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A beautiful love story!
5 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I personally am a huge fan of costume dramas as I think they allow you to get completely lost in a different time. This is one of the best that I have seen. It tells the story of a young Queen Victoria when she first ascends to the thrown and falls in love with Prince Albert.Emily Blunt play the lead and does a fantastic job. Victoria is portrayed as feisty, passionate and strong willed, this is a far cry from the image of Victoria in her later years when she is a little fat old lady who is constantly in mourning and has a white hankie on her head. There is a definite change to Victoria after she is crowned as she gains power so now longer must she be bullied by Sir John (played by Mark Strong) or treated like a china doll by her fussy Mother (Played by Miranda Richardson). What I found quite shocking is that she still had her sanity after she had been forced to share a room with her Mother and be walked up and down the stairs while holding someones hand. Also Victoria was very normal I found as she fit in with all the snooty royals that were around her. During a banquet she befriends Lord Melbourne (Paul Bettany), I found his character quite odd as I was never sure what his motives were as a point he was taking advantage of her and then other he was generally concerned for her. Prince Albert was played by the lovely Rupert Friend who showed exactly why Victoria and himself where meant to be together. My favourite scene is the marriage proposal where she asks him to marry her, it had me tearing up! There is also a fiery argument between the two which shows that it was a real relationship but a love that is so strong that it had a lifelong impact on both parties. At the end of the film there is an event that causes Victoria to push their desks together and work as one. All in all a fantastic film that I really enjoyed and did get a bit hysterical, with a beautiful song by Sinead O' Connor in the credits to put the cherry on the top!
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Whitechapel (2009–2013)
Really Creeped me out!!! Fantastic grizzly crime drama!
17 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If you plan on watching this drama don't do what I did and watch (especially the last episode of the three) on your own in the dark as I managed to terrify myself. The acting was superb and Rupert entry Jones was excellent as the lead. He played the main police officer in charge of the ripper murders, Joseph Chandler. This poor guy really has a lot to deal with first there is the disrespect and resentment from his fellow officers, then he has to deal with his snooty boss who doesn't believe him and then he gets blamed by the press for not acting quicker. No wonder he is constantly rubbing headache oil on his temples. A sterling performance by Jones which is reason itself to watch this. Phil Davis was also good as Chandler's second in command but at the start he did get on my nerves. The murder's themselves were very gruesome and graphic so if your squeamish then I don't recommend this. This drama is historically accurate in itself, from the information given by the Ripper expert (or Ripperologist as Miles constantly calls him)to the way the murders are carried out. There are things which are a bit far fetched such as the package containing the kidney on one of the women was sent to Miles' house and has managed to get through the entire postal service with out revealing what is inside, gets to his kitchen table and spontaneously starts bleeding. Also the amount of flashes from all the photographers in the pathology labs was ridiculous. The ripper himself was not fully revealed which was a bit disappointing but a the biggest twist was who he was posing to be and that they had met him several times where he seemed completely sane and normal. Altogether this was a great drama from ITV even if it did creep me out.
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
Adrenine pumping, heart stopping, butt kicking, totally addictive TV!!!
1 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one the best television shows on TV this century. I love it! It follows the lives of completely ordinary people who seem to lead ordinary lives but they have fantastic abilities that allows them to do extraordinary things that defines them as a hero or a villain. the acting is brilliant. One of my favourite characters is Hiro Nokamora from Japan who has to be the sweetest guy I have seem. He always is passionate about saving the world, loves waffles and has the ability to stop time and travel through it. He also brings humour to the show which would make this show very depressing if he wasn't in it. The most interesting character is Nathan Patrelli who I am not quite sure if he is a villain or not. At the end of season 1 when Nathan was about to let his brother Peter Patrelli blow up New York he changed his mind and took him high up where he could hurt no one, therefore sacrificing himself. This was his defining moment and made him the real hero of season 1. In later series his character is so messed up. He has turned to religion to find answers which is very unlike him and then completely turned to a villain as at the start of volume 4 he is rounding up people with abilities. It is hard to predict what this character will do next and I think that Adrian Pasdar brings real depth to him. Claire Bennet is also a great character as she has the ability to heal, which obvious leads to fantastic make jobs showing some of the ghastly injuries she heals from. The best who be when she wakes up in her own autopsy, this show is definitely not for the squeamish!I like the relationship she has with her Dad Noah Bennet (Horned rimed glasses or HRG), as she is very close to him but it is very hard to trust him as he worked for the company (an organisation which tracks these people) and tend to view everything as morally grey. It would be very wrong to not mention the main villain, Sylar played by Zachary Quinto. He is one messed up, crazy serial killer who likes to cut off the top of peoples head to steal their abilities, and for some reason I can't stop watching him. Is that disturbing or what? Quinto brings extreme malice to this character but also some depth as in series three we thought there was an explanation to his behaviour and that he was going to be nice, that didn't last long. Other great characters are the Haitian played by Jimmy Jean- Louis, Micah Sanders played by Noah Gray-Cabey, Peter Patrelli played by Milo Ventimlia and Adam Monroe played David Anders (has a fantastic English accent).

