
8 Reviews
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Red Swan (2024– )
A fall from 8 to 5 in ranking, thanks to very bad finale
2 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I did not know about RAIN but when I watched the drama few episodes, I could sense the man is martial artist and on top, at least a dance performer how he moved in effortless rhythm. The premise was good and chess pieces were nicely plotted.

B. U. T then the female lead's expressionless acting, shrill shouting of Mother in Law(MIL), throwing in useless side affair of a husband who is actually deeply in love but deeply unfaithful (like seriously)

The writers turned the premise around, suddenly made the husband a good guy. (well who so ever is the actor playing 'husband' did a Steller performance) but why the sudden change.

Romance should have been better developed but was butchered, either forcing too much in few scenes or just cold customary handshakes. The female lead admits to loving RAIN but then in last episode just waving him off coldly. As if nothing ever passed between them. The worst is, when he returned, that scene was the worst scene ever; there was no expression on her face, they did not even hug- leaving all audiences miserably cheated.

The second son's character is not even written for someone so pivotal in the scheme of thing- no background story established of how he was treated or how he was married off- BAD character development; too much time wasted on MIL's beauty treatment which should have been used to develop psychological backdrop of characters.

Stand Out Performance: RAIN, the Lady Assassin (K1), Husband, Lady Butler, the child actor

BAD Performance: Female lead, MIL

Best Aspect: RAIN, Action Choreography Worst Aspect: Direction, Character Development, Finale Episode Romance.
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very different - funny cute and just like its name- like a freaking fairy tale
18 June 2024
This series is very enjoyable in a very simple, cute non-threatening way. This could have been disastrous had it been poorly executed, But kudos to its team of writers, director, special effects and who soever made sure that it has a 'theme design' and remained consistently loyal to it.

The story is simple and straightforward however the execution is BRILLIANT. No one is trying to be a fool, dialogues are refreshingly honest and spades are spelt as spades. Still the chemistry between leads and progress of story is compelling. The male lead was totally wasted in big production of 'the impossible heir', here in this small budget venture thanks to the story and direction, he is shining like a diamond. Must give a try, two thumbs up.
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Lovely Runner (2024– )
All the stars are for Male Lead. the rest is just annoyingly childish
26 April 2024
I saw the first and second episodes and I was very impressed with fast paced story, multitude of characters and time jumps. ... and yes, the male lead.. WOW

however, from then the story is going down hill. It seems the writer for first 2 episodes was paid a lot and then when people got interested, they brought someone else on.

The female is supposedly 30 plus years and she acts, whines and does completely silly unreasonable actions towards both male leads as if she is 16 years old... and her 18 years old self is perhaps intellectually deficient or perhaps with IQ of a goose. Most annoying. The writers have no idea of how smart teenager girls are and how well they know how to work (watch Twinkling Watermelon or Pyramid Game please)

2. After a jump of 18 years, they still look the same; GET a grip.. he is an idol, maybe he got all sort of treatments, but the girl has been wheel chair bound. No convincing at all.

3. She has gone back in past to save her, but she is clueless totally, NO PLAN - NO idea what to do,, just jumping on random occasions and be all over him and when he reciprocates, she runs away without even the curtesy of explaining her.

4. Male lead fell in love with what exactly??? More so the 2nd male lead. Baffling. Male lead does not ever demand her to explain her actions and she does not even offer it. What is this?

5. Her own memory has gaps the size or antarctica. She has no idea of her past, of her accident, of her abuser... what happened to her memory.

The story is getting weirder with every passing episode and more and more annoying... The reason more than 50% of viewership and rating is SIMPLY MALE LEAD... He has CHARISMA. All else is truly below average.

And shout out to two actors, excellent performances, the mother of FL and father of ML -- very fine acting, so bad they don't have good dialogues. A waste of their talent.
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Blood Free (2024– )
Amazing Exciting on-the-edge show
26 April 2024
I am surprised how some real low rating are there. This must be from haters or opposite camp people. Because the show is amazing.

