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27 April 2019
WOW! This movie is FANTASTIC in every single regard. I won't spoil anything because I'm not gonna be that guy, but WOW just take my word for it. EVERYTHING about this movie is done right! Thea cting is psot on. The effects are groundbreaking. The story is the one of the most clever stories I've ever seen. The action scenes will go down as one of the best action scenes of all time, FACT. The directing was perfect. The writing was perfect. Just...everything was perfect! Thanos is one of the best film villains in cinematic history! Josh Brolin will get a nomination for best supporting actor at this year's Oscars. I'm betting money on it! Robert Downey Jr may also get a nomination too. Is it feminine of me to say I cried a little bit during multiple parts of this movie? I'm not a liberal and I don't cry easily but WOW, this movie actually pulled at my strings a little bit and I give it mad respect for it! I genuinely think this film will be the one to win best picture at the Oscars in 2020. It will at the very least get a Best Picture nomination with other nominations in best screenplay, directing, actor, supporting actor, and every technical film nomintation like sound and effects. These movies are basically the Call Of Duty of films...they just get better and better, and we never wanna see them stop! GO SEE IT.
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Kin (I) (2018)
People didn't like this?? Kin is AWESOME!
4 April 2019
I saw ads and posters for Kin before it was released and the movie looked really cool but before I could see it, it vanished from theaters in like two weeks! Nowhere was this playing anywhere, and most critics (even ones I trust) were bashing it as one of the worst of the year! So I ignored it until I two nights ago when it came on TV...guess what? This movie is awesome! What exactly did people hate about it? This film has great characters and an interesting story that combines coming-of-age with roadtrip films with sci-fi horror! For a better picture, think A River Runs Through It meets Starman meets The Terminator. The acting is great, the effects are great, the story is great, and the aliens are great! James Franco is the villain and he is FANTASTIC in the role, probably the best I've ever seen him! The film is also filled to the brim with endless 80's references from John Carpenter and James Cameron...actually, the film feels directly like something that could've been made by either two back in the 80's. It has really cool synth music and cinematography ripped right out of the time period. Overall this film is just very entertaining. I liked pretty much everything about it! I really really really do not understand why it is so hated. It's no masterpiece, but it's still a fun and exciting original sci-fi movie with likable characters and a great story. I'd take this any day above an Adam Sandler comedy!
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You thought Tremors 2 through 4 were bad? You thought it couldn't get worse than Tremors 5? Oooohhhhh boyyyy....
31 March 2019
To the people who say 2-4 are all terrible movies, your brains will explode once you see how bad this one is. I mean WOW. What were these guys thinking? I don't even know where to start. First of all, this movie feels NOTHING like a Tremors movie. It feels like an extended episode from the 2003 TV series...a BAD episode, too. It CLEARLY was written by people who don't give a flying crap about the original films or their characters. They decided to make Perfection some abandoned wasteland despite the fact that it was one of the worlds biggest touring destinations in the 3rd movie and TV series. Continuity? Burt Gummer acts nothing like he did in his other films either. He's gun obsessed, not some military drill sergeant! Just because you like guns doesnt mean you're all "ATENN-SHUN! DROP AND GIVE ME 50, SOLDIER" like someone from Full Metal Jacket. Burt was never like that in the first four, so why is he like that now? The film messes up several pieces of lore from the first film too, even worse than the fifth movie. Now the graboids are poisonous and touching their skin will kill you? Since when??? I don't remember Val and Earl getting sick after manhandling the dead graboid that hit the concrete wall in the first movie. Do you? Apparently the filmmakers of this one do. Also, graboids can move perfectly fine in water now? Uh, since when? Water and dirt are NOT the same thing, even an 8-year-old could tell you that. I guess this means graboids have also secretly had gills all this time too? But then there's just other stuff about this movie that just makes you cringe! It takes place in the Nunavut Territory, Canada...and guess what? THEY MISSPELL THE WORD "NUNAVUT" AS "NUNOVOT"!!! WHAT??? Can you not do ANY research??? If Tremors 7 takes place in Texas, will it be spelled as 'TECKSIS' or something? Will Australia be "Oztraylea"? Just wow. Proof that NOBODY looked over this thing. It doesn't even look like they shot in the arctic, instead it looks like any other valley. It could've taken place in Mexico and we would buy it just as much. Another thing is that the comedy is just AWFUL here. The graboid burps at the end, and it's that cartoony stock sound effect burp we've all heard a million times. Seriously! A character also farts at one point too, and it's that cliche stock cartoony fart we've heard a million times. So Tremors, a series that once had sophisticated word play and visual gags, is now resorting to burp and fart jokes you'd see on an episode of Planet Sheen. It's just sad to see that some producer somewhere watched it in the editing room and was like "yes, this is comedic genius! A burping graboid! Perfect!" There's simply nothing good about this movie. Every character in it is bland, forgettable, and unlikable. People literally make the dumbest decisions every chance they get, like people blatantly disobeying logic for no reason at all just so we more deaths. Everyone should know by now that graboids hunt by sound, so why would a scientist choose to run away screaming instead of standing still? It makes you facepalm. As I said earlier, the film feels more like an extended TV show episode. I will never understand why people crap on Tremors 2, 3, and 4 (okay I understand why people crap on 5) when those films look like The Godfather in comparison to this one. They might have been silly, but they were never this blatantly cartoonish and childish. Someone needs to buy the rights back and make a decent Tremors 7 with SS Wilson and Brent Maddock back on board, because those two guys actually care!
