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Coach Carter (2005)
a damn good people movie
13 September 2024
Im not american or care about basketball or black american youths but this movie really grabs the heart strings and a great performance by Samuel out of his stereotype roles and into reality. It really sucks some segments of the population are treated so unfairly.. great supporting performances from the whole cast. I only recognise a handful of faces but i dont require movies to have famous names in the credits all i want is a good story told well and Coach Carter delivers in abundance it has a genuine message many can learn and grow from everyone should watch it and go help make your corner of the world a little bit better.
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Pulse 3 (2008)
just dont bother
27 May 2024
So bad for many reasons both pulse 2 and 3 are ruined by the entire production team. The actors are good considering the crap direction and over reliance of green screen for reasons they never use to improve the look . They stick to their own lack of skills like a dog with a bone. When they should of hired people with skills instead of thinking they can do it themselves with pirated software. Only the actors bring skills to the whole production and the musical score but no one else bad camera work horrid editing and writing poor use of locations the tricks they try to use to progress the stories just doesn't ever work and brings things to a halt in annoyance.
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Army of One (2020)
cliché and bland
29 January 2024
I assume other reviewer were wantin big blockbuster effects and have no comprehension of what it takes to bring a crew together and produce a movie. Nothing about this movie catches me or makes me empathetic to any of the characters. The strong female lead was nicely established and believable. The locations were nicely hillbilly creepy and believable. And the community ties just too obvious. There is nothing entertaining to enjoy and the action isnt very inpressive . Its done well enough all round just nothing very impressive or as rotten as some other movies i wont call it a waste of time but if you want something to get your heart racing or impress your friends then look elsewhere. Worth watching if its on though then stoo expecting more when you cant do anywhere as good you haters only going to hate as always.
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Last Sentinel (2023)
unconventional scifi
17 January 2024
I found this to be an endearing character drama. Not what you might have expected but with characters to love and feel for and a world to care for. My heart was surprisingly caressed by the people and place the actors rake us to. May not appeal to Hollywood fanboys who want special effects instead of acting. There are numerous messages to find for yourself as well and some twists.. i found myself being drawn to the female lead though she isnt the supermodel in distress ee often get in similar roles. Just real people to relate to without the overt sterotype rubbish. It had me second guessing for a while but kept surprising me. Really enjoyable from all angles.
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65 (2023)
just beautiful on every level
8 May 2023
Not the stereo typical scifi trash. Great character interaction. Not all miraculous escapes from hostiles. Or a wonderful scooby do ending. Just a good journey through an adventure. Highs and lows as normal in life and some unexplained mysteries. I was sad to be taken out this world by the credits. The special effects were typical but not mind blowing and the world quickly becomes comfortable and familiar which i guess made it difficult to create surprises that weren't obvious and expected it kept up a nice pace. Biggest surprise were the main characters and how they developed together as they learnt to face the challenges they faced and cooperate. Nice to not be stereotypes and to have characters you feel for equally .

Such an unexpected joy to experience this gem.
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A fantastically funny time machine adventure in single building.
21 April 2022
A strange tale of time travel that doesn't try to be serious or explain the implausible science others usually do. The comedy is really well done and the story very character driven. It reminds me much of Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers, which is another strange comedy from Japan. I like how here we are clueless along with the characters so we explore the situation along with them. While there is much that doesn't work or is just wrong from a "realism" standpoint but its not meant to be real. Just enjoy being swept along with the situation, finding answers and not finding answers as whatever happens just happens. Its just plain fun so sit back and enjoy the lack of stereotypical characters and events, maybe with a drink of hot chocolate.
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The Requin (2022)
Just dont even bother
3 March 2022
Yet another low budget and low quality shark movie with appalling performances from actors who should know better. The effects and compositing are also just as bad. Only redeeming factor is its in colour and maybe not even that. Also shows a complete ignorance and lack of respect to PTSD sufferers. Its not quite the most unwatchable shark movie ever but its close to it. Looks like it was made for under $100 and everyone involved put in an amount of effort in line with that budget and in shows in all aspects of this "movie". Sad effort really.
