
36 Reviews
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Matrix Resurrection is the 4th best Matrix movie.
25 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It is like fan fiction, if it was told from the perspective of a retired Neo and half way through it a senile Trinity corrects Neo's senile ass on how things really happened, but then they both noticed they had pooped their adult diapers and walked hand in hand into the sunset.
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One of the better DCU movies but not James Gunn's
8 August 2021
*The Suicide Squad* Entertaining and funny, with good action. I enjoyed it. It had an unnecessary Harley mini movie in between, that could have been better spent in making stronger connections with characters so at the end the payoff and results would be more credible and have a greater impact.

7.5 one of the better DCU movies, but surely not best James Gunn movie.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Mortal Kombat (1995) > Mortal Kombat (2021)
7 May 2021
If you enjoyed the classic 1995 original, but wish it had less charm and more cardboard acting, then you are in for a treat.

Otherwise fast forward your stream to the last 15 minutes and enjoy the only two things worth anything here: Sub-Zero vs Scorpio and the iconic techno theme song (that for some reason only appears at the end credits).
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It builds on Pacific Rim's blueprint but falls short
17 April 2021
The battles are bar settings expectables but that doesn't make a movie.

If paying homage to Pacific Rim, the rip off the entirety formula, not just the fights. In other words, don't dwell too much on the humans, make them approachable if not compelling, and move on to what we are here to watch: epic behemoth battle it out!

If you can see it at a movie theater, the fights are worth sitting down and enduring the rest of it.

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Butt Boy (2019)
Eat before and Tequila shots while
22 February 2021
Ok I don't love it, and I'll probably not ever see it again. But it's was not a waste of time, not like I am butt hurt about it. /p
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Better than the Last Jedi but no cigar
12 February 2021
2 hours for something that was more video game than story telling was a little too long. But it was cool enough. Cool enough that it was pleasant but the wasted potential also makes it underwhelming.

If you don't mind a cliche story, underdeveloped characters and bland script...this has plenty of action, high production value, and can be entertaining enough for some mindless fun.

6/10 3/5 C
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Luther (2010–2019)
Hilariously non-sensical goodness
11 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I only saw season 1, because it was too silly for me to continue to waste my time. But wether it is Luther going using the evidence room like is a genie lamp or running out with incriminating evidence against him, RIGHT IN FRONT IF EVERYONE! And just throwing it in a river and going back to work like nothing happens, we can't stop bringing it up as a reference of dumb plot mechanics to push the story forward.

It does help that Idria Elba is a gem of an actor, have to see this again, but only season 1.

10/10 for laugh out loud silliness first season AND 1/10 for the horrible storyline.

5/10 overall.
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Watchmen (2019)
Creative and daring but unfortunately unpolished
8 February 2021
I do not care wether you love or hate the political/cultural message portray by this series, my main care is if it's coherent, intelligent, and entertaining.

And honestly I hated how it initially was so nonsensical, as if because it was based on a comic book motives and actions do not have to make sense.

I also did not appreciate how it telegraph everything, as if I needed hand holding.

And I am not the type of person that is trying to figure out the movie, that is my wife. But some things were too obvious, please less hints so as not to lessen the impact of story development and twists.

Regardless, the last few of this serie's episodes were all very well made; sometimes elegant, and even smart enough to save it from not discouraging people from watching.

The plan was good but they didn't entirely stick the landing.

7/10 3.5/5 C+
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Possibly the best zombie film ever
4 February 2021
This could be about anything other than zombies: heist, prison escape, really doesn't matter because it is well made. Top notch production value, engaging characters...that it is about zombies, it just makes it even better.

9/10 4/5 A
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Thinking outside the coffin
3 February 2021
This is an instant cult classic. Fun movie that shows vampire in a new ridiculous light, or shadows.

If you like it's silliness, then you will love the tv series.

7.5/10 3.5/5 B
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Run (I) (2020)
Been there seem that, but not bad.
3 February 2021
Well made and solid performances make this too often told story still entertaining, if nothing else.