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Bird Box (2018)
29 March 2019
**I thought I posted this review months ago but for some reason it's not on my page. I'm not sure if it was deleted or if my submission just never went through or if my internet was bad or whatever. Here it is again**

Bird Box is really overhyped. I feel like the film was just very underwritten. I get that the monsters were never going to be seen and that's fine, but a lot of the other stuff just seems lazy. What happened to the two people who stole the car? Why was John Malkovich so forgiving to the woman who caused his wife's death? Why were some people brought to suicide but others enlightened or whatever? The script said that like those people had schizophrenia or something, but a lot of people were enlightened. Is half of the population schizophrenic in this film's universe? Because in real life nowhere near that many people would be alive. And are you really telling me Sandra Bullock and the buff black guy lived in total peace for five years before people came to their house? The big question I had is WHAT WERE THE THINGS? Were they monsters? Aliens? Demons? A military experiment gone wrong? Something in the air? Multidemensional beings? The funny guy from Get Out briefly hints that they may be some sort of Biblical demonic entity, but he's a fat slob who bumbles over his own two feet and is constantly being dumb so are we supposed to take his theory seriously? The rest of the movie is okay I guess but I don't really think the whole aspect was done well. There are a few good seens but there are tons of better and more logical "a few years after the world has ended and we're the only ones left" kind of movies, like A Quiet Place, It Comes At Night, I Am Legend, and Oblivion to name a few. Placing half of the movie on day one and then cutting ahead five years for the second half was a bad move, either pick one or the other.
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Us (II) (2019)
Made no sense.
29 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Get Out was okay. Like I enjoyed it, had good suspense towards the end and had some top notch acting but it was no Best Picture nominee (if A Quiet Place, Tremors, The Thing, Dawn Of The Dead, They Live, and Evil Dead 2 didn't get BP nominations then neither should've Get Out) but overall I thought it was pretty good. I'd say Daniel Kaluuya's Oscar for best actor was the only that truly deserved a nomination. But I was fairly excited to see Us since I heard it was made on a much bigger budget, was about 30 minutes longer than Get Out, and was supposed to be a psychological horror akin to The Shining. So I saw it and while I liked it I probably liked Get Out more. So the acting is again very good and the cinematography is great (same genius who did It Follows) but the story just didn't make much sense. So there have been these random clones living underground for decades just eating rabbits? The explanation really didn't make much sense. Do these clones mirror people's actions or not? Are their personalities the exact opposites or the exact same? All of this stuff just changes back and forth. I thought there would be some clever scenes of them using their own weaknesses or strengths against their clones, but that only kind of happens one time. And the twist at the end really made no sense. So she just forgot her entire past? Also, the movie has VERY inappropriate bouts of random humor. Like people said Get Out was too funny but that movie only had like two funny scenes. This movie however has random prat falls and people going "lol girl say wutttt????" like there's an entire scene were a person is trying to call the police but her Siri mistakes her command for an Ice Tea rap song with tons of swearing, so as she's being violently murdered it's just blaring a random goofy gangsta rap song about being black or whatever. It makes no sense. Imagine if they started playing 'Rock Lobster' during the "here's Johnny!" scene in The Shining, or if they played James Browns' 'I Feel Good' during the blood test scene in The Thing. Just...why? Get Out was never that obnoxious. Actually this movie makes me appreciate Get Out alot more because that film actually made a lot of sense and was short. This one doesn't. But on the pluses it does look very nice and some of the moments are very intense. It looks very nice but I wish the script made more sense.
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Predators (2010)
Still holds up...better than the Shane Black movie by far!
29 December 2018
Robert Rodriguez making a Predator movie sounds awesome, and it is! I loved this movie when it first came out in theaters. Keep in mind, we had been having a string of terrible PG-13 Alien Vs Predator movies that DO NOT COUNT! But yeah they are terrible movies, so it was SO refreshing to see a new movie in the franchise made by a good director, produced by people who actually cared about Predator, and more. The plot is very suspenseful. It is about a group of randomly chosen people dropped into a strange jungle, where we later learn is actually the Predator's planet and the people are some of the most dangerous people from around the world! Mercenaries, spies, warlords, serial killers, survivalists, and top rank soldiers. It was a very cool idea for the predators to select the most badass and feared people on Earth to hunt in a game of survival on their home planet. All of the characters are really cool, and I dont really like Adrian Brody but this was the first thing I saw him in that made me like him, though I wish Danny Trejo would of lasted longer then he does. Watching these characters unfold the pieces of the puzzle is really suspensful because doesn't know what is going on either. The CGI is top knotch and probably could of been nominated for an Oscar. The cinematography is great too. I remember thinking this was the most clear HD camera quality I had ever seen in a movie back in 2010 and while a lot of movies nowadays look the same or even better, the cinematography still holds up and makes the green jungle look very creepy. The action scenes also rule! The gore is AWESOME and blew my mind back in 2010, because big theatrical films simply did not show the amount of exploding heads or spilled intestines that this movie did. There is a guy who gets his spine ripped out while he's still alive, and that is such a brutal but cool death in a movie. Oh and of course the kickass Predator theme from the original film makes multiple appearances! So if the action, gore, effects, acting, characters, story, music, and suspense all work, then what is wrong? My main issue is that the film comes to a GRINDING HALT once Laurence Fishbourne enters the film. I love Fishbourne, he's one of my favorite actors, but he is TERRIBLE in this movie (mostly from the writing, not the acting) and has no point whatsoever! He shows up, is really awkward and confusing, and dies. The pacing in the first half was so good that it is very sad to see the film fall apart in the second half. Even, after Fishbourne dies, the film never really recovers and suddenly we at in the climax. Before Fishbourne shows up, the film is a 10/10, but afterwards, it becomes a 6/10. That averages for an 8/10. Even with this issue, i still think Predators is very good and worth a watch or two. It's WAY better than the craptastic 2018 Shane Black mess where the Predator becomes Deadpool in a few scenes and does lol-tastic slapstick humor. What was Shane Black thinking????? He should have watched this movie instead! BONUS! This movie was filmed in my home city of Austin, Texas and I recognzied some of the filming locations, so that's awesome!
