
18 Reviews
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I absolutely loved it!
28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So to start i wanna say where im at I watch the cartoon as it came out as a kid and many times since, I love Aang and Korra, so I really hope they continue this series and do one for korra aswell. I have not read any comics but that's about to change. So yes I am quite a big fan.

I quite literally finished this and I gotta say it has its ups and downs but over all. I absolutely loved it, I loved Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko... Hell. I loved them all!! My only casting nit picks is Ty lee - should of had brown hair, (makes her stand out more from the other 2) Azula - She looks good, but in my opinion looks to cute to look psycho but who knows, Mai - I will admit Mai is one I'm not the biggest fan of. And it sucks to say BUT Bumi - I really didn't like him.. he felt more like just an ass rather then an old friend playing tricks. Hope they fix that

Eveyone else lookwise was great!

The combination of episodes did throw me off alittle bit, and unfortunately felt like it took away the story from both. E.g Aang Spirit trip with the guardian of the Forrest and Koh. Also joining S1E5 (King of Omashu) and S2E2 (Cave of 2 lovers)that threw me off alot but it kinda worked. P.s i love they kept the singer travellers!!) , Also much as I love the "filler" type episodes, ( Great Devide, Fortuneteller) I understand why alot was cut, BUT even if it's the 1st episode of season 2 they need to adapt S1E16. Aang needs to try firebending before Zuko teaches him and he need to accidentally burn Katara and swear not to do it again etc. But the last few episodes were amazing! I really need season 2 and 3, mainly cause we have never seen a live action toph! And her eyes better be right. But back to the show again honestly I really enjoyed it, they did a good job, so much better then the movie, (low bar I know) but they did great!

But make sure they know what key moments to have in season 2, bring the owl back for the library! Toph In Aangs vision from the swap and in the tournament! But fingers crossed for Season 2 and 3.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
I wouldn't mind a sequel but MK legacy was better
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Finally got around to watching it, but I'm on the fence about it....

Subzero - I loved his look. And representation of his powers. But that's about it. I hated how he and Hanzo swapped sided. And they said he was the one reborn as subzero in the neither realms? Like Waa, wish it was just the classic Lin Kuei helping earth realm aswell as a hint at smoke,cyrax and sektor. Then obviously movie 2 or 3 the whole cyber thing happens.

Scorpion - I did love his look based around mk11 but wish they used this as his redemption look instead of a main look. But yeah hated how he was the "good" one out of the 2, wish he was just built on the og thinking bi han killed his family, then killing him at the end then a tease of Kuai Liang grabbing his mask or something.

Didn't like Kano, Sonya and Jax's actual power... I liked them just being normal. With tech/cybernetics for Kano, but other then that

Kano - did worry be being "good" but ended up bad made sense. Didn't like the whole died and Sonya getting power from it.

Jax - really did scare me... with everything else I really thought those arms were it.... glad they weren't but I just feel the magic transform of the arms was strange, should of just stared big.

Kabal should ob been normal in the 1st movie then changed in 2nd or 3rd, looked awesome tho. Once again loved the representation of his powers

Mileena like kabal should've been used later, I mean she and kitana have so much story that could of been a base for another film looked cool tho.

Kung lao - I liked everything about ( look, powers, personality) even his death,

Liu kang - idk powers and look but idk about his personality in it

Reptile Wasn't a real fan... :/ reminded me of deadly alliance and was the biggest fan on that version and the 1st live action one,

Goro looked awesome, feel like he got killed to easy tho..

And Cole... well tbh I didn't mind his character, but nothing really ground breaking, would've loved some kinda fight between him nd hanzo in some kind of bi han was framed by quan chi type thing but hey....

