
10 Reviews
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Dune (2021)
Slow But Worth It
20 December 2021
Let me start by saying that I've never read the Dune books, nor seen the original movie, so I didn't go into the movie bound by pre-existing lore.

Con: This film is a hard watch if you're expecting a dystopian action piece like I was. It's slow and plodding with lots of setup's and talking. Lots and lots of talking. By the end of the first act you may feel little bit of sleepiness setting in.

Also, if you miss more than 5 consecutive minutes, at any point, you will COMPLETELY lose the plot and have no idea what anyone is talking about.

Pro: The world these characters live in is very beautiful and fitting for the story being told. There are many huge awe-inspiring set pieces that really bring it to life. The costumes look quite amazing as well.

The acting, though a bit stiff at times, is pretty solid. Zendaya makes you both love and hate Chani over the course of the film.

Overall this is a good movie if you've got the time and patience. It definitely feels like it was made for those who already have a standing knowledge of the Dune universe but, ultimately, it succeeded in piquing my interest in the lore.
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A Beautiful Return To The Source
12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love The Matrix universe and all things contained therein. This however has me torn.

The opening, and subsequent playable action, are simply amazing. What can be done in Unreal 5 is beyond impressive and this only the beginning of its life cycle. It really builds on the hype for Resurrections.

Beyond that, driving around the city is tedious and pointless. Sure it looks great but the vehicle control is horrendous.

This is definitely worth checking out if you're a fan of this world.
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Walking Simulator 2021
12 December 2021
If you want to watch Sandra Bullock walk hella hard around Seattle with a botoxed mean mug for no reason then, by all means, dive right in.

Nothing interesting happens until the final act and by then you'll be so wholly disappointed that it won't even hit like it's supposed to.
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Why does this movie exist?
12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst movie I've seen in 2021.

There is no plot. There is no story being told. Stuff just happens and then the movie abruptly ends. I seriously doubt there was even a script.

Oh, and you can quite blatantly see the "dead" individuals breathing clear as day.

Whoever made this movie, I beg of you, never make another one.
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MindGamers (2015)
Who funded this?
7 August 2021
Let me start by saying that this is a ZERO star motion picture. It's not a movie - it's a people moving and doing stuff.

This abomination is a nothing more than a visual representation of someone saying "Dude, I had the weirdest dream last night!" Who read this script and said "Count me in!" ?? It's probably the most awful movie I've seen this year and I've refused to even finish watching it.

Do not, I repeat, do NOT watch this not-movie. Man...why? Why is this a thing?
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Missed The Mark
24 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why? Why did they make this? As an avid Mortal Kombat fan since day 1 I can say that this movie was trashy baggins. Cole Young? Who? This guys special power is to magically grow a long sleeve shirt. Notice he isn't on the theatrical one sheet... BECAUSE NO ONE KNOWS WHO THIS GUY IS. Don't make up stuff.

I'll give praise to the special effects but, overall, this movie felt like a pilot for a CW tv show. Liu Kang has a slight british accent. Why? Shirt McGirt can defeat the 9 times running MK champ after getting his hiney wiped at the beginning of the movie by a nobody. Why? So much no. Just so much no.
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The Undoing (2020)
Do you wanna know how I got these scars?
10 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The series succeeded in building up a nice little murder mystery but COMPLETELY fizzled out during its finale. There were so many different directions they could've gone in but they chose the weakest and most anti-clamactic of the lot. He could've crashed the car and killed them both, jumped to his own death, jumped and took the boy with him... I could go on and on. However, that's not the worst part.

Nicole Kidman's face. Why does she look like a gender-swapped version of The Joker? Her face barely moved over the course of 6 whole episodes. All of her "acting" was done with her eyes because her face was stuck - so frozen in place that it almost looked painful to open her mouth.

TLDR: Good build up with no payoff. Nicole Kidman apparently fell into a vat of Ace Chemicals.
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A Simple Summary
29 November 2020
1. Not a single likable character. 2. Absurb behavior, even for teens/young adults. 3. Worst ending in cinematic history.

You're welcome.
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Monsterland: Port Fourchon, Louisiana (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good acting but ultimately pointless.
3 October 2020
This episode, clocking in at about 50-ish minutes, spent 50-ish minutes on character development and world building. Then that was it. No plot, no scares, and no conclusion - it just ends. If you want to be left confused and frustrated just watch Mulholland Dr.
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Creepshow (2019– )
Awful at its best.
22 December 2019
This show is comically terrible. The episodes look like they have about 1/8th the budget of the worst SyFy channel show.

Creepshow easily has some of the most laughable acting I've seen since the 80's. Take a hard pass on this one.
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