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Mostly the deserving die in this latest chapter.
2 March 2022
When LF gets worked up you cheer for him and at the types of people he kills. But overall this is trying to be a trendy way to make money from the franchise and despite a good start its just a bland addition to the LF story nowhere near the best of the films, not particularly scary or anything.
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Tey another money grab remake
15 February 2022
The 1947 original is so much better, remakes like this insult original creations and add nothing in return. Its the same script which was just fine as it was, better casting and acting too in the original. Very disappointed in the people attached to this pap.
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Moon Crash (2022)
Nothing but garbage, dont bother.
15 February 2022
Actors chosen for token demographics and not talent, not a single one is even plausible for their character. The plot is as solid as a basket of soup. And the effects are straight out of the '90s. Sets and props no good. The science is garbage and everything about this movie is worthless. Well i guess you can hear the sound, thats a plus right? Camera work is appauling with small zoom ins/outs at the end of every conversation scene. This is the project of a failed film school class right?
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Good for Dexter fans
14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You might see this show as a continuation of the Dexter universe or the start of Dexters legacy. But at least The old Dexter is back for the whole show which is awesome as is Deborah as his conscience. The show also introduces Dexters Son Harrison who we now see grown up and finding his father and his place in the world. Unfortunately this ends Dexter definitively and likely an introduction to Dexters son carrying on his work. Its a shame the characters are flat and lifeless and nowhere near as loveable as Dexter so i dont see a further series to be any good if they bother making it,. This series feels like a pilot to test profitability of continuing and i dont see it happenening. Unfortunatelty its only good points were all tied the Dexter himself who doesn't live to see another series. This show is both awesome and crappy for Dexter Fans and without Dexter in the lead its just too different and poor characters to sustain interest, such a shame as it could have been a great continuation of Dexter. Still I enjoyed seeing Dexter back and in good form once again.
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The Ministry of Time (2015–2020)
Fantastically fun show
12 February 2022
I'm not Spanish nor understand ut or Spains history but this show is just amazing, Some of the historic events and figures I am familiar with and its interesting to see how they are incorporated into the framework of guarding against changes to history. The acting is just wonderful and characters charismatic and humerous. Its not a very serious show and often fairly light. The time travel aspect is not perfect but then it never is in any show. So dont get too hung up on the lack of proof for it, just enjoy and accept the world as its presented, they keep to their defined world better than hollywood time travel shows. Absolutely a great show to watch if you have the chance, i saw it with subtitles but its light storylines make it easy to watch and skip reading the subs so would suit anyone wanting an easy casual show .
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Brings nothing to the genre.
28 January 2022
This show is just like every other ufo show. Scripting it to focus on the men in black component doesn't help. Its still all footage and interviews everyone has seen for decades in ufo shows. It offers nothing new to the field, no new footage or evidence. Its just a money grabbing exercise by the people involved in creating this useless trash. I want my time back for what I wasted to give this a chance. The show doesn't even try to present any conclusion, but as there is nothing new and no proof its just the same garbage rehashed, they present questions as if they were proof. Lots of "What if..." "who are..." type stuff. And just presented boring as hell. Just avoid it. They've taken longer archival footage and editing it down to try to create new spin narratives by removing the original narrative and context.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Extinction? Bring it on.
24 January 2022
I'm ashamed to say I enjoyed this. Clearly its a commentary on the fact that the human species has lost its humanity and no matter how bleak we won't learn to change ourselves. The sooner we are made extinct the better really.

Just make sure you watch the end credits through to the very very end, couple of easter egg endings to see that way.