Whilst listing the things I didn't like about this I realised something..... i think I like the 2 season mini series mortal kombat legacys better in all honestly, but if they're not going to continue that that I would rather see a sequel to this then it just being a one and done. Plus keen to see what they do with johnny ;) and I understand why they left him out.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
(Finished) All in all Enjoyable
9 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All in all i found the series enjoyable, loved see more clone wars and extended universe character show up such as Cad Bane and Black Krrsantan, i will admit parts of it did feel off, boba being abit soft with tuskens and whatnot, but in the end i'm glad they decided they are not meant for the sit a rule kind of life. Boba's story was interesting. Din showing up was and added bonus, and to be honest and glad that 1st episode with him was in this instead of being the first ep of Mandalorian S3, Don't get me wrong i love Grogu, but i feel him coming back so soon kind of takes away from the big emation scene at the end of Mandalorian S2, and i would've love him to be with luke abit longer, (a lot better cgi with Luke by the way), I'm glad dij showing up didn't take too much of the show away but all in all i did love it, and glad it exists, not sure how a 2nd season would go but it would be interesting, i'd actually love to see. Temuera Morrison show up on a lot of different star wars projects as Rex, Cody, and Any other clones along the way, Hell id love to see more about boba before ep4, like him and cad bane when younger i don't know haha. But yeah all in all loved it.
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Loved it.
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished... as in watched the credits and now i'm here.

I did love it thru and thru... i loved sam's transition in both personality and suit from Captain america and the Winter Soldier to Falcon and the Winter Soldier... yes its a bit political but it works... I honestly thought it was just gonna be another buddy cop slap stick type thing. Loved bucky and his side stories. The Suit at the end looked like it was ripped straight outta the comics! I loved Zemo! I love how we got his purple mask and the 1 hour zemo cut. I Loved John Walker!! Wyatt Russell Played him so well! From the Cap wanna be to the out of control anger! To his choice of saving the truck of people instead of getting his revenge. To officially taking up the role of U. S Agent! His suit once again looked straight out of comics! I loved out the slipped in craters like Battlestar Isaiah Bradley Elijah Bradley The leaper (which he had the black mustache and goatee haha. Sharon's set up is very interesting... i'm keen to see where it goes which mean it would love to see either a 2nd season or a 4th Captain america movie!

I really don't understand why people didn't like it... marvel are killing it with their tv shows.
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Just finished watching
2 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So i just finished watching this with my 5 year old and my partner and I'm not gonna lie, I think we enjoyed more the my little one did, I don't know what that says but their it is haha, he loved the sonic parts drifted off with the rest, which is understandable. But I Really enjoyed this movie, James, tom and Jim all did a great job with their roles. Loved the story and the rest of the characters. Was great to see eggman take on a more iconic look at the end and loved seeing tails, made me keen for a 2nd with the rest of the gang, maybe with shadow as well idk, hoping he was gonna go gold as well but too much for one movie plus no gems so makes sense either way I'm keen for a 2nd,

Also big probs to the understanding of fans and doing the re design!! Not many companies would goo through that!

But imma leave it with, loved it, can see/ hope for a sonic trilogy at least :)
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The Flash: Legacy (2019)
Season 5, Episode 22
9 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not gonna lie, i was never really that keen on Nora's character, Cause it just seemed like the whole story should of been Bart... 1. Going back in time to meet Barry 2. Their names Xs - Impulse - Similar meaning 3. Her whole personality seems like Bart, 4. The fact that she actually had someones help from the future 5. Her saying something is so swea, reminds me of Bart saying some thing so crash (future lingo) 6. And the fact that if she exists Bart wouldn't cause he is the son of Don Allen so Barry and Iris need to have Don and Dawn not Nora (as sweet as the name is)

But.. this death actually got too me. I wouldn't mind seeing the actor come back as dawn instead, with all the timeline changing shenanigans Nora dying dose give me hope to see Bart Allen AKA Impulse show up, and i really hope that his around the same age as Nora if not younger, as much as i love wally it did annoy me at first when 'kid flash' showed up and looked the same age as Barry, like they should of thought about that. but i would love to see Bart on the show
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
I Love it!!
19 February 2020
Not even finished yet, half way through season 4,

So i didn't really know about this show.. until his cameo in Crisis on Infinite Earths. so after that i decided check it out. and i must say i really do love it! Everything about it is amazing, idk how season 4 will end but i can't wait!! i see that it says S5 is gonna come out, So i am so keen for that, i don't know how or why it apparently got canceled but i hope S5 means it will come back, it has become my favorite DC Show out of all of them (Arrow,Flash,DCLoT,Supergirl,Titans,DoomPatrol,Batwomen, Etc)
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Enjoyed it.
16 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, just got back from the movies, Look people are so lucky these days, I don't know why people have such a big probelm with it. Yeah sure their were a few parts that seems abit off, but all in all I really did enjoy it.

