
49 Reviews
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The Good Place: Everything Is Fine (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
Everything is wonderful!
23 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ah, the pilot. Generally known for being the least creative episode of the series, with yet to find its own voice. This pilot, however, far exceeded my expectations. I wasn't expecting such a brilliant yet stupid yet smart yet ridiculous episode right from the start, but this episode delivered in almost every category. This is, by far, the best pilot episode of a show I have seen this year.

Lemme tell you why.

This episode simply introduces the (what looks to be) five main characters and the settings around them. It has great world building, summarizing the Good Place as a whole in the first few minutes, already having questionable moments, like the point system, for example. The land of the Good Place also leads to some brilliant gags, like our pal Doug Forsett, who guessed about 92% right about what happens when you die, or the ways that you get and lose points (poison a river, use Facebook as a verb, etc.). There are so many ways this show can go and not go wrong, which is a good sign for the future seasons.

The characters are incredibly charming, even if some of them happen to be a "condescending bench". Every main character is so well defined in these short 22 minutes that you can already tell what kind of person they were in the living world. Well, except Jianyu, is not sure about him yet.

The plot of this episode is very well written, and (as I mentioned before) has so much potential to go whichever way it wants! I doubt that Eleanor will tell Michael about "the mistake" until, possibly, the 3rd to last episode (at least), but there are so many different ways this show can go that I'm sure this won't be the only focus of the season.

"Everything is Fine!" is a brilliant pilot to this series, with jokes around every corner (a lot of pausing is needed!), witty characters, great acting from all of the actors, and a story that captivated me from the start! I am so excited to see more!

Favourite Line:

Rating: 8.7/10
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Disenchantment: Castle Party Massacre (2018)
Season 1, Episode 4
Was expecting something a bit more...interesting?
5 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you remember, in my review of episode three, I said that even though the episode was..pretty bad, I was still highly anticipating how the writers were going to approach the demons "released demons" storyline in episode four and onwards.

Buuuttt...we got sex rituals instead!

"Castle Party Massacre" was certainly way less exciting than I expected. These past two episodes, both have been mostly filled with...well, filler (getting high, throwing a party, etc.) and the last two minutes actual "plot" (if you can call it that). It feels like, after the Merkimer plot ended, all the writers were left to follow was a loose story arc, an unimportant plot, and not much else. Without any structure, the episode just turns out crazy and random. Eventful stories can be very beneficial to a plot of a show as a whole, but without any meaning to the craziness, it can turn the wackiest stories to be the worst developed.

It doesn't help that this episode starts in the most infuriating way possible. At least, in my standards. I've seen this same "story starter" used quite a few times in "The Simpsons", and every time, I've never enjoyed it. The starter I'm talking about is starting a plot...with an unnecessary, incredibly ridiculous joke. It bugs me every single time, and I don't know why Matt Groening and his other writers keep using that format.

The jokes in this episode seem even blander than before, and the characters have no purpose either. Bean doesn't improve or get worse in this episode, neither does Zøg. In fact, nobody does. There is no plot advancement except for the last 30 seconds when King Zøg "grounds" Bean...or whatever. I know that Matt Groening is used to writing and storyboarding for a stand-alone episode format, and this episode would work fine in those cases. But in this semi-plot driven, time constricted show, every one-off character or unnecessary scene can feel like a total waste of the viewers time, especially for someone like me, who is especially invested in plot driven shows.

"Castle Party Massacre" is a mess of a show. It seems to try and focus on "teen troubles" and therapy torture (btw, that whole b-plot was useless) instead of demons and magic and what this show is supposed to be all about. I understand what this episode was MEANT to be/show, but it ends up a mess of Vikings and people named Chazz. This can't get worse. I sure hope it can't.

Favourite Line: Hand me 10ccs of brick.

Rating: 4.6/10
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Disenchantment: The Princess of Darkness (2018)
Season 1, Episode 3
...I really shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.
29 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You know, after last episode's review, I was really getting my hopes up for the next episode, for a a consistently good series.

That was a mistake.

This episode is all too familiar to the first. Once again, I will talk about the good moments first. The music is, and always will be AMAZING, and the animation seems way less choppy than before. And, this may seem random, but I think King Zøg really improved as a character. His voice is still very annoying (actually, all of the characters' voices are), but in this episode he delivered the funniest jokes and quips in out of everyone. That being said..the jokes weren't that good anyway.

I noticed that, unlike the smart, referential humor that was used in episode 2, they went BACK to the boring, formulaic jokes like the first episode. I hated Oona from the first second she appeared on screen, but using her as an actual plot point was too much for me.

