
8 Reviews
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The Menu (2022)
delectable conundrum for the liquifying encephalon
16 December 2022
Interesting, original, unpredictable, and above all thought-provoking flick. With great talent and execution. This story raises so many questions, it is truly a horror of the mind.

The biggest question of all, without wanting to give anything away, is: what drives these people? What makes them tick.

With very minimaltic means, small decor, relative little dialogue, it manages to shock, entertain, tickle the imagination; while it all seems somewhat believable, after having watched so many cooking shows.

To make great art, one makes sacrifices. Great cooking talents somehow seem a little off. And this movie did a great job in making this a familiar feel and still horrific (in a good way, like a movie should).

I thoroughly enjoyed myself, was not bored for 1 second. I actually rewatched the movie soon after, just to experience the increasingly puzzling and plain weird shock elements this movie brings.

While not a masterpiece, it is a sincere horror for the mind.
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The Bubble (2022)
How to unwatch this wreck?
3 April 2022
People like movies, people like stars. Especially if the movies have something to say and stars are real human beings and have something to add. This movie basically is self glorification of Hollywood. The jokes are all bad puns and the acting is pure trash. On top of that this film thinks COVID-19 is hilarious for some reason. People should be able to laugh about anything. But the humour in this film is just shouting out bad lines. This is just pure trash.

How Pedro Pascal can do glorious works with Narcos & The Mandalorian, but then hopelessly drops the ball with Wonder Woman 1984 and this horrendous trash right here, is beyond me.

Avoid this mess, if you like movies and like having a good time.
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King Richard (2021)
Why was this made and received awards?
31 March 2022
The worst Oscar winning movie ever made. Nowadays it's just all about how silly rich people are the "most inspiring people" around.

Bad story, unlikable characters, worse writing, over-the-top larger than life acting from Smith. This movie is proof that Will should stick to comedy and action movies.

What a complete snore-fest.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
I love MBJ, the rest is Wokie McWokerson & Woker-the-Woke-Woke
27 May 2021
Love MBJ. Wouldn't mind seeing him in another action/spy flick. He & the mention of the Clancy name, made me interested.

Typical action/spy pieces have a fictional story in a real-world setting. There are plenty of ethnic Seals out there. Seals are Black, Hispanic, Asian & White. But never has there been a female Seal operator. I'm all for women in any job role. But for the same reason that men & women are competing alongside each other and never against each other in sports, among which the Olympics, there have never been a female Seal operator, nor are there other female Special Forces operators in the USA, nor the world.

An alpha-male will beat out an alpha-female in every setting. In MMA/boxing, prime male middle weights would injure a female competitor in the first round. A biological male's body in peak condition, much like a Olympic athlete, will have denser bones, more muscle tissue, less body fat; will therefore sprint faster, jump higher, carry heavier ;yes, apparently men even withstand muzzle feedback better, having increased aim, and more stamina to fire more shots with higher caliber firearms.

Just because you are woke, don't agree, find it unfair there are no female special forces, it just doesn't change things. When you get the best of the best physical humans to do work, unless it is the mind, the top 1 percentile physicality will only include men. This is not society disqualifying women. If you take the 50 fastest human sprinters in the world (or even 1 million), they will be men. Please get over it. This is just required for the level of body capability, it is not a statement of women being less valuable. Plenty of stuff women do better than men, just not being a Navy Seal.

A 90lbs woman, not even an alpha specimen, will ever outclass a 180lbs elite male soldier in hand to hand combat. She might be smarter, but never quicker or stronger.

Elite alpha-females will outclass mediocre men any day of the week for sure. The famed UFC fighter Rhonda Roussey would definitely beat me to a pulp. But if it is her trying to pin a middle-weight boxer or a Seal operator, she wouldn't make it.

The pope is not Asian, the British Queen is not black, president Biden is not transsexual, Navy Seals are never women, that js just reality. For that glaring error, especially since it is clearly in error on purpose to make a point, the movie gets no stars. MBJ gets 1 star above 1 star, for being great. So 2 stars for this woke dung heap.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Goodness gracious.. Bob Odenkirk is a revelation!
9 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Basically it feels like a John Wick spinoff. Lots of parallels. Apparently the story and concept was Odenkirk's own idea. But what a great one. Sometimes it is so interesting when a type of actor (Odenkirk being a talented funnyman) does something so opposite to his regular stuff. The first time I saw Odenkirk was in a lesser known comedy "Ron Ronnie Ron" (2002) with David Cross, as a faux British inventor of bad inventions, trying his hand at directing a petty criminal to reality TV stardom. In that movie he basically played an imbecile. He is very talented.

Him as Saul in "Breaking Bad" and its spin-off "Better Call Saul", already felt as a smart move, as having a talented comedy actor tackling a shady character in a totally serious thriller-drama show. Having him, in a more advanced age, as a "John McClane"-esque surprise, a retired assassin, is just amazing. And apart from it being an entertaining idea, he pulled off the role so well.

As a huge John Wick fan, and fan in general of well-made action movies, this is a welcome addition. I hope a few sequels will be made.

I am very interested also, in more unexpected castings. A recent one that I found great too, was "Uncut Gems". Some people don't like Adam Sandler and hate that movie. I happen to like Adam Sandler. But I found him a revelation in that too. Eddie Murphy in "Metro" was cool as well. Or Robin Williams in "Insomnia", right?

Why not (if someone reads this) Mike Myers in a supremely dark thriller as a maffia hitman or something. That could be really awesome if done well.

