
20 Reviews
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One of the best Disney Animation shows ever made
8 July 2021
Ever since late 2016 or early 2017, I kept hearing about this show like "It's really good" and "It's the best animated Disney shows ever". But I never got the chance to watch it because I knew I needed to see it from the start and yet I don't have cable, so I wasn't able to see it when it was still going. But thanks to Disney+, I finally got the chance to watch the show from the beginning to end and I loved it.

I guess I should start with the characters first, I think most of them are really likable and enjoyable to watch. Star is cute, hilarious, awesome and the type of tomboy princess you know you can just hang around with and immediately be friends with her. I love how at the beginning, she had no idea what she's supposed to do with both herself and the kingdom, but when the second half arrives, you can see that she's been growing faster than her age because she has to deal with the wars, saving her great-something grandmother and the rights for monsters and mewmins to get along. Marco is the kid who you know is brave and doesn't give up to help Star and be with her, I think he got better in the second half when he moved to Mewni to live a new life there because he seemed to finally started finding himself on who he really is and had a lot more adventure in the other dimensions then he did on Earth and got what he deserved.

The characters are either hits or misses in my opinion. For example, I thought Ludo started out as a very cliche villain who "wants to take over the world" and yet needs one special thing to even do that, but when I got to Season 2, I started liking him and I finally understood that it was supposed to be the evolution of him and he didn't want to do anything with the wand anymore after the defeat of Toffee. And thanks to his brother, he had his old castle back but better and changed into a better character. I really like that and glad that the writers knew what to do with him.

Another thing I want to talk about is the love story with Starco throughout the entire show. Did it take too long for the ship to sail? Yes, but I think it was worth it. At the end of the very first episode when Star hugged Marco and he smiled about it, you can see that it was love at first sight but he already had a crush on Jackie since kindergarten, so he stayed on that instead of giving up on the crush and letting his emotions for Star grow better in the first half of the show. While it cause a love triangle because we can tell Star has a crush on Marco in the second season, I think it showed that Marco did at least tried to have Jackie as a girlfriend but didn't go so well later in the third season. After that, Starco seemed to grew more and more and I kept getting more excited to see the ship finally happen as the show carried on, I was super excited when it was finally canon that I recorded my reaction and posted it on Twitter to show how happy I was. While I do see Tomstar and Melly being a thing in the show, I think the relationship with Star and Marco was worth it, they even showed that they refuse to give up being separated in the final episode and that took guts to do and how strong their relationship became.

Speaking of the final episode, I want to talk about that last in this review. This was worth the long wait and it was an emotional rollercoaster to watch, I was literately at the edge of my seat the entire time because it felt more and more intense every minute. From the sacrifice on giving up magic so it doesn't get any worse, to chasing the portal so Star and Marco can be together (now that's true love right there), to seeing both Earth and Mewni becoming one big planet together. I thought it was quite the way to end the show after four good seasons. However, I will admit that the final dialogue and last minute felt like a cliffhanger. It ended with the two saying "Hi" and the camera moving up to the beautiful purple and blue sky, what? I think there should've been at least more episode to show how the new combined planet turned out right after or heck, takes place years later when their in the adult years and I bet they would've had a child of their own like fandom shows. Thankfully, there are two really good petitions to make Disney do either a Season 5 or a movie. If it has to be a Disney+ exclusive like Clone Wars 7 or the second Phineas and Ferb movie, that would great too. So if you want to sign both the petitions to help make either the fifth season or the movie be possible, than I suggest you to do it. But I found a fanfiction called "When Two Worlds Collide" that takes place seconds after final episode and it feels like an actual fifth season, it's so well written and has some mystery like the show does. So I highly recommend you to read it if you want to know what I mean and want to figure what happens after the show.

And that's everything I can think about talking for this show. It was worth the long six years of getting around to watching this show and it was so worth it at the end. I guess the next modern Disney show I should watch now is The Owl House because that looks really good and I might as well watch it while the show is still going as I'm writing this.
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One of THE best sequels ever made
28 December 2020
Forty years ago, in a galaxy far away. A sequel of the movie that changed cinema forever was made, and it sure as heck didn't failed on anyone.

Every top best sequels I see always has Empire Strikes Back on the number one spot, and there's a reason why. It took many dark turns that nobody at the time saw coming, it didn't use the same elements that the previous movie used and it felt like we were exploring the galaxy a lot more than we did in the last film.

If I have to pick where to put this on my Star Wars rank list, it'd be on the top three, just not sure where in the three spots.

