14 Reviews
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Long awaited
28 February 2024
While it without a doubt is a masterclass in editing, cinematography, SOUND DESIGN :0, casting I can't seem to ignore the glaring flaws. The cast as expected is masterclass and I especially really enjoyed Bardem and Butler this time around and Denis will most likely get a best director nomination next year.

Even though there is no doubt about its "epicness" I found it to have an even bigger pacing issue than the first one. Somewhere midway through it had me looking at my watch wondering if it is close to ending and found out that we are just grazing into the second act.

The third act felt rushed and the conclusion while understandably set up for a continuation in Messiah felt really undeserving and abrupt. I would have liked to expand the third act maybe 20 more minutes just to have the movie conclude at a satisfying point rather than in the middle of the story exactly as the first one did. I might pump this up to a 9 if the next movie concludes the story in a satisfying manner.

Overall a great film with many flaws that I unfortunately can't look past. It is one of the great modern sci fi's but dare I say, didn't exactly live up to the hype. See it at the biggest screen possible, 8/10.
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Best Barbie novor ever
28 July 2022
Love it. It is so good and the best movie I have ever seen. My favorite character is the seal, its so cute and funny! I only wish that it had drowned in the cave.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
Great ending to a good series
22 June 2022
Have the series had it's problems? Sure. Faulty writing, dumb dialogue and questionable choices. However, it all led to a fantastic finale that gave me all I have ever wanted and more. Plot holes will happen when you bridge a gap this big and still want to tell a compelling story but with the whole picture I would absolutely say that this series filled the gaps between 3 and 4 brilliantly with a few minor plot holes that can be overlooked. I am happily satisfied with how it closed Obi Wan's story but still looking forward to a potential second season if it is being offered.
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Tenet (2020)
28 August 2020
How do I summarize the movie in just one word? I would say that INCREDIBLE fits pretty well. I will admit that it was quite hard to follow at times but once you have wrapped your head around the concept you will be taken on one of the most exciting and mind bending rides of your life... TENET is a masterpiece!
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Incredible from start to finish
29 June 2020
This movie was simply incredible. Great actors, great directing and amazing screenplay. Deeply impressed
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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
Jokes on YOU
25 June 2020
What can I really say about this game. Well, it has both huge negative but also outright amazing aspects. The game is not nearly as bad as some people tell you. It might not be a masterpiece but it is a solid 7-9/10
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Holy Maul
24 April 2020
Incredible from start to finish. If this is all made into a feature movie and released separately it might become my favorite Star Wars movie. Why would you give this a 9/10, this is pure perfection and I can't wait for the last 2 episodes
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Together Again (2020)
Season 7, Episode 8
10 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can I say...

It has been a rough couple of weeks with a few episodes that were by no means bad but huge letdowns from what I was expecting. Now this episode was actually refreshing and interesting and it made me more excited for the Siege of Mandalore that will begin next week

A pretty great episode
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
8 April 2020
Human beings are certainly interesting. I would like to begin with talking about the actual movie. It was simply put, amazing. Excellent directing and a really intriguing story about abuse and how it affects people. Now onto what I really wanted to write about, that being all of these negative reviews on IMDB. I find it interesting that 90% of all the bad reviews are a 1/10. Seriously guys...

It is basic knowledge that if you rate the movie a 1/10 you want to make a clear statement about something that is not the quality of the movie itself. It seems like most of these 1/10 - 4/10 reviews are about how BAD the movie is for focusing on a woman. This is insane, people! Are we living in the 18th century. You don't have to whine about the lead being a woman and if you have a problem with it then don't watch the movie. The other negative reviews are about plot holes.

Yes there are some inconsistencies but no more than in other movies that I guarantee you that you rank higher than this one. You see, when you already have an agenda and want the movie to fail, then you nitpick these things that are not meant to be looked into. It is a horror movie for god sake, it is not meant to make 100% sense. Get a life people!
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sacrifice (2014)
Season 6, Episode 13
29 February 2020
I'll say this again... why all this negativity? Some people just love to hate. First off, this was not made by Disney, it was made by the same cast and crew who did the original series that was being produced by Mr Lucas himself. Second off, just an incredible episode. Love it!
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Destiny (2014)
Season 6, Episode 12
This is Star Wars!
29 February 2020
Do not mind the other review. This whole arc and episode was AMAZING. It brings back the nostalgia feeling while it also touches you with a story about Yoda's journey to figure out the future and let go of the past. Incredible!
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WOW! This was amazing
20 February 2020
Well. I did not expect this from the movie. It's simply amazing. Great job SEGA and co!
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The Last IDEJ
3 November 2019
This is a movie that has grown on me a lot. At first I hated it as much as the other people . But after repeated viewings and a lot of thinking I actually appreciate what Johnson tried to do. It could have been better but it is not bad
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3 November 2019
A perfect movie that will be a Swedish classic in a couple of years!
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