
10 Reviews
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Shaun of the Dead meets high school
12 October 2008
I went into this film with low expectations, I came out with a giant smile on my face. This was one very good zom-edy and ranks just below Shaun of the Dead on my Zombie/Comedy list.

Not to mention all the hilarious one-liners, my favorite being:

Army guy:"Here little Missy, you get the machete." Cheerleader:"I don't know how to shoot a machete!"

That was just one of the many examples of one liners and irony in the under-appreciated film category.

I really hope to see a sequel in the future.

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Insanitarium (2008 Video)
A very good psycho thriller.
30 July 2008
Insanitarium is the best b-movie I have seen ever, and I'm dead serious, no pun intended. The film's strongest point was the storyline. Executed perfectly, not your usual cliché' "kids break into sanitarium for lol's." A young man cons his way into a sanitarium to see his mentally-ill suicidal sister. It is very interesting and grabs you from the start, from here, the movie just roars uphill.

Insanitarium's death scenes will leave gore hounds, like myself, crying in awe. Some of this stuff was really awesome. (Ex: Arm broken and torn off.) This is a very well crafted movie and is worth your money.

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Not bad, not great, worth a rental.
6 October 2007
I got this from my local video store thinking it would be the biggest piece of cow dung ever. It actually wasn't that bad. There was humor, gore, action, and of course - ZOMBIES!!! In case you didn't know this movie is Snakes on A Plane minus snakes plus zombies.

The acting was exceptionally good for a straight-to-video release and some of the gore effects were cheap. There was actually one point in the movie when I said, "yeah, that's believable, a zombie flies out of an airplane lands safely, gets up and walks away." I really enjoyed watching this movie and would like to see another zombie flick from these people in the future.

-7/10 RENT IT.
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Braindead (1992)
Awesome movie. Plain, freaking' awesome!
16 September 2007
This has got to be the funniest zombie comedy ever. Peter Jackson has made an EPIC WIN of a movie. Do not second guess yourself about this movie, it's awesome. It has everything you have ever wanted to see in a zombie movie.

The acting was fantastic and the blood was flying everywhere in this movie, as well as the laughs. Have you ever seen zombies having sex? After watching this- you will have. Have you ever seen a priest kicking zombie butt kung-fu style? You will after this movie! This movie is an instant cult classic for anyone.

I HIGHLY recommend you see it. 9.5/10
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I loved it.
16 March 2006
Excellent movie,fantastic.This was very well thought out.This is one of those movies were you go to blockbuster,look at the case and go,"This is going to be horrible". Well,that's what I thought,I saw it about 12 times,returned it,rented again,than I finally bought it.This was so awesome of a movie.Zack Snyder really well thought this out.

Bascicly,the storyline is the same,but with minor twists.Zombies now run instead of wobbling around,there's also some humor in it.The effects with blood was so cool,zombie movie fans will roar with delight!The special features ARE to die for!This was so good,i suggest you rent it,and if you like it BUY IT! 9/10
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11 March 2006
This in my opinion,SMOKES the other 2 movies by so much.More gore,violence,cursing,and even a little nudity.The deaths in this one were much more creative.The director thought about the ways to die.The suspense will keep going and then when you think they are going to die,they don't.And then Splat!The storyline rocked and it featured a new addition to the Final Destination series.Some of the deaths were kind of like yeah,she's gonna get this through that,so minus 1 for that.

If you loved the first two,you must buy this one.

Note:You cannot see this movie without going "Oh,SICK!"
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It was okay
26 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Not the best game in the world.Probably made by a group of kids whom just got out of game making school,saw the movie (which rocked) and said,"Lets make a game on this!" Sadly they FAILED.

Advantages: -charecter modeling is cool -weapons are decent -zombies start to tote around weapons making it (sort of) challenging -bascilly follows the same story as the movie

Disadvantages: -The weapons make crappy popping noise when you shoot them -The same "type" of zombie spawns way to much together.

-I know zombies are supposed to be slow but these zombies would actually kinda "run" at you.

-the fire effects stink! -Disgrace to Romero's name
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Doom (2005)
Best game-to-movie ever
25 February 2006
Advantages: Regardless of everything,this was a great movie.The Rock is getting a lot better in acting and Karl Urban was awesome.The storyline DID change apart from the game,but not by much.Also,on the DVD,the game demo got a 10/10 from me.


Some of the actors mumbled so I had to put on subtitles.Apart from that,there was also one small thing,What in the world was the Little tongue thing?

I say, if you like the game buy the movie.If you just like action/horror, movies rent this
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Great movie
27 November 2005
Well, to start I loved it.The opening scene was Hilarious and the Whole movie I coudn't stop laughing!Not a good movie for kids though. (well,Duh) Anyway, if it's a Saturday night you're bored,rent jackass it is the most hilarious movie ever.

I loved the Blow horn at golf coarse thing.

I loved the whole thing

I also recommend Viva la bam Season 1&2 on DVD today

Also if you're gonna see this movie Don't eat without a barfbag

The whole mega wedgie thing landed me in the bathroom for 20 minutes

Don't try at home
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very bad movie
25 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing i noticed in the beginning scene was,no muzzle flash(sparks from gun).second thing Was this a love movie or a zombie movie???and in one scene when the guy turns off all the lights,you can see the cameraman. the gore was nothing i ain't seen,so please do not do not do not.I recommend a real Romero film. film.attention director of day of the dead 2.leave it to Romero. oh and the actors,who were they?they were like bad actors see dawn of the dead (remake) i saw that 8 times when i rented was so good i bought i have to write 10 lines :(day of the dead 2 was bad:(

:(i hate day of the dead 2:(

please do not see this movie

please do not
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