
16 Reviews
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Stalker (1979)
Know what you're getting into
21 April 2020
Before you watch this movie you need to know what kind of movie this is. This is a movie with long shots, a lot of philosophical dialogue and very little action. After watching this movie you will probably need to sit down and write all your thoughts and theories you have about the movie to fully grasp everything you managed to discern. After that you most likely need to rewatch the movie to confirm or reject your theories and to see if you have missed anything. And if you're still not satisfied you'll need to read the book the movie is based on. If you love to study movies this is a perfect movie for you, but if you don't I can't recommend this movie.

This is not my type of movie. When I watch a movie I want to feel something. I want to laugh, I want to cry, I want to shout at the characters, I want to be appalled, but this movie offers almost nothing of that sort. This is, in my opinion, the only flaw of the movie, but it is a crucial flaw. The acting is good, there's some very interesting dialogue, the score is great, and the cinematography is phenomenal, but at the end it's too uneventful for my taste. Solid 7/10.
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Disturbing movie
3 April 2020
The stale, but at the same time eerie, atmosphere is created by the fantastic score and the weird but stellar acting. There's an almost constant understated intensity in the movie that's disrupted by a few scenes, but you're always on the edge of your seat wondering what's going to happen next. This creepy and intense movie is enhanced by some truly disturbing scenes. The weakest trait of this movie is the plot. It's dependent on a shock factor and it's very straightforward but it's still orignal. Strong 7/10.
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El Topo (1970)
One of the worst movies I've ever seen
3 April 2020
Do not waste your time with this movie The acting is bad, the plot is disjointed, the sound editing is bad, the score was annoying, and motivations for the characters' actions are rarely presented in any way. Any deeper meaning is buried under so many layers of bad traits that it becomes irrelevant.
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Overrated but still enjoyable
3 April 2020
Going into this movie I had high expectations but unfortunately this movie didn't love up to those expectations. The plot was good with some interesting twists but overall it was too slow for my liking and the characters weren't very interesting either. They're all one-dimensional with some simple character traits but the acting was very good, especially Eli Wallach's performance. Another gripe I have with this movie is the sound editing. At certain parts the lips don't sync with the words that the character is saying which I found really annoying. The movie's strongest qualities are definitely the score and the cinematography, they're both phenomenal. The last scene was amazing but unfortunately the rest of the movie dragged on too much. Solid 7/10
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Very disappointing movie
2 April 2020
After the positive reviews from both normal movie fans and critics I thought I would give this movie a shot. The movie begins strongly but falls off very fast. It's not funny, the acting in some scenes is bad and the score feels out of place. In many instances the movie tries to be funny by being over the top but it just does not work. It's also really bad at showing how much time has elapsed. At various points in the movie the characters have to say how much time has passed between scenes because it's not illustrated visually. There are some moments that are almost funny and some moments that are a bit emotional but these moments are too few and far between to make me like this movie. All in all it's a waste of time.
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Not your average horror movie
2 April 2020
The Witch is one of the best horror movies I've seen. The production design and the use of mostly natural light creates a realistic environment which reinforces the audience's suspension of disbelief which, in my opinion, is more important in horror movies than in movies of other genres. Eggers manages to create a dark atmosphere which makes you feel uneasy throughout the movie, a quality he improves on in The Lighthouse (2019). A common criticism of many horror movies is that they use cheap pop-up scares to scare the viewers, something Eggers avoids in this movie. There are only three, maybe four, scenes that look like other horror movies. The rest of the horror comes from the paranoia and distrust within the family the movie depicts. Strong 7/10-
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A masterpiece with a thousand interpretations
2 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In the beginning of the movie, Tarr wonders what happened to the Turin horse. To answer his own question he takes the horse from the story about Nietzsche and places it on a small storm-ravaged farm where only a father and his adult daughter lives. Their lives are monotone and rely upon routine because each day is nothing more than an opportunity to survive. The monotony of their lives is accentuated by the, on average, five-minute long shots and the black and white color. The movie is divided into six days and each day the audience is shown the same routine, the only difference being the angles and perspectives from which their routine is shown. When describing the movie, The Turin Horse seems lifeless and boring, but the cinematography, the score and the apocalyptic storm work together in harmony to a create a beautiful and hypnotizing atmosphere that drags you into their bleak world.

