
4 Reviews
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The Last Panthers (2015–2016)
Intelligent Drama with Strong Cast and Great Acting
18 March 2018
An underrated trans-european series that is very enjoyable as long as you don't mind subtitles.

In this dark tale of criminal activity, morality is not simple black and white and although there is much back story it is handled fairly well and provides more emotional impact in the later episodes.

The main players are - Kahlil, a french detective who has recently returned to Marseille where his mother, sister and criminal brother live. Milan, one of the diamond heist team who had hoped the proceeds would pay for his brother's operation but instead has to reopen connections with Serbian gangsters. Naomi, sent by her shady boss (the excellent John Hurt) to retrieve the stolen diamonds. She is then sent from Marseille on to Belgrade against her wishes.

If you can cope with three different languages over the 6 episodes you will be rewarded when the various plot strands come together at the end .
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Before We Die (2017–2019)
Compelling Series
7 March 2018
I enjoyed watching this. The basic plot has been seen before but there was a freshness and some originally to this series. The acting and overall production is good. The script is well paced and in the last episode we learn something that refers us back to opening episode. A satisfying finale.
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Collateral (2018)
Initially promising but....
7 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
BBC dramas are getting worse so I wondered what David Hare's Collateral would be like. I did manage to watch all 4 episodes. Unfortunately it falls flat as the story is spread so thinly over a number of character's stories. Not only did I not like any of the main characters but much worse - by the end I didn't care what happened to them. All the drama was lost - even when the irritating Kip says an amazingly foolish thing to Captain Shaw that pushes her over the edge. This should have been a tragic and poignant moment but all emotion had been drained from the story by then. Pity.
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Bloodline: Part 32 (2017)
Season 3, Episode 9
Rock Bottom
16 June 2017
Season 3 has been generally poor compared to the first two seasons which were both superb. There has been much padding, the writers seeming unsure or unable to develop the story further. This episode is unfortunately the worst - the others were watchable (just). All screenwriters know that trying to show psychological issues is very difficult (hence why some novels have not been adapted for screen). The dream sequences do not progress the story further - if anyone was been watching this from the beginning they would be in no doubt as to how John and everyone else feels about what they have done - this is just more padding but this time in a ball gown. Dreadful penultimate episode.
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