The romance part of the film works really well with Leia and Han. Sure, the age gap between Carrie and Harrison was a bit awkward, but they somehow made it work great for the franchise and became one of the best couples ever.

The reveal of Vader being the father wasn't a surprise to me when I first watched it, because I started watching the franchise with the prequels first in 2006 and knew what was happening.

And I know this is going to cause a debate, but I think Yoda is a Muppet. It's not because of Frank Oz performing him, but it's because he feels like one to me. I feel like the Jim Henson company helped a little bit making him and there was an episode of Muppet Show where Luke, Chewie, R2 and 3PO was in and to me, that was a deal that Lucas and Henson made as a fair enough collab as a team. There's even some behind the scenes pictures that Jim, Kermit and Piggy were in. Think about that for a few minutes.

This is without a doubt, one of the best sequels that was ever made and will always be forever. The force has always been strong with the franchise and fandom, and will forever more.
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Thomas & Friends: Thomas' Christmas Party (1984)
Season 1, Episode 26
A wonderful episode to watch at Xmas time
28 December 2020
I may be two days late to write this review sense Christmas is over, but I'm going to do this anyway.

This is the very first Xmas episode to be made for the show, and it's the perfect one to begin with. The story is such a classic and it's sorta based on The Railway Series but at the same time it doesn't because the book it's based on isn't part of any of the books except for the rescue scene. It was a third party book that was written for the first season.

To be honest, I think this should've been an episode for a different season like Season 2. Let me explain why: The two episodes before that was about Thomas and Gordon losing their permission to continue running the express and using the branchline. Where in this episode, we see Thomas pulling his coaches and running on his branchline. And they don't continue that story till the fourth season, so it always been a confusion and delay type of episode.

But other than that, it's one of those episodes that's perfect to watch at Xmas time. The sets are beautiful with the snow on them, the episode itself is very classic and it's well written of course.

If you ever want to watch an episode that fits into the holiday, than this is one of those episodes from the show that works great.
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The perfect way to end a trilogy
19 September 2020
From the years 1977-1983, many people saw how Vader went from evil to coming back as Anakin again along with the story about his twin children that we all know and love. But, the question was back then is how did it all happened? For example, how did Anakin become Vader? How did the fall of the Jedi happened? And why were the Skywalker twins separated from birth? Well, this movie had all the answers everyone needed and it's perfect.

This movie is definitely the perfect way to end the prequel trilogy with the answers everyone needed.

I always felt bad for Anakin because how rough his life is and the jedi like Mace Window never trusted him didn't gave him a promotion he deserved which makes him having more hate in him and letting it get to his head to the point where he can't control it anymore and turning him into one of the most powerful sith lords in the entire galaxy.

I can tell that George Lucas took all the time he needed to write down all the connections this movie needs for the original movies and knew how to make everything emotional. Like when Anakin was in the jedi temple and looking out the window and having an emotional moment, and at the end in Mustafar when Obi-Wan was screaming at him because of what he became and the path he got himself into.

I think we can agree that the music in this movie is the best one in the franchise, I remember as a kid that I listened to it online all the time and couldn't get enough of it. And I still can't to this day, definitely one of John Williams' best music tracks ever.

Sure, some of the dialogue is now memes like "Dew it!" and "I am the Senate". But if you don't find them as goofy memes, than you'll that this is the best prequel all the way, and the perfect one to end a trilogy.

Little did we know that a tv series will excist, two-three years later that takes place during the trilogy and the movies finally continues ten years after this one came out. So who knows what else the franchise has for us in the future. We'll just wait and see.
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Thomas & Friends: Haunted Henry (1998)
Season 5, Episode 11
One of the best horror episodes in the show
18 September 2020
Sense Halloween is around the corner by the time I'm writing this, I might as well write a review on one of the scariest episodes of all time in this show and this is the perfect episode to review on. Even one of my favorite YouTubers in the Thomas fandom, Thomas1Edward2Henry3, says it's the scariest episode of all time and he's right.

The story about Henry going through a creepy village with only one building is well written, the atmosphere makes the episode even more scary than it already is, and Alec Baldwin's scary narration is spot-on.

This was back when the series had decent story writing and before Alec Baldwin had his brutal devorce that made him had a downfall of the show the American audiences like me had to go through.

I think the fifth season is the reason why I love Halloween movies today, the season had so much creepiness and intense for most of the episodes and I loved it as a kid, I still love it to this day.

This is one of the perfect episodes to watch on Halloween time and think about how much time the crew put on this episode like the fog, soundtrack, etc.
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A perfect movie for pet owners
18 September 2020
I think this one of Illumination's best movies that they've done, probably one of in the top 5 best movies from the company and I think people are just saying it's bad because they don't like Illumation.

