
4 Reviews
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Excellent acting, high anxiety level
20 February 2024
I don't like giving this movie a low score. The acting is excellent, the characters feel real and present, the dialog is spot on. The score is for the story.

This is yet another movie using anxiety as the only theme. The controlling and narcissistic father, the emotionality abused mother, the non-committing girlfriend, the demanding colleague. And the main character in the middle, barely able to breathe.

If you like 2 hours of anxiety followed by 5 minutes of "happiness" this is the perfect movie for you. Personally, I hate feeling like I did walking out from the movie theater. Simply put, the balance is off.
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Spy City (2020)
Could have been good
11 March 2022
  • So. For the main character. Should we go for a good actor that would make a plausible spy or a guy with big hair?

  • Lets go with big hair.

Other than that, some good acting and a good story with some well made 60:s Berlin settings.
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No you don't
18 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can see how the ending can seem like a good idea to the producers. I can see Craig presenting it as a prefect ending to his Bond career. After all, it has never been done and it will be a complete surprise to the audience. But there is a reason why Bond hasn't died: he always survives. It's one of the most important parts of the Bond legacy. You can't kill Bond. Even if your name is Daniel Craig. Movie: 8, killing Bond: -5, score: 3. And that's being kind.
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Treadstone (2019)
Good show but some bad acting
20 May 2021
If you're having trouble following multiple (and somewhat complicated) stories this is not for you. This is not a problem for me and I really like the different perspectives (persons/time). What annoys me is the range of acting. Some acting is really good (Dough and Korean part) while other parts are really bad. Worst is the acting of Tracy Ifeachor who never seems real nor plausible as a journalist. How she got this role is a mystery. Since she has a major part it kind of ruins the overall feel of the show.
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