Anyway.. Watch this movie. It is lots of fun.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
Kiefer rules, this show does not
24 June 2020
Okay Kiefer is awesome so he gets the extra star.

I would consider myself center to left politically oriented. I'm all for equal rights between sexes, races, religions, ages, orientations. I think we all share this world & our countries together and we need to help each other and not obstruct one another.

Yet I am fed up with this propaganda laid out so plainly & painfully in this show. It reflects the ever-turning wheel of oppression now brought to you via your favorite show & social media, as opposed to yesteryear's newspapers and television reporting. Now the white man is a pig and everyone else is awesome.

Yes, you want your favourite fictional show to entertain, and reflect enough of the real world to make it engaging and more believable. Oh boy, there this show truly dropped the ball gloriously.

It is true that among us we have people of all races, religions, ages & orientations. We have enemies domestic and abroad, both persons & entities; this translates well to reality as well as fiction.

When MLK made such strides in fighting for the rights black brothers & sisters deserve, the ultimate goal was not to just change the balance all in favour of the opposite party. It was meant to show all of us we are equal, which is a great thing to strive for, and which I do see growing more in TV & film as well. And we still need more black leads in movies, and God knows also way more Asians (and not just as a token martial arts guy).

Season 3 of this show feels like I was played a dirty low trick, by some scheming bad person somehow. I was watching a new favorite show, centered around the ever great Kiefer. Then suddenly I understood I was tricked into watching nothing more than additional ultra-left political food for the mind. But not tasty bread and wine. No I felt like the goose with the funnel in his throat getting force-fed more corn (except it was ultra-left sensibilitiy).

Building an equal world is about equality, not about just reversing roles. Now Mr. White is a narcissist pig, Mr. Black is wise, Mr Ali is universally noble & wholly without blame, Ms. Asia is smarter than all white males put together, 50% of all people are either gay, bi, or are planning gender reassignment surgery sometime next year. It is so cheap and out of touch with reality it become blatantly obvious the forces at work here.

We are all part of this world, let's share it in equal right & equal plight. Less than 10% (if that) of the world is gay, which is totally awesome. But please, just don't try to make it seems the whole world is going through the same personal circumstances. Realism with a unique story is what I want out of an intrigue about both politics and spies. Not a moral lesson about everybody being gay. It is out of touch. I suspect most LGBTQ people would most likely even agree. They know they need to make part of the whole, but are bot the majority. It actually downplays the real struggles people have with race and sexuality and makes it all seem so cheap & meaningless.

This is a cheap attempt to force-feed leftist sensibilities to a group of people that just wants to see a show about cool action & suspense.
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Backstrom (2015)
Leave it to Rainn Wilson
26 February 2015
As I am writing this review, we are 5 episodes in. From what I have seen so far, I am excited to what they've done with the concept.

Cop shows are often a dime a dozen, even when the producers claim they have something new and refreshing. But I certainly feel this one has true potential to be unique and innovative.

First of all, the storytelling doesn't shy away from some hard topics, like homosexuality, teenagers, abuse and self doubt among others. They use this to great effect, but they also use subtle, quirky comedy to keep us entertained.

Secondly, the main character is an antihero. This has been done before. But Everett Backstrom really has some issues. He isn't very friendly, he hates himself, he drinks on the job and breaks a lot of rules along the way. But despite himself and his ways, his peers respect him nonetheless, they even like him. He even has a homeless, abused tween living with him. He tells himself it's for the rent, but there is some sincerity there, that is picked up by his tenant.

Thirdly, it is set Portland, Oregon. This is fun too, because it takes us away from the cliché places like New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Seattle or other big cities that are often used for the backdrop.

All in all I feel this is a fun ride so far, and I hope they keep up the good writing. If it stays this good, I am here to stay as well.
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Burlesque (I) (2010)
"Show me your Burlesque".
3 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First of all; I didn't know what to expect from this feature. I hoped it would be fun to watch at least. Normally I would discard the idea of watching a movie featuring singers in the leads.

But I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.

As a whole, the film was beautifully shot, the costumes, set decors were all wonderful. Christina Aguilera was never prettier than in this picture.

Concerning Aguilera, I was blown away by her acting (not implying it was Oscar worthy), for the simple, fresh and down-to-earth character, she put out there. She was believable as this nice country girl destined for bigger things - if you know Aguilera's life story, you know what I mean. And she pulled it off to a 't'.

Also a nice refreshing thing this movie did, in my opinion: were the core values it expressed. Although show business, and especially burlesque dancing, have a way of being over-the-top sexy and sometimes promiscuous. A typical story in that setting could have had more sleazy behavior, sleeping around, back-stabbing and such. But no. Even the antagonists had a way of being somewhat nice and apologetic in their own ways.

The clichéd rivalry has a place in this, but although being a cliché in itself it never becomes cliché as itself. You would expect dangerous backstabbing. It never happens like that.

At the end there even is a little plot twist, concerning the fate of the club. It's a semi twist. But it works.

Although I am enthusiastic and glad to have seen this, there is a huge plot hole, I was concerned with. Halfway through the movie Ali saves the show by beginning to sing. It's pretty clear that the mics aren't working, it being a playback show. But still there are mics on stage. So if we forget this one hole, there is an immediate second hole. As if she has a hidden portable mic she is singing, passing the mics to the front of the stage, being completely audible for everyone present. Which isn't plausible.

That said, I had a truly great time watching this. It certainly the best in it's genre (a musical romantic drama).

Certainly worth your time, if you like this sort of thing.
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