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Halloween (2007)
F-bombs, sex, and no story! WHAT IN THE WORLD DID I JUST WATCH?
12 November 2018
I saw this film in theaters and thought it was the most confusing, bizzare, and laughably dumb thing I've ever seen. Years later I think the same thing! Rob Zombie's music is AWESOME and I loved his first two movies, but MAN did he screw up big time on this one! For one, there is no story at all. It's just random scenes of people saying the most vile and over the top swearing ever put to screen. I think there was some sort of rule in the contract that said Zombie had to put an F-bomb in every single sentence. It isn't cool or badass like in Pulp Fiction or Dawn Of The Dead, it's just stupid. With zero plot structure (Laurie Strode doesn't come in until the last 30 minutes), it just feels like an extended music video but you replaced the music with dialog and sound effects. Secondly, all of the characters are AWFUL. The dad played by Bill Mosely is THE WORST CHARACTER EVER PUT TO CINEMA and not in a good way. It's like his dialog was written by an egdy 8th-grader! The mother is stupid! She finds a decapitated cat in her sons backpack and is like "hm, weird". WHAT??? Michael Myers is a whiny brat who never shuts up and is killing people because his sister (also an unlikable scum) didn't take him trick-or-treating. Seriously that's the best Rob Zombie could come up with? Even Laurie Strode is hugely unlikable. Every character is obsessed with sex and swearing, and it's annoying. Why would anyone approach a 7'0 tall known killer and name call him??? I don't know, but several people throughout the movie do just that. Third, every character looks identical to Rob Zombie! Why??? It's almost like that Nutty Professor movie where Eddie Murphy plays the entire family. Even Michael Myers looks like Rob Zombie for some reason. Finally, the movie just isn't scary. There is no atmosphere, no creativity, no thrills, it's just boring. More funny if anything else. Not a single kill was scary! What happened to the incredible atmosphere and tension from the 1978 film? Sure, Carpenter is the much better filmmaker, but it's like Zombie was trying to shock its audience more with sexist and racist Tarantino knock-off dialog instead of genuine thrills. I haven't seen the sequel but I've heard its even worse...how is that even possible? I dont wanna know!
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The most underrated Halloween sequel by far!
12 November 2018
Michael Myers is back! I liked the third one enough but many people were underwhelmed that there was no Michael Myers in it. Those people's wishes have been granted with Halloween 4, and it's a good movie to! It's mostly a loose remake of the first film but it's still really well made and scary! I love the opening credit sequence with bright orange font over creepy foggy atmospheric shots of fall scenery. It may not be the classic Halloween theme by legend John Carpenter, but it builds atmosphere in a new way. See? That's what I want from this film. The kills are all great and original, and I'd some of them even surpass the original! I'm in love with the overall design and cinematography of the film, but nobody will admit it. It does have lamer moments, but overall, Halloween 4 is a very well made sequel. Sure it's a bit too similar to the 1978 film, but it does enough differently.
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A surprising great sequel and fun movie!
24 August 2018
You would think that being straight to video would mean that it would suck, like most straight to DVD movies nowadays do. But no, this film is actually really good, funny, charming, and smart! I've forgotten how good this film actually is. It should've played in theaters! The plot is very unique and has a lot of fresh twists and turns missing from most theatrical releases. The dialog is snappy and reminds of a PG-13 Tarantino, with constant quips, several amazing lines, and long winded monologues, this time about MRE's and firearms instead of porn or whatever Tarantino would write about. The characters are smart and very likable and make smart decisions, even the dumb comic relief character is genuinely funny and not annoying enough to where you wish he'd go away. The effects are as good as theatrical effects, and the music is also really awesome! There really ain't much to complain about. Some moments are a bit goofy and corny but it's still really good and the suspenseful moments really work. Occasionally some of the characters are really mean spirited for no reason but this is only sometimes and it doesn't distract from when they are smart and funny. Regardless this is still a great film, especially for low budget filmmaking. A lot of people seem to hate this movie but I really don't see why! Tremors 2 isn't a flawless masterpiece or anything but it's much better than many give it credit for! There are some people who do see how good this film is and you should listen to them and give it a watch!
