15 Reviews
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Pop the popcorn and get your drinks
21 May 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. The cinematography was exceptional. The cast of characters balanced from bad guys to good guys. I actually laughed out loud at a few scenes. It seems the Asians have taken over the helm from Hollywood in the crafting of quality family movies. Get the popcorn and drinks round the kids up and enjoy this movie.
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The Pirates (2014)
Just plain fun
21 May 2022
Although you have to read the sub-titles the movie is a visual candy store. I was amazed at the quality of the cinematography. Others on here have said it better than I can. It was just a fun movie to watch.
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Killer Joe (2011)
That was painful
19 May 2022
The worst film I've seen all year! I WILL NEVER PAY ATTENTION TO THE PEOPLE WHO REVIEW HERE! My gawd that was painful! The worst film Matthew has ever made. Just plain garbage. I feel stupid for watching this piece of trash.
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I found a new actress
18 May 2022
Although the movie has many complications with the story line and reality.

The main character Sarah-Sofia Boussnina, captivated my attention. In my opinion I thought she was strikingly beautiful and her performance was intense and riveting. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It was definitely an escape from the satan infested movies that have overcome Hollywood.
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Boost (2017)
Trejo bait works again
16 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes I enjoy watching Danny do his thing so when I saw his face all over the front of the title well yep I took the bait. Although the main character actually did a pretty good job the supporting cast were cliché and quite honestly overacting hams. The Gangsters were as scary as watching an episode of the office. The love interest ( a new fave of mine) Danay Garcia told a weird story about a goat. And that kidney was the main star, lasting as long as it did in a unmarked cooler. If you like Trejo watch. If your looking for a quality movie just move along.
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Revenge is a pendulum
15 May 2022
Danay Garcia gives an exceptional performance and she's very easy on the eyes. The storyline is believable showing the actual human side of life as a criminal. Consequences is the truth in this film. An enjoyable watch but certainly not family time viewing unless you have potential gangsters yourself. Unfortunately potential gangsters might watch and only be drawn to this lifestyle. Hopefully they might see the consequences of riding the pendulum and stay away from this lifestyle.
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The Marksman (2021)
Hope your bad a geography.
15 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a trucker. Know this country like the back of my hand. It was painful watching the sub titles tell us where he was. His whole trip to Chicago was totally stupid logistically. And if you think your going to get me to believe the cartel has a trooper in their back pocket and a gun dealer willing to skirt the Federal gun laws, well you must be a Hollywood nit-wit. Liam is a anti-gun nut in real life. Funny how he makes his living with a gun in every movie. Still if you able to believe that young Mexican boys learn English in school an lose their accent when they cross the border through a very convenient hole cut in the fence.

Then you obviously are a Beto voter and think Bidens wife is attractive.
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Hannibal Lecter meets Mr. Gadget
21 February 2022
Great movie with a lot of twists and turns.

We actually yelled out loud on a couple of scenes, as they were totally unexpected. But as the movie went on we had to suspend our intelligence and knowledge of life as it really is.
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Solid acting
19 January 2022
I throughly enjoyed the storyline and the solid acting.

As I watched the landscape change I actually understood why a person would seek refuge illegally in our country. I found myself asking what I would do numerous times.
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Thank gawd it was free
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good action movie as long as you suspend your knowledge of how life really works. Ben delivers his usual meh acting. Taking the fortress was way to easy and the money in the walls was totally unbelievable. The fat chick crying over her dead man was hilarious.
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The Vault (2021)
Good fun
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Off course we all know if it can go wrong it will. But sit back and enjoy a nice thrill ride where codes and keys and a radio all just happen to work right when needed.
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Good acting bad ending
18 January 2022
Stumbled onto this movie. The story catches you and the acting is pretty damn good. Then we end with a concept that will never work.. worth a watch though you might see it differently.
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15 January 2022
I watched the Army Of Thieve the supposed prequel to this movie. And the only thing the two movies had in common was the safecracker. I throughly enjoyed Army of Thieves. And I expected more of the same in this movie. Not even close. I was throughly disappointed in this movie.
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Quality military movie
10 January 2022
Despite having to read subtitles this is a quality military thriller.

I was totally impressed with the quality of the camera work.

I didn't realize the Chinese were capable of putting out a great military thriller.
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Starcrash (1978)
Guilty Pleasure
9 January 2022
David Hasslehoff got me to watch. Caroline Munro kept me watching.

This is not the worst film I've seen. I enjoyed seeing The Hoff brandish a laser sword way before The Jedi Knights. And then there's Christoper Plummer.

He must of had a slow calendar that month. Roll up a big fattie and enjoy the guilty pleasure of wasted time.
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