(Spoiler part) So i loved rey's new yellow lightsaber, love how she wasn't a Skywalker (what i thought), interesting how she's a Palpatine..still would like to know when that happend, but glad they didn't go into it. Love Ben's redemption, feel like the kiss wasn't necessary, just a hug woulda be fine. Leia.. Well i didn't mind coulda gonna out better but still a better scene then floating in space, all in all I really did enjoy it as the last movie in a trilogy,
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Aladdin (2019)
Did enjoy.
15 January 2020
Was skeptical at first but all in all it was a good movie, I did enjoy watching it, loved Will Smith as the genie, liked all the main cast animals included, like the little changes to story, 1 thing is that last song of jasmine' S just felt out of place, but that about it,
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The Lion King (2019)
Almost perfect
10 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Just got around to watching this, and to be honest i did love it.. but their was a few things that could of been better 1. The music just didn't feel the same, it could of been alot better 2. Wasn't 100% on timon's voice 3.i feel like some scenes, you didn't feel the emotion as much e.g simba screaming while his dads falling, and when his scared or upset, upset that 1 they didn't do timon and pumba's musical distraction and 2 that it sounded like they were about to sing be my guests. God knows why. 5. Ed wasn't crazy enough, and i wish banzai sounded more like the original ( cheech)

But i did like the new scenes they put in like timone and pumbas other friends. But apart from a few things. I loved it
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Batwoman: The Rabbit Hole (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Even better
15 October 2019
2nd ep.. i gotta say i really wasn't expecting to like it but i really am. more and more
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Better then expected
8 October 2019
Look im not gonna lie i wasn't really that keen, didn't mind her appearance in the crossover but didn't really think much of a full series... but i was pleasantly surprised, just finished watching the first episode and i did like it, I'm keen to see how the story unfolds, i think the actors are all good so far, i think the dark side to it is more of an early arrow feel to it which i did enjoy
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Batman: Hush (2019 Video)
Actually loved it!
23 September 2019
Okay, So unfortunately i am not familiar with the original story, and i have seen quite a few negative review saying 'in kinder words' not as good as the original, But coming from someone who is enjoying the DC Animated Universe this one is just as good if not better the allot of other ones, i love killing joke, under the red hood, batman and son, batman vs robin etc but this one is just amazing, love the more darkness through and the story, surprise outta me haha, But it now it makes me want to go read the original and see how my opinion changes. i hope i am able to love both, but if you not a hardcore comic fan and either just read a few here and there or even not at all and just enjoy all the tv, movie,cartoons etc, then i think you will like or love it like i do.
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15 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Okay i love it! It once again proves that Tom Holland is buy far the best live action peter parker/spider-man, i love the whole setting, unfortunately i pretty much called most of the plot before it came out so it it wasn't really a surprise, but it was amazing to see!, and my god the first mysterio vs peter illusion scene was.... absolutely brilliant felt ripped straight from the comic books! Everything about mysterio was incredible..... only 3 things i had a problem with. 1 i personally don't know how i feel about his identity being reveavled to the world.. especially so soon, 2 i don't know if mysterio is really dead but i really hope not because I'd love to see my along side Vulture, Scorpion..... Shocker... i guess (still annoyed they blackwashed him mid movie) a Doc Ock and Sandman then have the sinster six or use scorpion and socker as a side villain and use electro and Kraven and boom the original sinster six but thats me, 3 i do know how i feel about aunt may and happy but oh well it made for some good content. all in all i absolutely loved it!
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Mortal Kombat 11 (2019 Video Game)
Almost Amazing!
