
2 Reviews
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Leo the Last (1970)
visually striking
1 June 2007
As a huge fan of early Boorman I finally had the chance of seeing a nice 35mm print of this at the Cinematheque here in Los Angeles last night, (opposed to horrid bootleg copies i'd seen previously) There must have been about 5 people in attendance, which isn't unusual lately for the Egyptian Theatre, especially for rare 70's films. It seems the crowds get smaller and smaller, nobody seems to care. While dumb rap clubs throb away on the streets of Hollywood and people file in to see disposable tripe like Pirtates of the "Carribbean 3" or "Knocked Up" down at the mega multiplexes, this little oddity from 1970 plays away to a small few. A film that will likely never be screened again, anywhere, at any time. This is a strange time we live in, it's over. This is it folks, there is no future for cinema, there is no future at all. At some point after the 70's ended we took a wrong path. it is over.
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Magnum, P.I. (1980–1988)
never watched it, now i love it
7 February 2007
During it's initial run in the 80's I never cared for or watched Magnum. Oh I caught a few episodes here and there and even remember when a friend of mine (Ronald Lacey) got an offer to do an episode back in '83. But it just wasn't the kind of show I had any interest in.

Now, thanks to re-runs on KDOC I've somehow come to look forward to every episode, like most good TV it's the characters and the believable chemistry between them that grows on you. It's true as one reviewer pointed out the comparisons between Rockford Files (which I also love) It's more than just the flawed anti-hero, always getting into trouble, in debt, etc it's a realistic ensemble of characters who all love to hate each other. And Tom Selleck's whiny demeanor really starts to grow on you
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