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Hairspray (2007)
I could just watch it over and over again...
17 September 2007
and that's exactly what I'm planning on doing. I never buy movies when they first come out on DVD but this time I have no choice, I've seen the movie twice at the theater and have the soundtrack and I'll keep on listening until I'm totally sick of it! It's fun, smart, beautiful, ...I could keep going but I gave it a rating of 10 so I think you get my point.

Usually I'm more of a horror movie type but when it comes to musicals I'm a total girl and this musical is great! A must see and see again.

It's the ultimate feel good movie, you leave the theater with a smile and have at least one of the songs in your head for the rest of the day. I'm not going to analyze the scenes, the characters, the sets, anything, it's just this easy: be there or be square :) You'd really be missing out if you didn't go.

So that's it, a fantastic movie, a must, already one of my favourite movies, one of the best movies of 2007, great music, great acting, great everything! See it and love it!
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Captivity (2007)
Could have been better but a pretty decent movie anyway
13 September 2007
I guess I had very high hopes for this movie and that's why I ended up disappointed. It's not a bad movie but it just lacked something... I found this movie to be pretty predictable but that's fine. I guess it's just that I heard everywhere and read it too, that this movie was worse than Saw and movies like it "because it's not gore it's psychological" and sure the dog scene wasn't much fun to look at and the milkshake was just wrong. But somehow it's lacked "schwung". Still I liked this movie enough not to regret stepping into the theater but just not enough to buy it as soon as it comes out on DVD, renting it...maybe.

Still it's worth your time and maybe your money as long as you don't expect too much from it.
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Death Proof (2007)
Loved it!
28 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I knew from the beginning, when I first heard about 'Grindhouse', that I had to see it, then I heard that -here in Belgium- they would release 'Death Proof' and 'Planet Terror' as two separate movies, which I thought was stupid, but anyway... As the release date came closer I wasn't so sure anymore. You see, I've never had a big thing for cars so let alone a movie about a car, killer or not.

I went to see it anyway thinking I would regret not seeing it on the big screen and I was right, I loved this movie, I really did. Everything about it is different, it's something we haven't seen in a while. Keep an open mind and you'll love this movie too.

The music, the script, the actors, everything, great. I have to say my favorite part has to be the part with the second group of girls, especially the car chase and when the tables turn...

I didn't even notice the movie's almost 2 hours, but I guess this is the kind of movie you either love or hate.

It was funny, different, thrilling, action-filled at times and just kicking ass.
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See it!
11 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one of my favorite movies in the last 18 months (I go to the movies at least 1-2 a week + renting movies) it's totally up there in the top 5.

It just blew me away, from the first minutes till the end. It's not a very happy movie, I'll warn you about that, if you're looking for a feel good movie, keep walking. But if you're looking for a very good movie that actually requires us to use our brain, this movie is the one you're looking for.

It's fast-paced, you have to stay focused and be ready to see some amount of violence but not in a horror movie kind of way but more in a war setting which to me is harder to see. This movie really stuck with me because of well...everything about it. I'm waiting for it to come out on DVD, because even though I don't like movies that kinda put you down at some points and don't have the happiest ending I absolutely loved this movie! There should be more movies like this, smart movies, that make you think but not fall asleep :) See it.
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Not mindblowingly good but not that bad...
11 June 2007
I went to see this movie because well...I had seen everything else that could possibly interest me. So I got my ticket, sat down and expected a really really bad movie because everything I heard about this movie was 'that' bad. And to my surprise it wasn't 'that' bad.

Sure it's not what one might expect from an Oscar winning actress but still, not that bad! People should really give this movie a break, I have seen much much worse over the last 18 months. This movie is just a nice easy to watch movie, if you're looking for a real bad thriller that tries to be sexy try to watch 'Basic Instinct 2' and I say try because that movie is 'that bad'.

So put in perspective, 'Perfect Stranger' delivers enough to be entertaining in it's genre, it's not the best thriller ever but it sure isn't the worst, far from it.

Say what you will, I enjoyed it :)
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Sunshine (2007)
I think I have to see it again
11 June 2007
I saw this movie a few weeks ago and I understood it alright but still I feel like I have to watch it again to take it all in. There's a lot going on in this movie, the dialogs, the action and at the same time I feel that this movie makes you think so there's a lot going on while you watch it.

It's far from mainstream si-fi, at least the ones I have seen and it's really something else. It's hard to comment on this movie without giving it away and at the same time it's hard to explain without going into details and I don't want to put in any spoilers. I guess the easiest thing to do is watch it yourself even if you're not a big si-fi fan (I'm not) and I believe that if your open minded enough this movie can blow you away.

