
33 Reviews
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Well made doc but exposed Lolla for what it's become
8 June 2024
The saddest thing in the world is when something that actually stands for something and is trying to go against the mainstream, eventually gives in(Sells out) and tries to pretend its still about the same things it started with. How can you have T Mobile sponsor your show and not be a sell out? But this review is not trying to say the doc was bad since it was well done, but it really exposed the whole idea of Lolla and I don't think the people in the doc even realize that. As another review said, if you're headlining your show with musicians who wont grammys you're going in the wrong direction. Lady Gaga, Miles Cyrus? Seriously? Those two aren't "alternative" they are pop music in a nutshell. They should have just stopped after the first 7 years if they were sincere about their intent but money corrupts everything and everyone, including Perry Farrell.
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Lucky Hank (2023)
What a dissapointment
15 April 2023
I know people keep saying "Dont expect Better Call Saul" or things along those lines and while I agree, after you do a show like that the bar is pretty high for anything you do after that. Not only is this show completely all over the place but the writing, acting and directing is so ordinary and unoriginal its really hard to watch. The problem with bad writing is it leads to bad acting and while I agree that Bob is a good actor(along with a lot of the other cast) it all just comes across as phony, even something as simple as two guys in the mens locker room taking a shower. I gave this show 4 episodes and it was literally hard to make it to the end of the 4th one so if you enjoyed Saul in the least this show isnt for you. This show is for mainstream viewers who don't like anything too deep and want their shows simple and contrived. Seriously disappointing.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Gamers are skewing the ratings
23 January 2023
If you read through a majority of the reviews on here it's basically fans of the game who are overly excited to see it made into tv form, and thats not what ratings should be based on. Any show that has an IMDB rating in the 9s should be one of the best shows on TV, if not ever, and this is definitely not that. It's basically the same premise as the The Walking Dead but its a slightly different virus so in general people are still wanting to eat other people. This just shows how enormous the gaming community is and what an impact a large group of people can make on ratings. Is it well done, well acted, well filmed etc? Yes of course. Is it worth of anything about 7/7.5? Definitely not.
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Fleishman Is in Trouble (2022–2023)
So much potential
8 January 2023
While this show is mostly worth watching I feel like it is all over the place by the end with the story changing focus a few times on different characters even though the viewer gets immensely invested in the Fleishman character. You could totally feel the Woody Allen influence, especially in the first half but by the end everything feels unresolved and you're left wondering what the whole point of it is. Also drastic changes in pace so if you're into the fast pace you will be a little let down with a few of the last episodes. For me its incredibly disappointing when you see so much potential in a show and then it lets you down which is exactly how I felt about this one.
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Mythic Quest: Sarian (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
Thought this show was a comedy?
28 December 2022
This season has been really weird since the first two seasons were hilarious but this one seems all over the place. And this episode specifically is all over the place since its bordering on cheesy drama. The fact that they try to sum up the childhoods of two main characters in less than 30 minutes is almost silly and again, isn't this show supposed to be a comedy? I just don't understand what they were going for here and it was a little painful to try and get through since it was just very dramatically cliche and besides a few minutes at the end I saw nothing comedic. I feel like they have just exhausted all the comedic aspects of the original premise and now they are just reaching for unrelated avenues to write about.
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Dont expect another Hill House
9 September 2022
I have to say if I didn't see Hill House prior to this I probably would never have sat through the whole series of Bly since its really not even close to how good Hill House was. It's also really disjointed, slow and confusing so you can really tell that Mike Flanagan didn't work nearly as closely on this one as he did with the Hill. In general Im a little disappointed and frustrated but still a huge Flanagan fan and will continue to watch all his future projects. I also wouldnt really call this is a horror, more like a mystery/drama but it does have its share of "ghosts". Maybe I should have watched Bly first and then Hill so if youve seen neither I would recommend going in that order so you end up with the best series.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Unlike anything else
22 August 2022
Is this a horror show? You could say yes. Is this a story about religion? You could say yes. Could you say this is show about vampires? You could say yes. But is this unlike anything you've ever seen. You could definitely say yes. Regardless you don't need to be religious, or a diehard horror lover to enjoy it. I'm so impressed with Mike Flanagan since he was the creator, writer, director AND editor. Bravo.