Speaking of the plot, there was none. While the first episode had to introduce all the characters, and the second had to complete a (kind of) arc, I was expecting this episode to start off strong, with a new storyline to tackle. But instead, the main characters just kinda mess around and get high for the first half of this episode. Yes, the "unpurifing the princess" plot line is integrated into it, but it isn't done very well. It just looks like a lazy excuse to make the characters drunk again. (BTW, I don't really understand why the sorcerers or whatever are doing that to her. Wasn't she already a rebellious, drunk princess to begin with?)

The one off characters were absolutely terrible in this episode. While Merkimer provided hilarious jokes and furthered the plot, these characters were just part of the "get high and drunk" story, which doesn't go anywhere anyway. The "femenist thiefs" were predictable and unfunny, and all that Big Jo (What a stupid name) did was just make the plot for episode 4. Releasing evil upon to the world sounds like a big deal, but the writers played it out so poorly that they make it look like an everyday thing. Although, I did like how that tied into the "unpurify Bean" story, and I'm actually very excited to see where it goes next episode.

Overall, I really don't know where this series is going. I know it certainly isn't a masterpiece, but it could still be good...if it tried! Unfortunately, a lot of the moments in Disenchantment are boring, overused, and don't take any chances. Like THIS WHOLE EPISODE. Now, because of episode two I know that, if the writers try hard enough, they actually can make something good. Unfortunately, in this episode...they didn't. They really didn't.

Favourite Line: "I'm kinda scared to try this. Will you guys peer pressure me?"

Rating: 5.6/10
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Disenchantment: For Whom the Pig Oinks (2018)
Season 1, Episode 2
I'm glad I laughed!
22 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well, well, well. That episode, at least for me, seemed significantly better than the first. I'm not sure if I was just in a better mood (occasionally my rating of shows changes due to how I'm feeling) or if this was actually much better, but I definitely enjoyed this episode much more than the last!

Of course, it wasn't perfect. Far from it, but actually not really that far. I feel like the animation, unlike Groening's other two shows, is very high in quality, but also...somehow...kind of poorly done. I don't know how that happens. Both the backgrounds and the characters in the foreground are beautiful separately, but when you put them together, they stand out way too much from each other, and end up looking extremely cheap in the process. The best example of this is when the ogre from the previous episode picks up the monk and drops him off a cliff. Doesn't exactly look the smoothest.

The jokes here, however, were definitely an improvement from last episode. I found myself, at least, chuckling a lot more in this episode, especially in the first half. I do think this was partially because of the pacing. While episode 1 seemed to follow a strict formula of overused and simple jokes, here, the jokes are quite well done (mostly), reference the characters' personalities, and even if the joke includes an unrelated extra few seconds (like Lord Lingonberry getting thrown into the pig pen), it never feels like the plot gets thrown out the window for the sake of a few lame jokes. While every joke doesn't always hit the spot, I definitely think there were more good jokes than bad.

The plot of this episode is actually quite fun, and surprisingly lighthearted! It follows up well to the previous episode, and has a moderately satisfying ending. My least favourite part was honestly all of the mermaid island sequence. It didn't seem to contain many good jokes, and just appeared to me as filler...for an episode that was already basically filler. However, the characters in that scene were surprisingly entertaining, instead of being just a copy and paste annoyance. Speaking of the characters....

The main characters didn't necessarily have much development, honestly. We did, however, get to solidify Elfo, Bean and Luci's characteristics, but, other than that, not much else. Although, I did learn that we can at least have a semi-emotional moment, courtesy of Bean, which is something that the modern Simpsons surprisingly lack. My favourite character this episode was actually Lord Merkimer. I'm so glad we got see more of him, see Bean's view of him, and how much of a d-bag he actually is, before he got...pigified. I must admit, I wasn't really happy with that resolution though. I did want to see more of him. I really thought he could contribute to some of the plots of future episodes. But alas, all d-bags don't last forever.

To be honest, I originally thought that the reason I disliked the first episode so much was because I had high expectations of it, because of the reputations that both Futurama and The Simpsons had, but I rewatched it again, and no, it was just really bad. This episode showed me that Disenchantment still has a chance to be a show that I will, in the future, still enjoy. With fun characters, a decent plot, and some fun writing, I think that this show is shaping up to be a, if not great, pretty good Netflix series!

Oh, and the music is still dope.

Favorite Line: You don't scare me! I was born scared!

Rating: 7.3/10
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Worse than both Futurama and The Simpsons
19 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Wooh. That was bad. NOT the worst thing I've ever seen, but...I have to say's worse than the modern Simpsons episodes. And I'll tell you why.

First I'll note the good things. First of all, the animation is great! Not perfect, but much higher quality than some other shows I've reviewed before *cough* TheHollow *cough*. The music is very gripping, which you think would add some more suspense to action scenes or emotional moments. Unfortunately, it just feels out of place, since everything else SUUUUUCKKS.

