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Fear the Walking Dead: Six Hours (2021)
Season 7, Episode 2
25 October 2021
This episode can pretty much be chalked up to Grace being a pain in Morgan's ass, as well as their baby screaming for 50 minutes. An all-round waste of time with no character or story progression whatsoever.
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What? Why? How?
27 December 2019
This is a bad film. I heavily dislike it and discourage people from paying the money hungry and exploitative corporations to go see this. It is not Star Wars whatsoever, it is a generic and lifeless action-adventure with a Star Wars theme, locations and characters. It has been a whole trilogy yet all characters remain undeveloped, uninteresting and cliched and the story has the quality of a first time writer. It is painfully predictable to the point where it is cringe inducing. After The Last Jedi, I honestly didn't know what I was expecting but I didn't realize that they could stoop any lower. They just rinse and repeat the same formula every film: a threat that could destroy a planet or takeover the galaxy is introduced, the good guys fight against it and almost lose until they are saved or have luck to win in the end. Please place Star Wars into more capable and caring hands who actually give a damn about the rich and expansive universe.

I will give credit where it is due however. The cinematography and visuals are eye candy and the set pieces are fantastic. I also enjoyed Adam Driver's performance as Kylo Ren and Sidious is a cool character, despite being under utilized in my opinion. This is about all I mildly enjoyed or even liked however.

I suggest avoiding this but check it out if you liked The Force Awakens. I would recommend having a look at The Mandalorian or the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated series instead as both are excellent utilize the Star Wars Universe properly.
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Patient, Fun and Lovable
26 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers

Following 'The Hateful Eight' arrives Tarantino's 9th and second last film 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood'. Here we see fading actor Rick Dalton (DiCaprio) attempting to capture the spotlight again with stunt double and best friend, WWII veteran Cliff Booth (Pitt) by his side. Let's talk about it.

The acting is PHENOMENAL. The buddy chemistry between DiCaprio and Pitt is undescribably good and both play extremely flawed yet lovable and charismatic characters. The characters are so investing and detailed to the point where eventually you see them for who they are and not their actor.

The film is also vibrant and is shot extremely well, depicting a beautiful fairytale version of a 60s LA.

As with every Tarantino film, the dialogue and comedy is spot on with not many flaws I can pick out. Although the dialogue and comedy is rather exaggerated to unrealistic levels at certain points, it is still one hell of a fun ride.

One major flaw I will point out however is the pacing at some points. The film will continuously give you an interesting moment with the characters but some moments will test your patience if you are more of a casual filmgoer. Personally I didn't have an issue with pacing but a 3 hour runtime does have its issues. The ending is also extremely divisive. Again, I loved it and it was an almost sombre in a happy way type of ending but some might feel a disconnect from the film after what they just watched.

Overall, the film is a fun time and shouldn't be taken seriously at all. It is an exaggeration and makes fun of a time and people that are long since gone. It is not as detailed nor 'narratively unique' as Tarantino's previous work but either way, I enjoyed it immensely and loved the actor's performances dearly.

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Weakest Film of the Three
14 July 2019

Of all three John Wick films, Parabellum was definitely the most hyped up and anticipated one. A stronger marketing for the film as well as the general buzz that has been surrounding Reeves lately, I was definitely more excited for Parabellum than the previous two, both of which I am fans of.

PROS +: Like the previous two films, Parabellum is visually stunning. The cinematography is on point and the action and choreography are definitely above standard with each punch and kick and bullet impact packing brutal force. Reeves continues his titular role as the elite hitman John Wick and fulfills it yet again. The acting from other characters overall isn't great but they get their job done in an action movie.

Cons -: Since the first John Wick, the franchise has been on this slow decline to becoming your average action flick only the bonus is that it has Keanu Reeves. The first film was simple and kept it simple. It came in and did its job as an entertaining action film and ended sweet. I felt the second however, while still a good film, only convoluted and added layers to the overall story that didn't add anything interesting in my opinion. The overarching 'Assassin Order' type plot didn't work for me. Parabellum only expands on said plot. The franchise is becoming more like a first person shooter with long, overextended action sequences and an almost gimmicky storyline that feels tacked on to keep an excuse for the waves upon waves of enemies that are killed. The action is neverending while the story is never expanded upon in any meaningful or fulfilling way. With a fourth film planned and possibly no ending in sight for this franchise, they need to find some way to improve upon the story in my opinion while keeping the action fresh, otherwise the next film is going to be old with the same generic action. Neglecting the story will lead to meaningless action which while loved by many action fans, will leave those wanting an interesting plot of any kind disappointed.