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To Boldly Flee (2012 Video)
This movie made me boldly flee
23 August 2018
I'm so, so sorry for writing a negative review of the AVGN movie. Although that film is heavily flawed, it at least has decent direction, cinematography, and acting, and even if the plot isn't good, it at least had a plot. It was a competent film at least. Compared to this train wreck, the AVGN movie is a freaking masterpiece. Seriously this movie is awful. I was a massive fan of Doug Walker and the NC when this film was first released, but even then I remember thinking it was bad. Now that I'm not even a fan of Walker any more, I can truly see just how atrocious this film is. Like, oh my god, this is one of the worst things ever. The plot is very unfocused and confusing, and revolves around resurrecting MaTi, a character nobody cares about. He doesn't have a show on CA, is rarely seen, and is mostly known for a bit part in one single episode of NC. The film acts like he's extremely important to the site, but the entire time I kept asking myself "who is MaTi and am I the only one who wishes this film were about someone else?" As a director, Doug Walker has about as much integrity as a 10 year old making a backyard flick with his friends using his mom's camera. Every shot in this movie is grainy, shaky, and just looks cheap, like it was recorded with an iPad. Could they not acquire a better camera for this massive extravaganza of an anneversery? Or is Doug just that bad of a cinematographer? Also, you'd think there'd be at least one funny joke in 209 minute torture sequence, but no. This film really only needed to be 90 minutes max and could easily be edited down because every scene goes on for about six minutes too long. 90% of this movie should've been left on the cutting room floor but it seems like Doug's massive ego tricked him into thinking every moment of footage was absolutely hilarious, which NONE of it is. Every joke in this movie is either boring, cliche, cringeworthy, or like a rejected joke from Family Guy. In fact, every scene in this movie feels like an unfunny extended Family Guy cutaway gag and it's excruciating. Another minor complaint for people who are familiar with the site (then again how many regular folk would stumble upon this movie without knowing CA?) is that every reviewer featured in this movie acts nothing like they do in their shows. For example, Film Brain is intelligent, snarky, and complains a lot, but this movie portrays him as an easily confused doofus. Linkara is a very well spoken individual with high morals and respects for all people, but this movie has him written as an easily confused (and rapey) doofus. In fact, everyone in this movie is portrayed as an easily confused doofus and it's very inconsistent to their actual characters. Overall, this movie is atrocious in every regard: the jokes are awful, the plot sucks, the direction is ameteur, the writing is embarrassing, most of the acting is terrible, and it's excruciatingly boring. 209 minutes, are you freaking kidding me??? I didn't like the AVGN movie but I'd watch that 100 times before even sitting through 10 minutes of this. Even for diehard NC fans, avoid this!
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The Meg (2018)
Jason Statham at his best vs a 100 foot long shark!
12 August 2018
My summary is pretty much all you need to know about this film. Meg has been in production for over 20 years and although the film doesn't really feel like it's worth that long of a wait, it feels like the producers threw up their hands and just decided to make a goofy action movie. In that regard, Meg is actually a lot of fun! It feels very fast paced and goes very fast in general. All the Meg is about is Jason Statham fighting a giant shark, which is very awesome. Jason Statham is very very good in this role, probably the best he's ever been. Statham really is the star of the movie and not the giant shark, but he's so badass and awesome in this movie that I really didn't mind if he had more focus than the shark. Although the film is mostly fun and doesn't take itself seriously, some moments are quite thrilling and exciting, and many deaths were genuinely unexpected and shocking. The special effects are also very good and it helps a lot when the shark and other CGI effects all look close to real life. I think if I had one minor complaint, it would be that the film has too many differences to the novel, so much so that it probably could've had nothing to do with the book and be completely fine. One thing about the novel is that it's EXTREMELY gory and violent, in fact it's one of the most bloody and disgusting books I've ever read. The megalodon in the novel goes on an absolute killing spree with guts and intestines everywhere, and seeing a PG-13 version of Meg without the gore is kinda off putting. It would be like watching a PG-13 Deadpool; on it's own it might be okay but it'll be very weird for fans who know the violence and dark style of the original source material. It is kinda a bummer to wait 20 years for a Meg movie and only for it to be a lighthearted action film instead of the brooding disgusting horror the book was, BUT on its own as a movie, Meg is pretty entertaining and definitely worth a watch in IMAX or 3D! Just don't have the novel in mind because you might be disappointed.
