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Wait Until Dark (I) (1967)
Excellent Film with Some Pot-Holes
31 January 2007
Alan Arkin has said that his role as Roats in this film was difficult for him, because he, like everybody else, did not enjoy having to terrorize a character played by lovely Audrey Hepburn. In fact, this was one of the reasons that the character of Roat was so hard to cast-but lets be glad Arkin finally took the role. He contributes quite a lot to this film. The film is based on a stage play of the same name, thus a lot of the action happens on one set. I generally find such films fairly boring, and the first time I saw this one I didn't find it all that interesting. But I so enjoyed the Roats character, that I went back and viewed it again-and this time I loved it. The film contains a few plot holes which some reviewers have pointed out, accurately, end up serving the film rather than detracting from it. Anyone who enjoys a good suspense film or movies with twists and surprises will love this one!
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Good...but ???
20 July 2006
Having loved the 1st Pirates film, it was in anticipation that I went into the dark theater to watch the sequel. I was confused almost the minute the film began. The plot of this film rushes by in a whirl of action and excitement. The scenes and stunts are spectacular, aided by the incredible performance of most of the actors. I was greatly impressed, but a lot of things in the story just didn't make sense to me. To give the filmmakers a little mercy, there was a huge storm the day I saw this film and the power went out twice. Add to that a few minutes absent from the theater, and I really shouldn't complain about constantly feeling I had "missed something". But I just got the impression that the filmmakers did not make everything as clear as they could have. I have no doubt that many of my questions will find answers come the release of the 3rd film. As an after note, I was rather annoyed by the character of Elizabeth Swan. She had a very abrasive personality. Whether this is a fault of Keira Knightly's performance, or an intentional addition by the filmmakers remains to be seen. But I don't remember her being that obnoxious in the 1st film.
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Not a blockbuster, but a harmless outing
23 April 2006
This is by no means going to win any major critical awards for originality or tricky effects. It isn't going to win Alan Ladd any post-humous Oscars. But when one just feels like watching a movie... who really cares? For that type of Saturday afternoon frivolity, this film is certainly worth a try.

The film depends on a typical boy-and-his-dog storyline, giving it a slight twist when the other relationship in this story-the one between a father and his son-takes priority in the tale.

The effect of this whimsical fable is enhanced when one realizes that Alan and David Ladd are indeed father and son, and imagines the bond presented on the screen to be one that could have existed in real life. One is also saddened by the remembrance of Ladd Sr,'s drunken death at the age of 55.

In other words, it's not a two handkerchief picture, but it's more than worth a shot.
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The Music Man (2003 TV Movie)
A Musical Gem, a Delight!
11 April 2006
Musicals are a controversial art form. There are those that love them and those that hate them ever so much. If ever one was looking for a film to change a negative mind on that subject, this would be it. One doesn't have to be "into" music to appreciate the light hearted humour and wonderful melodies of this timeless piece. The entire show sparkles with an excellent cast, colourful, realistic sets and Meredith Wilson's sparkling musical works. On top of all that, one can truly appreciate such a rascally sneak as "Harold Hill, Boy Band Salesmen". He's a criminal but, as the town of River City soon finds out, he has a huge heart. He is anything but slimy and basically a goof, a very appropriate role for Matthew Broderick. A fun, musical romp all around, "The Music Man" is a thrill to the end. Come along for the ride, and you won't be disappointed.
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Watch this one first!
25 March 2006
If you choose to watch Episodes One-Three first, you may be disappointed in these older films which, quite understandably, lack in the special effects compared to the other ones. It should be noted however, that these films were at the height of technology at their time, and remain a credit to their creators. As far as story line goes, I was unimpressed with the action. The movie does contain a few fast paced scenes, but they lack the feeling of suspense and excitement which make the newer movies so fun to watch, and which had come to be associated with Star Wars.

