
5 Reviews
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Naked Snctm (2017–2018)
A medicre effort
31 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
5 is a fitting score for this series. It was not unwatchable but it certainly has its flaws. The producers have put forward a mediocre effort on a subject that should be fascinating. There are very few insights into the subject of sex and how North Americans deal with it. It is rather an expose on hedonism and ultimately how shallow it can be.

Damon - the founder of sanctum comes across as shallow while trying to appear deep and his employees come across as sycophantic. No where is this summed up better than when Damon is planning a circus themed private party for one of the platinum members of the club. Instead of circus he goes with a m\Marie Antoinette theme and then incorrectly states there was a rumor that she had sex with a horse. Showing a confident ignorance after his employees express doubt about having Marie Antoinette at a circus theme he presses on. Neither his English operations manager or French event planner challenge him on the fact that it was Catherine the great who was rumored to have had sex with a horse, If anyone would know it should have been those two.

The producers have failed to create any kind of pathos for the characters instead leaving them as shallow 2 dimension images. One of the performs is featured with his girlfriend who predictably has a problem with what he does. In one scene Damon is agonizing over his broken marriage (lost due to his lifestyle) and in the next he is having a threesome with hired prostitutes. I say prostitutes because performers or not they are having sex for money. In the end the producers show little more than the fact that people are going to do what makes them happy without any real insight to what real happiness might be or what real intimacy might look like.

I feel sorry for every one employed at SNCTM and hope they can come to some real self examination.

Overall a mediocre effort.
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Home Economics (2021–2023)
Who thinks this show is funny?
20 April 2021
I watched the first episode because the reviewer sad they had some laugh out loud moments and because I like Topher Grace. Now I hate Topher Grace and feel a sad sense of despair for those who think this show is funny. The who cast is miscast and the writing is bland at best. The producers of this show should be ashamed to put their names on it. This seems like it was created by a bunch of network idiots who think they know what viewers want. A real throwback to the 80's when networks decided what was funny.
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Downward Dog (2017)
Unexpectedly engaging
21 June 2017
***EDIT*** I'm giving the show 2 more stars than my original score because I just stumbled upon the review and felt a twinge of nostalgia for it. I don't know what kind of mood I was in the original review but I miss this show and that's worth extra.

When i first read the premise for this show I couldn't believe it was so well reviewed. I had visions of cheesy voice overs telling tired and clichéd jokes. But after giving it a try I found it to be clever and engaging. The characters are believable and easy to relate to and the show offers well thought out scripts. I especially appreciated main character rising above the usual standards of Hollywood beauty. While firmly rooted in the romantic comedy genre, this show transcends the formulaic sitcom and offers an interesting take on life today. 7.5 star out of 10. The moral here is don't judge a book by its cover.
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Dear White People (2017–2021)
solid - don't listen to the misguided
2 May 2017
When i first searched this show on IMDb it was rated at 5 yet rotten tomatoes rated it 100%. Intrigued, i decided to watch it and detirmine the reasons for such a discrepancy. Low and behold the basic difference... racism. I guarantee that the people leaving bad reviews are white and while not necessarily racist (although i am sure several are) certainly misguided. The show itself is excellently cast and the acting is brilliant. The show is stylistically captivating and it manages to delve into explorations of several themes important to black culture and racism in today's society. It focuses on developing characters and themes and in my opinion is 100% better than the film it is based on. However... I did find it a little disappointing at times. The opening narration tries to be clever but comes across as sarcastic and patronizing. The style of the series as ultra hip tended to alienate me at times. Every dorm room looks like the perfect IKEA ad and the series only seems to include rich folk, which tends me to think of black rich people problems. Overall however it developed its characters well, it was engaging and explore important ideas without being preachy.
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Girlboss (2017)
23 April 2017
How this show is rating a 7.3 is beyond me. I created an IMDb account just so I could comment on how awful this show is. The lead character is entirely unlikable and the show is nothing more than clichés and tired old tropes. The the supporting characters are 1 dimensional and the acting is wooden. There is nothing original about this show which is unfortunate because if executed properly there could have been a lot of themes to explore. As it stands this show is complete dreck.
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