
7 Reviews
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Holds your interest but
27 May 2020
There is no chemistry between the leads. What they have is more like friendly banter and then they lean in for a kiss. I didn't buy it. No dreamy looks or sad hopeless puppy dog love here! They are at the level of good friends, and that doesn't support the plot of a politician searching New York City for years for a dancer with a British accent.
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Too complicated
4 January 2020
I don't get it. I watched and tried to follow but still don't get it. I don't see the point. What was accomplished in the end? Whose side was everyone on? I like things more spelled out.
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Broken (2019– )
Well worth watching
25 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
These are 4 shocking documentaries you can watch in any order: makeup, vaping, recycling and furniture. To give this show any less than a 10 is to disrespect the little boy killed by a dresser tipping over, I feel. Not as serious but still shocking, a girl put on fake Kylie lip kit and found her lips glued shut. Only a small percentage of what you put in your recycle bin gets recycled. As for vaping, they call it ripping. Yes you will learn all this and much more!!!
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
OMG fantastic!
1 December 2019
I have to say, everyone is good in this but I have to give a special shout out to Tom Irwin. He is just so good as Fred. Everyone's acting is spectacular. I wonder what Matt Lauer thinks of this. Gosh Jennifer Aniston is good. I'm just blown away. The plot is exciting. There are all these undercurrents of emotion, wow I love it! Top of their game, everybody!
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Love Destiny (2018)
Superb acting, mind bending drama!
27 October 2019
I learned some history and enjoyed this drama with amazing twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat! The acting is excellent. The viewer is transported back to the historical Kingdom of Ayutthaya. It's exciting! There is everything from royal backstabbing to squabbling servants. Watching this I learned about the historical figure Constantine Phaulkon, a Greek adventurer in ancient Siam, and much more history and culture brought to life. This show captured the hearts of a big TV audience in Thailand and I can see why. It was a hit show because it's fantastic and very well done.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
Really good acting!
13 August 2019
This comedy series has really great acting by all the actors and actresses. Their acting is beyond excellent! The best was Chidi in the trolley. Watch it and see what I mean. But each of them has equally good moments. I was laughing out loud a lot. This series will brighten your day. It's unconventional and too funny!
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The Help (2011)
Doesn't Ring True
27 May 2019
The script seems to be written by someone in modern times based on modern ideas. It begins with a white lady marking toilet paper with a pencil so she can find out if the black maids use her bathroom. Then in the kitchen, the black maids snicker to themselves as one says she brings her own paper, ha! This is as she filches some deviled eggs, which are for the party, and pops one into her mouth, laughing as the other maid says don't take from this plate, take from that one. Let me tell you, I live in Thailand where we have maids, and they use their own bathroom in the maids quarters. So this just doesn't ring true. Neither does the filching food and laughing. So I believe the movie is not true to life.
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