I usually don't like watching movies over and over again but I make a few exceptions, this will be one too.

See it, it's worth your time, your money and thinking about the whole idea of 'what if one day....'
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Strangest movie...oh yeah and I fell asleep.
30 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this movie hoping for a good nice thriller, boy was I wrong. This movie makes no sense, doesn't really have a story and is just plain boring, I kept hoping for a nice twist in the plot or at least a surprise ending but no, sure Leslie dies in the end but I just didn't care.

I have to admit the part I liked best and I thought was so funny is when she goes into the pantry and finds curry and says: "But you didn't like curry" and then there's this violin that strikes up as if she had just found bodies in the basement.

To sum up, a strange, boring movie, I had high hopes but don't waste your time on it, it felt awkward and at times I felt more like I was reading the script rather than watching it being played out.
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Worst movie of 2006!
2 February 2007
I was convinced by a friend to go see this movie and boy was he sorry he chose 'The Pink Panther'. It was just so bad, I mean, sure this movie was never meant to win an Oscar but to me it should have won a razzie, not just just a razzie, all the razzies. I don't usually feel like a movie was a waste of my time, but this one was, people around me were laughing and when I turned around I was shocked, the laughing people were watching the same movie as me, that didn't make any sense at all because there was nothing funny in this movie. They just tried so hard to make it funny it was just sad to watch, awkward at times. I never watched the original series or anything and even I knew this was a slap in the face of the original Pink Panther.

I don't understand how Jean Reno could associate his name to a movie like this one, Steve Martin, I can understand, even Beyonce who was starting her movie career. But Jean Reno such an incredible actor in such a bad bad movie, I don't get it.
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The Fog (2005)
They killed the original, they should be taken by their freaking Fog.
2 February 2007
I was happy when i heard that a new "scary movie" was coming out, so I went to the theater and got myself a ticket for 'The Fog', I regretted it, oh boy did I ever. It would've just been a plain old boring movie (which wouldn't have been that terrible) hadn't it been for that ending, yes the ending that didn't make any sense at all and had nothing to do with the original.

Sure the actors are nice looking and you know they all tried to make this movie scary but thats it, they tried, my best guess is, they got distracted by a pretty bird outside while writing this movie and just said, this BS makes enough sense to me lets go outside to see this pretty bird. Bad bird, very bad bird! Bad movie, very bad movie.

The best advice that I can give you is see the original, the special effects are amazing for the 70's the acting more believable, you care more for the characters and it's creepier. I bought the original without knowing if it was any good, well it is, it really is.

So to sum up: "wannabe remake" = bad. Original 70's movie = kick-ass
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2 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie months and months ago so I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but I do remember being bored. When I walked into the theater and got my ticket I was expecting a fun, clever thriller, I got a boring sex-thriller-film that was supposed to make Stone a big Hollywood star again. Sure she looks good (who wouldn't after all that work she had done, she's 40 going on 20...impossible) even still she annoyed me.

A lot of money and hard work has been put into this movie and for that I give this movie a 3 and that's nice of me. The story just didn't grasp my attention, if during the whole movie all I could think of was, "no way in hell she looks like that without help" and "what is that 12-year old doing watching this movie" and I don't think that was the point of the movie.

Don't waste your time or money, but if you really want to see it, watch it when it comes on TV, because it's not worth the rental.
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Very entertaining but...
1 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have to start by saying, I didn't see this movie at the movies just because of what I had read here on IMDb. People were saying how awful some of the scenes were, that they got sick, even saying that this movie was sicker than 'I Spit on Your Grave' and 'Last House on the Left', I didn't see all of 'I Spit...' but I did see 'Last House...' and let me tell you I felt awful after seeing that movie, borderline physically sick.

Now back to 'The Hills...' sure this movie had some kick-ass pure gore scenes, the bad guys were truly evil and very well done, but at no point in the movie did I feel sick or even bad like I had felt during 'Last House...' not that I was hoping to get sick or anything. Don't get me wrong, this movie was really well done and I enjoyed it a lot, I was even surprised at some points, especially during the trailer attack, I did not see the Lynne thing coming, or the Ethel thing, most movie makers aren't that "evil" towards nice mothers, but it worked well in the movie. It made Doug become this revenge-killing machine.

