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Road House (2024)
Fun ride but doesn't come close to the original
23 March 2024
The best outcome of this movie is that it may bring you to watch the original 1989 version which is much better.

This 2024 version is shallow, as well as the story and characters. Extremely basic and predictable, unrealistic and full of holes. It has no connection to the 1989 movie's plot it's a different story.

Sure the main role of Jake is great, as he is a very good actor in any of his movies, but all the rest of the cast not really, maybe because they have small roles and minor screen time.

McGregor does what he is expected to do, meaning over provocative, basically he plays a psychopath who enjoys to hurt others and nothing more.

I'll give it 6/10 thanks to Jakes effort to look like a UFC fighter although he plays a guy who stopped fighting, training and eating like an athlete but is still ripped and in top shape.

If you liked the original, go see it as it's so much better, makes me miss Patrick Swayze and that old world that is so different that nowadays.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 5 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 5
At last it's moving
10 February 2024
There is too drama and irrelevant side stories to make the life of all characters miserable hence it's unreliable, as it's impossible that each and every character suffers but still manage to move on at work and in life.

The acting since episode 1 is 10/10, you can see that all cast members even actors with small parts are authentic and doing the best work possible, it's the bad script fault which could have been so match better.

Not sure if this was mentioned before but I guess it was, Kali Reis is doing almost identical character to the one she made in Catch the Fair One, I saw that movie yesterday and it felt like someone in the production of True Detective simply loved that movie and her, and casted her to True Detective, she is so powerful and authentic it that movie it's simply non-brainer that she can make the character is True detective, and she does a very good job indeed.

Still it's Foster that carries season 4, so amazing acting performance. She hardly act anymore at least in the past years , which is such a shame, would like to see more of her, maybe this is a beginning for a comeback.

Episode 5 seems to move to the right direction, at last, maybe too late as there is only 1 to go, anyways, any true detective season is a blessing for me, although each season is so different. I promise that for those who were wondering where is the true detectives in season 4 will find them in episode 5.
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Silent Night (2023)
Not bead at all, just different
13 January 2024
Many don't like the idea of a movie without much of a plot, and without talking, but this is the idea of the movie - enough talk.

Also this is a revenge movie, pure, solid and basic, very similar to movies from the 70s and 80s, where you don't see much of a story, it's the basic one, a man who lost everything to the bad guys takes revenge in the most violent way.

So don't expect too much, and no this movie will not be nominated to Oscar ward, but it delivers solid action. You have seen it all before, in many movies, still enjoyable. Acting is not bad but is not the main focus, the main focus is on some amazing action scenes, only for these scenes the movie gets the 7/10.
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A well made ending to the saga
2 September 2023
Sure, many will argue it could have been much better, I agree that the plot is messy, and the story and execution could be better, still you should remember that Ford is an old dude now and also his character in the movie, and old man can't run, fight or do all the things his young character could the the prior movies.

Ford is giving everything he's got in the movie, despite his age. His character also straggles with aging and all that comes with it along the entire movie.

It's not a secrete that for a small portion of the movie the makers used special effects to make him look young, for me it was the best portion, it brought back the feeling of the 1st movie, it felt like a tribute to this iconic character and also to Ford.

All the actors are giving a great performance, I wish the plot would be tighter, but it is what it is.

In short, this last chapter is about old man Indiana Jones, a beaten and broken man (the reason is discovered later in the movie), who is forced, despite of his will, into his last adventure that will hopefully save his spirit, you'll need to watch the movie to understand.

I liked the movie and you will too.
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A movie you will never forget
13 May 2023
Powerful in any aspect, with amazing acting performances of all cast members. I could not leave my seat, this movie is simply perfect in any mean shape and form, from the first moment till the end, not many directors can do what Ritchie did here.

The 2 men in the leading roles are committed, they are persistent, they do not stop, they do not hold back, they will do whatever required to do the right thing. They are willing to risk their lives, to suffer, to die to rescue their teammates. There is no question, no doubt. When another men save your life, then you have a bond, you can't choose or do otherwise, but to repay him the same way and your life can't continue as normal until you do, whatever it takes. This is manhood in its purest form, and this movie delivers exactly that.