7/10 3.5/5 B-
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Greenland (2020)
Done before and better
2 February 2021
This is just a movie about a man patching things up with his wife and gaining his family again with an end of the world event looming as the backdrop. If that sounds like a winning formula for you, then fine have fun wasting 2 hours. Did I mention it is Gerald Butler and not Tom Hanks or Denzel Washington. You have been warned.
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Wild, Stylized, and Ruthless
29 January 2021
THE WHITE TIGER 2020) Netflix

This stylish, gripping, well acted, and ruthless drama was a welcomed surprise. It is why I like Netflix, it can give a voice to those that usually are never heard.

Definitely a good movie, actually a very good one; it's about this poor Indian boy and how he navigates his desires to be a success with his upbringing to be a servant.

A long movie, I can only be critical in that it felt like it should have been released as a series. At the end, I could not shake that feeling that I just binged on Netflix until the break of dawn, even though it runs only about 2 hours.

It may have felt somewhat too long, but at the same time as if had so much more left to say. But at the end The White Tiger never overstayed it's welcome.

Also, as my friend Ben pointed out, no dance at the end: disappointing, a very valid point. Lol

Pick your score: 3.75/5 7.5/10 B+
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Good but Less Than The Sum of it's Parts
18 November 2019
This is very well directed movie, filled with top notch acting, and some real gripping car races that I enjoyed and really wanted to love, but kept having this nagging feeling like they were checking off boxes.

It has this old fashioned feel to it, which I actually enjoyed but may put off others that may believe it drags (specially at the start). Someone actually starting snoring in the theater.

But honestly this is a good enough movie, that at the end of the day, could have been better; the relationships between the masterfully performed characters deserved to have been carve out a little more.

Also almost everyone seemed, so it was hard to root for anyone; but I guess that is why the performances were partly so good, we were shown real people. Again just wished more of a deep dive into what made everyone tick.

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Doctor Sleep (2019)
10 November 2019
I commend Director/editor Mike Flanagan for trying follow the book but also pay service to the movie adaptation of the Shinning.

The movie was a very suspenseful film, with great characters, acting, superb directing and camera work.

Is it a classic, no. The iconic scenes that of the Shinning seem more creepy/sinister than this. But this was top notch and very polished.

And Kyliegh Curran did a great job. This 13 year old has the talent to win an Oscar someday.

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Finally, it took decades, but we have a good enough Terminator movie.
3 November 2019
I have not watched a Terminator movie since the first original two...WAIT! 🤔 I did see the 3rd one and remembering this - just now - would usually ruin the rest of this post and possibly the rest of the weekend.

But to the rescue comes 2019's Terminator: Dark Fate. With a good story, likeable characters, plenty of action, and quality visual effects.

This movie could have been a more though provoking movie, fine yes; but it decided to take the safer route and redo the same proven formula from the originals, and you know what that is cool with me. Heck, I am actually reliefed, finally a good Terminator movie.

I hope they continue the franchise with this timeline; looking forward to more. Maybe next one they can take some risk, but this was good.

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Joker (I) (2019)
A Thought Provoking Masterpiece
19 October 2019
I am going straight to the point: this movie is a masterpiece.

I have no idea what some critics are smoking.

If you go looking for a superhero movie, you will be disappointed. But you will witness a thought provoking deep dive into many topics that trouble society; from mental illness and the total disregard of others, all the while embroiled in our usual sanctimonious contempt.

Joaquin Phoenix deserves an Oscar. Not many movies' attention to detail help catch me off guard, but this did; and plenty of times.

It was exquisitely crafted. You know this was created thoughtfully and with careful orchestration when I was able to connect with what I felt was the message, but quickly noticed that almost anyone could connect and find their own message.

The movie does not have a moral compass and does not spoon feed you a predictable heroic take or tragedy. It gives you art, and let's you make up your own mind. It may leave people conflicted, and some may not like that. Some need good vs evil, Darth Vader vs Luke Skywalker, Tony vs Thanos. Well life does not work like that, not does the Joker movie.

And what a movie, a movie for the ages. Almost anyone can relate it to their life, hopes, and struggles... for example, I can easily imagine liberals will watch it and feel it was about *the resistance* BUT, at the same time, a staunch MAGA hat wearing viewer can watch it and believe it was about *draining the swamp*, etc.

Joker 10/10
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Gemini Man (2019)
Great Tech Demo is Passed Off Ass a Movie
16 October 2019
I have to be honest, I thought James Cameron's Avatar was a technological marvel, but I was very underwhelmed with the script, story line, and acting.