There is no usual idiotic behaviour termed 'cute', or non-sensical empty shell suspense. Characters are not trying to be evil or angels. There is a seriousness which is usually lacking in Korean shows. The story is strong, characters are genuine and professional as they should be. Steady reveal of background stories and development is neither jittery nor sluggish. A good new tech good solid drama where main leads are actually SENSIBLE.

Do not miss it, among the current lot,- it is the best one. FABULOUS 10/10.
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Arthur Chen is smoking Hot
27 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lighter and Princess is a drama which I finished today. I think Arthur Chen is so amazing, he has a presence which is hard to miss. The casting is good and acting is at par. The problem here is that story is good in patches.

There are moments of brilliance followed by complete idiocy for no reason. The weakest link is the main issue of his sister's death which is so childishly drawn plot and over so quickly. Despite being super intelligent, the male lead can not fathom a way to take revenge except to do it in a function with media and security. How IDIOTIC is it??? What were you thinking??

The girl is unbelievably timid for no reason. She is bending backwards to please him so much that the moments where she refuses him, make you cheer.

What was most annoying was "why was she wearing coats all the time??'' even when she is in office or her home, she is wearing long baggy coats. Earlier I though the acteress must be pregnant, but that was not the case,,, Whosoever was costume designer for female lead was pathetic. She is a young girl in college but does not wear youthful anything other than silly backpack.

While a professional, she is downright soggy and lusterless in her appearance, not at all a rich feisty foreign qualified young executive.

Last but not least, Arthur Chen is most promising, he stance, dialogue deliver, everything is on point. Beautiful and Capable.. Long way to go .. oh an smashingly HOT ;)
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All that fuss for what?? exasperating twists and flimsy story..
28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I just ended the series and it is very bad writing, unnecessary twists and over-the-top acting for nothing. The basic plot is decent but execution and prolongation to 16 or so episodes spoiled it. Everyone throws tantrums at the drop of a hat. Ana day is like 72 hrs long. In the last 4 episodes, you will be crying in your seat why the mother is not doing a press conference with evidence she has, but no. Father and Maid are hiding child while mother is going crazy, WHAT IS THIS.. and the end is the worst , the person who supposedly killed acted so unlike how he is all along, either how he was all along was a lie or the end is.

Most ridiculous is the last press conference of president after hiding his son for ages and killing dozens of people, he had a change of heart.. ROFL.. it becomes so absurd in last episode, it is so bad that it becomes downright comic.

Do yourself a favor, drop this one.. thank me later.

PS: I loved the acting of the child actor, brilliant, the only normal person in all the drama.
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Love Again (I) (2023)
nothing good other than Celine Dion
8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously I loved Sam Heughan a lot in outlander. But this movie is so cliche, I can see every turn by a mile, so caricature, ZERO CHEMISTRY and only person who acted well in Celine and opening shot of Nick Jonas.

Just a lie which is so understandable why he chose to hold information, and you jump the gun and the most cringe were the texts she sent which SUPPOSEDLY made him fall in love through words.. cringe worthy texts. Priyanka looked lusterless and tired whole time.

... last but not the least the write-up he wrote to win her back.. seriously.. cringe cringe cringe. Where is your professionalism- so wrong I am let down by this film -
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Irresistable (2021)
Where plot twists are senseless and bring a good start to bad end.
28 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished with the serial. It's gets down right silly and comic at times. What started as a good murder mystery with romance, revenge turned into unbelievable stupidity quickly.

Pros are very good looking actors and the chemistry of leads.

.. but then plot or the lack of it is annoying, early on the hero realises his mistake, why continue with fake marriage to hurt his gf. Mook and Sam hooking up again and again and then both girls getting pregnant and both living in one house,,, WHY would mook agree to it??? Like why.

.. why after all the evil deeds, mook is the one sacrificing and Sam is okay with it. What is the twisted logic??? Thada being charged with all evidence gets bail?? Mook is taken to outlet for killing her baby and she covers up for murder accomplice.. ... it is not Noble, it is Annoying. Couldn't wait for it to end. Last 6, 7 episodes were torture.
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