
11 Reviews
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This is by far the best show I have ever seen!
18 January 2021
10 minutes into the pilot and I was hooked! What I really love about The Queen's Gambit is that it isn't like everything else out there. It is a one of a kind type of show, and a good one as well! The cinematography is astonishing, the acting is absolutely fantastic, the characters are relatable and the settings are beautiful!

Give this show a go. You will not regret it!
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Ratched (2020)
What's the deal?
1 October 2020
Just another show with Sarah Paulson screaming and crying...
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Spinning Out (2020)
Predictable on so many levels, yet I can't stop watching
9 February 2020
Yes, it's full of clichés. Yes, there are characters that really doesn't need to be there. Yes, a lot of the issues doesn't make sense. And yes, they tried to tick every box of political issues in today's society.

And somehow, I actually really enjoyed watching this. Huh, who would've thought!
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Eagles (2019–2022)
So bad it's comedic
5 May 2019
This show is suppose to be true to reality but it fails in every single aspect.

Family members selling out family members. Family members speaking different accents. Characters fighting for the lamest reasons and supporting characters that makes zero sense to the main story, which by the way is so mediocre, predictable and boring.

Overall it's so bad it gets comedic. I would sit and straight out laugh because the script is so bad... jez, SVT, just don't.
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
Don't watch this for your own sanity
11 November 2018
Fan of clichés and hateable characters? Bingo! Welcome to Riverdale? I'm 22 years old and I'm shocked so many people my age watch this and actually enjoy it? The show is suited for like 13 year olds... or brain dead adults. Cringe worthy acting, cringe worthy script, cringe worthy storylines, characters. Yeah it's all a mess, right. The plot holes are endless! We've all seen this kind of show before so do yourself a favor and go watch Daredevil.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
28 May 2018
I thought season 1 was great. And I think season 2 was Amazing! The show has gotten a lot of bad ratings because of the graphic scenes in season 2 but honestly, this is what makes the show so good. I love that 13 Reasons Why isn't afraid of taking on such sensitive subjects, many that other show's just won't deal with.

Season 2 deals with issues like rape culture, rape, gun violence and of course suicide and bullying. Subjects I have very strong feelings about and the fact that the show addresses these difficult issues and shows a graphic image of reality is something I appreciate.

What makes a good show is how you feel when you're not watching it. And during this short period when I was binging through season 2 I didn't have anything else on my mind.
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Prison Break (2005–2017)
Fantastic show
6 March 2018
Never really understood the concept of "a character you love to hate": until Theodore Bagwell.
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Alias Grace (2017)
21 January 2018
I found the plot a bit slow to begin with. It took a few episodes to really get into the story, but it was always intriguing enough to keep me watching.

The protagonist, Grace, is very likable. She's smart and hardworking but she's monotonous. The actress does a good job portraying her, but at times I found her acting mediocre. I would think the objective was to show how Grace's interactions with different characters contributed to the events leading up to the murders, like all the abuse, disrespect, etc. And you really develope a sense to why such a thing could happen. You really "feel" with Grace as you get to know her throughout the story.

Overall, I enjoyed the show.
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
Falling Skies aka How to safe Tom Mason's Family
18 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've given the show a 5-star rating because I actually liked the first two seasons. But after that the show went downhill.

The plot is illogical, slow and boring. The show should really be called: How to safe Tom Mason's family. The protagonist, Tom Mason, is the most annoying character ever. He's narcissistic, stupid, loud and a hypocrite. He'll gladly throws the hole 2nd Mass under the bus to go save someone in his family (which he has to at least once every season) but when it comes to anyone else's life they're usually "sacrificed for the greater good". A quote from the shows antagonist Pope.

The Espheni has wiped out 90% of the Earth's population but they just can't take Tom Mason out, a history professor. It's so irrational. Tom flies to the moon and then magically surives, he wakes up in the ocean (?).

This show sucks.
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The Mist (2017)
18 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I got so disappointed with this show! I was a big fan of The Mist (2007) so I thought this show would be decent -- I was wrong.

After a few episodes I just found it boring. The plot contained a bunch of irrelevant subplots like the mother Eve being the "town slut". We saw these flashbacks to when Eve and her husband had sex and then Eve says: harder. Then the husband's like: where did that come from? And Eve's like: didn't you know? I used to sleep with everyone around town? Not really but that's pretty much how it went down.

The show is about a witch hunt for the raped girl and the guy that presumably raped her. First this guy, Jay, raped her, then she wasn't sure. Then the hole town says she lied about it. And in the end it was the best friend that raped her. It was a mess.

I forced myself to finish the 10 episodes. Just to get it over with. If you're up for a slow show with characters that becomes primitive nutjobs after 2 hours without food than this is the show for you!

Would not recommend.
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Bates Motel (2013–2017)
Definitely worth every minute!
17 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished season 5 so I can officially say that I've seen the entire show. I binged it over a few days and I'm pretty sad that it's over.

I thought season 1 was a bit slow to begin with, but the depth and complex characters got me hooked and so I continued to watch. The Norma-drama is what's really interesting and her interactions with other characters are fun to follow. After the first murder on the show it's impossible to stop watching, you can't stop but to wonder what's gonna happen next. The show only got better with season 2 and then even better with season 3 (is this even possible anymore? Well it is for Bates Motel).

Season 4 was my absolute favorite. Though I wanted to kill Norman the entire series, he was extremely annoying. At this point you can really see how twisted his mind is, and it's hard to imagine how Norma can be in such denial? It was frustrating to watch scenes with Norman in the Pineview Institute because his doctors are somehow unable to see that Norman is out of his god damn mind?! What I really liked about this season was the evolution of Norma and Romero. From not caring for Romero at all throughout the series he evoled to one of my favorite characters. This high gard guy all of a sudden has a soft side. His pain when Norma died broke my heart. Again: I wanted to kill Norman. I had high expectations for season 5 after reading good reviews and I got really disappointed. I felt like the show lost it's vibe with Norma gone and only existing in Norman's mind. In season 5 you start to understand why Norman is the way he is and you won't hate him as much as previous seasons. But it will make you feel great when Romero beats the crap out of him in the finale.

The most amazing thing about this show is that you come to care for the characters. At least I did. The acting is great, Freddie Highmore does a great job as Norman, since I've hated the guy pretty much the hole time.

But to sum up the case: Bates Motel is among one of the greatest shows I've ever seen. It's amazing and it only gets better with each season. It's worth watching!
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