Not just that, but also saying that the movie is a rip off of Toy Story. The only similarity I could find if that when the humans are gone, the pets do their thing without them around, which is like when humans are gone the toys do their thing without them around. But that's it. Everything else in the movie does it's own thing.

The animation is pretty good, the characters are very likable and I can laugh pretty hard at them, and the writing is really good as well. The humor works brilliantly on the animals, it works great and fits them perfectly.

As a dog person my whole life, I can easily understand what their feeling and their personalities. Max looks just like my old Jack Russell who passed away almost two years ago, he reminds me a lot of him and what it was like when he was alive. By the way, what type of dog is Duke supposed to be? My guess is that he's a mix of a chocolate lab and a shaggy dog.

Snowball is the most random thing in the entire movie, and Kevin Hart was the perfect choice to voice him. He just says some of the funny stuff in the movie, and sure is out of control. Sure, his plan is to destroy the human race and take over the world is pretty cliche, but this one is a pass for me.

So, if your a dog or cat owner/person like I am (for dogs at least) and not a hater on Illumination, than this is perfect movie for you and your family to have fun watching and get laughs at.
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Thomas & Friends: Rusty and the Boulder (1998)
Season 5, Episode 26
The Thomas version of Indiana Jones
29 April 2020
Season five without a doubt, was the most craziest season of the whole show. And this episode was one of the best episodes from that season.

This episode had some creepiness and some questions that people still have to this day. Like why is the boulder even alive? What was Sir Topham Hatt thinking about when he was looking at the boulder? And why was there even dynamite in the sheds?

In my opinion, Alec Baldwin did fantastic with the narration, at least with season five. And this is one of the episodes where I think he nailed when he was saying his narration, especially the final line, there was just something dark about it.

I remember that whenever I watched it as a kid, I would get to the edge of the couch and get excited to watch it or any other scary episodes of the season. I think I loved how the season was and that was years before I even got into horror movies.

So if you're interested in finding a creepy episode that was even made for kids, this will be the episode for your type.
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Toy Story 2 (1999)
One of the best Pixar sequels ever.
21 April 2020
Back in the golden age of Pixar when they were still new to making movies, they went ahead and did their first sequel (and only one for 11 years before more came out), they made Toy Story 2 and it's without a doubt one of their greatest.

What I think what makes this movie one of Pixar's best is that they really concentrated on the movie, like the animation and the story. Along with the behind the scenes of this movie, I can't imagine how stressed they were with it by redoing the entire story in under nine months before the due date, making the animation better than the first movie, and almost losing the entire file and yet one computer saved everything. I mean, wow, that takes a lot of blood and sweat just to make this movie possible.

The movie is better than the first one, it has more action, more characters to love, and they even made Jessie's backstory really emotional. There's one scene that still amazes me to this day and that's when Woody's eye gets clean, you can see the dust getting wiped out and all sparkly again, too this day I still have no idea how they made that happen and yet it was the late 1990s, that one of the moments that shows how great Pixar can really be.

This is under my top 5 favorite Pixar films ever, and it shows why. Before they got out of hand with sequels, this one the only sequel they ever made and their animation kept getting better and better as time went by.
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Codename: Kids Next Door (2002–2008)
A classic cartoon that deserves a spinoff/sequel series
20 April 2020
I remember as a kid, Cartoon Network used to have some of THE best cartoons ever made from the 1990s and the 2000s and a little bit of the early 2010s, and this is one of the cartoons I remember watching as a kid.

It took me some time to finally go back in time and rediscover this show and it makes me feel like I'e grown up too fast, it was 2016 when I looked back into it and I was like "Wow, time really did went faster than I thought". I had no idea how much I missed it until I checked it out, the show had quite the imagination.

The animation aged well, the humor is still funny, and the episodes is like a kid's imagination going really wild. It wasn't until I rediscovered the show of how it even ended if it was just a random episode or a true ending, and it was the latter. Holy moly, it was quite the way to end a show like this by showing the kids many years later and showing that the Wally x Kuki ship became canon as time went by, along with the 2 x 5 ship as well.

If I have to choose a classic cartoon that deserves either a spinoff or a sequel series, it be this one, I was hoping that the petition for the Galactic Kids Next Door will succeed, but sadly it ended too soon. But if it does actually happen, than I would say that maybe it could be a Adult Swim series in case it goes really dark like Samira Jack did, and it could about them as High School teenagers, I could be wrong but that's my lucky guess.