Luke Skywalker, played by Mark Hammel, is about as interesting as watching paint dry. Carrie Fischer does a scantly better job. Most kudos should likely go to Harrison Ford, as Hans Solo, who makes a few foolish attempts at being funny, but whose acting is at least up to par. Or maybe the Star Wars Oscar should go to whoever played Chewbacca, for being inside that big costume all day. All in all, a bit of a disappointment.
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This movie will make a fan of you!
15 March 2006
I was one of the all too common people who refused to accept Star Wars because I felt it was something that only geeks would be interested in. I loudly protested when my brother told me that he wanted to start watching the movies, starting with episode one. I watched only part of that movie, though I was remotely interested in what I saw. The next week, we rented Attack of the Clones. Again, I had no interest at first. But the next day, when my brother was re-viewing it, I watched too... and I really like it! So, I gladly joined in watching Revenge of the Sith, and it blows the first two movies out of the water! A superb mix of action and emotion, it stops at nothing to complete the story of Anaking Skywalker in a manner you won't soon forget. A perfect example of a ten out of ten.
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Psycho (1960)
Now that is what I call a movie!
11 March 2006
I agree with other posters that this is film, pure and simple. No social messages, no poignant emotion, just entertainment, plain, pure and simple. It is the type of horror film only the likes of it's fine British director could handle. Anthony Perkins gives a fine performance, and its too bad that this role is what ultimately ended up stereotyping his career. I found his character to be excellent, phsyco but not "mad".

As for Janet Leigh, well, lets just say I was kind of happy she died early on. The shower scene lives up to all it's expectations.

If you want to see real Hitchcock, see this.
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Not one of Hitchcocks best.
18 February 2006
I've frankly come to expect better of the famous suspense director. After being told my whole life that this was a really good movie and it was so good and so on and so forth, it was a real disappointment. I would hardly call it a suspense movie, but maybe it was never supposed to be suspense. There is a lot more romance and talking than chasing bad guys.

Like most films, however, its not without it's good points. Cary Grant is , as usual, quite dashing in the lead role, even though he is obviously aging by this point in time. It was fun to watch the crop duster sequence and Mount Rushmore scenes, which were every bit as exciting as I had hoped.

So while this movie is not quite what I would call Hitchcock class, it is quite satisfactory as a Friday night Fun Flick, or to watch with older kids.
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The Big Clock (1948)
10 January 2006
I tossed in an extra star for the ending...

This movie... what can I say? It has a very confused start. It's one of those movies that just kind of throws you for a loop at the start-reminding me of M. Night Shayamalen's "The Village", although the subjects are very different. The plot improves about a quarter of the way through the movie. After that, you'll be interested. A comment on the acting. Superb. Elsa Lancaster, Charles Laughton,Ray Milland, natch.

A comment. This movie was remade some years later, and sometimes you catch the two on TV together. If you have the opportunity, it might be worth it to watch both together.
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Fabulous, Faithful Retelling
31 December 2005
Welcome to Narnia. Prepare to be lost. If you don't wander around blindly in the forest, prepare to be "lost" on this virtually flawless film. Unlike other movies made from books, this film never strays from the novel. Like the fourth Harry Potter movie, this one does suffer from a feeling of scenes that are far too brief and rushed. The music is quite ordinary. Aslan's angry roar could use work. But that is all. The film gives us the ability to see C.S. Lewis' fabulous allegorical tale enacted on the screen, with incredible results. The story represents Christ's unending love for us, carried so far as to die on the cross at Calvary. Look for ways this movie, and the story, represent the different aspects of Jesus' story.

Don't miss the movie. As a bonus, Peter is REALLY CUTE!!!
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Such a Beautiful Story
28 December 2005
I find no reason not to give this film ten stars. Fine work by Cary Grant as usual, accompanied by the excellent work of Niven and Young. Although the movie is takes place at Christmas, it's message that there are still good people in the world is appropriate for any time of year. On top of wonderful acting, we are treated to some cute special effects, wonderful, light humour and a beautiful performance by a boy's church chorus. I would recommend watching this film when there is nothing to distract you from the humour and every bit of action going on in the story as you will want to take in every moment.

