
10 Reviews
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Maid to Order (1987)
Phenomenal Rumination On Class & Race, While Also Being A Fun Romance. And A Time Capsule
27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. Push through the main character's annoying behavior at the beginning (classic trope for the body switch type movies, she has to learn a lesson after all!). From the vapor-y beginnings embodying the 80s, to the clever implications of race class and addiction , to the cute incorporation of some music bangers... This whole movie shines ;) (you'll get the reference once you watch it). Superb acting; masterful shifts from fast pacing to slow, ruminating scenes allowing for vapor vibes and dim neony lighting and pool ripples; and good socioeconomic messages (tho if only it proposed revolution, but that's asking for a lot heh). Watch this!
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Exactly How This Era Should Represent The Great Dune Novels
15 January 2022
Don't trust these reviews. If you like sci-fi films, watch this. If you like Villeneuve, watch this. If you like "good film," tho I personally typically hate that last category, watch this.

And to the reviewers whining about a sci-fi film's pace: magine thinking sci-fi is meant to be fast-paced action.
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Merry Kissmas (2015 TV Movie)
Worth Rewatches, Tends to Stick to Your Synapses and Grow on You
13 July 2021
Technically a bad movie, by all measures, but it grows on you with re-watches. Don't just immediately turn it off if it comes on TV some time; give it a shot. Certain audio parts, even the fiancé's dramatic accent or the store lady's over-the-top antics, grew on me. This went from a 6 star to technically-a-9-star-because-there-are-grating-parts-but-I-really-like-certain-scenes-so-I-don't-want-it-to-be-lost-in-all-my-9-stars.

To avoid spoilers, I'll just say the bulk of the scenes worth watching/letting grow on you are at the beginning and end. I especially like the side character dancer; she plays her role well, and the dynamic among the three--albeit borderline absurd--actually is how much of reality is. Like it or not, people in the real world often act in an absurd way. I know it irritates many film viewers when characters' choices make about as much sense as the average person's poor choices, but that's reality: an absurd, irritating, confusing interplay of wills. And this film, like many others with critical reviews (Milk Money, Honey Moccasin, Mrs. Winterbourne, etc.)

Now, with all that being said, this really does not deserve a 10 start; nevertheless, it's worth a rewatch or 2 when you catch it on TV and when you are in the mood for the phrases and moments that get caught in your head and resurface time to time.
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A Merry Christmas Match (2019 TV Movie)
Don't Listen to the Mob's Reviews
24 July 2020
Multiple reviews on here criticizing lead male character, and at least one (I stopped reading after a while) admitted it was because he was "too gay." The actor actually is gay... and meanwhile straight Hallmark actors like Brendan Penny and Brant Daugherty come across as wayyyyyyyy gayer (as if it matters...) yet reviews love em. What people were mad about with this one, was it was not the usual actors they love to see for a start of Miracles of Christmas. Plus their homophobia.

Lead male character doesn't "seem gay" at all; is hot; and is as well-acted as any Paul Greene or Chad Michael Murray Hallmark that everyone laps up.

It's funny when crabby people complain about a Hallmark or Lifetime movie on IMDB reviews, while saying arbitrary things like "the acting was so bad." What does that mean? Can you specify a specific part? Acting is varied and complex. A Parajanov film's acting will not be like a Jon Jost film's acting.... It's an irrelevant point.

Great movie if you're in the mood for a cozy Christmas film. Nothing too intense, good actors, good pacing.
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The Legend of Korra: Kuvira's Gambit (2014)
Season 4, Episode 11
How is this not the top-rated Korra episode
10 July 2020
Powerful storytelling. This episode can be watched completely on its own and still have its impact, but of course--in the context of the whole series--the epicness of the climax is.... profound. No spoilers, but this episode made both my husband and my mouths drop open for the latter half. We thought it was a very powerful experience.
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This Movie Is Bad, But Not Because of SJWs
21 April 2020
Stop blaming this atrocity on SJW/PC culture. It is so much more than that. Just simply bad lol. Don't. Just don't.
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My One & Only (2019 TV Movie)
Unlike Most Hallmarks, Which Some People Dislike But We Considered Its Charm
10 January 2020
Ironic that many reviews about the very best thing about this film: it's not your typical Hallmark formula! The ending isnt some nonsensical sudden change in the characters' values, but rather a (relatively) realistic stalemate of --but being willing to "do it scared."