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Lightyear (2022)
Better than its rating
5 August 2022
I didnt see this in the theater due to the ratings I was seeing but I wish I did since its just the type of animated action movie to see on the big screen. I think a lot of people were expecting something like the feel of Toy Story but this really isn't that. It was definitely as much of a sci-fi/action than it was a comedy so that may have taken people by surprise too. I'm glad it was different and you may too.
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Hereditary (2018)
I want two hours of my life back
22 July 2022
I rarely watch horror movies due to the fact that there's no originality anymore but after reading reviews and seeing who was acting in this I thought it might be different. Nope. Are there scary scenes that jolt you out of your seat? Sure. Does the story line make any sense? Nope. In the end I felt bad for Toni Collette since her acting was just so over the top.
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Wouldnt expect anything less from David Simon
22 May 2022
Im 4 episodes in and as far as how they tell the story is just like The Wire so fans of that show will definitely appreciate it. As with all shows by Simon the casting is just superb so combine that with the amazing writing of Pelecanos(and others) you really get the same caliber show as The Wire. This show really makes other "crime" shows look silly.
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Could have been so much better
7 May 2022
You cant have major hollywood stars(for like most of the main characters) tell a story like this, its just not believable enough. The writing is definitely there but if you got some lesser known actors it would have been easier to let yourself believe these two have spent so much time together. It also feels like they're trying to do Woody Allen but more Hollywoodish which just leans toward more cheesy drama. It doesn't surprise me so many people like it since its perfectly spoon fed drama that people don't need to think too much about it, which is also why its got an award. So close but yet so far.
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Murderville (2022– )
All depends on the special guest
8 February 2022
As other reviews have noted, this show's "funniness" really depends on who is joining the cast for that episode. Conan Obrien was absolutely hilarious and the chemistry between him and Will Arnett was spot on. However the episode with Annie Murphy is seriously hard to watch since she was so bad at improv and most of the time seemed frustrated that everyone around her was trying to make the scene funny. Im actually surprised they even aired that episode. If they stick with people who embrace the situation and are good at improv the show will be hilarious. I mean why Sharon Stone?? Another of those potential shows that in the end will probably fall short.
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Flowers (2016–2018)
Definitely not a dark comedy
10 January 2022
There may have been a couple funny moments in the beginning but by the time you get to the 5th episode it becomes a cheesy avant garde drama.....which is great if thats what you want. Kind of disappointing since theres so many great actors.
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Reviews cannot be accurate
28 November 2021
One of the reviews pretty much sums up why you can't have a neutral review of this film. "Could watch them do anything". So basically this could be the most boring uneventful film ever and it would still get a 10. I'm a huge lover of the Beatles and watched the first episode and unfortunately its a little slow and dare I say boring. However if you enjoy watching the Beatles(and others) talk for almost three hours then this film is for you. I feel like the coolest part is watching how the songs were born and the origin but at this point most of the songs are written by Paul with a few going to George.
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Exactly what you'd expect from Jon Stewart
4 October 2021
This really is the Daily Show to the next level but be ready for a way more serious tone....and rightfully so considering how F*&%ED up things are. I see a lot of reviews on here saying "its not funny enough" well thats not entirely it's intention. Yes he adds humor to the show but thats actually brilliant since these topics are way easier to digest when you can laugh here and there. Anyone who thinks the world and more specifically the US govt isnt completely backwards is probably going to give this show a bad review.
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American Horror Story: Winter Kills (2021)
Season 10, Episode 6
Not up to par
2 October 2021
I have to say I'm a huge AHS fan and there hasnt been many episodes or seasons for that matter that I didn't find really good but this season(at least pt 1) really fell apart at the end. The real shame is that it was a really unique premise but as some of the other reviews say it just feels like they rushed to wrap it up which kind of ruined all the buildup in episodes 1-6. I will say that most of the usual AHS actors/actresses were pretty amazing and their dedication to keep doing this show is truly astounding. Especially Sarah Paulson, that woman is a work horse!