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Slender Man (I) (2018)
I wish the Slender Man would kill me
11 August 2018
Okay so a slender man movie could be really cool, by why on EARTH did they wait this long to make a theatrical studio slender man film? The character has been outdated for like 6 years now, and NOW is the time you want to make it? Well maybe in those many overlong years they thought of something really good? Hahaha, no. Wishful freakin thinking. Instead, Slender Man is literally as bad as they get. Just think Bye Bye Man mixed with Jeepers Creepers 3 bad. The directing is really awful and it most of the editing and shots are super lazy and boring. It feels like they just got the director of one of those crappy teen dance movies..oh, wait, that's exactly what they did! And it shows. Most of the actors are bad but it usually looks like poor direction than bad acting. The script SUUUUUUUCKS and is literally the most cliche modern horror film ever, like a computer wrote it or something. The Slender man himself acts nothing like he does in the games or in the lore, and he actually runs around chasing people and roaring! Remember back in the awesome game when he just stands there staring at you from a distance? Remember how haunting that was how he didn't even move? Well now he runs and chases people like a zombie from The Walking Dead. Worst of all, the film just isn't scary and instead it's attempts to scare you are just really funny! You're blind if you don't see 99% of the jump scares coming and most of them are over the dumbest things. There's a scene with a girl in a library and you know a jump scare is coming...and it's just the librarian who walks past the camera in the most boring unclimatic way possible, like the director told her to not be scary...but the music is SO INTENSE when it happens, like this librarian walking past the camera was just the freakiest thing in the history of cinema! The entire movie is like this, just a painfully generic and boring modern horror film with nothing interesting, unique, fresh, or good. I gave it a bonus star because SOME of the cinematography shots are nice, and the musical score is occasionally good, although still a bit basic. Without those two things, this movie would be a hard 1/10 and the worst horror film since Jeepers Creepers 3.
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Xtro (1982)
Weird and confusing.
14 February 2018
I've tried to like Xtro for years and I just don't get it. I first saw it late night on TV growing up and had no idea what I was watching. Now I'm in my late 20's and I STILL don't understand what's going on! To discribe the plot is like to discribe the plot of random episodes of The Outer Limits, except it changes every 5 minutes, is played in reverse, and you're drunk, high, and tripping on acid. First it is an alien movie, then it becomes a murder slasher, then it has the son killing people with a giant wooden soldier, and then it becomes a strange light show, and it just keeps going and going and GOING. The plot just gets lost in itself. Despite how bizarre it is, its biggest sin is that it is flatout DULL and BORING. The entire film is just forgettable. I will say the special effects are cool and the gore is awesome! Also, i do like some of the moments on their own, such as the alien scenes and the scene with the giant wooden soldier killing people, even if it comes out of nowhere and makes ZERO sense. That should've been its own movie instead of being crammed randomly into a film about aliens. So Xtra has some cool aspects but overall I just don't get it.
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Mosquito (1994)
The essential low-budget creature-feature of the 90's!
14 February 2018
Watching low-budget horror films either on VHS rental or on midnight TV was part of growing up. The best part of friday's was that school was letting off and you'd be able to stay up til the crack of dawn watching whatever horror movies were on TV that night. Sometimes you'd watch a classic, but sometimes you'd watch a low-budget gem such as Mosquito. In fact, whenever I think of the late night B-movie from the 90's, Mosquito immediately pops into my head. This film is a B-movie masterpiece! It's got the gore, awesome practical effects, and great action, which is really all you need from a movie about giant mosquitoes! The film is clearly low budget and apparently used local actors such as teachers and lawyers, but also somehow managed to get ahold of horror legend Gunnar Hansen, who does an excellent job here! It also stars the bassist from The Stooges, which is random but still cool! The film is quick and very entertaining, and despite all of its stupidity, it also surpasses pretty much every other film of its kind. The writing is pretty good, some of the acting is good, and even the effects are mostly way better then they need to be. This if the perfect B-movie that goes perfect with beer, buffalo wings, and total darkness at 1am.
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The best Friday The 13th movie!
7 February 2018
This has always been my favorite Friday The 13th movie. It's the first time the franchise truly realized how dumb it was, thus making it a fun, dumb, yet still scary 80's goldmine of gory horror fun! It has the best Jason, the best characters, and some of the best kills. It's nice to have characters that are actually likable and relatable, such as Cripsin Glover as the shy nerdy guy who's battling several social anxiety. Most of the other movies just have generic teenagers who are only there to get killed, but this is the first movie that actually tries to have interesting and ED characters that you want to root for instead of waiting for them to die. Corey Feldman as the kid is also a cool character and a nice change of pace. The kills are BRUTAL and have such a PUNCH to them. People don't just die, they DIE. People get tossed out windows and over balconies and get stabbed in the freakin face and broken in half of Jason's knee, it's all amazing! I will say the ending is a bit underwhelming, since this is supposed to be the final Jason movie and all (thank GOD we got more), but it's still a cool ending. If you gotta pick one Friday movie to watch, pick this one.
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"We'll just answer it in the next movie!"
7 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm SO SICK of this crap. People who make a movie that is confusing and has no questions explained, but instead of giving us what we want, they just say "we'll answer all of your questions in the next movie!" We earlier got teased with Jeepers Creepers 3, which opened about a million doors of questions but instead of answering them and giving audiences what they want, they just said "tune in for JC4!" It's stupid! This film isn't entirely bad, but it's so annoying to be invested in a film for 90+ minutes, waiting to see what everything is leading up to, only for it to end with a "stay tuned for the sequel to find out" ending. JJ Abrams thinks he's being all clever with these "secrets" but it's just irritating. Cloverfield is cool and all but it's not even that interesting of a franchise to keep people sucked in. Sooner or later, people are going to get seriously annoyed by the same crap over and over AND OVER again and will stop caring. In all seriousness, the film is not TERRIBLE, but it is super bland and dull and makes zero sense. Who's arm did that belong to? Why did that guy get attacked by the glue putty? Why did that Russian guy have the earthworms and the geosphere thingy inside of him? How did that woman get fused with the spaceship? None of those questions are answered, they just happen. I thought MAYBE the universe the characters were in was attacking them Final Destination-style because they didn't belong there, but the movie never explains it and it just makes no sense. Also, the ending has the return of the classic Cloverfield monster, but for some reason the monster is like 10 miles tall. Did they not even see their own movie? And are we to assume that in the first Cloverfield movie, there is suffering from a world-wide power shortage and the USA is on the verge of global war? I don't buy it. Alien Covenant and Life were both better and more interesting than this.