The other thing besides the characters is that it is completely unique to any other. The plot is so gripping and it is impossible to out guess the show as each weak there is always a twist. The make up (blood and guts etc) is so realistic you have to do a double take. The music fits greatly with show and works so well you don't know it is there but it would not work without. Each character has their own theme (Syler with the ticking watch, the more mental he gets the faster the ticking, so it is ticking really fast most of the time). Everyhting about this show is fantastic and I can't wait for the next episode!!!
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Twilight (I) (2008)
Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. They fall in love, but he wants to eat her. Sheer brilliance!!
30 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one the most eagerly anticipated films of 2008 with millions of fans across the world who love the books. I am one of them. I went to see this on the 19th December with my two best mates and even though we were an hour early there was already a huge line girls sitting outside the cinema doors waiting for them to open. When they did, the guy opening them was squashed into the wall and looked quite frightened as the wild stampede ran past. So this film better not disappoint and it didn't. why was this film so good, well where to start? The two leads who played Edward and Bella (Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson) where fantastic and their strong on screen chemistry was sizzling all the way through. Before the film came out there was a lot of disagreement about the choice of Pattinson as Edward Cullen as he had previously played Cedric Diggory, but to me it was the next logical step. He got his character perfect. Edward is a very complicated character as he hates himself for what he is (a vampire) but he loves Bella for reasons he can't explain or control, this leads to more self loathing as he keeps wanting to eat her. He is so complex and interesting to watch because although he has a menacing side he is also charming, drop dead gorgeous, kind, brave, funny and passionate about everything that is dear to him. Robert Pattinson portrays all of this an is exactly how I imagined him to be when I was reading the book. Many fans (myself included) have fallen in love with this character so congrats to Rob for getting it right. Bella is played by Kristen Stewart was a mirror of the book as she often talks in monotone and is constantly doubting herself. Stewart's performance was particularly good in the final scenes such as the fight scene and the hospital scene which follows. this is because Bella lets her guard down a little bit as she finally realises she can't live without Edward. Other characters such as the Cullen family were also very true to the book. Rosalie, (played by Niki Reed), showed her true dislike of Bella and general bitchiness, Alice (Ashley Greene) was quirky and pixie like, Jasper (Jackson Rathbone) was actually amusing to watch with his facial expressions where he always looks scared of something and Emmett (Kellan Lutz) even though didn't have may lines was great in the baseball scene. Peter Fancielli and Elizabeth Reaser did a good job as the 'parent' vampires, Dr Carlisle Cullen and Esme Cullen. Cam Gigandet was fantastic as the villain James who wants to kill Bella as part of some sick game he has came up with in his head. It really makes you feel good when Edward wins the fight between them and makes you realise what dangers Bella is prepared to face by being with Edward.

The music in this film is accurately suited to it's genera, particularly Supermassive black hole by Muse in the baseball scene, but can be a bit overpowering bordering on cheesy. However this is few and far between. The only other criticisms I can make are that it does stray from the book partially as the blood typing chapter was missed out which disappointed me a little. Overall a fantastic vampire romance and I can't wait for the sequel next year!
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Hannah Montana (2006–2011)
Polluting my TV screen!!!
12 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one of the worst television shows that I have ever seen and that is saying something. Why is it so bad? Where to start? The acting is awful and not funny at all even though this calls itself a comedy. The humour is forced and it is like the actors are holding up "laugh" cards so the studio audience (who should be paid a fortune for sitting through it and forcing themselves to laugh) know when to. Miley Cyrus can not act and ever line she says is like she has been forced into to it. Her character is irritating as the pop star/ ordinary girl who just wants to be like everyone else but have the pop star life style as well. Each plot of every episode is Miley Stewart getting into a tricky situation, almost being uncovered as Hannah Montanna, then not and everyone is happy. Plus Miley walking around with her arms swinging about making a weird expression with her teeth. The other characters don't make this any more interesting and are just as annoying. Billy Ray Cyrus makes constant references to his one and only hit and writes songs for his daughter which, lets be frank, aren't any better. Jason Earls is the only reason this got one star as he can be quite funny but sadly that doesn't happen often. Overall a truly awful show that should be taken off the air immediately.