10/10 and the action scenes... WOW!!!
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Yes low budget Gerrard Butler movie but it's Gerrard Butler
22 April 2023
I watch any movie of Gerrard Butler, the guy delivers every time He is doing one movie after the other non stop, he takes any roll, some are low budget movies, but nowadays many good actors do the same.

It's a good simple thriller, I enjoyed it, Gerrard Butler is the kind of character with the charisma that it doesn't matter what movie he makes it'll be good enough even if it's a b-movie the guy upgrades it automatically, any scene he's in the movie suddenly turns into A-movie.

Gerrard Butler plays the same role in all action movies - the guy who never stops, who keeps pushing forward no matter what and at all costs, in a convincing way.
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Creed III (2023)
Too simple plot but worth it
31 March 2023
You've seen it all before in many versions, still worth it as the acting is good and the boxing scenes are amazing.

The big fight at the end provides the Rocky vibe, the actors give all the got, great camera shooting and directing.

Both actors built their best possible physic for this film, worked out for months to look like pro athletes.

I love spots movies, they are always about man who never give up and give all the got, fall and get up again.

The entire movie is kind of predictable, like all Rocky movies, so don't expect real drama and twists, it's straight forward.

I think the best part of the movie is the 2nd, where Creed like Rocky before, get into shape and back to the ring, nothing can beat these scenes with the music and then the fight in the ring which from movie to the next just gets better and better.
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Plane (2023)
Low budget, B movie-like, but give me more!!!
11 February 2023
Mike Colter - this guy steals the show, the movie is great thanks to him IMO, I wish to see him doing more in such flicks, the guy is a natural action movie star.

I'll watch any movie of Butler, this guy always delivers, here without the action star muscles and you see he is getting old, old enough to kick ass and yes, in the coming 30 years as well!

Seems like the entire movie was shot within a week, and edited in the following 2 days or so, very low budget production, the plot reminds old movies from the 90s, the action is basic, not much more then in old TV series, overall feeling of a B movie made in the far east to minimize the costs, still good enough thanks to the leading roles. Hell, you can still enjoy the same old streak, and this is the same idea.
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Emancipation (2022)
An important movie about history
10 December 2022
Smith and Foster delivers superb acting performance, as well as all cast members. All looks authentic including cloths guns etc.

The movie is full with action, it's a thriller-drama-action movie, personally I was glued to my seat throughout the movie, the scenes are strong, explicit, brutal. This is not a movie for kids, teens may watch and will leave a huge impact on them.

The movie shows the cruelty of a society that was built on slavery and using blacks as cheap and disposable manpower. The entire economy was based on the work of slaves. They were treated like cattle by whites until the end of the civil war.

Too many nations were built on genocide and horrors, not just in America, it should always be a reminder for us, a warning, on the nature of human kind, and the sad thing is that human trafficking and cruelty still exists in 3rd world countries in a scale much larger then before. This film makes you think, I hope it will remind people about the importance of human rights.
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Limitless (2022)
An entertaining way to show what we know today about trying to slow aging
5 December 2022
The series was tailored for Hemsworth measurements, as he is an athlete by nature so he was able to perform the required activities.

So it is fun to watch him training and struggling and joking about it, but in terms of quality content, for me there were no revelations, anyone who is interested in the sciense of aging and watches related youtube channels already knows the basics that are presented in the episodes. It's devestatiing still, to see that we have some tools we can use to slow aging and the deterioration of the bodt, and mainly prevent hard deseases such as cancer and brain function in old age but still it's clear, even in Limitness, that nothing really stops aging. All the old peaple shown in these episodes looks old, they may be in better shape and more vital then many others and without deases but they look at there age and not younger meaning that the aging process does not stop, yet the body is still able to function better and the person does not suffer from illness which is common in old age. I think that in 20 years when people will watch this it will still be relevant. Fasting, wordout, stress management, exposure to heat and cold, we know it's healthy and beneficial, but still, non of it will add many years to your life (it may add some, but the chances to pass 100 is very low no matter what you do, the human body geneticlly is programed to last for a limited time which can be extended a bit, but not much more). A reminder is that the oldest people on earth where not athletes, did not fast, did not expose themselfs to very hot or cold temp, and did nothing except being active and not eating too much. The bottom line is that today we can do things that will allow us to live and still be active till our 90s maybe, to avoid dying prematurely from cancer or heart deases, so extending the time we have without the suffereing of illness, and add some quaility years to our lives, but at the end aging can't be stoppes with any of these tools. A new technology and can impact DNA is required and it will take many years to find it.
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Should win the Oscar
29 October 2022
One of the best war, or may I say anti-war movies of all time. This is a masterpiece, take your time, it's a deep hard and painful experience. The acting is Oscar level at least, as well as anything else in this amazing film. Probably the best quality movie of the year.