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James May: Our Man in... (2020–2024)
Yet another Amazon production ruined by Amazon crew
22 January 2022
James does a great job here of trying his best to be polite and explain to us foreigners many aspects of japanese life. Its very interesting and informative until the Amazon crew butt in to tell James what he really means and feels. They are just instrusive and keep forcing unrealistic experiences and don't allow James the time to learn from his mistakes. All the show really teaches us is that americans are selfish, opinionated, impatient and demanding. As if the world doesn't already get that impression. If you expect James to be a dick like he could be on top gear, you'll be disappointed. He's naturally respectful and polite despite attempts from the director to force situations for James to cause offence. As James travels from north to south Japan we get a diverse view of Japanese nature, culture, food, technology. Its refreshing the show isnt a snapshot of cliches. I hope his future adentures he will be allowed to learn and develope with his guides at his natural pace in an honest way.overall James when he was allowed to be was great, his guides interesting and overall the show was good.
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Just superb.
21 January 2022
A realistic autopsy of a "dead" t-rex. An incredible amount of work and research went into creating the body so it can be examined layer by layer. The latest (at the time) research from palaeontology has revealed many credible facts about various dinosaurs such as chemical analysis of fossils revealing colour pigments that were chemically changed during fossilisation which have shown dinosaurs had marking patterns and backtracking the chemical reaction gives us chemicals and thus the colours present when the dinosaurs were alive.. imprints in fossils show the evolution of feathers and feather stems from pores like we see today with hair and whiskers. Working with the size and density of fossil bones the stresses and weight of dinosaurs can be determined. These sorts of things are well documented in peer reviewed scientific literature, its not just guesswork. Thanks to Jurassic Park though a recent resurgence occurred in the study of dinosaurs and all that new knowledge went into the planning and preparation of the t-rex body used in this documentary. This show is about the autopsy to explain and show the biology and explain some of the things we've learnt from fossils in a way that the lay person can understand. The body is so realistic it may not be suitable for some who are squeamish about such things (like if you had trouble dissecting a creature in high school biology.) Every little aspect of the t-rex physiology is based on rigorous science and amazingly recreated as an intact body so as the show scientists cut it open they encounter features that would have been present on/in the living creature. This is a life size adult creature too and the show is much in the same vein as Inside Natures Giants which in turn back in the Victorian Era had public viewable creature dissections as both for educational and entertainment purposes. Just an astounding documentary for all.
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Dead Man (1995)
Something for everyone.
20 January 2022
This is a strange movie to take in in one go as its own entity. Its somewhat arty presentation in black and white and a seemingly single theme song that lulls you you to the edge of sleep before sudden violence brings you back. I've found this to be engaging. Theres depictions of the attitudes towards women of the time, as well as towards the native americans, the environment and the growth of society and much more here for all sorts of student to study and write commentaries about. The movie is chuck full of famous actors in roles you wouldn't expect them to be. The cinematography is just stunning in places counterpointed by gruesome framing in others. There's just something for everyone to comment on in this movie whether its something small that piques your interest or something you have to force an Opinion on to the rest of the world. The more times you watch it the more things you pick up on. Including it not fitting the typical mould of a movie which often takes the audience with the main character to the depths of despair then elation of triumph and satisfaction. I don't know if you feel satisfied by the end but you do feel you've travelled a journey. I have seen it many times and always feel I've experienced more of the world (I'm not American, so maybe its more insight into american history) rather than just being entertained. The acting all around is superb and so much is conveyed with so little and the constant slow pace of the movie allows, or maybe forces the actors to be more physically expressive to draw us into their world instead of the typical dynamic performances or overacting we get.

Just a fantastic movie to experience, time after time. If you have expectations you'll be disappointed Dead Man is its own entity just enjoy it on its own terms and discover in yourself the nuggets of gold this movie has to offer.
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Yet another poor adaptation of a Stephen King masterpiece.