I had never heard of this movie until I received it for Chrstmas, so it might be a little known treat for all the die-hard Cary Grant fans out there. Enjoy it! I had tears in my eyes while watching it.
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More than a Christmas Story
28 December 2005
Poor Ralphie. On top of involvement in the struggle to win a perfect Christmas present, he is also besieged by bullies, an overly gruff father, and the occasional poor grade. But what a typical childhood it is. After using the opening minutes to deceive us into thinking this is just another comedy, the film's creators give us a story that strongly resembles many of our own childhoods. Nothing seems to go right for Ralphie and we sympathize because nothing ever seems to go right for us either. Don't get the idea that this is a depressing movie though. The underlying message is tied together nicely by some genuinely funny moments, guaranteed real laughs. Aside from some language and very brief sexual humour, a great family film.
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Let's hear it for the Muppets!
27 December 2005
Never underestimate the Muppets. If you do Miss Piggy might hit you. Probably deciding never to be outdone by Alaster Simm, the Muppets here stage their own Christmas Carol. In doing so, they stage what I consider to be the best version of the carol. Certainly not the "definitive" or the "classic", but in my world the best. Beniffiting from an enchanting musical score, typical Muppet humour and the superb acting of Micheal Cane, the playful puppets have warmed countless hearts with their rendition of the Dickens classic.The film manages to be both funny, yet moving and true to the the story. My family watches the movie once a year, on Christmas Eve, and it has become a part of our family identity. Ask us to name our traditions, and this will usually be the first one. If you make it a part of your Holiday schedule, I promise you will not be disappointed.
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What will Brad Pitt eat next?
24 December 2005
Movie begins: Tacky Sexual Content...overuse of profanity...Brad Pitt stuffing yet another sandwich down his neck. OK, were past the typical Hollywood crap, now let's get to the good stuff. Welcome to the world of Ocean. A real smart guy, he has no problem robbing a casino. He enlists the help of a group of buddies and off he goes. The beginning of the film is somewhat dry and filled with the aforementioned problems, bu having cleared that hurdle we are treated to a fun filled romp with plenty of action, food and the most big names seen on screen at once since "Grand Hotel". For the majority of viewers, this movie will pose no threat. It is actually quite clever. But for families with young children or high moral standards, it may not be worth the exposure to f words, casino strippers and the on screen gluttony of a certain blond star...
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Tokio Jokio (1943)
An excellent view of history
24 December 2005
I'm not going to give this a rating, because someone is bound to take offense. This film, as stated by other users, needs to be understood in an historical context. History classes today teach only about the racism of war propaganda, internment camps and other mediums that seem to take advantage of a certain group of people. This film printed today would be unacceptable by my standards and the world's, but back then making fun of the country you were at war with was a fact of life. In my history class, we were shown this film in an, I believe, anti racist way. What a horrible example to use. What was shown before you was not racism. It was an attempt to lift the spirits of a nation that just happened to be attacked by Japan. Please take this short with the times and with a grain of salt!
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I'll Never Cry At That!
4 December 2005
"Hah", I proclaimed to my mother, "I'll never cry at that. How anyone could cry at a love story is beyond me."

Boy, was I wrong.

This movie is not only an excellent movie of itself, but wonderful for long time Cary Grant fans that wish to see a role that isn't a screwball comedy. If you're a true fan, chances are you've already seen this. This movie is told in flashback fragments, as Irenne Dunne uses records to display the story of her life. As the first song rolls by-"You were meant for me, I was meant for you"- a painful love story unfolds before our eyes. It is so much more than a love story, more like a life story that begins less than halfway through. The plot becomes so emotional, that at times we wonder if the traditional happy ending is going to be forsaken...

With that I'll leave you to decide if this is worth seeing for yourself!
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A real thought provoker... but it should have been better.
2 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
(Warning: This contains spoilers) This was an incredible movie that everyone should see once in their life. To know and understand the horrors instituted at Auschwitz and similar camps is a credit to the human race. The facts must out if we are to ever prevent genocide from continuing to plague the human race.

I commend Steven Spielburg for making this wonderful film.

Why did I only give it a seven out of ten? This movie is wonderful.The girl in the red dress. The flakes of human flesh raining down like snow from the crematoriums. Schindler wishing he had done more to help the Jews. The extremely touching ending scenes, filmed in colour. But the movie is marred, and the message disturbed, by the blatant sexuality,which, in the opening scenes, seems to be almost a second plot to the movie.

Certain nude scenes were necessary to the plot of the movie, such as the "sorting" of the Jews. But it was needless to throw in scenes of people having sex, during which several more personal areas of the human anatomy are visible, or see a woman lying naked in her bed. I was disgusted that this otherwise almost flawless film had to be ruined by it. For shame.

