
2 Reviews
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Truly, A man from nowhere
22 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The hero's development through the story to the end perfectly matched the title. It wasn't because he was mysterious, it was the fact he was the girl's neighbor. You don't see how much he cared for the girl until the finale. He was a stranger(technically due to him a the girls relationship in the beginning) that helped another. He was almost like the star from the movie"redemption" , a hero who fell off but crawled out of it. The villians weren't dumb, they were an actual threat to other people around them(the license plate scene and the ruffied girl).the bad guy were just really caught off guard. Which is understandable because They were dealing with someone They know nothing about and underestimated. They were even evil to the point that their brutal deaths gave the feel they deserved it. The use of "ants" was even new to me as well. This showed these weren't the usual drug traffickers you hear about. The fight scenes were used well. The first fight the hero had being the tip of the iceberg of what the final fight would finally be. The brutality matched the emotions and situations. From self defense, survival, and to pure rage. Unlike most fighting movies who has fights in every scene, this actually made the wait worth it.
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Not worth making
22 December 2017
Butterfly-8335 must have Stockholm syndrome,because I bet If they were murdered or if their child was raped, they would you say "I deserved it" or "it's God's will". no way movies should give real life merciless murderers movies. It won't condone their actions. That's saying " you're a horrible person, but you'll have your own movie about you". It's okay for fictional people to do evil things,because they are not real. using the actual murderer and victim is a slap in the face to real people who suffered. A couple lost their child, yet they make a movie with the merciless killers as the stars. They even had the actual murder take place in the movie, that's a big middle finger to the victim. There are different ways they could bring awareness to this case,donating to the family, talk to teens and kids, talk to the public.making a movie that is going in theaters, about the killers it not the right way. As for the movie flow, it was boring. Plus who's the star? How am I suppose to follow someone who live their daily life, but brutally murdered a child for no reason? I was like "Fuck it, just kill them and end it already". the scene were the boy blamed his mother for his behavior is the trope of terrible parents leading to serial killer children. It's getting old. it's the number one excuse teenagers use to get softer punishment in real life. Like before, don't glorify it.
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