
5 Reviews
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Oculus (2013)
25 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is being marketed as a horror-movie. But the film never gets scary. It has some tense moments and therefore is a thriller. Not a very good one at that. As a viewer you are guided through the events as they work towards the climax. You are waiting for things to actually get going, but they never do. Just scene after scene of stuff being explained by the girl and then talked over with her brother. In the end we some creepy characters emerging from the mirror. But who is that woman? Why is the mirror the way it is? It is never explained. Also the ending is not very original and you can see that coming from miles away. A really disappointing movie that never gets scary or give you the chills.
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Grown Ups 2 (2013)
Worst movie since a long time
16 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably the worst movie I have seen since a long time. The first one wasn't Oscar-winning material but it was okay for a night of movie-fun. Sometimes things are so bad that they become funny again. Not in the case of this sequel. This movie is very unfunny. A lot of jokes are fired at the viewer but only a few make you wanna smile. Yes smile. Not laugh, but smile. That's the most you are going to get out of this flick. Situations happen that are suppose to be funny, but all you do is say wtf and look over at your viewing-partner. The only reason I gave this movie a 2 is the presence of the insanely beautiful April Rose. She gets to show off her body and it's the highlight of the picture. Also Salma Hayek's boobs are seen perking through her shirt and that also is something to watch for. Yes very immature of me, but what do you expect of a movie that tries to score with fart jokes, a peeing deer (yes you are reading it correct) and Kevin James mastery of something called a burb-sneeze-fart. Avoid this movie and just google April Rose for some good images of her and watch Desperado for Salma Hayek's boobs in full presence.
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Noah (2014)
An OK movie, don't read those hate reviews
15 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing this movie last night, I was scrolling through some of the reviews here. And I must say, these reviews gave me more joy then the movie. Not that the movie is that bad, but some reviews here are just hilarious. People going bananas over the fact that the makers of the movie raped the original story in the Bible. First up, they have stated that it's just an interpretation of that story. Not a direct translation. Second, it's a made up movie plot based on a made up story in a made up book. So don't get your panties all twisted up! If you believe that this story from the bible really happened, then you just need yourself get looked at by your doctor.

Russell Crowe plays Noah, who builds an ark to survive the pending flood and save and look after all the animals. Along the way he gets it into his head that he and his family must die along with the rest of humanity. For that he is willing to kill his unborn grandchild. People are going crazy over that fact! "Noah is such an unpleasant man bla bla bla". Hello people, we are talking about a time where serving God is more important then your own family. There is a story in the Bible about a dude who killed his child for no reason. Just because God wanted it and to show his loyalty. So why go all crazy about the fact that Noah would do the same. Obviously it was pretty normal back then.

As a viewer who does not anything in common with any kind of religion, this review should have made that fact clear, I enjoyed this movie. It's not a masterpiece and also not the SFX bonanza that the trailer had us believe. But it's OK for an evening of fun and beautiful pictures of Iceland and rockmonsters who look like banged up Transformers. This is sounding more and more like a review of Neverending Story but you get the idea.

It's a movie that has more in common with how we treat the earth today then the way they behaved back then. This is made clear through some subtle hints by the makers but I guess most religious freaks are just to plain stupid to get that. Also after seeing this movie, it's painfully clear why so many church people are okay with abusing small boys. The story says it's okay to have sex with your own family and it's a small step from incest to child abuse. We also see it in this movie and this is something that should have been corrected. Two of Noah's sons don't have wives aboard the vessel. Then the oldest son has twin girls and the mother says: "God sends us what we need". So God sends them two girls so the two boys can have sex with their nieces. Nice one God. If Noah's family is worth saving by God, surely there must have been two girls out there worth rescuing. After all, they must repopulate the earth. Or was Noah right and should they die along with the rest of mankind. If having sex with your niece is seemed okay, then they might as well.
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Worst movie of the franchise
3 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This latest installment in the series is the worst of them all. Basically this is a movie that is just unnecessary. The story is pretty bad, boring and lame. Also the pace is very slow, making for a unpleasant viewing experience. Chucky behaves downright idiotic and gone are the moments of humor. The kills are not very original and CGI is obvious. We even see Chucky running and walking, all thanks to the help of some bad CGI. The plot is full of holes. Chucky has his sights set on a little girl, but at some point in the movie she just disappears. He has her hidden somewhere we are left to wonder, but hey there she is at the end all of a sudden, but in a totally different location. Chucky takes over her body, but a scene after the credits shows him, in his doll body, trying to kill Andy. So I guess he didn't take over her body.....I'm confused. I wish I didn't watch this movie, one and a half hours of my life I can't get back. Avoid this and watch one of the older movies.
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Halloween (2007)
How to rape a classic.....
15 August 2008
Normally I don't write any reviews on IMDb after seeing a movie, it would just take to much of my time, but this time I had to say something and warn people for this so-called Halloween movie. The first 40 minutes is deadly for the film, because we get an explanation why Michael Meyers is the way he is. That's just insane! Michael Meyers is pure evil and doesn't need a reason to kill. Now we get some lame story about how Michael was abused as a little boy and bullied in school. He also has to put up with an asshole stepfather and the fact that his mother is a stripper. Because of that he starts killing small animals en somehow decides one night to kill his step dad, sister and her boyfriend. Next scene we see him laughing and having a jolly good time with Loomis in the asylum and isn't he a nice and happy young boy. Then he starts to turn into a monster and doesn't speak for years. Why he does that isn't revealed and it's seems just plain stupid and ridiculous. After 15 years he breaks out and heads back to Haddonfield to kill his only remaining family, his little sister. How the hell does he know where she lives?!!? She was raised by another family under another name, so is Michael Myers turned into Sherlock Holmes? He heads straight for her without knowing anything about her. How much more can we take..... Also the reason for him wanting to kill her isn't addressed at all. Has he slipped into insanity completely, because he let her live while she was young. OK Mr Zombie, I am willing to go along with that and assume that he is now pure evil and wants to rid the world of his last remaining proof of humanity. Although I wonder if Mr Zombie came up with that explanation. For a horror movie Halloween is also pretty tame and we see a lot of blood but the killings are just boring. Other remakes do much better in this department and it seems Mr Zombie is going soft now. As a closing statement I would like to thank Mr Zombie for raping this classic a making such a bad movie. I will now never see a Rob Zombie again after also viewing the rather boring and messed up 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects. Stick to making music Mr Zombie, you're not even very good at that.
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