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Echo (2023–2024)
Hums, but never really sings.
17 January 2024
Wanted to love this show and at times it touched the right notes. Ended up being just about okay overall with some strong emotional moments. Still think it's not the worst thing that's been put out there by Marvel, but really wished the writers just thought a little more about making sensible choices in the detail (particularly the back half of the finale). Strong lead performance and hopefully we can see the Echo character again in the Dare Devil series. Kingpin had good moments but felt a bit light as well. Trailer oversold the violence but the culture was well represented in my humble opinion.
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Three-Body (2023– )
The Read-the-Book Problem
8 February 2023
I was so excited to see this, and having read the book I thought they did a halfway decent job on adapting some elements (even if timing is all over the place). There were several places where I was pointing at the "thing" on the screen like Leo.

That said, even as a book reader I was underwhelmed by the filmmakers. I will need to take a look at their other work.

My take was that someone got the funding and wanted to get this out there before it was fully vetted and ready. Either that, or I don't have the right appreciation for this sort of storytelling on screen.

I do appreciate the effort though. It's not totally terrible if you know what is going to happen, if you don't, I doubt it will be a good watch (grinding at best).
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Players (2022)
Brilliant Writing...e-sports Last Dance
23 June 2022
Ignore the poor reviews. This show really provided a great 1st quarter. The characters are believable and relateable. Particularly Org for me, as an introvert gamer. Although I don't play LOL and was hard to keep up with some of the terms, the core story was universal and strong. Friendship, Family & Passion. Can't wait for the rest of it.
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Ms. Marvel: Generation Why (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Decent start, with strong finish to the episode.
8 June 2022
Must admit I was not eagerly awaiting this series, had Hawkeye vibes (not my favourite). Early in the episode was a bit slow, but Kamala's quippiness kept me engaged. The real heart of the story for me was her relationship with her family (mom especially). That final scene is great television, particularly for some of us that had similar conversations growing up between two cultures. Hope it stays central, and will be looking forward to the next episode now.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
So Glad I hung in there...this is pretty dang good!
8 February 2022
I admit to being a naysayer during the first few episodes. It felt infantile and "trying too much". Eagly seemed the only thing worth smiling over. Will admit I am not the biggest Suicide Squad fan to begin with. However, some respected opinions kept me watching...boy was I glad I did. After episode 4 this thing took off like a rocket to match almost anything the MCU has done on TV. John Cena almost comes of age on screen, and the writers are like "psyche!". Stakes are more meaningful, intrigue is more palpable and characters settle into layers. For those put off early on, trust me...just stick with it. Payoff will be there. Now I just pray they stick the landing!
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Best one yet...yet...
17 December 2021
This is an excellent Spidey fan movie. Certainly the best of the current iteration and arguably best live action version ever (Spider-verse reigns supreme). The fan service is pretty cool, and the set pieces are spectacular. The serious drama pieces did not quite hit the top notes, and jokes elicit smiles rather than belly laughs...but overall worth going to see in the theatre. I think the franchise has yet another gear it could get into. 2nd end-credit is mind blowing for Marvel fans. Enjoy.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Lives of normal people during an "invasion"...
5 November 2021
The way Apple teased this show must have been like a flame to sci-fi action moths! I fell for it...but must say it is definitely not the worst thing on tv at the moment. Yes, action is slow...but this is more a mystery/drama based on a sci-fi concept. Sadly, lots of viewers interested in the way it was marketed will end up disappointed. Although it wasn't what I expected, I really enjoying taking a look at the perspectives of normal people during and alien invasion...who have ZERO clue what is going on. It's not spectacular...but very little is at the moment to be fair. I am just grateful we are getting a new take on this concept. Only gripe at the moment is one broken story line that feels abandoned.
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4400 (2021–2022)
Missed Opportunities Abound
4 November 2021
Firstly, disregard all the triggered responses about "inclusivity", "wokeness", "pc", etc. That's just plain gaslighting imo from those who don't need the excuse to do so. The show is bad because of bad writing, bad pacing, bad production value, bad wardrobe, and terrible acting/ know...all the things you may want to enjoy a show.

Being a fan of the original that gave us present day stars like Mahershala Ali...I found this to be the exact opposite. Kudos if you can get through the first episode (takes fortitude). Suffice to say I did not have the stomach for eps 2. It really shows how a great concept executed poorly can look mediocre. Sadness, more than anger, is the overwhelming feeling, because I fear the 4400 will not get another chance for several years.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Never Let Perfect Get in the way of Great Cult Classic
3 October 2021
This was a great reminder as to how concept can trump acting and writing. Even with some of the questionable choices of some performers, this show stands on its concept - which, though not new, is executed excellently. One of those that will likely be adapted for a western audience in the future. Solid watch, if you are not distracted by the more dodgy parts, and definitely better than a lot of other shows in the same genre at the moment. Cult classic methinks.
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Great Debut...this one has legs
5 September 2021
Very impressive debut for a superhero flick coming in from the cold! In a competitive landscape of Marvel leads, Simu Liu is a likeable hero and Akwafina is a great foil. Superb supporting cast and very good writing (and production notes, iykwim). This one has legs, and unlikely to shrink in an ensemble.
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Completely Mesmerising and Magical
30 August 2021
I had quite mixed emotions in the lead up to watching this. Found myself unable to look away from the beautiful visuals and the enchanting pacing of the story. Yes it is trippy without the bombastic action scenes from most of today's Hollywood. Reminded me of when I first watched Donny Darko all those years back. The filmmakers should be really proud of this one. I expect (hope) the rating will continue to climb, or at the very least it will have a cult following which I will be proud to be a part of.
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Snake Eyes (2021)
Wanted to like this, but it is disrespectful to a culture and the viewer.
29 August 2021
Even with a history of poor G. I. Joe films, this one is shoddy and fits not even at the top. My main gripe with the film is the poor writing that a bunch of decent actors are saddled with.

