
4 Reviews
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Mercy Falls (2023)
Mercy Falls somehow manages to be a unique, "slaughter in the woods" movie in an ocean of s/w movies.
19 May 2023
I was expecting Mercy Falls to be just another "slaughter in the woods(s/w)" horror movie. I can't think of a single part of the movie that was dry or boring. The horror did get gory as the movie progressed, but, in my opinion, it was never overly exaggerated. The characters seemed to interact naturally and each played their role well. The scenery was beautiful, and for the most part the storyline made sense. There could have been more of an effort put into each characters link to the main character, some of the symbolic items and why the trip was important. If you enjoy horror movies, especially old school horror movies, Mercy Falls is definitely worth watching.
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You can't go wrong with a classic
18 June 2021
As soon as I saw him, I recognized Skeleton from Ghostbusters. He's lost weight since House on Haunted Hill but as soon as I saw those teeth I knew it was him!
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So sad!
14 June 2021
Are you serious! The character Jacob should have just been named Toby. Who do you know that talks like that? Never make another movie again!
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Santa Clarita Diet (2017–2019)
Please do not cancel!
17 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I hope another network picks this up, I need to know what happens to Joel. How cool is it that we got to see Valerie Harper in such an sassy role right before she passed!
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