Well Gemini Man is Avatar on steroids, but in all the wrong cringe worthy ways

The High Frame Resolution (120fps) made the screen come alive, everything was so vibrant. Imagine all those beautiful professionally taken DSLR photos, but as a film. This is the future of cinema, and it will impact action movies the most.

But...this movie is such cringe worthy because they decided to de-age Will Smith. And if 120fps makes everything pop and jump out of the screen, then get ready to really notice all that CGI in the worst way, plus the rest that is used in action scenes.

I am actually excited for future use of 120fps, but not in films that use a lot of CGI, at least not until CGI matures A LOT more.

Lastly, a script and storyline that needs to be slapped for taking your money is the final straw. There is an freaking - actual line - that goes: "you took a person and made another person out of that person..." Or something to that. Horrible !

5.5/10 because half of the movie looked like a video game, and the other seemed like Forest Gump wrote it. And I actually like video games.
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Did you like... It (2017) and you found Pennywise creepy AF, well throw that out the door.
11 September 2019
This movie is full of special effects, gross monsters, jump scares, and even jokes sprinkled everywhere.

It is like when Thor made a left turn to Ragnarok and started throwing one liners, but with a lot of unecessary scenes.

This movie was too long, it dragged at times, and I missed the serious creepy version of it.

The audience clapped at the end, I guess jump scares, and crazy grossed monsters is enough for most. Also the love triangle made no sense to me, but I am not a hopeless romantic, so to each its own.

Great casting job and acting though, top notch.

Watch it at home and fast forward until you see pennywise or Bill Harder (if you want the jokes).

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Tarantino is a gift to cinema, but he needs a film editor pronto.
11 August 2019
Tarantino's films are long, sometimes TOO LONG, like this review lol but usually I don't mind this, because the scene setting and dialogue is phenomenal, and makes it all worth the 5 minutes you just saw someone ride around with one foot out the car window or smoke a cigarette as if it is the last one on earth.

But in this case, the dialogue was not up to my expectations and I could not relate with with the privilege Hollywood of old, has-been, nostalgia that was mostly the theme of the movie.

I will say this though, it is a reimagining of real life events, so knowing more about them may help, I sadly did not know this until after. Always avoiding spoilers did not work out this time around.

I must admit anytime Leonardo DiCaprio or Brad Pitt were on the screen the movie shined, but Tarantino overindulged too much on others, and those scenes were not fun or helped develop much.

Now that I know what it was based on, I now understand why the characters were there, but regardless the movie dragged at times.

I give it a 6.5/10!

.... because there was a good 🐶 dogo.

Watch it at home. And fast forward any time Brad or Leonardo take too long to appear again.
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Mindless fun but too corny
4 August 2019
This is coming from someone that is NOT a fan of the Fast n' Furious franchise, but I also don't mind mindless action, sort of like Mission Impossible...yes that is mindless action for me.

So that out of the way, this was mindless action in spades and with charisma, I can see plenty of people enjoying it very much.

But it was bit too corny for my taste, specially the 3rd act.


What it at home, while drinking a cold one or sipping some mezcal.
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Midsommar (2019)
Could Have Been a Great Short Film
7 July 2019
Midsommar is a creepy, well crafted, chilling feature.

You can see it is made with attention to detail, and I always appreciate that, but the pacing is slower than needed. To the point that It feels se are getting more of the same in between far in between tense moments.

As the wife correctly put it: "that would have been a great short film."

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Typical Fun Summer Superhero Stuff (Not a complain)
7 July 2019
Fun, light hearted, past paced, but not in a disorienting sorts. The movie helped develop Spider-Man more than any other of his other previous MCU appearances.

Top notch movie fun overall.

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Not Groundbreaking but Solid
30 June 2019
Ok, so I have not seen the previous Annabelle movies, but I have seen the Conjuring movies.

I can understand if people believe the scares were far and few between; and that the movie was too light hearted.

But I actually found it charming, with solid performances, and actual tense moments. It was not groundbreaking but enjoyable.

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Toy Story 4 (2019)
It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it is good enough.
22 June 2019
Toy Story 4 is a fun time for entire family.

It actually feels more like Toy Story 3.5, more of the same. And that is not necessarily a bad thing. It had some teachable moments there too, but it sort of contradicted itself somewhat for the sake of the plot.

Regardless 8/10
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