Now the bad. Let's start with the jokes, since they're the least terrible thing. Some of them were clever, and I must admit a let out a few laughs with some of the Demon's one liners, but overall, they just seemed to stick to one standard, safe joke routine. For example, the joke where someone says something "Well, it can't be that difficult" and gets immediately contradicted. This is funny...the first few times, but I've seen this SO often in The Simpsons and even repeatedly in this episode, and after a while, it kind of loses its impact.

The pacing just seems off, and by that I mean all of the characters just seem to be introduced so quickly. I know more and more frequently nowadays shows are starting off without introducing characters properly, but the difference with those shows and this episode is that you learn about them in a slow and tidy way. This episode just kinda shoves down your throat "HEY! HE'S AN ELF" "HEY! SHE'S A PRINCESS" and it really feels off. Also, the character voices are hella annoying. Like, come on, John DiMaggio, you can do better. I will review these episodes weekly (Every Monday) but I don't have high expectations. All of Matt's previous shows haven't been story driven, and give the characters time to develop over a season. But now, since he needs to fit a storyline into 10 30 minute episodes, all of the scenes feel super rushed. Anyway, in conclusion...the first episode of Disenchantment...didn't leave a good impact.

Rating: 4.7/10
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Final Space: Chapter Two (2018)
Season 1, Episode 2
A layer of depth
30 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was amazing! Even better than the first, which I thought was hillarious with an incredible storyline. This episode was those things and more.

One thing I forgot to mention in the last review was the animation. It is WONDERFUL. In this episode especially, the colours are vibrant and glowing in every scene. It really does a good job of making you feel like you're in a sci-fi show, much like Rick and Morty. Speaking of vibrant, let's talk about the characters.

The characters in this episode are bursting with personality in this episode. Not only do they have great jokes almost all the time, they are also able to have a layer of good old depth. (Again, like R&M). Avocato's sadness and desperation to find his son (which, btw, I thought was a great addition to the story. I'm glad Avacato isn't just one of those side characters who tags along because the story requires him to), Gary's persistance for admiration, and HUE's...HUE. Oh, and Just so you know, I actually think HUE is my favourite character in the series. And I'm glad this episode didn't focus on Mooncake this time. Also, I like how this show is already dealing with character changes/development, like Avacato's newfound friendship, and Gary's new arm.

Overall, with an even better chapter of this story, I was even more satisfied than I thought I would be. I think I said in the last review that episode 1 set up a high bar for quality, and, I must say, this episode pole-vaulted right over that bar. I am stoked of what's to come. (I've been waiting to say "stoked" until I found the right moment, and I think this is it.)

I just realized what the scene is in the beginning (with Gary having only an amount of time left for oxygen): A TIMER, building up to the last episode! Man, you guys probably figured that out already, but I still think it's cool.

Rating: 8.9/10
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Final Space: Chapter One (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
Hillarious and Captivating!
22 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
(By the way, before I start this review, I'd like to note that I'll be reviewing each episode of this series once a week, for 10 weeks, starting this week. I'll also be reviewing another 10 episode show along with this, called "Apple and Onion", so if you want to see what I thought of that show, you can see me there too. Anyway, let's start the review!)

I first found this show on Netflix, searching for a cartoon to watch to pass the time. When I turned this on, I was expecting to be lame, boring, or just a quick time-waster. To my surprise, it was far from that!

This show is incredibly hilarious! All of the characters were so incredibly charismatic that I just couldn't help laughing at their jokes. The humor really helps with getting to know these people really quickly, which in other cartoons, sometimes takes a few episodes to fully learn about their personality. The only character I found potentially annoying was Gary. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE him already, but if all he does is spout sarcasm at everything around him, it could become potentially obnoxious.

The plot was really fun! The writers made it very easy to comprehend the setting and story of the show, without it feeling forced. There were also many moments that made me wonder EVEN more about the place they live in, which makes me want to watch further even more.

With hillarious and lovable characters (yes, even KVN), a compelling plot, and nothing forced-feeling, this episode sets up a high bar for the next 9 episodes in this season. There is no doubt that I will want to watch further this series. I am super excited of what's to come. Hopefully I'll see you again next week with another review! (Who again? I don't know, I just like saying that!)

Oh, and Mooncake is the cutest thing ever. No question.

Favourite Line: "I like a girl with a lot of phoness."

Rating: 8.5/10
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The Hollow: The Riddle (2018)
Season 1, Episode 7
Freakin' Dave!!!
6 July 2018
Well this was uneventful. Not boring, just uneventful. Well, kinda boring. I really liked this episode almost as much as last episode, but there was something about this episode that just wasn't as captivating as the previous one, or even the other 5.