What was in this movie that would suggest everyone should see it? The truth. The horrors of Nazism's influence on the Jewish race must be made known. Genocide could be prevented if everyone was taught to think along Oskar Schindler's lines. If you can see a version on television where the sex is left out, go for it

It could have been such a wonderful movie...
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Who doesn't love the Gang?
30 November 2005
I am a crazed Rascals fan

Yes, I admit it. I'll snap up every Our Gang comedy like a ravenous monkey, especially the installments featuring the adorable child actor Scotty Beckett. This film, considered by some critics to be one of the best in the series, was also rumored to have provided some basic story lines for Steven Spielburg's "The Goonies". It features a very young Buckwheat in contrast to an "aging" Stymie.

The Little Rascals is an escape to yesterday for all of us. With it's simple childhood portrayal, in the midst of the depression, and Saturday morning memories, it is difficult to find people who are not interested in this remarkable series. If you have not seen any, what are you waiting for?
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Clifford (1994)
The bestest movie ever!...OK, not really
27 November 2005
In this funny, but slightly crude film, Martin Short uses his young face and tricky camera angles, I think, to play the part of a ten year old boy. What is really funny is that he is obviously not a ten year old boy, yet he is perfectly capable of the role due to his bizarre sense of humour. This film showed on a television station that normally shows Disney B movies. Movies released in the 90's are not really my thing, but this one was really cute! There were a few offensive words and crude moments ( such as one reference to a "secret space" and other jokes about pedophiles ) but if these go in one ear and out the other, than it won't be a problem for you. Martin Short has the most hilarious face, capable of contorting to give a weird, childish look that creeps out even the on screen characters. The opening and closing shots reminded me of "Boy's Town" and gives us a chance to see Martin Short under layers of latex for his role as an elderly priest.

All in all, not a bad effort.
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A real good movie with a few flaws
22 November 2005
This was a really good movie. It had lots of action, humor without being to crude and some really good spots to cry like a little girl. It's all well and good to say that the filmmakers had to cut out a lot to shorten it, but the film suffered in many ways. The opening scenes whirl by in minutes and Ron and Hermoine are left out in the cold a little bit. This was a movie I recommend seeing but here are a few potential ruins for loyal Potter fans. 1. Ron and Hermione are secondary characters.

While you would never expect them to be bigger than Harry it seems that this film really does forsake them. The few scenes they had were very short. 2. Dumbledore

With no disrespect to the actor, Dumbledore is far too jittery and uptight in both this film and the last. This is not how Dumbledore is supposed to act. 3. For People who have not read the book

People who didn't read it may find some confusion, especially in the lightning fast opening scenes. "Why are they doing that again?"

On the other hand, here are some things I really enjoyed 1. The Photography and Effects

Nothing short of amazing and stunningly beautiful! 2. The Action

Just like the book, there is never a dull moment! Again the effects for these scenes are marvalous. 3. The lack of violence and sexual humor

Aside from maybe one scene, there is very little crude joking in this movie. The necessarily violent scenes are very easy to stomach. Those of you that puked at "Saving Private Ryan" may even find this easier on the belly! 4. The crying scenes!

I love crying at movies and I certainly did here. The obvious scenes with Cedric Diggory, combined with scenes with Neville, who I think we all love, were enough to have me sobbing at the end of the movie.

I definitely think you should see this. Some people who tell you it is bad are maybe a little too negative.
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Pleasantville (1998)
13 November 2005
This movie is awful. While it contains several good points about the same-old same-old style of Pleasantville,and it's heart is in the right place, there are different ways that they could have made this movie without filling it with sex. I had to watch it in my civics class, since it is so political. In my opinion, the two "modern kids" totally ruined the society. Sure it was boring, but everyone was happy. The statement it seemed to make is that living in the perfect, happy, albeit corny, world of Pleasentville is not as nice as living in a world of divorce, fighting and promiscuity.

How come every time we see a movie about the 50's, movie makers must pervert it? We are all used to seeing the era through "Leave it to Beaver" coloured glasses, but filmmakers seem to think we would rather see it as today's world fifty years ago. Do you sort of get what I'm saying?

Everyone will have different opinions of this movie, but I just gave you mine. Don't rent this movie thinking it's Pleasant (har-de-har), or because Don Knotts is in it.
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