28 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So like i say in the title this game is almost amazing. I'll start with the story. The story i really did love, could of been longer but they length it was was still fine, love how it continues on from MKX (as expected) but i was happily surprised to find out that it wasn't just going to be VS Kitana and Liu Kang Like how MKX ended, Was great to see the new characters, Even better to see some MK9 ones back!! Sad to see other characters gone, but all in all i really did enjoy the story, there's really nothing about it i didn't like. Gameplay: The Gameplay is great as always, like a few of the changes made, such as Offensive and Defensive metter bar, I don't know how i feel about the X-rays being changed, i mean i like that its only at the end and you can only do 1 but i feel that the fact that X-rays got split into "Fatal Blow" and "Crushing Blows" kinda takes away some of its new ages galorey that 9 and X had with its greyed out background and i though the reason why it was called and X-Ray was cause it showed more than just the outer layer of skin and yeah it still dose that but "Crushing blow?" it just doesn't seem right. I don't mind that its a slower game and tbh i didn't really notice at first till i realize i could 'run'. but that it for that gameplay, still love it. Customisation: When playing MKX i thought back to armageddon and though how amazing would it be if mk11 brought back Kreate-a-fighter, It almost did! started seeing trailers for mk11 and i couldn't help but wonder , just trying to imagine all the ways you could do it in this day 'n' age, what i got wasn't what i hoped for but still great!! the variations on mkx were the best idea to keep things fresh and the fact that you can make your own is amazing, not being able to just have every move it the roaster was a good move and the gear just make it that much better. Now i do love the idea of skins but... now hear me out on this one... alot of them i feel are kinda 'off' like for example that fact that Sub-Zero can wear Red... and Jade wearing blue i mean it is cool and what now but i just feel that all that random coloured skins could of been better, once again use sub-zero for example instead of the red skins and orange skins that could've used a skin from a previous game X,9, Decp, mk3, same with scorpion, i just feel that those skin slots could have been better used on different skins not just a pallet swap, but that's just me . On the note of customising your character i didn't think that unlocking all the gear pieces and skins etc wasn't gonna be so.. slow? for lack of a different word, but being in the krypt is great! kinda reminds me of shaolin monks lol DLC: God damn i really they dont do they same thing that did with X with all the other characters, i mean i think i saw somewhere that they were popular idk but that fact that (Alien,Predator,Jason & LeatherFace) were all in X was i mean yeah 9 had freddy and/or kratos but 4? Especially when other characters in the story were not playable such as Rain, Fujin, Sereena, Baraka and Frost, normal smoke, night wolf etc, speaking of which once again cyrax and sektor? not playable, idk if its cause the just gonna use them as dlc instead being better and put new people in that you haven't seen yet or just forget about them like mkx,but i just think actual mk character deserve to be in the roster more than others, But yeah i hope if they do to a none MK character i do hope it's only 1 or two, Lastly Character Design: I do Like a lot of the new models, but i feel a lot of there outfits were better in MKX and even some models like Kano etc, most of they faces and expressions are just amazing! but the clothing, and what not like i get MKX was a lot darker (which is one of the things i love about it) but still could of made it a bit less.. i don't know, cheery.. lol prime example (Kano,-Normal Kitana,Jax and a few more. They did the same thing with zelda twilight princess, dark seems more detailed the next up was skyward sword and it went back to looking cartoony, just seems abit like a step backwards i guess but don't get me wrong i still love it all haha,

I know it must not seem like it but all in all i really to love the new installment looking forward to see what else is to come, and just while i here just incase sees this MK 12 Would be that much more Spectacular if 1 you brought back kreate a fighter and 2 for it to have along the same size roster as armageddon, like everyone that's been in the series, i know those are 2 very big things that probably wouldn't be in the same game since, you'd wanna make sure you had a lot to customize and the added every character would just be a crazy big game but just thought to mention haha Mortal kombat has been my favourite fighter game series since god know when lol