The characters were great anyways. Most of them. I liked how we got to learn about all of the new kids and their personalities, since last episode didn't really flesh them out. Adam was pretty..."meh" for this episode, and I now think Mira is actually my least favourite of the three main characters. She adds almost NOTHING to the group, at least in my opinion. Kai here was actually pretty great. I really enjoyed watching how he was going to deal with his friends missing, and what to do next. But know by now what I think of characters like him.

Oh, and there was this really strange part where Mira just kissed Adam! Like, why? This is never spoken of again, and it feels like the writers did this just to make a cliche dramatic scene. Plus, there was almost NO buildup to this. The most they did was that weird "That's not my shoulder" thing in episode 2.

Overall, the episode was pretty uninteresting. Fine, just uninteresting. The writers tried to add drama that only ended up feeling like wasted time and to me the ending to this episode was probably the only part with actual suspense...and that got my interest. Nevertheless, I'm still gonna watch this show to the end.

But really, a video game?? Not even, like, a simulation or anything, just a video game?

Rating: 7.5/10
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The Hollow: Undead (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
29 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I have to admit: I may have been giving this show a break, and not giving the ratings I actually thought. I was technically only rating the show in the realm of "The Hollow", if that makes sense. It means that I rated the episodes 3-5 on what I thought would be "The Hollow"'s 1-10. But this episode is different.

It is the FIRST episode of all of them that didn't make me agitated while watching, or think "every minute I watch this is a minute of my life wasted". I genuinely enjoyed this episode. But it's not perfect, so I'll say what I didn't like first.

The zombies. They were only in the LAST five minutes of the show, and even then, they were kinda unimportant. The episode was coming to an end, and then it was like "ZOMBIES!!! Oooooohh!!!" Also, they didn't do a great job of showing the new characters' personalities. I still can't tell if they're jerks or not, or just...neutral? I mean I know this is supposed to be all "Don't trust anyone", but cmon.

Now the great parts. This was amazing. I'm now used to these main characters personalities, and this episode seemed to be a "development" episode for them. The setting was very creative, and the added mystery to the moment when Vanessa hit the moon genuinely surprised me. I showed genuine interest in these 23 minutes, and they actually did a really good job of hooking me to the plot.

Overall, I'm impressed. Almost everyone and everything improved from the last 5 episodes. Even the animation seemed to have improved, even though I know that's not possible. I am really excited for the next episode, and especially the finale. And this time, not just because it's ending.

But I swear, if they're actually in a simulation, I will personally get VR chat, make a Kai skin, and jump off a VR cliff.

Rating: 7.7/10
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The Hollow: Ishibo (2018)
Season 1, Episode 5
The Fantastic Three: A Netflix Un-Original
29 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Before this review begins, I'll ask you once again, the people who read this review, to look back at my episode 1 review to see the general problems this episode has, so I don't have to spend another 2 paragraphs listing the same things (e.g. Bad Animation, Annoying Characters, etc). Anyway, let's start.

This episode starts off with our main characters arriving at the mysterious monster island in search of the Ishibo, the mysterious tree arm thing. Eventually, Adam somehow winds himself up in a battle against the monsters' fiercest warrior: Katsuro. Now, I have to say, I think this has been the first battle in the series that was actually decent. The problem with a lot of kids shows battles is that the villans lose too easily. And while, yes, Katsuro did get beaten quite quickly, it still felt earned, like Adam had rightfully deserved that win. Now, the fight against the little annoying clay demons, that was a little too...meh. The clay people themselves were already kid-like, annoying, stereotypical monsters, so I didn't expect much of them.

The rest of the episode was basically Adam, Mira, and Kai trying to take back the Ishibo from MORE new characters, who apparently have superpowers just like them. The middle of the episode was kind of a blur, but I really liked the end. I am actually pretty excited to see Kai's supposed superpower, and the way they put it on a cliffhanger was pretty smart.

Overall, the episode once again has its standard problems, but this felt more established, taking its focus away from the poor, unpolished parts (The annoying personalities, for example) and putting its focus on the story and writing. And, I have to say, I think it's working.

But seriously, can I just say that I don't even care if Benjamini turns out evil, he's JUST THE BEST.

Rating: 6.8/10
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The Hollow: The Lighthouse (2018)
Season 1, Episode 4
Oh, I guess you're a mermaid now.
26 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Weeeeel, this went downhill. Not too badly, but it still wasn't great. I'm not too good at beginning paragraphs, so just see what I mean.