I really liked this movie and all but it didn't scare me at all, sure I did go "ouch" at some points, mostly during the whole revenge part of the movie but then again, they had it coming. The characters have to face terrifying things and "people" and you really do feel for them, but this movie doesn't really keep you at the edge of your seat, waiting to know if there is or isn't someone behind that rock. Apart from that thumbs up for 'The Hills Have Eyes'

The one scene where I did get a little restless was when Big Bob had his...well lets call it 'hot scene' (so it's not too big of a spoiler) and Brenda was left in the trailer in a very bad situation, all I could think of was, forget Bob he's toast, get your asses back to the freakin trailer.

I guess my point is: good movie, great special effects, I saw the making of and really kudos to all those guys and girls that worked on the movie because it really really looked great in a kind of gory way but still everything looked so real. If you're easily shocked or creeped out you might want to stay away from this movie, but for all the other basket cases like me, enjoy!
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Surprising, amusing, very good!
17 August 2006
I went to see this movie because, well to honest there wasn't much else playing, but I was very surprised. This movie amazed me, it's a really smart movie, I love how the end unfolds. It's funny, a bit strange, well very strange actually but still I really liked it. All the characters are very intriguing and especially Lucy Liu's character was just fun to watch, this strange funny young woman, you just have to like her. The fact Josh Hartnett's character never really worries how bad this troubles get (and they get pretty bad) is just so different and fun.

If you like movies where you have to think but can still really have fun, go see this movie. I'm definitely going to rent this movie when it comes out on DVD, it's worth a second viewing.
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Don't waste your time reading comments, go see the movie!
17 August 2006
I saw Pirates of the Caribbean twice in the theater and even the second time i wasn't bored at all and thats saying a lot. This movie really has got it all, from action (lots of it) to comedy (again lots of it) to romance and thrills.

I've seen a few really good movies over the last months but this one beats pretty much all of them hands down. The characters are more developed, Knightley's more of a kick-ass; Bloom is so manly and tough but still very lovable and well Depp as the great Capt. Jack Sparrow well he's...Capt. Jack Sparrow (on it's own a reason to see the movie).

I don't know what else to say except that this movie is really really good and you definitely get your money's worth when you go to see it. Also see it on big screen, the special effects are truly mind blowing! And by the way, the ending will leave you wanting more, no spoilers but really very nicely done.

To sum up, see this movie, see it on big screen, this movie rocks!!!
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When a stranger calls...and disappoints
25 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well I had hopes for this movie, the whole urban legend idea seemed good (eventough it's a remake) but sadly it wasn't what I had hoped for. I'm not one for dissing a movie because a lot of work and effort has been put into it by many people, but then again I feel I need to share this :p The whole -we're going to scare you in a minute so watch out- thing can only work a couple of times, not the whole movie, I didn't jump up my seat even once *dissapointment*. And then showing that it's only the nanny or only the cat or only the friend and so on, you can use that maybe once but not all the time.... I know that everyone that saw the movie knew Rosa wouldn't make it and that blonde girl well once they showed the "scary moving trees" well it was a done deal, she was a goner. The good thing was that it was pretty clear, the story made sense enough, no huge plot holes or anything so that was good, but really not that scary...:( I guess I'll always be a sucker for the -lets go to the abandoned cabin far away in the woods where exactly 20 years ago a bunch of kids were murdered and the guy was never caught- type of movie lol at least you can laugh. This movie wasn't funny-bad or terrible-bad it was just one in the bunch. It had potential...too bad. Decent rental thought so I'll give it a 5/10
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Stay Alive (2006)
Really not that awful!
18 July 2006
Well I'll start by saying I saw this movie twice, first alone and then with a friend who was too scared to go see it alone :p And yeah at some times I was kinda biting my nails... But I agree it's not the greatest horror movie of all times...so what? I enjoyed it, I really did, alright I did see certain things coming lol but I go to the movies at least once a week, and every horror flick that comes out I go see and really I have seen so much worse in the last months... Some things are a bit far out there, that's very true, but instead of always looking for the flaws to put on a message board afterward, why not just watch the movie and enjoy it, some movies are just like that, turn off your brain and just watch. I know that's not the intellectual way to go or anything but hey it's a horror movie, not the next Oscar winner. So if you're one of those -lets go see a movie and notice all the flaws and then put it on the internet to tear the movie down- kind of person, OK don't go see the movie. But if you're like me and all you want is just to relax and watch a movie then go...really it is not the worse movie out there...trust me I've seen the remake of 'The Fog' ;) And to show you I actually liked this movie I'm giving it a 7,5/10
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