
4 Reviews
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Top Wing (2017–2021)
Paw Patrol Ripoff
16 April 2020
Take the Paw Patrol show, change the characters looks and location, you have Top Wing.
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PAW Patrol (2013– )
Mind numbing and bad message for kids
16 April 2020
First off, these shows are so repetitive you know how every one of them will go before they even begin. This doesn't seem to bother the kids though. The biggest problem I see with this show an all the copycat shows like it is that there are no consequences for any of the wrong doings by the show's protagonist which is nearly always the mayor of a neighboring town.

What children can learn from this show? 1. How to help others. 2. How you won't be held accountable for your bad actions.
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Trailer Park Boys (2001–2018)
If I can't smoke and swear I'm F*****
14 January 2019
I can't remember when I've laughed more at any show. The first few episodes have you wondering if it is worth watching but keep going if you want to have some rip roaring hilarious over the top stupidity to laugh at. If I could give this a rating higher than 10, I would.
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Not a very good show
3 November 2018
This cartoon is on Disney Junior which is directed towards a younger set of children. It teaches a few stereotypes that aren't so good like Minnie and Daisy live for shopping and sometimes seem overly concerned with fashion. The food the characters eat are some of the worst possible foods you'd want your child to eat, hotdogs and bologna to mention a couple. I'd say the worst example the show gives to a very young impressionable child is the character that is most often the wrong doer, Pete. He lies, steals, destroys other peoples property and there are no consequences for his actions. My child gets the impression you can do these things and nothing will happen to you. I don't like this show for my child and no longer allow her to watch it.
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