But the movie isn't entirely monotone. There are two instances where the rhythm of the movie is disrupted. On the second day, a neighbour comes by and starts rambling about how everything has been debased and on the third day a band of gypsies drinks from their well. When the daughter goes outside to chase them away, one of them says that her eyes are like the devil's and another gives her a book. She later reads from the book: "Morning will become night, night will be at an end...". These aren't the only disruptions in the movie, but they are the only disruptions that affect the rhythm. The other disruptions are small, but even more significant. Each day, the world around them deteriorates bit by bit. On the first day, the woodworms have "stopped". For 58 years the father has heard them but they suddenly stop and he doesn't know why. On the second day the horse won't move, on the third day the horse stops eating, on the fourth day the well dries up, on the fifth day the storm is replaced by darkness, and on the sixth day the father and daughter have stopped eating too.

This is a movie about the apocalypse. The raging storm symbolizes the coming of the apocalypse and the six days in the movie correspond to the six days of creation. Light is the first thing God creates according to the Bible, and it's the last thing that is taken away in The Turin Horse. But what's more interesting is why the horse and the woodworms realize that the apocalypse is coming before the humans do. I believe that this is explained by the neighbour and the gypsies. The human race has been debased, corrupted. We have strayed away from our origin and the Devil, everything bad, has seized humanity. Humanity's connection to nature and God (if there is one) has been broken the human species can therefore not sense that the apocalypse is coming.
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Possibly the best war movie of all time
30 March 2020
Apocalypse Now shows the chaos in war that causes people to lose their morals and their grasp of reality, a side of war that is rarely shown in movies. The score and the cinematography (especially the use of shadows) contribute to the chaotic atmosphere and gives it a psychedelic feel. Some scenes in the middle of the movie are a little sluggish, but they're saved by an extremely strong ending. Strong 8/10.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Not your average sci-fi movie
30 March 2020
The cinematography and music are magnificent and create the heavy atmosphere of the film. Some scenes/concepts are absurd logically speaking, but this is not a movie that strives for scientific precision or rational developments in space politics. This is a movie that explores and criticizes male norms (emotional absence, excessive individualism and a need to set up a façade) in a physically, psychologically and emotionally exhausting environment. It also explores the dynamics between an absent father (Tommy Lee Jones) and a son (Brad Pitt) who strives to become like his father while also wanting to become his own person. Brad Pitt plays this complex but reserved character brilliantly. On the brink of being an 8/10 but it's a bit too ridiculous in certain scenes so it gets a strong 7/10 from me.
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Burning (2018)
A slow burner that might be a bit too slow for some
29 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great plot, great acting, great minimal score, great cinematography, and there are some great metaphors and small details that challenges you and makes you think. The movie's only weak point is that it drags on a bit too much. 8/10.

Here are some metaphors and details details that I noticed coupled with some theories that I have (spoilers!): -The abandoned greenhouses are obviously metaphors for women who are alone and in debt. Ben preys on these women because no one would miss them, just like no one would miss an abandoned greenhouse.

-Haemi didn't fall into a well. If she did, one of the three older women would have remembered it. The well is a metaphor for her life. She's alone and can't crawl herself out of her debt. Jangsu shows up and saves her by brightening her life.

-Ben is obviously a psycopath. One of the ways you can see that is that he yawns when other people are laughing.

-A really important detail is that "cremation" and "makeup" are spelled the same way in Korean. This confirms that Ben is murdering (or at least doing something to) socially isolated women.