The story is well known, it's the production level which is so good that it brings you back in time to WWI in any aspect you can imagine, including the clothes, weapons, trucks, people looks, streets etc all is exactly at is was back then.

This movie will win some Oscars for sure, I was so impressed with the makeup work, music, and the mane role played by an unknown young actor who is going to be a big star.
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Medieval (2022)
Ben Foster and all the cast make an amazing job
28 October 2022
Despite of the low budget, it's clear that this is a movie of actors. It's great to see that ALL actors make the outmost.

It's a small movie, but the production is good enough to deliver the look & feel of medieval time. The story is simple, the time takes place in the early days of the hero, when he was just a low level knight.

Action is good, but don't expect a high budget film with huge battles, this is mainly dramatic movie, and you will surely enjoy the small part played by Michael Caine.

I enjoyed the movie and especially the acting. Fen Foster is one of the best American actors of our time, I've seen all his films and looking forward to the next.
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Magics and miracles are real!!!
19 August 2022
Tom Cruise holds something rare that was lost many years ago in the film industry - the winning formula of real great blockbusters, and the main reason is that he brings everything he's got from within himself, you feel it in every single scene, it's not fake, it can't be staged, it's pure. The older he gets, the better he gets as well as his films. Cruise brings magic to the screen, an impossible mission only he can execute, and boy he does. The plot simple, but the execution is outstanding. This movie corresponds with the original from 1986 in many levels and in such a perfect way that it's like a miracle, you watch it, you see it, but it's almost hard to believe how good it's done. I wish there were movies like that but I doubt it, my only comfort is that as long as Cruise makes movies the magic will continue (so I'm looking foreword to his next MI projects). If you lived in the 80s and watched the original, it will also bring you back in time and back, which is another miracle, making this movie a masterpiece. 10/10, if I could make it 11/10 I would.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Generic and predictable yet great action
23 July 2022
Story hardly exists, it is mainly action, they could have made a much better film but the focus was on the action scenes, which are good yet nothing new. A good popcorn movie you will forget the next day.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
One of the best action-thrillers series I've seen in years
6 July 2022
It's almost perfect, and deserves a 10 thanks to the huge cast (lots of great actors), and amazing scenes, almost impossible to stop watching once you start it's that good. Great job by a pro production, tight story, the director and his team made a very good job and well as as the camera and technical team, reliable characters, and all actors as well as stunts are putting a lot of efforts, so the results is very powerful. It is very surprising to see Chris plays a serious role, no comedy no jokes, nothing is cheesy here, just painful, serious, cold character, and it's suits him so well that I wonder how it affect some of his next action roles, he can play a deep and dramatic character in thrillers. Must see, satisfaction guaranteed!
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The Old Man (2022– )
Outstanding in any way
24 June 2022
No shortcuts, no plot holes, not cheesy, only solid, tight, realistic, hard and painful story, slow burn, with acting gems you rarely get to see in cinema not to mention TV. The production is well made, but it's the actors and the director who are making this amazing thriller a must watch. Few giant actors are leading this but also few younger, all making best efforts and it shows they are aware of the responsibility. The younger actor who plays the young Bridges is so good that after a minute you are shocked how good the production is casting him. The physical resemblance, he actually learned the way Bridges talks walks and move, even facial expressions. 10/10.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Modern "Dancing with wolves" turned into soap opera
14 June 2022
That's my feeling after watching 4 seasons.