But even more that that is my (pet) peeve with films today that use accents instead of finding actors that can speak/learn the language. If you insist on having the actors speak English, then just freaking let them speak naturally. It is not unheard of, and additionally, Andrew K can pull that off without affecting the immersion (as he did in "Warrior").

Watching an (supposedly) ancient Japanese culture in action in Japan with members speaking English to each other, some in Japanese accents, is not a good look at any time, but should be unacceptable in this day and age, and I wish studios would just stop tolerating it. Especially since it is not necessary. It's just disrespectful.

Combined with all the other poor writing elements (will let others expound), this is almost unwatchable. Even with the half decent fx, which tbh is the very least we can expect with the budget, it will keep making you scratch your head or roll your eyes multiple times.

Just sad, more than anything else, because I really wanted to like this one.
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Loki (2021–2023)
Crikey Marvel Studios...He Who Remains
16 July 2021
The only reason this show does not get a 10 is due to a filler (eps.3 ...*cough*) but the payoff in last episode blew me away. Even though you kind of know it's coming...the delivery was very satisfying! Now there are so many more things that make sense...even though it also sparks more questions. Superb acting and story line. So different from the previous offerings of Wandavision and Falcon & Winter Soldier. This show is a brilliant addition to the line up and now I am even more excited for What If...bring it on! Marvel Studios really know what they are doing...what a great time for visual entertainment!
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19 April 2021
This episode probably best represents how this show feels this season. Been eagerly waiting for it to come back. Then they try to do a bad parody (forget how you feel about the issue)...lazy or poor writing...I can't figure it out.
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Lovecraft Country: Meet Me in Daegu (2020)
Season 1, Episode 6
Best since 1st Episode
26 September 2020
While the interim episodes have been good, they had not enchanted me like the first one. The writing was sooo good and some of the cinematography was incredible. I had missed that feeling of being sucked into the rabbit hole. Also, the whole question of what happened to Tic in Korea was niggling at the back of my mind. Well....Boom! Two birds with one stone. I am also left thinking there is more to this part of the story (so I will eagerly await its next phase). Based on the preview, we are switching gears again next episode...but THANK YOU for this one! Amazing.
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Red Dawn (2012)
Definitely made for the 80s...
16 August 2020
Wow...this movie is so clichéd it's astounding. Did not need a remake. In today's world, it feels just like propaganda (although, to be fair, it says so on the tin!). Story could have been so more nuanced to make us think...but sadly it is a wasted 90mins of lazy adaptation. It was already just passable the 1st no.
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Nekrotronic (2018)
Worth a gander...
30 September 2019
I actually enjoyed this without having to pay too much attention to what was going on. The story line was a bit unoriginal (some may say "meh"), but there is plenty worse out there. If you struggling for something entertaining, this one is certainly worth a gander. I, for one, was definitely glad I gave it a chance, and fully expect the ratings on IMBD to climb higher as word of mouth makes this more popular.
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Blown Away...Good film making is not dead
20 September 2018
Having watched the 1st one, I was already strapped in for the 2nd ride...but still got my socks blown away watching this. It is very rare that a movie ends and you want to watch it again! This is how I felt. Yes there a couple tid bits I could pick on, but the spine of this movie is rock solid. Del Toro and Brolin are a formidable in this, some of their best work I've seen for sure. That bone chilling main sound track sounds like something for a Predator movie...just keeps the atmosphere right. Don't be fooled by detractors. See it for yourself...this is DEFINITELY one of the best action films of the year. No need to pepper with "light moments"...just delivered tension and violence in its rawest form with ruthless precision. I am truly a fan of the franchise (which I hope it is) now.
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Our Cartoon President (2018–2020)
Oh no....missed open goal!!
20 March 2018
I am a big fan of almost anything Stephen Colbert does...and I am still miffed as to how he got involved with this. Maybe a matter of not being able to see the forest for the trees...this is almost unwatchable to be honest. Bottom line is that it is just NOT funny. Even though the art work is respectable (hence my rating), the sketches and dialogue is not imaginative. Full disclosure, I could not get through the first episode (and I really is painful to watch). How did they get this one so wrong??
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Yes to Inspired Dramatization
4 November 2017
I rarely write reviews, but just had to give my two cents on this one. Most of the negative reviews of this film are based on expectations of a slavish adherence to the books. I was actually compelled to read the book AFTER watching the movie. Guess what...I enjoyed both thoroughly. (Actually made we watch the movie again!!)

Bottom line is that the movie is inspired by the book. End of story. The movie really allows itself to be enjoyed even if you did not read the book. Is that such a bad thing? If you want to see a bad movie adaptation of an original story, go watch the Last Avatar...that is a truly terrible attempt.

This one wasn't. It just focused on one element of the book and milked it well. Performances by MM and EA were believable, as was the production value for the movie segment.

If you like this genre and are open-minded, I really recommend this. It is not perfect but it is one of the more enjoyable action movies this year.
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