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One of the best B-movies ever made!
5 February 2018
Maximum Overdrive rules! I cant stand people who hate this movie. "Durr it has killer semi trucks, it are a bad movie durr durr" Man, go away. This movie is awesome, a B-movie classic with some of the best action, gore, and music ever put into this kind of film. It is also the only film directed by Stephen King, who honestly does a great job with the stylized editing style and cinematography. It is about killer semi-trucks that come to life and run over people on their own...and that's about it. AC/DC does the music for the film, and I mean like they wrote and performed that original score, like the freakin background music. How epic is that? AC/DC also wrote some of their biggest songs for the movie, such as Who Made Who? and Highway To Hell. The effects are awesome, and so is the gore. Seeing people explode when they get hit by semi-trucks is awesome. Also, a 9-year-old boy gets run over by a steamroller, and his head explodes. It's crazy gory stuff that is almost disturbing but in a good way. The film honestly is not a horror film at all, and other than some scenes of gore, it doesn't try at ALL to scare you. It is mostly an action movie, with machine guns and rocket launchers and explosions and car chases, but it is still fun! This is the ultimate popcorn-beer movie. King acts like he is all embarrassed by this movie, and sure it's pretty stupid, but this isn't even in his bottom 50 when it comes to his books being adapted. Like, The Mangler, Graveyard Shift, Lawnmower Man 1 & 2, The Rage, The Langoliers, The Tommyknockers, Creepshow 3, Silver Bullet, A Good Marriage, The Dark Tower, and Cell are all WAY worse than this underrated gem. Even Trucks, the 1997 TV version of the same book this one is based on, is far dumber and far worse. This movie is fun, quick, entertaining, and AWESOME with great gore and amazing music. Don't be turned off because you think the idea of semi-trucks coming to life and killing people is stupid. If you love 80's horror/action/sci-fi movies, CHECK THIS ONE OUT because it RULES. WHO MADE WHO??? s
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Cell (I) (2016)
The worst King adaptation in years?
5 February 2018
This movie is just awful. Not a single good thing about it. I remember being so excited when they announced a theatrical adaptation of Cell, because like it was one of his most underrated stories as well as one of the few that HADN'T been made yet. And then they threw in massive stars like Sam Jackson, John Cusack, and Stacy Keasch? But they messed it all up! This movie is absolutely nothing, NOTHING like the original story, except for the very vague plot and character names. The book was filled with mystery and thrills but nope, not this movie! I guess maybe the creators thought using the original source material was a bad idea? If that is the case then WHY EVEN MAKE A MOVIE VERSION AT ALL??? I understand changes must be made but why change everything?? This movie is not smart or scary at all, no thrills or chills, just boring. SO BORING. The actors are so bored and have the same "yeah, whatever" faces. Sam Jackson is the only character with personality, and that is because he is just playing Sam Jackson. The story is also super confusing and makes no sense. Oh and the CGI is almost as bad as Jeepers Creepers 3...yeah, that bad. It looks like it belonged in a cartoon on Nickelodeon! So yeah, bad movie. And the ending is a huge middle finger to anyone who liked the book. Just...wow...what an awful movie.
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The Brain (1988)
A fun freaky fun time!
23 November 2017
The Brain is a weird movie! But I still love it! I first saw it on TV as a kid late at night and when I woke up the next morning I thought I dreamt it up because it didn't seem real. Years later I saw the poster and realized what I saw wasn't a dream but actually a real movie! It's a very strange film, about a giant brain that brainwashes and feeds off people, but if you get too close it'll actually attack and eat you alive. The brain is created by a scientist who is played by the guy from ReAnimator, and the only one who can resist the brainwashing is a high school rebel who looks like he's in his 30's. The special effects are gloriously cheesy, and watching the brain kill people is the best part of the movie. Since it has no arms or legs, I always wondered how it gets around. I imagine the face of the brain was just put onto the front of a van or something and a driver would drive after the actors. It doesn't even look like a brain...as a kid I thought it was some sort of giant worm or something, and it looks like a granola cookie with a giant evil face on it. What's sad is that this film was not a theatrical release, but instead went straight-to-VHS, which is part of the reason why I think nobody has ever heard of it. It's a very entertaining and well made movie, and it's a shame it doesn't have the attention it deserves. I think the film could actually use a remake, and I NEVER say that about ANY films...my username might as well be IHATEREMAKES or something. But The Brain is unique enough to warrant one. Don't remake Halloween or TCM or some well known classic, remake something like this!
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Jigsaw (I) (2017)
A cool, fun, modern entry in the Saw series.