20 January 2022
It's clear SK long ago sold out creative freedom when licensing his books for adaptation or at least doesnt care about them once published. Its a financial decision many authors face about where the best reward for their work comes in and how much they care about what is used or changed. There are some of his works that were treated well in film and are faithful, like Carrie, The Shining and Misery. But SK is able to build a world and populate it from the page into your brain and unfortunately most of the adaptations of his work fall flat. Perhaps The Dark Tower was too big for a studio to tackle, though we've seen Tolkien and Rowley brought to life well, if not faithfully. Perhaps King specified when signing it over that it be nothing like the books, which were both an epic personal journey for him and never ending nightmare. Maybe it was meant to bury the universe of Roland so that it couldn't come back to haunt him for more.

Fans of the novels are best to avoid, as are most others, this is a door you shouldn't cross. The world has moved on.
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Let down by impossible storyline
19 January 2022
Some interesting characters and great special effects this is yet another "end of the world" movie. The plotline starts off weak and thins to nothing fairly quickly and its based on non-existent science. Not that its unwatchable and there are plenty of people who enjoyed The Core and Armageddon who would enjoy The Wandering Earth too. Even though the science is very wrong its not even consistent to itself throughout the movie, the characters are flat and have little development to be engaging to the audience.
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Storm Boy (2019)
Refreshingly not a money grabbing remake of a classic
15 January 2022
A well done sequel of sorts to the original classic and tastefully tied into the original movie. We see the original boy now a grandfather marrying the past and present with ecological issues and the fight against blind profiteers. Its more like what you see on the news rather than a fictional story. Even though they changed some of the original movie in some recreated "memory" scenes its done well and keeps to the feeling of the scene in the original movie Especiall since one of the original stars, David Gupilil, passed recently and this movie I don't think is disrespectful to the memory of this great.
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Just an amazing film.
5 January 2022
When watching for the first time the film keeps flipping your ideas about Goodman's character, is he good, is he bad? And right up to the end your certainty about him keeps shattering. Once the film ends you understand better and you need to watch it again to really see how amazing the plot evolves and the characters are portrayed. Just superb to portray a large scale story in small scale confines with not only physical but also psychological limitations of people thrown in together , having to make the most of the situation .
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A great movie but not an experience most people got or ever will.
5 January 2022
Firstly while this may be the first "found footage" film many hear about there was one at least back in the 50's 60's with found footage regarding a horror locked in Ice in the arctic or antarctic.

Secondly the real greatness of the Blair Witch Project was how was an internet experience which nobody will get to experience again. They had a "News" website with periodic reports and leaked footage and experiences from townsfolk building up this whole mystery and at the time it wasn't being presented as an upcoming movie release but as a true event unfolding there, leading up to the release of the movie as if it was a documentary presenting the facts as they were known. So if you hadn't experienced the website at the time the movie falls flat as many people see it, but in conjunction it delivered an amazing experience which nobody else has ever achieved. Many of the "news reports of murders and locations we heard about on the website really connected the movie viewer to the locations when we reached them in the film. So we have a polarising result for the movie because most people now don't understand it outside the context of the leadup website, but for those of us who were there and a part of it it gave us a strong experience. Truly unique.
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A good study in everything to NOT do in making a movie.
18 May 2021
Not a single aspect of this "movie" is done right. Anyone interested in making movies or working in the industry should watch this trash to know exactly what never to do. Being in colour doesn't even help this garbage stink any less. Colour grading/matching is non existant. The characters are one dimensional and there is zero attempt to develope the characters into anything you can be interested in. The lines are delivered flat and lifeless that a text to speech program from the '70s would have improved things. They've been pieced together that its painful to listen to every conversation. All the special effects compositions are so very wrong and sound effects too they draw attention to how they dont fit at all in any respect.

Its clear not even students were involved as zero skills have been used anywhere in the making of this movie, even if it had been made fifty years earlier its just garbage garbage garbage. I'd guess someone pirated a lot of software and decided to call themselves a movie director much like facebook idiots call themselves photographers because they bought a cheap DSLR or paid $2 for a photo filter app in their phone. Skills are needed to make you a producer of anything, not the tools you use.
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