Let's talk about the characters. The main characters, were and are, fine, but the main problems are the minor "one episode" characters. For some reason, this show has a case of the "stereotyped stereotypes". That means that that character has been changed so often (e.g. A surprisingly non-menacing monster) that that "unique" personality becomes a new stereotype. It's actually becoming quite annoying.

I'm kind of getting used to the norm flaws (see episode 1 review for examples), but every episode still has its own, unique differences. And that means, unique criticisms. The annoyance for this episode was Mira. WHY IS SHE A MERMAID NOW?? They honestly can't keep adding random powers for random occasions without any reasoning. It's like if in a show someone was about to drown, and then just for the sake of convenience, they could suddenly breathe underwater....OH WAIT THAT HAPPENED.

But seriously, I did like this episode. The ending was a little out of nowhere, but it's fine, I'm used to it now. Oh, and this is just my opinion, but I was starting to get the vibe that this show was trying to be a more upbeat, fun version of "Over the Garden Wall". Notice how I said TRYING to be.

(P.S. I can't edit previous reviews, so I'll just mention here that after a rewatch of episode 2, I have decided to rate it a 7.4/10)

Rating: 5.8/10
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The Hollow: Apocalypse (2018)
Season 1, Episode 3
Death makes the best cookies.
25 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well, well, well. This episode was surprisingly good. Still, it has its flaws. Most of the things I was complaining about in the first episode review still apply, but once again, with a few exceptions, this episode has been able to twist its mistakes into something better!

First, the bad. The animation somehow seems to be WORSE than the first two episodes. Maybe it's because the overall rest of the episode got better, and I simply expected more from the animation. Death was a pretty okay character, but the other three horsemen of the apocalypse were bland, stereotypical, and not really worth their screen time. They honestly could have just dropped off the characters and then left.

Now, the good. I only gave this episode a slightly higher rating than the last one was because the plot was more confined into a straight path and not all over the place. It was still pretty decent, and I have to admit, the cliffhanger with Mira was pretty good, and almost got me. I really am starting to like the characters much more, but they really have to stop adding random "superpowers" to the characters for the sake of convenience.

Overall, I think the series is headed in a good direction. I doubt that the animation will get better, but many things still can. I have great hope for the next 7 episodes.

Rating: 7.1/10
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The Hollow: The Desert (2018)
Season 1, Episode 2
Thank god, it got better!
12 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The second episode of this Netflix series was certainly an improvement from the first. Yes, some things were still flawed, but it was flawed in its own way, not in an unoriginal, boring children's tv way.

First, the characters. They were all certainly more interesting than the past episode, and the writers used all their unique personalities wisely and didn't go overboard with huge plot points depending on their talents. Mira is my least favourite. She doesn't seem to be any benefit to the group except for translating a few Minotaur lines and she's quite one-dimensional. Adam has proved to be quite useful, being the athletic one, and has some pretty cool moments. And, they don't overuse his sportiness like it's some kind of superpower, which I like. Finally, Kai. In the previous episode, he was a really big annoyance, and he still is, but he balances his obnoxiousness out with clever ideas and logical thinking. He also has pretty good lines as well.

Once again, their lines felt very natural, which is great. The animation was still pretty crappy, unfortunately. But luckily, it wasn't the main focus of the show, and the animators didn't try to flaunt it. I still felt like there were overused and boring, predictable aspects, like the moment with the soul-sucking-witch-demon-spider-Lady (what is that anyway?), but unlike before, they make the overused topics very creatively, which is very smart.

Overall, I am happy to say that I didn't blow up in rage in this episode. It still has its problems, but it EXTREMELY exceeded my expectations for this show, compared to the last episode. If this show keeps going in this direction, I will start to really like it!

Oh, and, what exactly did Mira touch of Adam's? He worded it so strangely..."Oh..that's shoulder....".

Rating: 7.0/10
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The Hollow: The Room (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
I'll give it a chance,I guess.
10 June 2018
(Note: I will be giving a written review of every episode of this show every 2 days, starting today and ending on June 27, 2018. That's all)

Well, this was a horrible first start, I must say. I think I can sum up all the good things about this in one paragraph, so let's do it: The story kept me mildly intrigued, but that's probably because it's just the first episode of a series. The writing didn't feel that it was...scripted, and although the lines were trash, the voice acting was pretty well done. Finally the animation was...ok at best. Now for the bad stuff.

I have to say, at least 75% of this episode was overused cliches, no joke. I don't know if I've watched too many kids animation shows or just am too nitpicky, but I swear every minute there was another event that has happened in at least 5 other shows.

The jokes were bad, I don't even know if there were jokes tbh. The characters were kinda uninteresting, and basically like any other plain gang of mystery solving teens. Kai, however, was the WORST. He tried making jokes, but they didn't work at all, and just ended up looking like an idiot. ("I don't want my butt in your face!!").

