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Adam (I) (2019)
Boycott Indie film "Adam" a feeding frenzy of transphobic tropes
2 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Its like transgender people are laughing at Focus on the Family and TERFs while confirming that the lies they spread are true.

Seriously not edgy, it burns into the souls of trans exclusionary feminists, the same people who have hijacked pride parades all over Europe.

Adam, a cisgender boy pretends to be a transman in order to trick a lesbian cisgender woman into sex which results in her sexual conversion (after multiple sexual encounters).

Reality check. Trans men do not have fully functioning penises.

So two of the most toxic often anti trans tropes broadcast by the 'GetTheLout' crew was brought to the big screen.

Add to that going to a Lesbian sex party disguised as a transman just to get his jollies and infiltrating Camp trans at the Michigan womyn's music festival, seen as the very last bastion of femininity by TERFs, you have to wonder why it was made in the first place.
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