is good from everyone in the cast. The lead actress (Octavia Spencer) who plays "Ma," is convincing. However, I thought Juliette Lewis, as a single mom, was very good. In my opinion, she stole the show. Her love, care, and protection for her daughter is genuine. And she really shines in the ending.

I've seen most of the reviews- and most folks seem to think it was a weak, or bad, movie. I disagree, for the reasons I stated above. If you find yourself wanting to watch a decent, character driven, semi-suspenseful movie but can't decide what to watch, give "Ma" a watch.
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A message that resonates today
7 June 2023
The first hour of this movie is a bit of a slow burn but it's engaging and compelling. Every character introduced, and developed, is relevant to the story. While it's a purely fictional story, the writing, directing and acting are all outstanding.

Spencer Tracy plays a newspaper writer, Steven O'Malley, a man with unbreakable ethics and journalistic integrity- as he pursues the raw truth of about the life and death of a so-called American Hero.

The deceased hero, is a man named Robert Forrest. Forrest is a man who was loved and admired by all who knew him. We are led to believe that Robert Forrest was killed in an unfortunate automobile accident. And for all intents and purposes, there's no reason to believe otherwise. However, as the story unfolds, questions begin to arise and secrets are revealed.

The last 40 minutes of the film are fast-paced and quite gripping. When it all comes to a climax, the viewer is compelled to consider just how real this fictional story is to real life America. Political drama and conspiracy, paired with action packed scenes, keep us engaged until the final minute.

When we see "The End" on the screen, we already have questions running through our minds asking ourselves "what if?"

It's a great movie and I believe it deserves a higher overall rating. I give it an 8.
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Mud (2012)
Final Mud Review!
25 April 2023
Two 14yr old boys, Ellis & 'Neckbone', with uncertain futures run the river and land on a river island. They discover a boat, in an unusual spot. The boys explore the wreckage to find out someone's living in that boat.

Adventure, espionage, violence, love, action, mild starvation (all low key) and a clean white shirt make up the fabric of this movie- pun intended. Somehow, Mud keeps his white shirt clean and ready.

It's a compelling character study of McConaughey as Mud and especially the two "Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn" type of mischief kids- Ellis and Neckbone. The three characters weave a fascinating tale of life on a river in the deep south.

Fine movie. 8.
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A Deep Dive
13 April 2023
This three-part series is a broad and profound look into the events, and people, connected with the bombing at the 2013 Boston Marathon. It's an especially interesting character study of those who were responsible for the bombing, and of those who were most affected on the day of the Marathon- and the week that followed. The actual terrorists, the local Boston Police, the FBI, along with the local and National Media, are all examined and well represented. Those who were interviewed all have very intriguing stories to tell. Extremely well edited and produced with emotional testimonies. It was compelling from start to finish. I highly recommend this docuseries as it was well worth the three hours. I give it a strong 8. If you're even remotely interested to know what happened at the 2013 Boston Marathon, watch this, right now.
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Green Room (2015)
Green Blood Room
15 December 2022
Green Room is a bloody good time. As long as you're not too squeamish, you'll enjoy the ride.

An innocent, down on their luck, small-time punk rock band, "The Ain't Rights," are on the road in the Pacific Northwest. As the band tries to find work, they take a gig at a small club owned by Darcy (Patrick Stewart), After their set, they go back to the green room to gather their gear and move on. But one of them forgets their phone. When they go back to retrieve the phone, they find themselves at a murder scene in the green room.

The club staff, not wanting any witnesses to leave the scene, hold the band hostage, for more reasons than just the murder. The tension mounts as they try to find a way of escape. What follows is shot guns, machetes, and even a harrowing pit bull encounter.

The characters are good and the acting is solid. The writing and directing also make the grade, keeping the viewer invested until the final scene.
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