And of course, the chain of events that happened weren't logical, or even by chance. They were just bs, cliche challenges that no one in that age group or at all would be able to figure out. Overall, this episode was not that memorable, or interesting, for that matter, but I will watch the whole series..cause what the heck, it's only 10 episodes.

I was actually really hoping for Tommy Wiseau to pop up at the end and be like "This is b******t. Oh hi Mark".

Rating: 2.7/10
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Adventure Time: I Remember You (2012)
Season 4, Episode 25
28 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"I Remember You", I think, is ACTUALLY THE BEST episode of this show I've seen so far! Even if it wasn't, it was easily the most emotional and surprising.

First, the characters. Ice King is wonderfully stupid as usual. He doesn't undergo much or any development as a character here, and neither does Marceline, but us as viewers feel like they have from the knowledge we now know. There's not much to say about him now, but I will say, I have even more sympathy for him from learning about his experiences, probably even more than in "Holly Jolly Secrets".

Marceline is the main highlight of this episode. She really leaves an emotional mark by the end of these 11 mins. Once again, the songs she sang here were incredibly heart-tugging and still felt natural, like they were sang right then and there, rather than in a studio. I would like to say more, but I honestly have no words for how unbelievably impressive this was.

I absolutely loved this. I can't say it enough. This is one of the reasons I love AT. While packing a powerful emotional punch, "I Remember You" STILL manages to fit comedy in, which is something many cartoons cannot do. *cough* Modern "Simpsons" *cough*. In my opinion, this episode was basically a giant middle finger to all the people who said this show was just a bunch of fart jokes and talking dogs.

*Story related note* 1. I noticed that Marceline, as a child, once again, didn't have the bite marks. That further supports the theory that she wasn't always a vamp. 2. A little note, I noticed on the magazine article of Simon, I saw that he was the one who discovered the Enchiridion. Hmmm...*Note end*

Ice King's gotta stop making his move when he's already caught. Like, what's the deal with that??

"Please forgive me for whatever I do....when I don't remember you....."

Rating: 9.4/10
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Adventure Time: The Hard Easy (2012)
Season 4, Episode 23
Adventure Time's "Princess and The Frog"
24 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"The Hard Easy" was not the best episode of this season, but easily the most entertaining. From awful-sauce glands to mighty morphin' mega frogs, this episode was a wild ride of weird.

The episode was extremely silly, except, unlike silly AT season one episodes, this one felt like it knew exactly what it was, what kind of viewers they wanted. In other words, they've hit their stride. This episode was hilarious, with the wacky actions and amusing characters, it made for some great moments.

The mudscamps only had some screen time at the beginning, but they used their short time very well. I found the Jeff Goldblum-like village elder to be super fun especially. Jake was a lot funnier in this episode than other, probably because of his extreme absentminded-ness here.

Overall, the episode was great. It relies mostly on humour to hold the story up, but that doesn't mean the story wasn't good. Their twist on the whole "kiss a frog" fairytale was amazing, and I honestly was no expecting that ending. I think this is the fourth time that Adventure Time has used the standard fairytale storyline and turned it around so far THIS SEASON. And once again, it ceases to disappoint.

And what's all this with Jake getting mud in his eye??!


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Adventure Time: Ignition Point (2012)
Season 4, Episode 22
Jake sure does love his Gramma.
23 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Ignition Point" felt like a great episode, but it felt like it had one crucial puzzle piece to complete the good quality Adventure Time episode puzzle. The story, characters, and basically everything else was great, it just missed one thing...the weirdness.

I'm not saying every single AT episode has to be about wacky schenanigans and crazy peeps, but the kind of story this episode displayed (A standard assasin capture with fire people), needed a kind of..interest. That's what made "Hug Wolf" so good: It took the simple werewolf story and flipped it on its head. You can't imagine "Hug Wolf" without the hugging as a "weird" episode. That's what this episode is missing.

Other than that, this episode brings back Flame Princess, once again being a sweet teen, even with the little screen time she gets. The Flame King comes back again, as...hmm...plain as ever. All the characters were quite interesting, they were just missing the crucial point. The assasins were generic, stereotypical villans. I was expecting a twist, and I still kind of did, but the once again standard style.

Overall, I did like the episode. I just thought it was missing something. Also, I don't know if it was just me, but the episode felt unfinished, and I hope Furnius and Torcho come back, but it doesn't look like it.



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Adventure Time: Who Would Win (2012)
Season 4, Episode 21
Eh....sure, why not.
23 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Who Would Win" is one of those episode that after watching, makes you go "Did I waste my time or not?". It was pretty average as a stand-alone episode, but didn't contain the spark that makes Adventure Time so fun.