The first is the best, the last is the worst, in terms of storyline that becomes too bizarre and unreliable and I think should have been avoided with better writing, it feels like the writers and/or producers were running out of ideas or just looking for shortcuts or simply decided to chase rating at all costs, still it's one of the best series done in the last few years thanks to the cast, which is simply out of this world and I don't mean Costner, but actors like Cole Hauser, Kelly Reilly, Jefferson White, Ryan Bingham and other young actors who are simply amazing, with tons of charisma, they just fit in their roles so well some scenes looks 100% authentic and real and not fiction.

I hope that season 5 can return back on track as it was in the first 2 seasons (and parts of season 3), when there was focus on the story with only few storylines combine. Season 4 felt like an odd soap opera to me and most of it should not have been part of Yellowstone.
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Memory (I) (2022)
Give me a Neeson dose every day, I love it!
19 May 2022
I'm a fan, just watching Neeson kick ass it good enough for me, and for many others so I guess this is why he keeps doing these action flicks, which all looks more or less the same but there's demand.. I think 10 years from now we shall still see him shooting, kicking and chasing bad guys, on land, sea and sky, he will never stop - and so do I will never stop his movies, yep, simple as that.
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Moon Knight: Asylum (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
One of the most amazing episodes of any series I have ever seen
29 April 2022
You'll be shocked so many time during this episode, I think it's a world record, it has all the best elements you can think of combined, that once you finish watching you will think to yourself what the hell was that?! How did they do it? It's too good to be truth..

Outstanding in any possible way, deep, emotional, you are just glued to the screen. The acting is so good that I'm simply speechless.. 10/10.
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Black Crab (2022)
Different, slow burn, apocalyptic and amazing
19 March 2022
Acting is superb of all cast, Noomi provides a solid performance as always, super-charismatic and can easily carry any film almost alone.

The filming was finished long before the Ukraine war but it feels very relevant.

It is not for everyone, it is not a Hollywood movie, maybe that's why it's so good.

Don't bother the bad reviews, this movie is very powerful and you will not forget it, if you are looking for a dark, fist to the gut kind of movie then yes, it is. For me it is 9/10, yes, it's that good.
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Light weight family fun movie
16 March 2022
Forget about the action in this movie, it's basic and for kids, the main thing is the importance of time, which is the only resource we can't contain. Life is short, so try to make the best of it. The movie is good for almost any age, and is a nice way to pass an evening, probably you will not remember much of it the next day.
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Clean (IV) (2021)
Adrien Brody delivers a great thriller-drama-action movie
4 February 2022
Starts as a drama which slowly evolves, then take a turn - exactly where I hoped it will get.

Nothing new, but still very enjoyable, it's easy to figure out what's next, this trash man is not what you think he is.

Adrien Brody is such a great actor, and as always he delivers, but also the rest of the cast.

I really enjoyed this, I thought is will be a waste of time but was surprised.

Brody has a great potential in action movies IMO, he made some before and he does have the lone ranger character for dark action, crime and thrillers, hope to see more of him.
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Dangerous (III) (2021)
OK B-movie
24 December 2021
Eastwood seems to take any role one after the other to gain experience and parts. The movie is too simple and generic, the characters are all flat and you've seen them all in many action movies. A very low budget film.
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Could be great, they chose to make it...
24 December 2021
It's starts well then it is dragged till the predictable end. Why? I have no idea. Still if you're a fan you have to watch it, just for the closure, and to see what happened after chapter 3. The acting, directing and action is sloppy except the young actors who are putting an effort.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Perfect acting and directing
3 December 2021
This is a movie about a real event that takes you back to the 14th century and is extremely realistic. Women in Europe and many other places in the world were meant to serve the husbands and provide children, without any legal status or protection of the law, in some places in the world it is still the case. The main character is the lady, who insists to fight without knowing the consequence, and her husband who decides to stand by her side mainly for his own benefit. A slow burn movie, not an action, more like a thriller-drama, gave me the chills to see how people lived in that era, very convincing projection of middle-ages Europe.
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