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Easy Virtue (2008)
A 1920's delight with a twist and a pinch of class
10 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I went to the cinema expecting a cheesy one liner rich movie with a predictable plot and easy characters. However that is not what I got. I wanted to see this film because I needed something to cheer me up with this economic slump that we are in and that I wanted to see a costume drama that wasn't depressing (i.e the Duchess or Brideshead revisited). This film was just what I needed. It starts off with new bride Larita (Jessiac Biel) meeting the mother-in-law from hell (Kristen Scott Thomas) of her new husband (Ben Barnes - playing fresh faced, enthusiastic on life John Whittaker). The first words Mrs Whittaker says to her new daughter-in-law is "Oh, you're American" and you know that they are never going to get along. Jessica Biel did a good job as the lead as she also brought some depth to the character showing how hurt she was after her last marriage which made the character more interesting. Also the clothes she wore were fantastic and she looked stunning in every one! Kristen Scott Thomas was great as the bitter monster-in-law, and lets say this sour lemon will never sweeten. Ben Barnes gives a very good performance as John Whittaker who I think loves his wife but is terrified of his mother which makes him quite weak next to bold Larita. My favourite character was Jim Whittaker played by Colin Firth. He is so sarcastic and funny even when he is not trying to be. Also he is not at all obsessed with what others think about him unlike his wife, this again shows boldness and the only character strong enough to match Larita. However there is a darker side to him as he has obviously suffered as a result of fighting in world war 1. All in all Colin Firth gives a shining performance. I can not forget to mention Kris Marshall who plays Furber the butler who is hilarious as ever and steals the spotlight in every scene in appears in. Well done to director Stephan Elliot for not being afraid to take the mick out of Whittaker family who represent the stuffy English of the 1920's. The film would not be as funny if you didn't.The plot does get a bit flat in parts but just sit back and enjoy,as the comedy performances make up for it. The music was also amazing as songs like "Sexbomb" and "Car wash" a revamp to give them a 1920's twang which works tremendously well. The cast also sing which makes it even better (look out as Jessica Biel sings the opening tune). Hope you enjoy this as much as I have and look for the twist at the end!
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Rag Nymph (1997– )
11 August 2008
It was a Sunday morning and I was sleepily wandering around the house and flicking TV channels when I saw this was on. In about five minutes I was hooked. I also loved the fact that it was set in mid 19th Century Newcastle, as I am from there. It tells a story of a young girl who is taken in by a rag women, Aggie and her crippled helper Ben. It a fantastic story taken from one the the books of Catherine Cookson and contains love, passion and the right amount of danger. It shows you the harsh reality of the filthy streets of 19th Century Newcastle and the difficult lives that the working class had to live in. However even though the conditions are appalling it is forgotten about when you see the warm family relationship between Aggie, Millie and Ben. This was achieved by the amazing acting of these characters. Honeysuckle Weeks (You may recognise her from Foyles War where she played Sam because it took me ages to work out where I had seen her) was great as the lead. Alec Newman who plays Ben put on a great Geordie accent even though he is actually from Scotland. I found it really refreshing to hear that accent as not many dramas are set up in Newcastle. The actors used words like Al-Reet (alright) and Eye a Na (Yes I know)which fitted in with the colloquial language and made it seem more real. I though Val McLane was fantastic as Aggie and really made me laugh. She Played her part perfectly. In all an amazing period drama that is definitely one to watch.
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Vital Signs (2006– )
A medical drama with a twist
27 May 2006
I saw this advertised on ITV and I didn't really seem interested in the story of a normal British women working in a supermarket training to become a doctor particularly interesting so I missed the first episode. But then for some reason I decided to what the second episode and really enjoyed it, so I watched the rest of the series. The acting in this was excellent, and seemed realistic, it made you think that they were real people in real situations, not just in a drama. Also it was light hearted, which I find makes a movie or TV series more enjoyable. This is the reason I don't what things like Eastenders because I find them too depressing. I enjoyed watching the characters as the were interesting and funny to watch. Tamazine Othwight who played the lead role was amazing, she acted to the best of her abilities and carried the show. I was gutted when the series ended, as it also left it on a cliff hanger, so I can't wait for series 2!