-"Greenhouse" and "plastic house" also have the same Korean translation. The women that Ben prey on have all had plastic surgery (probably), something a lonely woman who wants to be wanted would do.
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Possibly the most overrated movie of all time
29 March 2020
The plot and the sub plots are good but not great, which sums up most of the movie. Many of the characters are very one-dimensional, such as the Guard Captain, whose only characteristic is that he takes any chance he gets to abuse prisoners. The acting in the film is nothing special except for Bill Bolender who does a fantastic job in the few seconds he gets to play Elmo Blatch.

What bothered me a lot and what makes the film noticeably worse than it could've been is Morgan Freeman's narration that spoon feeds the viewer with information that should've been communicated with the shots shown during the narration. Without the narration, the viewers would have been forced to focus on the actions, facial expressions and body language of the different characters to understand what they are going through. There is a reason to why Harrison Ford's narration in the original version of Blade Runner is excluded in the two later versions. There are many theories surrounding the ending of the movie, but in my opinion these theories only exist because the ending is so boring that people create better endings in their minds to make the disappointing movie they've just seen better. Strong 7/10.
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Spirited Away (2001)
Great movie to watch with your whole family
29 March 2020
The animation is beautiful and the innovative creatures and beasts make the bath house feel like a different world. The bath house is also a great allegory for capitalism but it doesn't overshadow the entertaining and unpredictable plot. In other words, Miyazaki doesn't force his critique of capitalism down your throat. The characters are decent and their arcs are good but they're not anything special outside of the visual aspects. I'm giving this a movie a strong 7/10 that's on the border of being an 8/10.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
The best movie of 2019
29 March 2020
The acting is exceptional from both Pattinson and Dafoe and Dafoe definitely should've won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. The score creates a dark and gloomy, but yet distressing, atmosphere that combines perfectly with the claustrophobic aspect ratio and cinematography. Add this to the perfect production design and you have a movie that is an experience just as much as it is a movie. This is a movie I will never forget.
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Knives Out (2019)
Good movie to see with your family, but it's not much more
29 March 2020
The characters are a bit quirky and quite interesting but they are cast aside to put the plot (the murder mystery) at the center. This would have worked if the plot was stronger, but it is predictable in some moments and Ana De Arma's character's "ability" to vomit every time she lies is a cheap way to drive the plot when it's stuck. Some scenes are really funny and overall it's an entertaining movie. Weak 7/10.
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Style over substance
28 March 2020
I'm going to begin this review by saying that "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood" is not worth your time. The only great thing about this movie is the production design and some of the "cameos" are kinda cool, but everything else is either average or downright bad. The movie has a good rhythm, but the plot itself is extremely boring and the characters are not better. Leonardo DiCaprio's character is decent but Brad Pitt's character and Margot Robbie's character lack any depth and are just there for looks. It's infuriating to me that Brad Pitt won the Oscar for best supporting actor over Willem Dafoe when all Brad Pitt does in the movie is getting in fights and standing around with his abs showing. Margot Robbie's character is exceptionally redundant because the side plot that she's in is somehow even more pointless than the main plot but she still gets lots of screen time, and Tarantino obviously didn't forget a shot of her feet. They could have made this movie much shorter and by doing so also made it much better. The ending is the only interesting part of the movie but it's disconnected from the rest of the movie and disrupts the rhythm which is jarring and makes the end of the movie unsatisfying.
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Not what I expected from a zombie movie
28 March 2020
I've seen this movie being mentioned here and there on social media and many called it "the best zombie movie of all time", so going into this movie I expected some cool action scenes with some original takes on zombie apocalypses. This movie has all that and more. What wasn't mentioned about this movie was how dramatic and emotional it was while also displaying social criticism. But those aren't the movie's best qualities. The movie's best quality are the characters and how and why they act. They act logically and think creatively to solve their problems while also being pressured by their emotions and/or the herd mentality to maybe act differently. Sure, there are some clichés and some exaggerated action scenes but overall it's a great movie that everyone should watch. 8/10.
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