I love Keanu as much as the next person but please, don't let this franchise become the next *insert annual summer release action flick that is forgotten in a year*.

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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Great Concepts behind a Flawed Film
17 April 2019
Trust me, I wanted to love this film. I had heard all about it when it had first released on Netflix but never got around watching it until now (As of April 14 2019) and to be completely honest, I expected more than what people were telling what it was.

I tried to like Annihilation but just found the film to be extremely slow, just barely keeping myself interested by the ideas and themes the film presented. That is all I can give Annihilation credit for, it's themes of cosmicism and Lovecraftian-esque storytelling. The Shimmer is also a terrifying yet beautiful location with a cool concept behind it, as well as the final scene which is very unique in this day and age with how it portrays an alien and how it deals with such a concept. Other than that, it was uninteresting and suffers from poor pacing, as well as undeveloped and uninteresting characters.

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Unnecessary, Unwanted and Unfufilling
17 April 2019

Let's get this out of the way first. The first half hour of the film is amazing. The cinematography and direction is top notch, the acting is stellar and the film is tense and matches the grittiness of the first Sicario, albiet more military focused. A new threat is presented and is able to strike the United States where it hurts. This was really intriguing to me as not only was it a new threat instead of the Cartels but it was considerably more dangerous.

This is where it fell apart however. The new threat I explained just then does not return for the rest of the film. It is never mentioned, nor does it show up or attack again. It's almost like it was never there in the first place. This is my number one complaint with this film. It took an interesting and dangerous adversary and just threw it out the window like it was nothing. Why they chose to do this, I don't know. Along with this, the film devolves into a Call of Duty basically. Following a string of terrorist attacks, (suspected to be supported by the Cartels) the US Government just thinks like "You know what? F__k it. Let's just send our special forces over into another country and do whatever we want! (Wouldn't be the first time though)". Guns go ablaze, people die left right and centre, some even in broad daylight and that's basically the film. In another scene, one character (supposedly) kills another only for the character who was shot to get up and drive away. The twist can be seen a mile away and I wasn't suprised when it happened.

Overall, this film takes everything the first did and flips it upside down, devolving the dark and realistic thriller the first was and creating a sequel that was unnecessary, poorly written and utterly disappointing.

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Better Call Saul: Winner (2018)
Season 4, Episode 10
A Heartbreakingly Perfect Ending
9 October 2018

This season concludes on a perfect note. The finale embodies everything that is great about 'Better Call Saul'. I cannot comprehend the Writing Team's ability to meticulously weave together a realistic and gritty yet beautiful and emotional story. The cinematography has evolved over the course of the show and is interstellar in this episode, especially with the 'final death scene' which was one of the most beautiful shots I have ever scene in television and film. The final scene is shocking with how decieving and cold it is, although we always knew it would happen at some point, it doesn't make it any less impactful. The Cast's acting is amazing as always with no faults, especially Odenkirk's and Banks'. In conclusion, I loved this season which was as story driven and beautiful as always along with it's terrific acting, great cinematography and natural story progression. I will miss this show for the next year. Thanks Vince, Peter and the BCS Team for creating a phenomenal experience, I cannot wait for the stories you will bring us next year.

It's all good man. 10/10
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Fear the Walking Dead: People Like Us (2018)
Season 4, Episode 9
Mixed Feelings
14 August 2018
Being a fan of FTWD, I was excited to see it start back again. However this episode was rather boring and didn't solve much questions left by the mid-season finale. THEY NEED TO CHANGE THE ART STYLE TOO. I understand they are trying to create a world that is dark and rather hopeless and nihilistic but the gray filter is EXTREMELY unappealing and rather ugly. I have hopes that the show is going to pick up soon and they seem to be actually utilising the zombies and weather as threats but this was a rather disappointing return to what started as a great season (IMO). 5/10
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Better Call Saul: Smoke (2018)
Season 4, Episode 1
Only the Beginning
8 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great season premiere. The show has drifted away from it's original comedic and comical style to a more dark, realistic and tragic story. Jimmy has begun his transformation into Saul, something in him just snaps at the end of the episode. There is also this overarching feeling of danger and dread throughout the entire episode, especially for Jimmy and Nacho while Mike confronts Madrigal. Overall this was a great storybuilding episode with some of the best cinematography I have ever seen for a television series. Welcome back Vince and Peter.
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