30 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So it has been a long time since a Saw film came out but this was certainly worth the wait. Jigsaw is not very scary but it isn't trying to be. It is a smart and fun entry that modernizes the Saw franchise. It was REALLY cool to see Tobin Bell on the big screen again, like that guy is so freakin cool! The characters range from cool to not cool, but the worst character is the one who survives! It's the person you wanted to see die the most, yet he walks out A-OKAY. These Saw movies have a knack for doing that! The gore in this movie is INCREDIBLE and features downright the BEST gore moment of the entire Saw franchise, where a guy's head is split down the middle like an apple slicer. It had me cheering, because it is not only the best gore moment in the entire Saw franchise but one of the best gory moments I've ever seen in theaters! The twist at the end sent chills down my spine, like wow I never would've guessed it and it made so much sense too. I was so happy this film was good. I would probably rank it in fourth place behind Saw 1, 2, and 3, and it ties with Saw 6. I would recommend you buy a ticket tonight!
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It (I) (2017)
Crazy scary funny awesome!
12 October 2017
I've seen It 4 times in theaters and it's excellent. However, I must say that the film doesn't really do justice as a flatout horror film, but as a fun horror-ish retro classic, in the same way that Tremors and Ghostbusters are great horror films but not because of the horror elements. I'd say It is a lot more fun than it is scary, but the scares make the film more fun and entertaining instead of chilling and haunting. I thought Pennywise wasn't scary at all. Tim Curry was much scarier because he acted like a real clown, and he gained your trust with his humor before killing you. Here, Pennywise is obviously very creepy and talks like he just ate a solid meth brick before each scene, and it's too obvious for me. It would've been much scarier had he just cracked jokes. But it's cool. I thought the hunky Swedish supermodel they hired to play a demonic space clown would've been awful, but he's pretty good. Tim Curry is much better as Pennywise though, but I liked this guy a billion times more than I thought I would. The cinematography is amazing in this film and I liked all of the child characters a lot. They were all very funny, likable, and entertaining, and it's a shame the next film wont follow them. The CGI was surprisingly good to, like Oscar nom good. The soundtrack has songs by Anthrax and Overkill which is super neat! Oh, and the GORE is fantastic, like it was flat out awesome! But most of all, the film is very fun. People expecting a genuine horror film may be disappointed, but this isn't a comedy either. It's very unique in the way that the film is serious, but not too serious and pretty self-aware, making it seem more fun and enjoyable. Overall I'm very much in love with this movie and I may see it a few more times in theaters. It's bound to be a modern horror classic!
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27 September 2017
What were they doing in those 14 years between 2 and 3, staring at their shoelaces? I love the first two films because they are both scary and well made, but WOW, this film is GARBAGE. TRUST ME, this is coming from a HUGE JC fan! The film takes place between the 1st and 2nd movie, which is dumb because nobody wanted to see what happened between the 1st and 2nd movie. I wanted to see what happened after the 2nd movie, but even then, it's really confusing because the plot keeps jumping back and forth between all of these dumb characters. I couldn't tell if the film was set in the present day, in 2001, or in the 70's because of the craptastic pacing. There's even a scene where you can see a 2016 Chevy truck in a film that supposedly takes place in 2001. Speaking of pacing, there is none! Nothing happens in this movie and the film ends right when it should've started! There are so many characters that the film gets lost in itself. The first film had Darry and Trish, simple and easy. The 2nd film had the athletes and a side-plot revolving around an angry father, but it was still easy to follow and well balanced. Here, we have an old lady getting visions from her dead son, then we have Sargeant Tubbs from the first movie, then we have the anti-Creeper gang, then we have some teenagers, then we have a country boy who has a crush on a girl, and said girl also gets her own storyline. All the characters are pointless and are not flushed out because the film is trying so hard to give equal focus to everyone. The CGI is SO BAD and is EVERYWHERE in the film. It's so bad that my theater was laughing louder than the actual movie! The Creeper doesn't do ANYTHING, no smelling fear, eating body parts, he just sorta walks around and grunts. There's one good scene where a group of teenage bikers finds The Creepers truck in the woods, and it's the only good scene in the entire film. That's it! Worst of all, WE STILL DON'T KNOW THE CREEPERS'S ORIGINS!!! I've been waiting nearly 2 decades and we STILL DON'T KNOW WHERE HE COMES FROM??? The film ends on a cliffhanger but I do not want a 4th movie. This feels like it should've been made for the SyFy channel and seeing this on the big screen is like seeing Lake Placid 6 on the big screen. Just don't do it!
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Deathgasm (2015)
Probably one of the best movies ever made! That's only half-sarcasm too!