and if some actually did read all this well damn, Thanks for your patience :)
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Not as bad.
23 April 2019
Okay so i finally got around to watching CM the day before endgame came out. I'll say honestly it wasn't that bad, i mean i went into this knowing all the conflict the actress has be starting/par taking ' whatever you wanna call it, so i instantly didn't like her. in saying that i do wish i watched this before hand. i found out , because i didn't actually mind the film. So from the start, everytime she would come on screen i could help but think about all the about all the other 'buggery' she has been stirring up, but that lasted about 15 -20 minutes but even so her character did seem very flat/emotionless/robotic, apart from that i didn't mind the story the kree-skrull war, kinda wish there was more of it, nick... um was very different in personality, idk what they did to make 'younger colson' but no. and something i instantly realized that actually really annoyed me is, you can mess up a lot of things over movies and stories, but one thing that really does get all the fans annoyed is consistency, your MCU has its own laws,rules,ledgends,times etc and you gotta make sure everything doesn't fall apart, now i'm saying this cause is true, but in CM its very minor but still irritated me. you gonna laugh about how little this is but. the fact that in iron man 1 they had no name for S.H.I.L.D Phil says Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division and that they're working on a name which was provided at with the end credits on IM1 but when they said "shield" everytime it just made me cringe.i know i know i'm nitpicking but consicity is key with such a big universe, but anyway all in all i didn't mind it, its not my favorite mcu movie and it's not my least favorite marvel movie,
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Almost 100% loved it
7 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
i can say i honestly loved it, i love tom's portail as spider-man/peter parker i love how his love interest is liz instead of Gwen or MJ this time to avoid similarities speaking of which i do love how the decided to skip the origin story which would of be fine if it was the Andrew Garfield story arc but in the MCU, but anyway the high tech version of vulture was actually amazing the relationship between peter and tony and happy is great, and the ending that hints for the sinister six to show up with tombs and Gargan, i have to say have been waiting since sandman showed up in 3 and then again at the end of amazing 2 with all the cameos , but i few things really did bug me, flash Thompson being one of the, like spiderman and the amazing spider man were pretty close with the whole school bully thing but the the MCU... i was hoping for someone who actually looked like he could be flash but honestly he is the exact opposite, and the other MJ like what?! i kind would rather she didn't show up at all then it be someone whose name isn't actually Mary Jane Watson let alone looks anything like her, i know people are changing but.. really mj...really? i just hope its slows down a bit since the 1st guy to play shocker looked more like him then the 2nd guy, i know comic back in the day were a bit umm colour friendly and even though i am dark skinned it still really bugs me that it happens so much like i love Donald Glover but when people said Donald for Peter Parker i still went nah better as miles, by the way i am so glad he was still in the movie, but Fury, Flash, MJ, Shocker the list goes on for both DC and Marvel, Also i really hope they don't ruin venom by skipping straight to a solo movie rather than later dawing the symbiot fist then passing it on to eddie vire the bell tower that's just to iconic to skip and then carnage maybe even toxin, saw a photo of Cameron Monaghan as Carnage/Cletus Kasady and i think it would be a fantastic choice just throwing that out there. sorry for getting off topic kinda but all in all still loved the movie, can't wait to see what follows.
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Power Rangers (2017)
Please no hate as is my opinion
15 June 2017
Look i know i am most likely gonna get hate from this but. I am 21 years old Born 1996, And i grew up with power rangers from Mighty Morphin all the way to Mystic Forces only ever skipping Spd (idk why) But i Love them even now i still watch the older ones from time to time. i have read some of the other comments and yes i do agree that some aspects of the movie are not ideal for children, because thats what this movie is, just like the superhero genre older people who grew up with them are saying that it's too childish, while other (that i agree with) say some scenes were really thought out for this particular genre e.g Cow,car chase, ankle bracelet etc but, i honestly was so keen for this, but after a few trailers i kinda lost hope, i finally got around to watching it, and although at first i was a bit Effie on some particular scenes and changes but i found myself loving the movie, it brought back old memories of when i first watched them, the graphics were great, the characters/actors were great, rita was so different but awesome and i would love to see more, lord z, Rito, Bulk & Skull! Tommy's transaction from evil green to good green to good white,the ninja zords, Ivan ooze, the swap to rocky, adam ,aisha and eventually kat, even if they carried over to Zeo, turbo and space (as my favorite apart from MM) i know its has a lot of differences from the original some good some bad, and if they stopped the inappropriate scenes, i really think in time it could end up being a great movie series for a new generation of kids to watch and for older people to bring up old memories, as that i have tried watching the new TV power rangers but in my opinion they just aren't as good as the older ones but hey, the kids must still love them, i know this wasn't that much of a review on the movie itself but i think there was a few good point, sorry if i offended anyone

p.s gotta love Amy and Jason's appearance at the end, 5 power rangers and 2 appearances as rangers in super power beat down and Jason is still hanging on gotta love it :)
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