3 Reviews
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Kong is not supposed to act like a human in a Kong suit
14 July 2024
OK, so Kong has human facial movements, human walking movements, human movements like clean his arms off and showering?

Is this what bad moviemaking has come to? Oh, yeah, and poor CGI that makes no sense in context ... and, made up carnivores?

Seriously, this is sad - especially given such a low bar to start. Why would writers depart from an interesting and solid theme with consistent characters, albeit, not great characters, but at least ones that have historical context.- and a purpose.

I admit Zi was unable to get past the absolute silliness of the first scene. Green organs for obviously mammilian creatures who eat meat?

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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Should have remained in post production
16 March 2024
It should have remained in post production.

He's far too old, from the wrong place, too emotional, too immature, the handlers on Earth seem like stupidly trained Russian agents, the lack of focus and assigned personnel on Earth, the bleakly miserable wife, the terrible spacecraft mockup and design, the nonsensical velocities, odd time rhythm, lack of food and water storage are very shortsighted which shows a lack of understanding, the total absence of a reasonable comms delay between Earth and ship, etc, etc, etc.

That it is even possible to make such an awful movie makes me think terrible things about our system ... like, maybe there is a spider somewhere eating our brains?
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It seems impossible to pay to make something this bad
1 March 2024
Wrong USN/JMSDF uniforms, wrong shirts, wrong insignia, wrong hair length, wrong rank structure, far too many women in positions of power, disrespectful JMSDF enlisted personnel, wrong submarine, wrong plot, wrong writing, wrong physics, wrong drydock, wrong, wrong.

There are fine Japanese and American actors - fine producers - fine set builders and costume professionals - why were none of them hired for this disaster? Where was the technical advisor - wait - there is no way there was a technical advisor.

How is this production of wrong even possible.

Never allow any of these people to work in entertainment - ever again!
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