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A fantastic film!
24 May 2006
If your a lover of the book or not this film is fantastic. I went to see it with my friends not having read the book but really enjoyed it. So I am now wanting to read this book. The scenery was great, when they were going through Paris it really pulled me into it. This thriller really gets your heart rising and your on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens next, with car chases and bloody violence at some parts it keeps you gripped.The acting was excellent as well, Tom Hanks the leading role really shone in this movie as he excelled at the role of a clever professor. Audery Tautou a women I happened seen acting before was amazing at her role and her and Tom Hanks's on screen chemistry also made the film enjoyable to watch. I enjoyed watching Ian Mckellen, as I think he is a great actor to begin with. Also he shows off his talent as the role of Lee Teabing. The only character I didn't enjoy watching was Stalis played by Paul Bettany, not because he is a bad actor, in fact he's an excellent actor, the reason was I was scared of him. His character was really creepy! Overall I really enjoyed this film and would recommend it, as it also had me questioning what would happen if Dan Brown was on to something and it was true. Would it show that women were equal to men, or that Jesus was a normal man? Many other questions I could ask. I hope you enjoy this film as much as I have and i definitely want to see it again.
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Cool Runnings (1993)
A great film for all the family.
27 February 2006
When I first thought about watching this film with my family I thought it would be some kind of cheap kids movie, but I was so wrong.It was really funny and touching at the end. It tells a story of 4 Jamaican runners who want to become the first Jamaican bobsleigh, yes bobsleigh team. Then they are trained by a former gold medallist. The story is exciting but light hearted and a pleasure to watch I would recommend this film to any one who enjoys good quality, feel good movies and any age. The acting is brilliant as the stars put over the fact that they having a good making it as well as the characters. Costumes are bright and colourful much like the clothes in Jamaica so it also seems realistic. Well done to all who made this and I hope future viewers have as much fun watching this film as I did!
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Fantastic Fantasy!!!
4 December 2005
This movie is a must see film!! It is very exciting and humorous as well as frightening in some parts. The special effects are amazing and very realistic. Daniel Radcliff is great in this movie he shows deep emotion and determination in his role as Harry Potter. I would recommend this to anyone over the age of 10 as there are some scary scenes that would give younger children night mares. This movie had me on the edge of my seat the whole time as it was a very gripping movie. However the movie is a quick and not as spread out as the book. Even though it is 2 and a half hours long. That is the only fault in this brilliant movie I would go and see this movie time and time again! One of the best movies of 2005!!!
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An alright movie!
4 December 2005
This movie was very heavily weighted because it had to live up to the very successful TV series made in 1995. However I think Keira Knightly was the an alright choice for the role because she but it over well but had a hard job to follow the TV show.This movie was a. There was some humour in this movie which made it more light hearted and warming.Brenda Blethyn who played Mrs Bennet was very good, as well as Donald Sotherland who played Mr Bennet. Mattew Mcfaden who played Mr Darcey was very dashing as Mr Darcey should be, and played the part really well.The scenery was very realistic and the camera work was excellent. Even though Iliked it I can't see it being as popular as Harry Potter which was out at the time because it appeals to a restricted audience and it's an love or hate movie. I have watched this movie a few times over and I like it more than when I saw it in the cinema. A down side would be that the movie wasn't as planned out as the original but it was a film and they couldn't have it this long as well as keep the viewer entertained for so they had to cut it short. Overall a good movie.
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A good film!!!!
28 November 2005
I through this movie was a good one. It had humour in it and high spirited film. Judi Dentch carried it most of the time her snobby but determined attitude was very entertaining. Will Young was very good even though his part wasn't that big. You also have to give Bob Hoskins credit, he and Judi came together exellently. I must warn future viewers that the actors don't hide anything when the nude scenes so be warned. I think the scenes moved from one to the other to quickly but still managed to make it enjoyable. The acting was excellent you can see deep emotion in it and some scenes were very touching. I think this film is for the older views because it does contain some strong language and nudity. One of the girls Moreen plays a very good part as well as former coronation street actress Thelma Barlow deserves some credit for her part. it is set in the time before world war 2 towards the beginning and at the start. Mrs Hendersons' theatre which she bought after her husband died is in the west end of London. All in all a good film for enjoy quality acting and good drama.
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