
17 Reviews
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The Stairs (I) (2021)
Not perfect but interesting
16 March 2022
No spoilers here. I can't explain what happened anyway. It's a solid story, with several strange trips offside/ Without going into detail, there is a lot to confound you in this movie. Some good acting, some strange effects and overall, you finish with many questions. I do feel sorry for Nick having to explain what happened when neither he nor I really know. Just follow the story. It's an exciting ride.
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Princess of Mars (2009 Video)
6 March 2017
Actually, it should be 0 our of 10. The script is abominable, the costumes are ludicrous and the acting is abysmal, and that's being kind to all three. This is not the worst film I've seen, but it's very very close. Do not waste your time. I have to add another line before I can post so, This is a horrible film. It has no redeeming qualities at all.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
This is the best telenovel in the history of television
24 January 2015
J.J. Abrams vision for this series could not be captured in a two hour movie, or two two hour movies, or even five or six two hour movies. This concept had to be developed over 100 one hour episodes and no less. It is complex, confusing and frustrating, but well worth it. I can usually figure things out rather quickly with the typical series but there were times when I was completely lost here. There are just so many WTF? moments that just when you think you know what's going on, they change direction. Personally, I love to be challenged and this series does it. The acting is superb, the writing is incredible and the concept is just plain unreal. One caveat, though. Season 5 is something of a let down. Not a huge let down but it isn't up to the level of seasons 1-4. I highly recommend this series. If you don't have Netflix, go out and buy it. It is incredible.
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Excellent first effort!!!
24 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a great film, but it is very entertaining. It's a first effort from a new indie film maker and as such, is far from perfect. Having said that, I have to say that I was very impressed with the acting of the two principals. Both were very good at what must have been difficult roles for them, and neither are greatly experienced actors. I also liked that the story was not fully explained. A plague, zombies, horrible deaths, something weird happening and that's about all the explanation you get. You never really know what's going on or why these two, and a few others, were immune to whatever it is. A first film, or novel, or short story, is always more of a learning experience than a fully realized endeavor. I know that well from my own writing and my own music as well. This is an excellent first film, and I'm sure that the filmmakers will take what they learned from this, and both positive and negative reviews, and the next film will be even better. For what it is, I do recommend this film. It has heart and it does drag you into the action.
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Caveat (2011)
Bitter but very well done
12 December 2011
I wasn't sure what to think when I first read about this film. I am a fan of Lindsay Goranson but still.... I was very pleasantly surprised at the professionalism in this film. The acting was all very good, the music, especially the piano, was also very well done. I won't write spoilers but talk about a dysfunctional family!!!! I highly recommend this movie to anyone who likes out of the ordinary psychological movies. Some of the production was a bit below the so called "Hollywood" standards but for the most part, it was certainly equal to many of the "made for TV" movies and the acting was certainly better than the usual Syfy movies. I gave it 9 stars because it isn't perfect but it is very well done.
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The Shining (1997)
Far better than the Nicholson
14 February 2011
Unlike some reviewers, when I like a book I like the movie to at the very least follow the storyline. The Nicholson version was so unlike the book that it could actually have been a different story. That version is really excellent. Of course there are small changes. That is unavoidable with book to movie adaptation, but the story line is the same and the characters are the same as well. The Nicholson also completely ignored the hedge animals. There is a scene in this version that is very well done involving Danny and the hedge animals. I found myself not breathing for a few seconds watching it. All in all, a much better adaptation than the Nicholson. The acting is good and the special effects aren't bad at all. Not a perfect movie, but certainly far better than the Nicholson
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Out of Time (2000 TV Movie)
A good feel good film
23 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a major film, but for what it is, it's very good. The characters are well thought out and well acted by all of the actors, and the story is one that will appeal to most people who just like a feel good movie. I will not do any spoilers with this review so I won't go on for much longer. Just watch this film if you have the chance. You will have a smile on your face when it's over. Since I do have to have 4 more lines in this review before it can be posted, I will also say that Mel Harris looks lovely although I really don't see how our hero ended up with dreadlocks after sleeping for 10 years. I guess that's just a question we'll never have answered.
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Disappearance (2002 TV Movie)
Good film but it demands that you do some thinking too.
23 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is really quite a good movie. A horror film that does not depend on spewing entrails and vomiting pea soup. In fact, nothing really happens on stage. The acting is good, the writing very good and the story line excellent. One other reviewer said he hated it because it had no ending, but actually it has several endings. You just have to have the smarts and imagination to decide which one works for you. Yeah, this film actually demands that you think, and a lot of movie viewers can't think for themselves, they have to have the movie writers do their thinking for them. Personally, I think it was the birds, but that's just me. You decide when you watch the film.
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Harvey (1996 TV Movie)
Not a bad remake, but not as good as the original
16 March 2009
Harry Anderson is a good actor and a good comedian, but he's just not James Stewart. I also love the work of Leslie Nielsen, but unfortunately, he's not Cecil Kellaway, either. This is not a bad remake, though. In fact, it's really quite good. It only fails in comparison to the original. If you have never seen the James Stewart Harvey, then this will seem very good to you. It's funny, and the actors here convey the same intensity and humor that the originals did. It's just that James Steward WAS Elwood P. Dowd, and any other actor.....ANY other actor, will just not be as good. A valiant effort, and a really nice remake, but just not the original at all.