1 September 2017
I cannot believe I just discovered this gem! Buckets of gore? Zombies? References to cult horror films? Hot chicks? A soundtrack comprised of nothing but heavy metal songs? Sign me up! Deathgasm is one of the most badass and hilarious films I've seen in a long time but I'm very glad I eventually got around to seeing it. One thing I enjoyed a lot about the film was the fact that this film had REAL heavy metal. Most movies just use, like, AC/DC or Quiet Riot, thinking that pop crap is heavy metal. I remember that awful movie Rock Of Ages with Tom Cruise that was about bringing back heavy metal, but every single song used in the film was a radio pop glam rock song. If you're gonna do a film about 80's metal, talk about Slayer or Megadeth or Obituary or something, y'know, ACTUAL METAL, not Mr Big, Ratt, and Warrant. This film not only gets the metal soundtrack right, but goes above and beyond; we get grindcore, black metal, sludge metal, doom metal, progressive metal, and a bunch of really cool stuff. I don't think I've ever heard a true metal soundtrack like this in any film! The characters also reference metal nonstop, but again, they reference REAL metal and not radio pop tracks by Whitesnake. One character wears a Death shirt the entire film, and I don't think I've ever, EVER seen Death ever referenced in a movie before. Other bands like Cannibal Corpse, Terrorizer, Darkthrone, Edge Of Sanity, Deicide, Burzum, Opeth, Judas Priest, Slayer, Witchfinder General, Pestilence, Obituary, Evile, and countless more are referenced in the movie on shirts, posters, CD covers, or just through character conversation. They even reference An*l C*nt, freaking An*l C*nt of all bands! No stone went unturned in this film! So, this film could've been awful but I still would've given it a 10/10 just for getting the metal references right...but good thing this film is actually really good! The plot is a homage to films like Evil Dead 2 and Dead Alive, and several references to classic goresploitation horror films are made, which is also a treat. The gore is abundant and very well done, and one scene involving intestines actually genuinely grossed me out, which never happens to me nowadays! Most of all, I really enjoyed the characters and I related to Brody, the main character, in practically every way. I really wanted him to succeed the entire time. The film could've just been a good indie film about a group of nobody's forming a death metal band in their small town, but the film throws in satanism, zombies, the apocalypse, and a bunch of other really gory cool stuff to make this the perfect film for a nut like me! It's well directed, well written, well acted, has good special effects, a killer soundtrack, and is overall very well done. If you're a TRUE metalhead or gorehound, I recommend checking this gem ASAP!
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Completely devoid of thought
23 August 2017
This movie is horrendous! Marc Webb should've done a lot better with this movie because he's a good director, but for whatever reason, he was just sleeping through this terrible movie. I didn't care of the first Amazing Spider-Man but wow, this film makes that film look like The Dark Knight! Everything about this film is wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. The is no plot to this movie, just like 9 ministries cobbled together randomly and none of them intertwine or mesh at all. The tone constantly goes back and fourth between loltastic comedy and dark drama/thriller, and it makes no sense. The performances are all dreadful, starting with Jaimie Foxx (yah, a buff black guy as a dweeby nerdy scientist, I bet Vin Diesel was their second choice) and then Dane Dehaan and then Andrew Garfield himself. The music is so damn grating, like whose bright idea was it to put dialog in the musical score...WHILE the characters in the film are talking? There are moments where both the musical score is talking and the characters are talking and they overlap each other. It's awful! Electro is a dumb villain with a dumb motive that isn't even really clear (so, he's made that Spider-Man forgot his name? Now he wants to destroy the world? WHAT?) Rhino is completely wasted (also, Paul Giamatti as a gangster is hilariously bad) and Oscorp has no meaning in the film. The dialogue is horrendous too; half of the lines are said twice in a row for some reason ("I'm going to work, I'm going to work!") and one of the worst lines ever is when Emma Stone says "I break up with you" like a caveman. Spider-Man himself is also extremely annoying. Like the minute long sequence of him arguing with his aunt about...laundry? Oh, and don't forget, this is the "dark" and "serious" Spider-Man, which is why we have scenes with Parker arguing about laundry or Spider-Man pulling down Rhino's pants...oh yeah, that's dark and gritty all right! Man this movie is awful. Marc Webb is a good director but this movie is completely awful, like he just slept through this film. Please don't see this film.
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What was James Rolfe thinking?!?!?
20 August 2017
I grew up loving AVGN and still to this day many of his episode (even the newer ones made after this film) will make my 26-year-old self laugh like a child. When James Rolfe announced that he was making an AVGN movie back in 2010, I nearly had a heart attack in happiness. I even drove to Dallas to audition for a role in the film back in 2011ish, and sadly I never got called back. However, after waiting five years of losing sleep and standing tease after tease from Rolfe, I finally saw this film...and it kinda sucked. Years later (just a week ago) I gave the film a rewatch and while it isn't as bad as I remember, but it still isn't great. The biggest problem comes from the unfunny jokes. Like, AVGN is hilarious so it makes no sense why a large amount of the joke falls completely flat. There was this really insulting reoccurring joke about women being seen as sex objects and how one girl is "...a girl, not a gamer"...huh? The sex humor was also way too high, like when a girl mentions that she's not wearing panties and another guy comments about a girls breasts. This style of humor was absent in the AVGN show, which leads into my next big point of criticism: THIS FEELS NOTHING LIKE THE AVGN. Why James decided to go with this plot is questionable. They should've just made the film a giant review to be safe; monotonous and repetitive? Probably, but I guarantee a 90-minute review would've been a much better film. And I'm not sure why James Rolfe seems to think this'll be the only film he'll ever make, which is obvious to what he thinks because of how much of his loves he crammed into this film. It really isn't that hard to raise small funds to make a low budget horror film, nor is it hard to sell a screenplay or find an agent to hire you on projects, ESPECIALLY if you are a huge millionaire with a film degree and a massive resume. Like, go outside, James! Raise $6,000 on Kickstarter or something to write a low budget psychological horror film. You'll make that money in an hour! Stop being lazy. Regardless, this is NOT the movie you'd want to be as your opus.
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