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Count Me In (2021)
Lazy documentary
27 August 2021
As pretty much every review has said leaving out Neal Peart is mind blowing beyond words but if I had to pick a nicer word I would say lazy. But the entire documentary was lazy since they touch upon jazz drummers for like 5 minutes which is just silly since anyone who knows drummers knows most of the best drummers ever are jazz drummers. You also cant squeeze the history of drumming into a 70 minute documentary so at the very least this should have been a series. Its very disappointing since I play and was so excited to see this but as it got about half way through I realized how limited of a show it was. I still cant believe they left out Neal Peart. Lazy.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Absolute perfection
25 August 2021
I'm literally in awe from how good this show was. Writing, direction, acting, music, editing, cinematography all were completely spot on and nothing like I've ever seen before. The ability of Mike White to develop characters this fast along side building tension between the countless number interactions is something other writers need to take note off. If there was an 11 rating I would have given it.
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Memento (2000)
One of the few 10s
18 August 2021
Not only is one of the top ten movies of our lifetimes but it's also the most unique and one of a kind movies in the history of movies. I still remember the first time I watched it and the feeling I had when I finally realized what was going on.....mind blown.
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The Lion King (2019)
Not worth the remake
20 July 2019
I just saw this in the theater with my 4 yr old and she was really scared a lot of the movie. I'm not sure why the director would make the movie like this since he knew it was going to attract kids of all ages so who knows what his target audience was. The worst part is it didn't need to be so loud and overdramatic but thats just one of the many issues I had with it. The parts that tried to be funny were not really funny since it was simple jokes which is a shame since they had very funny people doing the voices. The songs and singing were also sub par so a lot of this just seems half ass. Like they knew it was a visual masterpiece, which I do agree with since the animals look amazingly real, but just like with high budget action movies that have no good plot and writing it seems like they sunk all their effort into the visual and lacked on the script.
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Pose (2018–2021)
Amazing and REAL
16 June 2019
If I only could use one word to describe this show it would be REAL, which is probably due to the amazing writing, directing and most importantly acting since those women are ridiculously good. One thing I don't get on IMDB is the description of the show since it's not very accurate and was kind of misleading. This show is primarily about the marginalized gay and transgender community and how they have to deal and cope with that fact. There's really no juxtaposition since even the story about Evan Peters completely ties in with the rest of it so I hope that's not deterring people from watching the show. It took me a while to finally watch the show primarily because the description since it seemed a little boring but if it said what its truly about I would have watched right away.
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Black Mirror: Striking Vipers (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
Pretty much what I expected
6 June 2019
There are quite a few reviews on here stating they don't get it or the episode doesn't make sense which I'm extremely surprised about since this was right in line with every other episode of Black Mirror. If there's one consistent thing I've noticed from Charlie Brooker's writing is that the "message" of the episode is subtle but always reflective of society so although this wasn't a mind blowing episode or insanely dark it was totally apparent(at least to me) what he was saying in his writing. As with any episode show some are better than others but I feel like fans have this unrealistically high expectation of every episode so it if it doesn't completely blow their mind it must not be good. Couldn't disagree more.
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Café Society (2016)
You either get it or you dont
23 May 2019
In my humble opinion most Woody Allen movies have a feel but some you can feel more than others and I do believe this is one of those stronger ones. Im sure it has something to do with the beautiful cinematography, scenery and costumes but also the love story was just so believable and Jessie Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart were just so genuine. Funny I don't normally even like those two actors but put them in a Woody Allen movie and it's a whole new performance. Lastly, I couldnt help but notice that most reviews on here are really good or really bad and that's most likely because you either get his movies or you don't. And I really got this one.
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Wine Country (2019)
Literally painful
11 May 2019
I could only make it through like 15/20 minutes of this since it was just so incredibly bad. Of course there are a lot of good actresses in the movie but with bad writing it really doesn't make a difference. I really don't understand a lot of the reviews on here that say stuff like "Lighten up its not that bad" but in my opinion when you have countless tv shows and movies at our fingertips these days the bar has been drastically raised so I no longer will waste 90 minutes of my time on a so-so movie...and this is way below so-so.
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
So much potential but falls mostly flat
10 May 2019
I feel if you're going to take on remaking one of the best shows of that era you need to be able to live up to the quality that the original showcased, and this really does not. Whats even worse is that all these great actors are involved but if you dont have good writing it really doesn't matter. Not only is the cinematography bad but most of the episodes really don't have that "what!?" moment which is such a let down when you invest yourself into a 45 minute show. Its surprising to me that with the success of Jordan Peele he wasn't able to get better writers since I think a lot comes down to that. I'll probably keep watching in case there is a good episode but so far the only one that was great was the airplane one, in my opinion of course.
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