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One of the very best comedies on TV ---- EVER
14 December 2007
The average American is too friggin' stupid to get this show. It didn't last then, and it would not last now, simply because it demands intelligence and humor, two faculties the average American citizen has never, ever, had. It's also very hard to find on DVD now simply because most people are too friggin' stupid to even want to watch it. If you remember it, and love it, then you are probably a thinking person, and someone who actually reads books for enjoyment, unlike the idiots our so called educational system is putting out now. I remember this series with a wonderful fondness. It made me laugh, it made me think and it drove me to seek out all of Thurber's writings, which only made me laugh and think even more. This is great TV only TV is designed for the lowest common denominator, and this show demanded so much more of its audience.
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Harvesters (2001 Video)
Wonderful sublime trash
19 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, a horror movie without "good guys" that are nearly superhuman. There are two marshals, but they are merely human. No spoilers, but this is really a very good movie considering their entire budget was probably $13.85. For that little money, the acting is really rather good. Certainly far better than the acting on most TV series shows. The main thing to watch for, though, is Jaime Kalman. She is a classic beauty in the old Hollywood sense, and also possesses by far the best figure in the movie. She is not a bad actress, either, and her cat fight with the biker chick is classic. The rest of the actors and actresses are at least competent. Again, I would much rather watch this than 90210 or Charmed. The writing is also at least competent. Again, though, if you are male (or a female lover of feminine beauty), you will be astonished by Jaime Kalman. Why is she not much much more well known?
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The Haunting (1999)
They changed the story
17 March 2007
I wish I could give this movie less than 1. It's terrible. Shirley Jackson's novel is, in my opinion, the finest horror novel ever written. The 1963 movie followed the book, and was truly scary and well done. This abomination is just plain bad. I like Liam Neeson as an actor, and I could just sit and watch Catharine Zeta-Jones for hours at a time, but their talents are wasted here. The idiot writers changed the story (where do the children come from?) so that it's nearly unrecognizable and then add the usual bloody gory special effects which are not in the original at all. One of the things that makes the novel and the original movie so special is the fact that nothing happens on stage at all. Everything is left to the mind of the viewer and that makes it very scary. In this movie, all subtlety is gone and it's just plain bad. Don't even bother to see this one.David Self should be drawn and quartered for writing this crappy screenplay. David, you are not 1/10 the writer than Shirley Jackson was and you ruin her novel!!!!!
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The Haunting (1963)
The best horror movie ever made
23 December 2006
This is the very best horror film ever made, based on the best horror novel ever written. The truly amazing thing, though, is that the makers of this film actually read the book, and followed it. Sexist remark. Women very rarely write effective horror. Women write great scifi and fantasy, but rarely horror. However, when you find a woman who does write great horror, it is better than anything a man does. Shirley Jackson wrote great horror, and The Haunting of Hill House is her very best. The makers of this movie followed the book nearly word for word. There is no vomiting peasoup, no spewing entrails, no heads lopped off and no ghost, monster or creature on stage. It's all in the mind. Wonderful stuff, though. Please, if you love good horror, see this movie and read this novel.
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Excellent adaptation.
9 September 2006
This is not a perfect adaptation, but it's very close. It is obvious that this film did not have a budget of millions of dollars. However, that is not the main point. Like the HP Lovecraft Historical Society's black and white silent version of "The Call of Cthulhu", it is obvious that this film is also a labor of love. Both films follow the original story and do it well. If you are a true child of technology, you will probably not like this film. If you are more concerned with story, though, then you will love this. This film has more heart than any 50 multimillion dollar productions from Hollywood. A few things that make it less that 10/10 are the fact that the music occasionally is so loud that you can't hear the dialog, the animation is occasionally so poor that it pulls you out of the story, and a couple of the actors read their lines so woodenly that it pulls you out. For what this is, though, these are minor hassles. The music, even when it's too loud, is really quite good, too.
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American Gothic (1995–1998)
One of the best horror shows on TV
22 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Sean Cassidy did something wonderful when he created this series. It was dark, scary, interesting, frustrating and all together great to watch. I'm not a huge fan of Gary Cole, but he did a wonderful job as Sheriff Lucas Buck, who may or may not be human. Paige Turco was innocently lovely as the "good" girl, Brenda Bakke was sexy as the schoolteacher Selina, and every actor was at least competent. Marly was really creepy, and I can't hear the phrase "someone's at the door" without getting serious goose flesh. Yes, Marly is the girl who was killed in the first episode, and keeps turning up in later episodes. The TV people were really stupid with this show, though, and canceled it after on 27 episodes. All of those episodes are available now in a boxed set, and if you want a good creep out, get this set. It is well worth watching.
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Out There (1995 TV Movie)
Wonderful stupidity
15 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A very novel idea, with even more novel details. Watch out for accordians. This is a very well done movie, and it's done so seriously even though it's really a funny movie. It won't help you pass calculus, or balance your checkbook, or even provide you with useful information, but for a wonderful way to spend an hour and a half, this one is well worth watching. It even has some really fine actors, like Rod Steiger and Jill St John. The rest of the cast is equally good, though. You will never be able to look at a trailer park, or a portapotty, in the same way again. This movie also tells you where all that damned packing popcorn comes from, too.
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The very best Lovecraft movie made
15 November 2005
There has never been a good movie made directly from a Lovecraft story. I realize that it's hard for Hollywood to make a decent Lovecraft movie since there is no big boobed heroine, and no virile hero, either. Still, none of Hollywood's movies have been effective at all. Finally, someone has made a movie of one of Lovecraft's strongest stories, and it's just as effective as the story. Black and white, and silent, actually make the movie stronger. The acting is good, the music is also effective, and even the stop action Cthulhu at the end is chilling. If you love the stories of HP Lovecraft, then you have to see this movie. At $21.95, it is a bit pricey, but well worth every penny.
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