I did like the beginning of the episode when Finn and Jake were having simple brotimes. That's a moment that a lot of kids action cartoons don't always get to do, to just contemplate the moment, but it's something this show does very well.

Nothing really stood out to me in this episode. I did like the parts with the together dream and the dream warrior, that was pretty clever. Also, I like the moments between Finn and Jake while they were fighting. It was a great source of clever and creative fighting styles, and it also revealed a whole new personality of F&J, mainly Finn. When he laughed when Jake got crushed by the tree, I was genuinely concerned if that was a sort of hidden accomplishment that Finn had wanted to do, or something worse.

Overall, I found this episode bland, with a few enjoyable moments, but an overall stale experience. *Unrelated notice. I will no longer be putting my favourite quote up on the title of the review unless I think it deserves to be there. Instead, I will put my quote at the bottom, right before my overall numerical review.*


Fav Quote: Shoooooooooooooooooot!

Rating: 6.2/10
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Adventure Time: Hug Wolf (2012)
Season 4, Episode 8
Don't you want a HUG?
22 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One of the reasons I love Adventure Time is that it can turn a simple, almost overused premise into a wacky and weird story. For example, "Hug Wolf", turning the old and plain werewolf story on its head!

First, I have to praise the voice actors. Jeremy Shada was especially good in this episode, and I don't think I give the VA enough credit. Anyway, about the story. It felt simple and cartoony, but it had this dark overtone that made it very fun, but unexpected. The season 3 and 4 recent episodes have done this quite well.

This episode was not as funny as some that I've seen this seen, but it makes up for the lack of humor with the sheer enjoyment you get out of the story. Although, I did love the angry dad gumdrop trying to protect his daughter from the "Hairy Teenager" A.K.A Finn the Hug Wolf.

Overall, I was confident when I finished watching that I did enjoy the episode. I know it sounds odd, but with earlier season 4 episodes I really didn't know how I felt about the episode, by it wasn't in a great way. This was a straightforward, fun episode of this season.

Poor Cinnamon Bun's love handles. :(

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Adventure Time: In Your Footsteps (2012)
Season 4, Episode 7
This guy is tops blooby!
22 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"In your footsteps" was an impressive episode. Not because of its humor or animation, but because it was able to combine two overused/cliched plots, and turn it into something with an entirely different feel.

The first plot is the "Innocent thing turns bad" plot. It's clearly shown in the beginning, when the bear comes and tries to (at first glance by Jake) steal Finn's identity. Jake is always sceptical, but the main protagonist (Finn) dismisses Jake suspicion. In the end, of course, the bear has been working for the Lich/Snail. I was expecting something along the lines of this. But the way it played out still made it feel like a very unexpected reveal.

The second plot was the "Thing tries to be hero" plot. Of course, the thing wanting to be the hero was the bear, and the thing stopping him was Jake. This happens often in shows in general, but with the previous plot I found it to still be sweet in the end, but very simply done. However, this doesn't make the overall episode seem like it has a simple, one track plot.

I think this was a well made episode, and the characters themselves had a charm to them that still was humorous, even if just directly relying on visual gags and not direct jokes. Nothing seemed forced, and it all played out really well overall.

Actually, on that ending note, can I mention how adorable BMO was coming back from soccer practice; like F&J were his parents and he was just innocently watching them argue. It's so aaaadoooribblllee!

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Adventure Time: You Made Me (2012)
Season 4, Episode 20
Who's this rigamarole??
21 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Once again, this episode, "You Made Me", wasn't exactly what I expected (See previous episode review for full explanation). It had it's high points, and meh points, but never any bad points; I was involved the whole way. Since all of my expectations were just like the previous episode's ones, I won't have to explain all of them here, just the current episode points.

Lemongrab returns again, just as entertaining and annoying as before. But this time, he seems to be more self-aware, making him a way more in-depth character than more, and actually more enjoyable to watch. I think that we have had enough time to reflect and this was the ideal time for him to return.

Since most of the episode was centered around him, no other things really popped out to me concerning other people and characters. But I have to admit, I really liked when they were looking at Crunchy's aura, and Finn suggested to look at Pep But's aura, and he was all like "Youuuu don't want to see that".

I think that I really would like to see Lemongrab again, but with more backstory and at least issues formed in earlier episodes. Perhaps we'll see how Lemongrab deals with Lemongrab 2. They're pretty perfect for each other.

Overall, this was once again a episode I didn't know I wanted, and although it didn't have much history, it did let us have a peek into how Lemongrab lives with himself.

Y'know, I sometimes wonder what Lemongrab does in his spare time. Prolly just stares into a corner of a wall and screams.