Anyway, I loved this show as a kid, and it really brings me back some good old memories when there was no reboots or annoying shows. Cartoon Network, please take notes on this and see what you can do about this in a serious way or at least do reruns on this show.
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Thomas & Friends: Henry's Forest (1992)
Season 3, Episode 9
Most beautiful episode of the whole show
21 March 2020
This is without a doubt, my favorite episode of all time in Thomas and Friends. I think it's because of realistic sets of the forest and the moral of the episode which is about how indanger forests can be. Over the years, there has been many wildfires in America and some other countries like Australia.

In January 2020, there was a massive wildfire spreading around in Australia and hardly anyone could get out. It made me feel so bad because of all the inicent people and animals had to try to escape such tragedy and it was a disaster. I can't imagine how Henry would've felt when that was happening.

The lesson, the music, and the narration (both US and UK) was also what I love about the episode, especially the ending. Who cares of what Awdry said about the episode? He did some unrealistic things himself in the RWS books. In my opinion, this is the best episode of the entire series.
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Toy Story (1995)
Pixar's big break with this movie
24 January 2020
Man, what a classic this movie is, clearly anyone's childhood now. Twenty five years ago, this movie was out and it blew everyone's mind and gave the best animation company ever (in my opinion) the big break they disserve, now look where their at today.

Sure, some of the animation in the movie hasn't aged well like the humans, but it proves how much had changed over the years with the animation Pixar does.

This is the movie that's worth watching many times, no matter how old you are.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
One of the best shows ever made
24 January 2020
If I have to pick my top five favorite shows ever, I would pick this on second place, that's how much I love it. When I first heard of it, I was kinda curious about it and wanted to check it out. So one day, I was sitting down to watch an episode (I think it was a season three episode) and I immediately loved it.

Not only is this a show about a zombie apocalypse aftermath, but it's also a show about surviving, being brave, family, and some reality. It feels so real and it can be a sad show by great characters dying.

I can't imagine how Rick and the others feels on what they all go through with all the drama and all the enemies they had to fight and even the places they went to.

Sure the show is still going, but that doesn't seem to bother me and I'm always wondering what will happen next because it sure can be a mystery.

So if this is the type of show for you, than your in the right place.
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Thomas & Friends: Ghost Train (1986)
Season 2, Episode 24
The scariest episode of the show before Season 5
24 January 2020
Before the fifth season was made that is now known as the creepiest season of the whole show, there was this episode from the second season based from one of the books. What they did in the episode is great, the story the sets and the atmosphere was perfect.

I wasn't born when this episode was made and made it to the US yet, but what I heard is that this used to scare children when it was first made, and that was a few years before season five was made. I think one of the things that makes the episode creepy was the acting, both Ringo Start and George Carlin nailed it with the ghost sounds, makes me wonder how long it took them to get that type of energy going to do that.

So if you have a kid who loves a bit of scary stories and a bit of creepiness or if you love scary stories and creepiness, than this is one of the perfect episodes to watch for that and at Halloween time.
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Favorite childhood Muppet movie
20 December 2019
This Muppet movie is such a classic, and a family favorite. I kind of understand why a few people don't like it, but I love it growing up. I bet a lot of Muppet fans kept wondering what Gonzo is untill this movie was made and finally answered the long time answer. I also love how different it is because it's not a musical and it's more of an adventure movie.

I think it's a great Muppet classic and worth watching it if your interested and a Muppet fan.
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The Star Wars movie I like but a lot of people hates
20 December 2019
A couple years ago, Episode 8 of one of the best franchises ever came out and boy did it have serious mixed reviews. I was in my final year of high school and I had a friend who's a serious fan of Star Wars and he told me it sucked, but I didn't listened to him and I wanted to find out for myself. It took me longer to finally watch it for the first time than I thought, I finally watched it in February 2019 when I finally got the DVD for the first time. And what did I think of it? I actually enjoy it.

Sure, Finn and Rose's side of the movie and Leia using the force to get back to the shop is pretty poor. But Rey and Luke's side of the movie was actually good.

Luke being a broken Jedi from a past event and refusing to train Rey makes sense to me and yet a lot of people are mad about Luke refusing makes fans mad and I just don't get it. Because Yoda did the same thing when he refused to train Luke in Empire Strikes Back and people don't get mad on that.

Speaking of Yoda, I was surprised to see him as a Muppet again when I first watched the movie because I was not expecting that and it's been years since we last saw Yoda as a Muppet. And I love the fact that Frank Oz did all the movements than just the voice because he stopped doing that since 2002 from being a muppeteer.

