
3 Reviews
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Proof of Communism. Spoiler
1 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I understand why congress was investigating Hollywood after film's like these. Unearned wealth, destroying families, selfish women, resentment of hierarchy.

There's even a scene in the beginning where the heroine threatens to frame two men as bag snatchers to get her way.

So here's a quick overview.

Ungrateful rich girl defies her father and pushes her way into his business deal.

It's for a piece of a fighter. She knows nothing about the sport.

She courts the boxer, her father's investment.

Boxer tells her his hopes and dreams to be champ. He explains to her the arduous life of a boxer's wife.

She keeps a stiff upper lip as they are married and have a child.

Fast forward years later, he is successful but not yet champ. She is frustrated, he's not around enough.

Through pouting and subtle manipulation she has been able to weaponize her son's love towards him and create a schism.

This comes to a boil just as the boxer gets his shot at the title. She divorces. In fear of losing his son, he chokes.

He loses his career but gets back his spineless son and demon wife. The end.
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Dillinger (1973)
Every line is a quotable!
4 September 2023
I feel like this is Tarantino and Scorsese's favorite film that they don't tell anyone about. Push play and be entertained.

This film is ridiculously underrated. The dialogue is punchy. The silence after the violence, punctuates scenes. There are no wasted moments, it's all meat and bone.

I wish there were more movies with only "character actors".

My main gripe is the sound mix is absolute trash. The production company's cheapness actually made this film, John Milius got to direct, there were no big stars and no waist whatsoever. So you have to take the good with the bad.

It makes me wish Milius had more projects for me to check out.
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Hemel (2012)
Was hoping for a skin flick. Got a thought piece instead.
30 November 2022
I think this might be the first review I've written for IMDb and it's only because I've never seen so many people get it so wrong.

I watched this movie with very low expectations because it's rating was so bad. I just wanted to see some smut to be quite frank.

What I received were sexual vignettes that helped me understand the character of our protagonist.

Her behavior and reaction to others showed me what she thought of sex, power and love. And how they played with each.

In her eyes she thought her indifference to sex and other people in general communicated strength while I viewed it as cowardice.

The lover who seemed to truly disgust her, was the man who had the most respected for himself and for her as well.

I've watched millionaires buy crap art because they didn't understand it, yet wanted to fit in. I've also seen intellectuals dismiss smart movies because they were confronted with language they didn't like or topics they were uncomfortable with getting hung up on that and missing the point.

This movie is over a decade old which is like 30 years old for other times and to me it illustrates female sexuality of the bourgeois, spoiled ,unloved empty yearning for something. But know wouldn't know What it was or what to do if they got it. Because we've lost our way.
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