Rating: 8.1/10
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Adventure Time: Lady & Peebles (2012)
Season 4, Episode 19
I'm puppies???!!
20 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Lady And Peebles" wasn't exactly what I expected from the title, but it was unexpected in the best ways! I expected this episode to explain the relationship of Lady Rainicorn and PB that's always shown in the intro. Instead, we are shown an already steady friendship duo going on an adventure to rescue Finn and Jake. Personally, I think I actually liked it that way!

The dungeon area that Lady And PB go through is incredibly confusing and creative, and their surroundings and interactions felt, as usual, extremely natural, which I really like. I also liked that for Lady, she wasn't given subtitles, allowing the audience to guess what she was saying.

The one thing, however, that was in English, were the three words that, I think, change a whole lot: "I am pregnant!!" I don't think I've seen a kids cartoon that actually does something like this. I have to applaud the writers for doing something like this.

And I still haven't talked about Ricardio yet! I think that his appearance was well timed and I would be satisfied if this was his last appearance for a long time, if not the whole series. Also, this is the first time PB is seen doing hand-to-hand combat, and she is GOOD!

Overall, I think this is another one of these episodes that I never knew I wanted until I watched it. It was creative, fun, and out-of-the-box like. The more I watch Lady Rainicorn, the more I like her as a character, which takes really good writing.

Hey, excuse me for asking, but how do dogs and it? Never mind, don't answer that.

Rating: 8.1/10
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Adventure Time: Goliad (2012)
Season 4, Episode 10
14 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "Goliad", Princess Bubblegum creates a sphinx in hope that, when she dies, it will take her place as princess. Unfortunately, her plan goes awry when Finn and Jake try to make her a good leader, causing chaos in the kingdom...and Goliad.

This episode reminded me of the good kind of Season 1 AT episodes, with it's simplicity and nice touch. This episode had a premise I think I've seen once or twice before (A person with good intentions accidentally turns a person to evil), but once again, the writers are very smart with how they handled it, making a very nice twist out of it.

Goliad herself was really sweet, and her interactions with Finn and Jake felt natural. The pacing for this episode was great, which is something that previous episode in this season haven't been doing too well. I also appreciated the callbacks to previous episodes being part of the plot; the reason PB creates Goliad is initially because of her close to death encounter with the Lich.

This was a quite enjoyable episode overall; I especially liked when Finn attempted to not let Goliad read his mind, and Jake's attempts to calm the candy preschoolers. Both conversions felt funny but also like their personality, and kind of let us see how they deal with issues once again.

Wow, Finn has an easy dad life. All he has to do for his son is watch him eye-zap a sphinx for all eternity.

Rating: 8.0/10
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Adventure Time: Gotcha! (2012)
Season 4, Episode 12
13 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Gotcha!" is a win in the Adventure Time books for me. From the brilliant voice of LSP voiced by Pen Ward to the surprisingly sweet ending, these kinds of episodes are what makes me love Adventure Time.

LSP was the obvious star of this episode. This episode was super funny, and it mostly came from the princess's natural personality. While being a mildly selfish jerk (which, by the way, DIDN'T actually annoy me), she goes through probably the most subtle character development so far.

I loved the premise of this episode, but LSP even more. Jake and Finn were their normal selves, which was great, but I think turtle princess was an easy 2nd best character. Her and LSP's friendship, while not developed much yet, seemed really natural and strong in this episode.

Overall, I think that this episode was very smart in how it kept the early Adventure Time simplicity, while putting in very subtle but obvious character development. time, can the music guys make the songs less...creepy?

Oh, and can Turtle Princess and Billy be a ship? #BurtlePrincess

Rating: 7.9/10
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Adventure Time: Beyond This Earthly Realm (2012)
Season 4, Episode 11
Aaahhhh! My winter body!!!
13 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Beyond This Earthly Realm" is a pretty average episode at this point in the series. While definitely not the worst in this season, it does feel like it should've belonged in season 1.

I didn't really like the episode the first time I watched it, but the second time I found it more enjoyable. The premise is pretty neat, and there's nothing necessarily wrong with this episode, it just was, non-adventurey. It wasn't really that funny, and while good, it didn't really have that feel of a "solid" episode.

The Ice King here had the best evil plan he has had in this entire series, which is not saying that much, but the way he initiates it is pretty smart for him. I like how Finn called him "Simon" in this episode, still remembering his past as well. All the characters were pretty decent, and I found BMO and Jake's attempts to bring Finn back really sweet.

In all, there's not much to say except that I found this to be a nice episode that...didn't really disappoint me, I just felt like it needed a little more.

Eh...I don't even have inspiration for a semi-funny "joke" here.

Rating: 7.3/10
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