4 Reviews
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Didn't like it - but I could appreciate it
12 March 2010
This is something that only could have been made in the early 70's. Its more of an acid trip than a movie. I wouldn't be surprised if this had been shot as a full on porn but then cut to be released as "art" when they realized how bad it was. It actually makes it funnier to have these abrupt cuts in the very, very un-sexy sex scenes. The film stock looks burnt and scratched most of the time and there is no audio for the actors, its all voice over narration. Low budget and amateur to its very core.

But, I'd always rather see something that sucks because its so weird that sucks because its the same as everything else - that's why it gets a 5.
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Neon Maniacs (1986)
Didn't like it - but I think horror fans should see it
12 March 2010
While I found it ultimately disappointing, it was a nice attempt at being different. The movie had nice costumes,make up and some humor. But it was too uneven. I'm not sure the film makers truly decided what type of movie this was going to be. I disliked the music that was used for background music and I really disliked the live music scenes. The background music was largely responsible for giving the mixed messages about what type of "feel" a scene was supposed to have. i just didn't feel like the scenes that were shot, and what was put together in editing and post-production matched.

But for B-movie, Video Nasty people I think its worth one watch.
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Prom Night (1980)
12 March 2010
I was really disappointed by this movie. When I watched this movie all I could think was that some studio executive said "I like Halloween and I like Carrie - and they both made money. Make me something like that." It's a competent movie, it just had no real spirit to it. I didn't find the kills or the killer to be very creative - just very by-the-book slasher. And I know its a staple to have older people playing the "teenagers" but in this one the students and teachers were so close in age I kept getting them confused.

I'd really recommend "The Burning" or the original "Black Christmas" over this to find a slasher with a little more vigor and ingenuity.
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Sick Nurses (2007)
Really disappointing...
5 August 2009
I was really disappointed with this movie. It was not scary. It was not gory. It was not sexy. The shower scene was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in a movie. But that scene also defines what was wrong with the movie. If you are going to do something, commit to it. If you aren't going to have a naked girl showering, don't bother having her go into the shower. If you are going to have a movie called "Sick" Nurses, then be sick. The gore scenes copped-out, they pulled away before it got really bad or showed reactions and not the act itself. The body harvesting and the source of the ghost powers are poorly defined. The movie just doesn't do enough or go far enough to be worth watching.
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