So if your interested in seeing this movie and pretty optimistic about it, than your in a great time watching it.
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
Good sequel, but not great
22 November 2019
Back in 2015 or 2016, I heard that Pixar was going to make a Toy Story 4, I wasn't sure what to think. I thought the third movie and a few shorts and specials was enough for the Toy Story franchise. And what do I think of the movie? It's better than I thought.

It's not as good as the previous movies, but at least it wasn't like Cars 2. I really like how Bo Peep became an amazing character with skills instead of being in her dress and a pole. Ducky and Bunny are very funny, I laughed so hard when they were telling Buzz and Giggles their ideas and how they explained their ideas during the post credits.

I think the only character I didn't like very much was Gabby Gabby, the reason why is because I don't find her much as a villian. Her backstory is that her voicebox is broken and she needs a new one so she can have one last chance to be with a child, meh, that's not much of a villian type of story, I prefer the story behind Latso from the previous movie.

I do like the ending because it makes sense why Woody left the group, he hasn't been with Bo Peep for nine years and it just doesn't feel right if they went different ways after so long without seeing each other, plus Woody hasn't been played with for who knows how long so it's best to have a new life where he can actually do something with his new friends and the old group can take care of each other without him.

So yeah, I think it's a good sequel to (hopefully) end the Toy Story franchise, but not as good as the other movies that we know and love.
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Zootopia (2016)
My favorite Disney movie of all time.
25 November 2018
Five words: Best Disney movie ever made! Why you may ask? Because I love everything about the movie. I love the characters, the story, the animation, even the message about human races, or animal races I should say. When I saw the trailer, I thought it would just be another good movie by Disney, but boy was I wrong. It was fantastic! Amazing! Awesome! I just can't stop loving this movie! And I think the message is strong about treating each other equally, and we needed this message and I'm glad Disney made this movie about the message.

And thanks to this movie, I read the good side of fan fiction. There's so many well written Zootopia fan fictions, some I just can't stop reading till the very end like a real book. But how did this movie got me into fan fiction? It's because of the ending where Nick said "You know you love me." and then Judy replied "Do I know that? Yes, yes I do." it maybe in a friendly way, but it's more than that in my opinion. As an inter myself, I think Judy & Nick would be a great Disney couple in the sequel, IF they make a sequel.

If Disney doesn't make a sequel, than I'm going to be upset on Disney. Don't you agree.
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Toy Story 3 (2010)
The darkest Pixar movie ever made.
30 June 2018
I remember seeing this on the big screen, it was such a big wait and for good reasons because everyone wanted to see a Toy Story 3, including me. Back in 2009 one night I watched a trailer for the movie and I was really pumped up,and boy was it worth it. I didn't know what to expect with the movie but the creativity from Pixar. It was darker than I think anyone expected, the villain was creepy, the plot was a masterpiece, and the ending was tear-jerking. I also think his is the movie that fully showed the strong relationship with Buzz and Jessie, thanks to this movie I ship them, the previous movie did good with them too but there was only a scene or two that showed that relationship. We'll just wait to see what the next movie brings and if it can top this movie (which I doubt).
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Cars 2 (2011)
The worst Pixar movie ever.
25 June 2018
As we all know, this movie became the worst movie Pixar has ever made. In the commentary, John Lassiter said that he has always wanted to make a spy movie. Really? Than why didn't he thought about making a original Pixar movie on that instead of using that as a sequel to Cars? To this day, there hasn't been a Pixar movie that hasn't been bad as this and I think it should stay that way. This is a good example of a movie that was made for merchandise only, I mean I remember seeing merchandise based on this movie everywhere and it is ridicules. The part that seems to bother me the most is Holly Shiftwale became half plane towards the end of the movie, why didn't she become half plane from the beginning? Now let's all agree that Pixar learned their lesson and will never make a movie as bad as this, hopefully. I mean, look at Cars 3, it proves how much they learned from their mistakes and to me, Cars 3 is the true sequel to the first Cars movie and not this terrible sequel.
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Barefoot (I) (2014)
A great heartwarming and funny love story.
25 June 2018
I may like love stories, but some of the ones I've seen are pretty cliché. But this one is different. Instead of a man seeing a woman walking down a street or working at a store, it's a man working as a janitor at a looney place and safe a woman's life from a creep and the woman followed him but never been on the outside world. When I watched it for the first time, I couldn't stop laughing and loving this brilliant movie. I love how when they continue their journey on the road they ended up falling in love with each other and called themselves a couple. If you want a different love story, this might be the one for you to watch and love.
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