Somehow none of the reviews mentioned the central theme: facing challenges even when it's scary or disheartening. It reminded me of the famous Gretsky quote "you miss 100% of the hits you don't take."

If you want a film with a meaningful message, a less predictable plotline, and genuine chemistry among ALL the characters, even the families friends and the "friendzoned couple" as my spouse called the set-up duo, then check this one out. My spouse often gets grumpy at Hallmarks but he was loving it and thought the reality show couple did an excellent job at acting "friends not lovers." I was very pleasantly surprised with this film after we have endured a couple "meh" Hallmarks--this one finally brought a new context (a reality show) with an assertive woman (we often get impatient with the clumsy/pushover woman leads of many Hallmarks--definitely not the case with this one!)

I did notice people complained about Sam's unkempt look, but that's clearly contrasted with the other male lead who is the clean-cut city boy. I found Sam's scruff hot.

Also, I want to figure out who played Sam's mother because she was spot-on! She stole every scene she was in!
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A Summer Romance (2019 TV Movie)
High ratings for a reason
30 August 2019
Not sure what that other review is referring to, because the acting and sentimentality were its highlights. If you are a fan of quality Hallmark movies, then this is one for you.
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Winter Castle (2019 TV Movie)
One of Hallmark's bests! Give it a try before you heed the negative reviews
26 April 2019
Sounds like most people complaining about the movie are bitter about the thought of being invited to a wedding

It was HOW the actress told the story to the girl that made her enthralled. The story itself was in fact good. Not sure what children's books y'all have been reading.

If you want a cute Hallmark movie whose plot actually gets complicated by there being no one-bad one-good scenario, this is one for you. If you find ice sculptures and winter art beautiful, this is one for you. Kevin Mcgarry shines again -- no clue why the reviews seem to criticize him -- he perfectly represents a nervous man who struggles to communicate. Maybe most the reviewers are women, but as a man, I think he was one of the best, most realistic Hallmark male characters I have yet too see -- and I've watched a lot of Hallmark! Rather than being what-girls-want, he was what-girls-experience... like in the real world.

The plotline was very fast-paced, so when it finally got to slow down and showcase more music (which is one of my favorite parts of Hallmark movies), it felt like such a reward and respite after a fast-paced, anxious, complicated-situation plotline. No one is the "bad guy" in this, and that may also have turned off some people. I, on the other hand, prefer a romance plotline where no one's just simply bad; rather, a lot of different urges and desires colliding with each other.

I teared up when the little girl told her story about the prince and princess and the bunny. The woman's storytelling was enthralling. I liked this year's trend of Hallmark movies dealing with authors and storytelling. I think it's a breath of fresh air from the local entrepreneur versus corporate trope they quite exhausted.

Definitely check out this movie and don't let the negative reviews deter you! The average rating is so high because people who came in expecting a good Hallmark movie got what they wanted and don't usually feel the need to review. I just decided to peak at the reviews today and was dismayed not to find a positive perspective, so I thought I would share mine. This is worth it for any Hallmark fans, fans of winter art, fans of fast-paced Hallmark movies, and fans of the recent trend of author-focused Hallmark movies. I guess I felt compelled to write this review primarily because the top review gave so little info and simply was a rant claiming the one scene of the woman telling a story indicates the child must have "low intelligence" to have enjoyed it... Can't believe people even gave credence to that...
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Us (II) (2019)
Another quality film
24 April 2019
You can not tell me Unedited Footage of a Bear was not a direct influence!
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