
11 Reviews
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Pretty fascinating
1 December 2022
I found this to be a quite fascinating film. Beautiful cinematography, an excellent synthwave score and great performances (Yutaka Takeuchi is especially likeable). Very much inspired by Nicolas Winding Refn's style of filmmaking. It takes our leads on a journey through a sort of surreal, fever dream version of Los Angeles. Never is it fully explained of what is going on. It leaves much open to interpretation and that makes this film very rewatchable. Some of the dialogue is a little rough and it is definitely not a film for everyone but also not the worst thing ever. It is great for what it is.
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Fatman (2020)
We need more of this!
21 November 2020
On paper this is a film that should not work. Not only does it work, it even exceeds expectations. Even though it is not balls to the walls action, it knows how to keep you hooked and amused at all times. Great performances by the whole cast, great premise and makes the most of what little they have. Maximum effect so to speak. Very amusing movie and I would not mind if we got a lot more adventures of this iteration of the jolly fatman.
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Red Tails (2012)
A missed opportunity
18 November 2020
With all the talent behind this movie this should have been a home run. This should have been treated with the same respect and reverence as a "Saving Private Ryan" or "Glory". Instead Red Rails treats its subject matter as if its a pulp comic strip. Now, while this film has its spectacular moments of action at no point do the characters fascinate or interest you in any way. It is by no means a bad movie, but the Tuskegee Airmen deserve a much better movie.
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Outland (1981)
A forgotten gem
16 November 2020
Out of all the excellent Sci-Fi films from the 80's Outland, for some reason is left out. Undeservedly so because it hits all the right marks. It has a tight story, it looks gorgeous and the acting is absolutely stellar. Sean Connery in particular gives a very strong performance. This forgotten gem deserves some more time in the spotlight, it really is that good. Two thumbs up.
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Seized (I) (2020)
A very amusing movie
15 November 2020
Sometimes all you need is the things a movie promises you in the trailer. Action, fun performances and a decent story. Seized definitely delivers on all of these. Is this the best movie ever made? No, but not every movie needs to be high art. Sometimes being amusing is enough, and this movie is very amusing indeed.
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The Mortician (I) (2011)
Surprisingly good
11 October 2020
A very entertaining thriller with an interesting plot, great performances by the entire cast but it's Method Man that stands out with a very subtle and understated performance. Definitely give this movie a chance. It is well worth your time.
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Absolutely bonkers and loved every minute of it!
15 September 2019
It has been a while since any movie has put me on the edge of my seat. This one definitely did the trick. As a movie this is a strange combination of The exorcist, Blade and Constantine. It is absolutely bonkers and should not work, but is absolutely does! The balance between drama, horror and action has been executed perfectly. This is such an entertaining film and won't disappoint. Highly recommended!
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A pure delight
19 August 2019
After all the CGI filled "Blockbusters", Once upon a time in Hollywood is such a breath of fresh air. A surprisingly subdued Tarantino delivers yet another winner. Masterful performances, great music and excellent writing. This movie was a pure delight.
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Overlord (2018)
Surprisingly good!
25 November 2018
For a movie about Nazi zombies, you might expect it to be over the top shlock. It's actually very well written, has likable characters, is strangely subdued and subtle and a lot of fun. Highly recommended!
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Venom (2018)
Not bad but ultimately a futile film.
13 October 2018
Definitely a throwback to superhero fare of the late 90's and early 2000's. It has its moments and some fun performances but in the age of the MCU this movie is definitely an exercise in futility.
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Creeped Out (2017–2019)
Fun for young and old
13 October 2018
A surprisingly fun Twilight Zone-esque anthology show aimed at kids. This doesn't mean that adults can't enjoy this as well. The stories have enough "meat on the bones" to keep things interesting at all times. A not too scary show for the whole family. Definitely give it a watch.
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