
6 Reviews
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Famagusta (2024– )
Very Realistic depiction of our history
3 September 2024
For someone that actually lived the events, every scene of this series so far resonates in my soul and brings back the horror that we all experienced those tragic months and memories that have been engraved in my DNA for ever.

Amazing performances by the Cast and very truthful and realistic depiction of what actually took place.

Shameful that the series is under attack by the forces of evil, but no matter what is being written about the series and the unfair commentary that is being disseminated about the wonderful work that is being generated by the producers and wonderful actors that work on this series, these are indeed historical events and nobody can deny.
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Iman (2022)
Dramatic & Captivating Script...
26 April 2023
What seem to be three unrelated stories converge to form a grandiose dramatic finale, open as such to the imagination of the viewers...

Characters very well thought with demographical details and background adequately provided for the audience to receive a very realistic experience with very few exceptions.

Dialogue in Greek-Cypriot with English subtitles, although a few things were lost in translation and did notice a couple of errors.

Cinematography was good although could have been better and lighting required some attention.

Costumes quite realistic considering the various regions covered in the movie.

Overall I must say, a very pleasant experience and a must see movie..
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Shrinking (2023– )
I can hardly wait for the next episode every week...
4 March 2023
Amazing script, with clever punchlines. Great chemistry among the actors, and talk about body language; I am not sure if all these are in the script and pre-planned or on th spot improvisation.

These are real life characters dealing with real life problems and situations, making the scenario as realistic as possible.

In my opinion, One of the best television serial shows currently running on TV.

I can hardly wait to watch every new episode every week. Sometimes I even watch the old episodes to get my fix.

I believe one of the best work for Harrison Ford who is not just cranky but hilarious cranky in his role as the senior head shrink of the practice....
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You People (2023)
Borderline immature and naive
12 February 2023
This movie is so predictable, jokes are so idiotic and unrealistic that really makes you feel sorry that the writers had such a good premise for a smash movie and they just blew it.

Also the main character was unbelievable, way too much ink on display - intentionally - and in places where it was out of context, like the synagogue scene, or his hairstyle, come on people...

Also, last time I check Eddy Murphy was a comedian, what was he trying to be this time around; what a waste of talent...

And the father of the Groom, OK is a comedy, but don't label this moron as a Medical Doctor.

The movie has no continuity and to be honest right around the end I thought it was a series, it wasn't until the rush ending that it sunk in it was a single movie...
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29 May 2022
Is it my imagination or this series has a recurring motif: problems with the transporter....

I think this is a joke put; common put a requisition for a new one...
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NCIS: New Orleans (2014– )
A joke for a series
18 May 2021
Very unrealistic storylines and 90% of the cast belongs in a high school production at best.

I cannot believe that the producers are able to convince studios to commit any budget for this kind of low quality trash every week.
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